HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1997-09-10, Page 3Government he;ip not enough for school board changes by Pat "'alpha The Ministry of Education's offer of money to help school board amalgamations doesn't go far enough,. according to Bruce and Grey board rep.rese.nta-• Lives. "1 could hardly hold =hack the laughter, Bruce finance chair David Inglis said . about reading- the ' Education Improvement Commission's (EIC) detailed co,nd.itions, for funding. The offer would cover "extraordinary expenses of the local amalgamation committee (LEIC.), including airfare to meetings for commit- tees in remote•areas. "They probably. think we'll drop it since we don't qualify," Inglis said, Greyboard chair Ron Motz dismissed the EIC letter, which' failed .to address concerns the board has repeatedly 'stated 'about the cost of .making th.e transition to a single board. "They ignorethat` and focused on LEIC costs. We should refocus them on transition costs, Metz said. Bruce finance superintendent Ken Mann agreed' with: hiS Grey: • cou iiterpa'rt µG`aryte it s that the boards should `Fgq after the big dollars" to help the cost of equalizing contracts,: programs, facili . ties, transportation poli- cies; technology and legal costs for the amalgamated board.' Lewis said the • • • boards have already deco mented some of those costs. "They've .come part way in saying they'll .rec•- ognizee the small expenses .of the LEIC. This is an opportunity to reinforce letters we've already 'sent on the transition costs," Mann said. Bruce director of edu cation Paul M'artindale took the ministry and EIC to task for failing to pro vide' boards* with funding information .or support in amalgamation efforts.. "I'd like them to go on record as'telling board's how we're supposed . to cope with this when we^ don't know what' our fund-. ing will be," Martindale said. , "We're wondering .how to 'do .this enormous mob of amalgamation while getting ready for school on. Tuesday." • Meanwhile: business superintendents of the two boards have reservations. 'about the new funding for- mula ,propo.sed• by the. Ministry of. Education.' Those concerns' start with a daution that the `stable funding announced las spring for the 1998, school year doesn't acknowledge some of.the ss_ ues; faced by rural boards. . ,' "Rural.boards have suf- fered uffered from the inequities of the' present system ,and have been ,forced to reduce expenditure to the detri- menu of our students::Your,. decision will continue the inequity. until September. of 1998," the Bruce 'and Grey boards said in a letter to Education Minister • John Snobelcn. There is also concern about what the provincial property tax for education .will be compared to the currentlevy, for school boards. "We have no idea at all if the education-share'of.: propert tax at 50' per cent means an increase or a decrease,." said Bruce finance superintendent `Ken Mann. - "It also depends en' what the services Swap does to municipalities." . Trustees around the table shook their heads as Mann said there are no details on school board funding and no date when those "details will be released. •• ,Grey board .finance superintendent Gary Lewis. said he's "generally supportive" of the.new funding model proposed. by the province "if it does. what it says it will_. do. "The problem is that it's very difficult to work all the details and`variance of a formula,•like'one for busing, and it's wary' if; you :have no flexibility •- beyond -that formula,." - .'Lewis added, "I "don't; think the politicians under- stood: how important that property tax was as a 'biifferto allow, boards to serve the special needs of each .board and individual ..situations." OMB hearing recommends tree planting between properties hee ' by Kevin Shillinglaw were ta1'd wrthey The Ontario Municipal: could build the trailer liy Board (OMB) hearingthetownship's building concerning the building t, ,` inspector at that time. a trailer. on ,Concession 4, We got the permit in Lot, 26 .of 'West Wawariosh ^ ; gt o faith and` began .Township gave the board's' .building the trailer in good dei;ision on Aug 2$:; faith: We didn't know that the trailer was too close to After ` the, hearing, Enns' piroperty," said : which was held last April, . Florence Wightman. the•board decided' that: the township should plant ..a - • The trailer was' for tree 'screen between Norman and Plorance Norman Wightman's trail'- er and: Ronald Enns'°prop Wightman who are help- er with the hog operation city: owned by Brian And The trailer was too Alison Wightman. The, ,close to hnns` property.' farm was purchased from even , though the ` Wightmans had the proper Brian parents. 1:uilding permit and they. According to Reeve MS FACT #l. Bob Hallam, the township is res �ponsible`for the trees;. which 1 aver been'planted, for three years and that the township needs' to replant five of the trees that' have died,• "Everything worked .out. Weare doing what we• offered to do before the hearing," said •Hi1i(am. The hoard .also decided that the township: and the Wightmans, pay $1.15 each to..Enns• to reimburse him for expenses, Enns is •happy with the decision as well. "I think • that the decision was, fair and I'm happy. with it,"s said Enns: Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, September 10, 199 — Page 3 LUCKNOW DISTRICT COMMUNITY CENTRE BINGQ Sunday, September 14 Saturday, Sept. 13th Brenda•Van Oschl0avid Yaung, Friday & Saturday Sept. 19.20 Lucknow Fall Fair OPEN DATES SEPTEMBER ' Fri. 12-26 Sat. 27 CALL 528-3312 Everlasting Flowers & Gifts. 9a.m.-5:30p.m. inel Birthday Club Mitchell Shiels September 13, 1993 4 Years Old David Conley September 15, 1985 12 Years Old Rachel .Lynn Elliott September, 15', 1989 8 Years Old Alexander Van'Osch September 16, 1989 $ Years Old • KeVin Jurjens.. September 16, 1989 .' fath Webbi is 11�1°1f°11� i°S\1'11 of Clare Er ALMA Joil»stong Islei hbomrs. fi'ie11bs ,a,i fanaihi are coihiallm ilnvitet to ma Open House 011 $'atiorbam, September t•3tIi, 1917 from 2-4 p.nl. 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