The Lucknow Sentinel, 1997-09-10, Page 7Blyth Art Draw features unique works One -of -a -kind works of art representing a broad range of media can be had at the Blyth Festival's Three 13y Three Art Draw Oct, 25 at . the Blyth Memorial Community Hall. Approximately lop three-inch by three-inch pieces of art have been donated by artists from across the provi•n:ce and beyond for 'this unique fundraising, event. Some of these artists include ,Andres Villar and Gerald Pedros, who both exhibit- edin the Bainton Gallery this, year, Blyth. Festival actor AnneAnglin and former Festival costume designer Kerry Hackett, and such well-known area artists a'$ William Creighton of Lucknow, Bri.git fIilliei'of Clinton, Jo Manning of Blyth and Michael Scott - of Goderich, Everything from soapstone an -d pot- tery sculptures to .water . colors and a poem byP..K. Page can be chose' by those who attend. The . art- work, all framed or 'mounted,, will be dis- played in the Bainton 'Gallery starting Oct. 18:' and a preview willbe held the night of the event at 7 p:m This is the second time around for such an event at the Festival. The idea came from former Festival board mernber. Marian Doucette who got the idea at a national theatre con- ference in Edmonton. "It sounded like the perfect, fundraiser for the Festival, especially with our won- derful gallery space and long involvement with the ,visual arts and I just wait- ed for the right time to try it," she Said. It was first held in 1993 and called 3x3 in '93. Now, in 1997, the artwork dimensions remain the same to main- tain the appealing "minia- ture aspect. ' Anticipation and excite- ment surround the event as ticket holders get to choose their own pieces of artwork according to when their names are drawn. To help ease the suspense, there . will be wine, gourmet hors d'oeuvres, door prizes, great compa- ny and entertainment by. Goddard .and Lewis., a married couple just returned from a. six-month tour in japan, .who per- form an eclectic range of music from rock to jazz to.` , folk. If you are unable to attend; 3x3 on Oct: 25,:.you can still have your . choice of artwork by using a proxy, page in the .exhibi tion catalogue available to every ticket buyer.. Your choices will be honored by the designated proxy at the. event. Tickets may: be ordered 'through the Festival. Box Office at (519)523-9300: �awnbowlers meet in Lucknow The Lucknow. Lawnbowiing Club helda, men's and women's pairs tournament last weekP, •Lawnbowl.e'rs from .as`': far away .as HariOyer, Kitchener and Stratford, came and participated in. the tournament. The' men played Sept. 1:: and the .women playedSept. 3. Top place.'winners for' ;the men's tournament Were • Ed ' Smythe and Hans Gruber, •Clinton.; • Mike Bester and Chris Bester, Hanover,. peter McFalls and Roy Triebner, Exeter; • for tourney Norm Trafford 'and...John Shearer,. Hanover; ,Chris Scullion • and John Scullion, Kitchener; Dune Murcheson and Everet Robinson, Goderich Top place women were Marion. -Anderson and Betty. Campbell, Hanover; Thelma Coombs and Marie Muir,. Seaforth;.: olive Paple and Mary Finlayson; Seaforth; Carol.• Carter and Edna. Bell, Seaforth:; Lola. Rohfritsch and Selena Ducklow, lviitchell Isabel Annis and Ruth.Morrison Mitchell,' Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, September 10, 1097 — Page 7 Matt O'Neiii wins CCMA award Country 920 CKNX to • Canadian Country Morning Announcer Matt O'Neill has just won the award for On -Air Personality of the Year at the Canadian Country Music Association Citation Luncheon in Hamilton Sept: 6. This award is the broadcasting industry's recognition of excellence for.. an announcer who ,has not only performed beyond average but also has given strong support music. We at CKNX Radio are very proud of this young announcer who became the Country 920 morning show host three years ago. Matt O'Neill has consis- tently shown enthusiasm 1n helping community pro- jects and assisting with fund raising. In the CKNX Radio tradition of Canadian ,talent develop- ment, O'Neill has also introduced several Lucknow UCW iSCUSS life's joys by Anna May Hunter The Sept. 2n.d meeting of the Lucknow UCW was held at the Sepoy Apartments " • with Marguerite Sanderson as hostess. Laura Sterner opened the 'meeting `and welcomed the ladies, then Helen Todd and Gertie Henderson had charge of the program and opened. with the hymn What A Friend we pave In Jesus. Helen read the scripture' from. Matthew 14 verses 22.33 and Gertie took the meditations and Helen offered :prayer, Gertie read two readings about Life's. Joys, There are .all around us things in this world to be joyful and happy about. If we only take the time to be . aware of them. A clos- ing hymn and "prayer brought the program to a' close. Laura had charge of the business.. ,Th'e' minutes were read and the rollcall by 10 ladies, telling of a project the UCW is responsible for, The offerings were received_ and,i the least - coin was collected and the reading on it was read by Anna May, It was con- cerning the• women •of Burma who are murdered or tortured because they speak out concerning the evils of their government.. The least coin money goes to help Women of the Worldwho are persecuted. Prayer. for these women was then offered. , In the reports . that'fol- . lowed Nimble Fingers are working Sept. 17 in .the basement 'of the . Church, The Bruce Presbyterial is at 9 a.rn, in Lucknow United Church. Other committee's reported on their activities. Prayer closed the meeting and .all :enjoyed a social time, Canadian Country music ' artists performing in Midwestern Ontario. Country 920 CKNX wishes to thank listeners for making this accom- plishments possible. To enjoy your drives.. Keep your hands a corn- . fortable distance apart on the steering wheel and your awns slightly bent. (A helpful hint from the Canadian Physiotherapy • Association) TWO MONSTER SCREENS! HOT NEW VIDEOS! ANCE • PRIZES! LIVE BAND -DETOUR LiNE DANCING. Saturday, September..20,1997, 9pm. to1:00 a.m.. • • Lucknow & District Sports Complex. Tickets $8'°° Advance slat" at the door can: (519) 528.3528.0r.(519).395-2806 TICKETS AVAILABLE AT Holyrood General Store MacNay's General Store, Amberley Lucknow&. Ripley Co-op Video Shop, Lucknow. Your Favourite Things Lucknow. The family ,of ,Angus & Vera Falconer invite you to . .share in the celebration of their 50th Wedding Anniversary. An open house will be held at. their home in Whitechurch on Saturday, Sept. '20, 1997 frorn 2 4 p.m. Best Wishes Only Please. • Joseph and Thelma. Van Osch of Lucknow and • Leslie and Lorraine Young of Cargill are;. pleased to announce the forthcoming marriage of . BRENDA DAVID The wedding,ivilI take place Saturday, September 13, 19.97 at St. Joseph's Church; Kingsbridge: Open reception at Lucknow Community Centre. :Kirncardine Kla ssk's Gymnastics Club REGISTRATION. SEPTEMBER 11 7:00 8:00 pm at Connaught`Park Pavillion (133 Broadway St, ) in. Kincardine We offer recreation classes ��� " ,,' ildren 15 months & . up as well as Boys, Teens ern i dmpetitive programs Competitive Try outs Sept 6 from 9 -11 am you must pre -register. by phone for this (396-2670)** JOINTHE Sponsored by the LUCKNOW AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY IN CONJUNCTION WITH •L•icensed under THE LUCKNOW FALL FAIR • LLBO -. NOTICE OF PUBLIC,MEETINGS FOR THE NEW COUNTY OF :HURON OFFICIAL PLAN A Take notice that the Corporation of the County. of I. Huron will hold statutory public meetings under the provisions of Section 17(15) of the Planning Act' to I receive' input on the proposed County of Huron Off iciaL Plan. • Three public meetings are scheduled at the.l. following locations: • A Datev. Wednesday, October 1 1997, at 8:00 p.m.' Il a •Location:McKay`Hall, 10 Nelsort•St., E., Goderich +r' .Date: Wednesday, October 1, 1997 at 8:00. p.m Location:Town of Wingham Council Chambers, M 274 Josephine St., Wingham • M' j Date; Thursday, October:2, 1997. at 8:00 p,in. L,ocation:Hensalj Community Centre, 1:57 Oxford St., y `, A .. Hensali Purpose :& Effect of.the 'Plan • A The Huron. County .Official .Plan applies to all lands within Huron' County. It is a statement of. the M community and provides direction for the activities ti of .individuals and community organizations. It A provides guidelines to local municipalities for the M. development: of .local official plans. a Copies of the Plan., A A Copies of the proposed Huron County Official Plan I are available for review at the. Huron. County ,01 A Planning :and Development Department', Court li House Square, Goderich. Copies will also .be. A available for review at,all local municipal offices 1. A'. within the County of Huron. 0 I Notice of Decision a If you wish to be notified of 'the adoption of. the :i proposed Official Plan, you mustmake a written .M At request to: J. A. Murray, Clerk -Administrator, -0 A County of:. Huron, Court House Square,. Goderich, a ON:N7A 1M2. N' Ontario Municipal Board Powers:A. If a person or public body that •files a Notice of A Appeal of a decision of the County of Huron in respect of the ' proposed Official Plan, and does' not �. Make submissions at a public .meeting or make A written submissions to' the County of Huron before the proposed. Official Plan is adopted; the Ontario A Ait p Municipal Board may dismiss all or part of 'the'10 If you' pealhave. any questions concerning the County of Huron Official Plan contact Gary Davidson, r A' Director of the ,Planning & Development A Department at (519)524-2188. • if.k..imic« aim ....R.....a.r ......... aiej • •