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• A Bowes Publishers Community Newspaper 619 Campbell St., Lucknow, Ontario
•• P.O. Box 400, Lucknow: Ontario NOG 2H0
• phone: (siq 528-2822 fax: (519) 528-3529
- Es! olished .?873
Tom Thompson Advertising Manager •
Pat Livingston — General Manager / Editor �3C
Phyllis Matthews Heim Ofnee Athniniatnttor
dtoariCourtxiey —Typesetter
Subscription Rates advance: Regular $25.66 (incl. postage and G.S.T.) .Senior.
'$23,52 (incl. postage and G.S.T.)
' Foreign & USA •••••898e1)(1. Publications mall registration no. 0847
held atGoderich, Ontario. Published 52 times a year.
Internet address: http://www.bowesnet.comilueltnow/
,„And,the world ni6urns
The tragic and. sense-
less. death..of 'Princess
Diana has touched the
When 1
•heard the
news late'
night, I
ly knew
though I, ' •
didn't personally know
this lady, r would.always
remember .where I, was
when heard. of° her
The news had the
same impact as, the,•
announcement of J.F.
Kennedy's assassination.
I still remember,. where I
was when I heard about the sudden and tragic
that American president'sdeath of a mother, dough
death • ter and sister
Sine the time of her
introduction as Prince.
• Charles' sweetheart,.
Diana has 'received a lot
of.press - some bad, lmt
• mostly good.
I only hope ,that those
photo raphers who cow
tinual y invaded herpri-
vacy will give her family.
privacy as they mourn
an a s at it again
• I'll 'be on
• holidays for
• the next two
a graduate of
the School
of Media
Studies at Humber
College, will be filling
in for me. Kevin has
beengetting his "feet
wet this summer as a
reporter for several of the
Signal Star Publications•.
Please welcome -him
to our community when
you see him around and
.about. •
' by Pat Livingston
• The photo below shows
• What greeted'business
pepple, a:S•, they opened
• shops Saturday morning.
.The large planter box,
• ,shoWn -.upright in. the
photo, had been tipped
over towards the 'Street.
• The petunias took a
beating, needless to say.
We replanted those we.'
• 'could salvaae and hope
• they will survive:: p
• This reporter
• called out of her warm -bed •
to come down and take a
picture. "You have to put
• something in ,the paper •
• about this. Why do people
think 'dOing this :kind of
• thing is fun'? Why? Why?
• I have 'no answers to
'those questions. Since
have been -editor here,: I •
have repeatedly taken' pie-,
tures and ranted on about. •
such 'careless and .incon-
Siderate acts of vandalism.. •
My . one observation
would be that those with
the kind of mentalitythat
get a kick 'out of 'destroy-
ing' things probably don't.
' have the mentality to read
a P,aper.. ,
However, ,here are
some of the things your
no-brainer attitude says:
1. You have no idea of
cost of flowers and the
time and 'dedication it
takes by members of the
Horticultural Society to
plant these
2. You. say to those pass
ing:through our village
that we have a sector in
our midstthathas no pride
their comthutiity. ••
You .also hurt the busi-
ness community who do
their darn est to be t wel-
comingplace to stiop. If
'businesses hurt, the Whole
community hurts..
4. YOu,say to us that you
have no respect for uS in
this comniunity.' .•
You apparently have a:
great deal of energy and'''.
noproductive avenue ih7'.
which to dispel, that ener-
•• There .are Many pro-
ductive yiayito get 'rid of
'that energy and. people in
thii'cotionunity would be
only .tho glad w help yOO•
out n tha.t area.
- But then that.would be
a little too much to expect,
from someone with your
• •
Marlyse and
•Zoe Zyta, of
the Listowel
area, were •
dubbed the .
Twins" last
Sunday as
they took
part in the
Labour nay
weekend •
parade at
•Cove. •
photo) •
" 1 1
• ...:,Settillet:Ment
lans being made in
harvesters' excursi
70 years ago .
Sept 1,1.927
arvesters' Excursion - In
spite, of the much -talked -Of
Ontario", this neck of the woods is
still able to send its thousandsintothe
western harvest fields.. The
Harvesters' Excursions this year
appear to be as 'popular as even
Favored by good weather, harvesting
here as well advanced, and quite a
E number are planning to go to the
F. Prairie Provinces by the excursion.of
Sept 7th: Sone 6000 left or passed
through Toronto by the first excursion
train which left Union '.Station on
August 30. Crop reports from the
West are still favorable, andin the
absence of frost for =Other week, the
wheat crop reported to be one of the
best ever will be fairly safe.
• Specials at "Our Store" Alfred E.
•'Boswell's store featured these month
end specialtboth towels: .40, linen
toweling. JO, men's overalls 1.$1.29,
work sox .23, fine sox .49, dark shirts
, announced this week that coristnic-
50 years, ago• ,tion has commenced On a new Bank
Ments Association,: Sr. Holler;
accountant , for Lucknow Industries ki
Limited, pointed out forcibly to the
meeting: the problems confronting
thisplant, due to lack of housing
accommodation to take care of p
skilled workmen who must be
brought to town;
• It was pointed out that local work-
ttien are :chiefly 'employed but that it Or
is essential that key Men and sortie
skilled workmen must be brought to
town. Lack of housing is the only !E
siumbliog block in: obtaining such
' personnel and, Mr, Holler intimated,
that unless .housing could be found
for these men, the plant would have
to curtail operations substantially, or
close down entirely.:the CoMpany's.
payroll runs to about $120,000'annu•
. . .
25 years ago
Sept 6, 1972
Onstruction starts On new
bank building - A.A.
Johnson, Manager of the
• Bank of • *unreal •in Lucknow,
is • • Sept. 4„ 1941 ., •
of Montreal building to be located on
ocal industry lacks essential the South side of Campbell Street, .
housing . At a special meeting one half block west of their present St
of the Lucknow Business location. '
' ' "•?",
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