HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1997-09-03, Page 2Page 2 - Lucknow Sentinel Wednesday, September 3, 1997
Wards may .not bebased .on the present boundaries
. fv n page 1
community boundaries.
Shifting of ward bo.aaaad-
aries, wassuggested to
allow for equal representa-
tion in each. Huron
Township Councillor
Cecil Sutton cautioned
hat the group should be
considering the new
muncipality as a whole.
The three clerks will
gather information on
electors, etc., within the
communities and prepare.
options for the councils to "
review at their next joint
The n- I agreed the
new council would consist
of seven members in total;
the minimum allowed is
five. • ltn a three -ward sce-
nario, each ward would
elect two councillors and.
the reeve would he elected
at large. .
Agreement was unani-
mous that there would not
be a weighted voting sysr
tem in the new municipali-
The, discussions
, became a little mired
when the. Ripley PUC and
the Lucknow. Hydro
Commission, called statu-
tory boards, came up for
discussion. This item was
deferred to the next" joint
meeting to allow the
clerks to gather more
•Ciarification will be
obtained on whether recre-
ation, library, recycling,
landfill and medical cen-
tre are true:. statutory
board§ or committees
dealt with by council.
Reavie suggested to the
group that it would be a
good idea toddetermine
"transitional costs." to be
included as part of the
group's proposal to the
'county, and that in turn
would form part of, the
county's submission to the
Ministry -of Municipal.
Affairs and Housing, He
said there is transitional
funding available.
Municipalities have
until Oct. 3 to submitthe
required information to
county council, Wolfe
wanted to know "who's
driving the titne frame
Reavie said that at, first
restructuring was "bottom
driven" (municipalities)
now it's "top driven (coun-
ty). The. restructuring
committee's report was
accepted by county coun-
cil. Ilf you don't fill in the
blanks by Oct, 3, someone
will," said Reavie.
Wolfe took exception to
the hierarchy treatment
saying he didn't think that
was "honorable"- and there
shouldn't be punitive.reac-
tion from county council if
the information wasn't
submitted by Oct: 3.
Thompson said one of
the reasons behind that
deadline was so the cur-
rent county. • council,
judged to have full knowl-
edge of the restructuring,
"could deal with it before:
the Nov. 10 election when
new people could end up
on council and have to
"start oven"
Reavie said the more
"critical issues are the dol-
lars - the nuts and bolts -
that you will discuss with
the transitional team." The
transition team will con-
sist of twomembers from
each of the existing
municipalities and items
that cannot be agreed upon
by all members of. the
three ,council, can be
deferred -to this team.
Thecouncils will meet
next at the Kinlossmunic-
ipal offices on Sept. 11.
Hydro studies tritium
A study commissioned
by Ontario Hydro is
expected to find lower tri-
tium levels in Lake Huron
and Lake Ontario; the two
Great Lakes that are home_
to nuclear power develop-
Ontario .. Hydro has
hired Atomic Energy of
Canada Limited, in part-
nership with the Ministry
of the Environment, to
collect samples of water
from the Great Lakes and
tributary rivers 'to test for
levels of tritium..
One such sample was
taken from the Maitland
River Aug. 19.
Tritium is a radioactive
form of hydrogen capable
of causing cancer, cell
damage or birth defects
depending on the level of
exposure. It •cannot be
eliminated by water treat-
ment plants.
John LaMarre,''a senior
technical officer. with
Ontario Hydro: in Toronto,
said the tritium found in
the water supply comes
from ;three'sources.
The first is naturally
occurring and is produced
Cove f46olks' raise
by fast moving particles 8
for local
from space reacting with
water vapor in the upper
atmosphere that ultimately
fire department
rains down -on.the planet. •
"You'll find it in rivers
and -streams around the
world," he said.
Tritium from nuclear
testing in the 1960s can
also be found in the lakes.
•see ,'Part' page 9
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by Pat Livingston
The. management, staff
and campers at
Fisherman's Cove. Tent
and Trailer Park had a
more than successful sum-
mer season raising funds
for two. very .worthwhile.
causes. Those efforts were
also supplementedby the .:
generosity Of local busi-
Through various events
at .the Cove; the most
recent including. a karaoke
afternoon and silent; auc-
tion 1 the, Lucknow and
District Fire Department
will receive $2846, and;
the March, of Dimes
$1600 to -send. a disabled
adult to camp.
Last Sunday, after the
Cove's annual Labour Day
parade, firefighters Paul
Finlay and Rick ,
McMurray, who had par
ticipated in the parade
with one of •the depart-
ments fire:trucksN.'were
presented with a cheque in
the amount .of Si541 The
balance Oldie donation' to
the department .:was raised
during the afternoon '
Fund-raising at the
Cove is an annual event,
and normally the proceeds
are donated to the Marcb
of Dimes.. , Wilda
McArthur, co-owner of
the Cove, said this year
they thought they needed
"something fresh, so why
not go fresh local. I
explained to the campers
that -if there was ever
problem in, the. camp, it
would be the Lucknow
and District . Fire
Department that would
respond. We got a slow
.start, .but what ,a finish,'`
said McArthur..:.
The campers were sup-
portive of the new fund-
raising project, but weren't
prepared to give up donat-
ing . toM
. the arch of
Dunes, so' both benefitted
in the end.
'40n behalf ';of the
Cove; said McArthur, "I •
certainly thank the
'campers for their efforts in
fund-raising and the fire
department for_ their sip'..,:.
port in 'showing up. for otir
events whenever they
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Lucknow volunteer firefighters Paul Finlay (left)
and • Rlck'McMurray were at Fisherman's Cove
on the weekend to take part in. the annual
Labour Day parade and accept a cheque, repre-
senting campers" fund-raising efforts over the "
summer, With a big grin on his face, Finlay,:
checks out the cheque while McMurray gives
Wilda McArthur a big hug of thanks. A total. of
$2846 was raised for the department. and $1600
for the March of Dimes. (Livingston photo)