HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1997-09-10, Page 10• • • Page 10 — Luci-low Sentinell, Wednesday, September 10, 1997 Decorate your store and win a prize The Lucknow Agricultural Society is having a store decorating contest with the theme. "Where the Town and Country Meet". First prize is four tick- ets to the Fall Fair Dance by CKNX Country Music Video. Second and third prizes are two tickets the dance. Judging will be on Sept. 16. If you are inter- ested in participating in the contest, contact Nancy Aitchison at.528-3528 after 5 p.m. or leave a message before Sept. 15. a GOCETEH 5244811 CONTACT ENDS THURSDAY FFIGTHURS. SEPT. 12 - 181 r 4, ifiI 8 PM NITELY 4, 114101;;.• HOOT MYER!' SUS CONSPIPIOCII1 IVINYWNINE. 141414141 TORNIO OUT TO OF TRW NOW HIS 1/41MtIf WANT HIM MO. ANCI 0111 14 THIF 011114 UK 111 CAN THUST dee' -1" C LONG DISTANCE? CALL 1-800-265-3438 FOR TOLL FREE MOVIE INFO firewood Hard Maple or Ash SLABWOOD Limited .TimeOffer • $130./17 cu. yd. Truck Lead Delivered within 20 miles Mileage charge Beyond That ' Alsollave Body Wood Call For Price! Craig Hardwoods Ltd. • •••• uburn, Ont. -•51942W-fig BETTER NEWSPAPERS COMPETITION Certificate of Excellence presented to ue now entitle' Lucknow, Ontario winner of Second Trace ricuittiraf Circulation umfer 10,000 by the • Canadian Community Newspapers Association . . • . • • 1997 • • . • . • •, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR , . . , . RESIDENT 44,6 e• More info needed from Catholic teachers from page 4 Spelata said the inclusion of the essay style answer was an excellent way of finding out a teacher's committment to the Catholic system. However Trustee John Devlin disagreed. He said, rather than a reflection paper, it would be better to • print the board's expecta- • tions on the form and have applicants sign It, "then they will have something to live up to:"'' The board kept the reflection paper as part of the faith reference paper, but did change the require- ment for the pastoral refer- ence from one that required the pastor to be from the applicant's parish to a reference that is cur- . re t, : Director of Education. Gaetan Blanchette said priests have told them that' in larger panshes, some times not everyoneis known on a personal basis and it would not be possi- ble to give the type of ref- erence the board is look- ing for. He pointed out.that' what is submitted by the applicants is always fol-' lowed up with a phone •call which'will give the person considering the 'application further insight. into the teacher s faith ref- . erence. The faith reference • portfolio was developed by the Ontario Separate School Trustee's Association in conjunction with the Ontario. Catholic Supervisory Officers' Association and the - Ontario Conference .of Catholic Bishops. Huron downloads roads to local municipalities is still being undertaken Although a roads study .year-rounby Blake Patterson :d, will recoil sider doing business in the area. by the county to determine• • •hti f In that case, "Huron w a n act co st tutes a comity road, Huron County Council has decid- • edto download several of its roads to the municipali- • ties County, would be the loser," said.Cunningham Goderich Reeve .Bill Clifford did not agree. May seett, At the Sept. 4 meeting. ti coldIt , but townships of Council, 19.5>kilome-. have to realize they can't ' tres of county roadway ,dump their problems on was returned to the'rnunic- the county. ipalities.. , . you want; piob, Colborne Twp was leiriss," said Clifford, "the given responsibility for a town of Croderich has a lot one kilometre section of a' them and well dump' County Road 37 from the thePton you as well" Goderich airport., to Cunningham responded Highway 21, and Stephen quickly pointing out most Twp was iven 4.3 kilo- of the other transferred metres of County Road'21 roads will have drainage from County .Road 4 to' work and resurfacing done Highway 4, 'to them before the munici- Iri Howick,.2.1 kilome- palities receive them. tres of County Roads 29 County Road 22, however, , • and 33 were downloaded will be transferred "as is:' along with 10,5 kilothetres He .added Hullett TWp. is Of County Road 28 from prepared to,maintain the .•Highway 87 to the 'Bruce road O.:matter:what; but' Countyboundary in fairness, wanted •the County Road 31 from county to give some care: Dunlop's Tomb tto the road, which up untW , o, Highway ,21 was 446 this point has been giVen, transferred to Colborne little attention and is start - Twp bi ut.twill beorelegal- to break down transferred. • .paidinto the sys, ly closed by the county. . tem as well as everyone' • H ul 1 e tt Reeve Tom else,' said Cunningham. Curininghart 'objected' to Ilidefence of the cotni7 the transfer of,.'a one kilo- ty's actions, Usboine Twp, metre •stretch of County Reeve Pat Down said the • Road. 22 which became section of County Road 22 the . responsibility of In questioirshouid have Hullett*Twp as' well ag., been: ,returned to the East and West Wawanosh municipality ages ago, Twp-. 'He said the road She said the road one • should not be transferred serviced a train station, until the county provides and rn that sense, was jus- Some needed upgrades. tifiably 'designated as a Cunningham said the county road rosande?sdtheSaiineethrpeand, ho road .needs upgrading. • because a logging conipa- has only served the saw , ny is amaim user of the mill and two farmers and' road and has stated unless should be a •municipal ,the,road is maintained responsibility.