HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1997-09-03, Page 8Page 8 — Lucknow Sentinel, NVednesday, September 3, 1997 0 Commingle roady to launch new fall season By day, she's a secre- tary and he's a meter read- er. By night they are the' creators of a unique trnusi- cal sound described as a blend of bluegrass, rocka- billy, blues, folkand coun- try. "They". are The Talbots, a Lucan- duo joined by bassist Jerry Fletcher, who will °be per- forming. erforming. at the Commingle, Saturday, September 6 •at the Livery in Goderich. • David Talbot, formerly,, of the Dixie Flyers, shares vocals, plays 'lead and' rhythm guitar, and five string banjo: A multi -win- ner of the e . Canadian National Banjo competi- tion, David is regarded in musical circlesas one; of this country's .top Scruggs- style players. In fact, he visited his musical hero, the legendary Earl Scruggs, in 1994 when Talbots visited him in Nashville.. Myrna Talbot 'per- formed with the No-In- Betweens,: an all female trio for three `years as a singer, songwriter and mandolin player. As a child, she studied piano and theory and started playing. mandolin at age. 18. She found her musical direction -when she heard the Nitty Gritty Dirt Band album, Will The Circle Be °Unbroken, which featured Doc Watson, Maybelle Carter, Roy Acuff, Merle .Traviss, Jimmy Martin and Earl Scruggs. Shefell. in love. with the rnu•sic, `which has influenced her • own creative singing and LUCNCNOW•MI-Nt3R HOCKEY song writing abilities. The Talbots met in 1990, got to know one another at "picking par- ties," fell in love and got married. They attribute their success to their abili- ty to collaborate by sepa- rating.their personal life from their performing life, and by respecting each other as musicians, - While ' they hesitateto label their style -of inusic, their Saintsbury Life album is described by the couple as "roots" 'music:, The Talbots have resolved to perform their own way,' and not to get stuck ina rut. This resolve was strengthened by their meeting with Scruggs. As a result Saintsbury Life (described by , Country Music News as "an unex- pected pleasure" and "splendid") contains six • original songs, as well as three instrumentals and " coves tunes of personal favorites: The Talbots will share the evening, with well known local musical artist Jeff White:: Just back from his Red Arrow tour. in Eastern Canada, Jeff has • performed at other Ontario production, The Great Storm, and ;ginger Kelly Durst says they decided to keep performing together. The band features Brooke Hoy, Owen McGregor, Lorraine Blackwell, Craig • Harrison, Brendan Purser and Kelly Durst. This summer Toirm was fea- tured at .Art in the Park, Gimme Shelter, and will be performing this fall at a Ceilidh in Guelph. The Livery doors at 35 . South Street open at 7:30 p.m. Tickets are sold at the door for $8. Organizes recommendtickets be pur- chased in advance as seat- ing is usually sold out quickly. Ticket informa- tion can ,be obtained by phoning 529-3516. The Talbots - Myrna and David -,wilt be per- forming at the launch of Commingle's new fall season this Saturday at the Livery in Goderich. They will share the stage with well- known local musical artist Jeff White, just back from a tour in Eastern Canada. locations before .returning e• to the Comminglstage." One 'of the appealing features of the Commingle is the -appearance of local youth: 'Dates and Ti es Friday, September 12th 700-1000 PM •Saturday, Septembe(131.10:00:AM-5 00 PM gat Luckno S oras Com: lex p � Cost. Some a 1 96 9 . The featured talent ibis Saturday is Toirrn, .a;six' member' Celtic+ music band. Toirm originated last spring as' the musical accompaniment to a ODCl: Souvenir t -shirts, sweatshirts and ball caps for the '99 IPM in 'Huron'County, fea- ' turing the official, logo . and slogan, were unveiled at a recent meeting at the farm of Graeme Craig, chair for IPM '99, near Walton. From .left to light: Barb - Durand of Zurich, winning logo; Margaret Mclnroy of Blyth, winning theme for " IPM '99 (",Cultivating Ontario's West Coast"); Claus. Breede, who'. designed the: final logo from the winning logo and slogan;. Les Falconer of Clinton, winning slogan ("See Huron Shine in '991; Diane Thiel, : chair of the logo contest., (Scott photo) 1 st Child $16000 2nd Cl i ld 9 2500 3rd. Child 910°° 4th. Chlld` X100°0 Tyke, Pretyke & Ru:ral $7500 Season Passe $300° perp rsoln ; : $50Q° for . 2 • •(Regular 'Season.,Only) ~r Ladies Auxiliary To'Winter Sports .Every��j,amily:must also submit a se:parate.' postdated -cheque for $50..Chettues will. not • • be cashed if' food booth duties are fulfilled, .Equipment Exchange. If 'you have . equipment please label. it with your name, phone 'number &'cost: There will .be a room available:to have it on -display 1st Year•.Novice born. 1.989: . requre.:co , fir of: birth certificate • OHIP Numbers, 7.required for 'all age. groups. a LIQUID MANURE APPLICATION "WHAT'S ,NEVI/" The Huron Stewardship Council and several livestock. * .. Commodity Groups are baiting 0 field demonstration profiling some of the latest technology and information relating, to liquid manure Friday,. September 5, 1997. f rom 1:00 to: 4:00 Lot 21, Concession 4, Mckillop'ownship (one intersection east of Seaforth and, two north) AGENDA INCLUDES. John Arts, pork producer and hast farmer Don Hilborn, OMAFRA Waste Management Specialist Gary Roberts, Stretford Agri Analysis Equipment Demonstrations -what's new from Husky, Nuhn and OFK (Yetterj' For more info contact Steve Bowers {887.9137), Rowena Wallace (522 -0804), -or Evert Ridder (482-5033) Huron Stewardship Council: "vadicated to responsible management of our soil, water and other natural resources.' New branch of .AGS �in this area The Architectural Conservancy of Ontario, a voluntary non-profit orga- nization dedicated to find- ing economically viable uses for. Ontario's histori- cal buildings, now has a branch in 'Midwestern Ontario. The South ` BrucerG'rrey Branch has made .saving Walkerton's. Victoria Jubilee Hall its first pro- ject. • The former town hall,. now in its centennial year, had been slated for demo- lition by Walkerton Town Council. Under the umbrella .of. .the ACO, the .Victoria Jubilee Hall. Project willundertake to restore:the hall .to, its for- mer, grandeur or-mer:grandeur' and ;useful • ness: The ACO was formed' in 1933.' It consists,of local branches across the" province, and a provincial coutncil..composed of an executive committee and • brancli representatives. 'An advisory board of pro- fessionals offers advice. to the property owners inter- ested , in preserving' his=. toric buildings, sites and landscapes'. Let's. Get Together It's Sunday School- Time! Sunday September tuber 7th I C. .14 Church School Rally and Registration Sunday Presbyterian Churches South Kinloss 9:30 AM Lucknow 11:00 AM See You There!