HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1997-09-10, Page 6• • • .• , . , Page 6 — Lueknow Sentinel, Wednesday, September 10, 1997 71n1,5-• IBDO B116 Thmwoody p WARD MALLETTE A ii...partereu .exceountants Offering a Nit range of aervicea: auditing, accounting, tausinaaa plan- ning; income tax planning, personal finanelat Manning, Computer and management servieee. WALKEFtTON HANOVER MOUNT FOREST PORT Epaw B.F. Thomsen; FCA Lil ValIcit, CA KA, brier, CA M.S. Bailan, CA R.J. Milton, CA , Henn, CA H.E. Kibler, CA G.H. Munro, CA K. Oelschlagali CA P. Thor, CA I.G. Thomas, CA 881-1211 364-3790 323-2351 • 832.2049 • I would like to thank everyone. for their support and the following for their generous donation to the i(araoke fundraiser held at the fisherman's Cove Tent & Trailer Park 6n the Labour. Pay. Weekend. • 'Xeso Selesowt • ' fisherman's Cove KT.D. kitchener, Ont. Henderson Homecare Montgomery Motors • From Our Heart . Silver Lake Store Finlay's Ddcorating Holyrood General Store Annie's Gas Bar - Hamilton Fuels " Mayfair Restaurant The Kids Shoppe Lucknow Farm Supply Lucicpow Cut & Curl AEG Countryside Appliances. Hodgins Hon -le Hardware •Pizza Delight • The Shop, Video & Variety Armstrong Bakery The Lucknow Sentinel Kim Schnarr Kranenburg Butcher. Shop. Lucknow Village Market Lucknow Midgets wind up season Whitechurch UCW begin fail session The Lucknow Midgets travelled to.the Windsor area for the All Ontario Championship this past week: • • Their first game was against Stoney Point and Lucknow won by a score of 6-4..Lucknow's next game was against Woodslee which Lucknow lost:by a score of 13-7.. • The third •game ; Lucknow played was against Carripbellville. ]ft was an excellent game, but Lucknow'lost.with a score of 8-7. • Woodslee went on to win the tournament. • Lucknow represented Western Ontario well with great - spartsman.ship. Thanks to all the parents that were able to make the trip. Special thank you to all theplayers for a very suc- cessful season. Spring is the time to build Big Business through' 11.,ittle Ads I 1 NOTICE :TO' IIVIUNICIPAL ELECTORS OF .THE I TOWNSHIP OF.ASHFIELD TAKE NOTICE that,nOminatiOns.may be filed betWeen:9•a:m. and. 5 p.m. on nomination day, Friday, October 10, .1997,. Or during: • the period. from Tuesday, April 1, 1991 to. Thursday, October 9, 1997 inclusive immediately preceding .nomination . day, at a time when the .clerKs.office it open. OFFICES FOR WHICH PERSONS MAY BE NOMINATED 1 REEVE • 1 - DEPUTY REEVE 3 - COUNCILLORS • . FURTHER TAKE NOTICE thatnominations must be in the prescribed form, and be accompanied by the, prescribed. nomination filing fee of $100 'payable to the Township of Ashfield in cash or by Certified cheque.' The nomination will only be certified where the clerk is Satisfied that the person, is qualified to be nominated and that. the nomination cornplies with the Act. The nomination must be signed by the candidate, and may be filed in person or by, an agent .as set forth iri...SePtion 33 of the •Act. Nomination • form$' and full particulars of procedures to be followed may be obtained from the undertignecl. ,• • Where there are more certified. candidates than are required to fill the office, notice will be given of the. location of voting placed; the dates and times that voting places will be open for voting; manner in which eiectors may use voting proxies, and any alternative voting methods. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that where, at 5 p.m'. on Tuesday, -October 14, f997 the number of pertified.pandidates. for an office is the dame as or less' than the number to be elected the clerk shall immediately declare the candidate or candidates elected by, acciarnation. On Wednesday, ,October 14.1997, between the hours of 9.a.m. 'and 5 p.m. additional nominations May' be filed for the remaining vacancies in the office in respect of which there was an insufficient number of certified candidates and the provisions of tub-seCtiOns 33 (5) and 37 (2) apply. •. , • • . Linda Andrew, Clerk Township of Ashfield . by Jean Ross • UCW • ,.• The Whitechurch UCW ladies held their Sept. meeting on Wednesday with a noon luncheon at the home of Margaret Sleightholm. The fol1oed with Pauline Adams, Evelyn Gibb as leaders. Pauline gave the call to worship "Living up to. our The scripture was taken by Evelyn, and followed. with readings, by Pauline. Evelyn showeda video on Mission Service. •• • The • rollcall • was answered by eight with an item from the IvlissiOn Service magazine. The offering, least coin was • received. Alice -Moore read. a poem she wrote, • about Canada at the,rneet- ing .which was very well •done. • •• .•- Pauline .closed with prayer. The Odt. meeting will.be held at Mildred McClenaghan'-s. ,• Mr. and- Mrs. Dalton Nolis and family of the , Creditor' area and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Sleiglithohn, of Brantford Were Sunday visitors with their parents Eimer nd .Margate • Sleighthalm. Mrs. Janis Davis, Mark, and Scott af • Windsor spent: a fewdays with he r motnez Mrs. Agnes Farrier. • CANCER INFORMATION SERVIC • ••••• :CALL • • 1400726376750 •Champion elogger •eiitertains IJCW by Beverley Thompson • Lucknow 'United Church Women, Unit 3, met in. the church parlor. September 2. The commit- tee • in charge, Jean Whitby, Margaret Black and Roberta Whytock, led th8 worship service using the theme "Our ,call to dis- cp pari leshi id misson." " The •hymn, Come, Ye Thankful People Come, was sung. Several pas - Sages of Scripture were read With- responses, read. in unison- by all present. The scriptures.explained the difference between discipleship and mission.Nocdveryone is called to be a disciple,'but everyone is, called .to whether it be with family, at work or in' the' commu- •.Cliampions, entertained with some clogging. • , Sallie. ; Lawton, ' Executive Director .of The • Winghana and Area. • Seniors Day Centre, was - the guest speaker. She told . of th.F0. activities at .the Centre and what was. involved. in the: Adult. Away and Day, Away: Programs there: Aa the Centre is anot for profit • organization, it depends • largely 'on Volunteers, , • pity. , • • • Sue• Elliott; a tnetnber of the Cripple Creek Cloggers of Kincardine, who are. Canadian. Open donations from, neighbor-• . , ing communitiesd an ffindralSing activities. Jane Treleaven,,Unit , leader,,presided for the . business. :Rollcall was• 'answered with a donation to the Friendship House in GOderich,. Committee repo,r,ts were given. The Least ,to,i.n On Belgium was: given by Margaret ' .., The meeiirig;closed' with prayer and a sOcial.! • ' ' , , • time followed t . • , ,COS savings • ' .; RIVERVIEW • RETIREMENT HOME TEESVVATER (519)392-6453,. "Need A Little Help?" Vacancies - Semi & Private Rooms Starting at $800./month in a family like setting. *24 HOUR NURSING CARE Wonderful meals and Activities Respite Care Call oftome in Anytime •• ',..1*TRAltiBLAZERS.. • SNO-SHOW GRASS .DRAGS ..-OpterribOr .13 &..14, '.1997 , Snowmobile Club • at the • Seaforth Agricultural, Society Bldgs. Admission Free on Saturday, $5 on Sunday „. Hours: Sat 10 am - 9 pm Sun 11 am - 6 pm • Grass;Drags on Sunday only ' (Rain date - Sept, 28) ' Registration 8:30 am,- 11 am , Drags start 12 noon ' 1 • for .'separate.1..• school board by Pat Halpja . The chair of business••• services for the Bruce- Grey Separate , Schbol board has found another small but signifloant cost of the nrovince's shift in .1 education funding: Goetz said that the board's:coSt of a licence to , allow photo .copying .of. ' educational material will double ; because 'the' Ministry of Education' has ropPed its share of he Until now, the Ministry • paid half of the $2.per stu- dent annual Copyright fee 'for photocopying in, the sohoolsthe copyright fee has not gone up, bait the . end of the MinistrY sub- • sidyleaves the separate ,board with an unexpected expensp Of $4,23 1' pis ' GST • • No Need To Shout - classiiied ad • will get • attention!