HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1997-08-27, Page 22.Qa ;1) rag oaD _.• timp'l:' 9l¢+��' qnn A gay Gi '-• Lucknow Seutrne , e II ueseray, ,EiuguSt ace/21210 7, � 7 bituaries DON D HARVEY MOLE Donald Harvey Mole of Courtright passed away suddenly in Campbeilford on July 12, 1997, in his 59th year: Beloved husband of Kaye (Karracker) Mole, Dear father of Donnie and friend Jennifer, Shawn and wife Brenda, of Courtright, Dave of Alabama,USA, 'Dawn and husband Steve Pawsan of Ajax,. Jessica of Barrie and Kim of Toronto, Loving son' of • Belle: Mole and the late Harvey•Mole of Lucknow, brother of Marion :(Mole) and her husband Rick Wolfe of Ailsa Craig. Visitation at Knight Funeral Home,Corunna, on July 15, 1997. Funeral service was conducted by Father Paul Milne. Crernation took place with interment of ashes at a graveside service at Dungannon Cemetery. Lay person Debbie Clarence of Dungannon officiated. --35 43. Births MONSMA David and • Melissa are pleased to: announce the safe "arrival of Zachery Micheal; born JUly,11; 1997 at 4:15 p.m., • Coun'ty: of ' ;Bruce General Hospital, weighing 7 lbs., 5 oz., a new Tittle brother for Darlene and john. . Proud grandparents. are Lorna and Martin Phelan, and Henry' and Sophy Monsma, of Ripley, and AI. and Margaret Middelkamp, of Sarnia. --35' STEWWART • Dave and Linda 3Vould.li.ke to thank. Violet Ropp and Countryside Midwifery for the safe and peaceful deliv.,- ,ery of their daughter, Gracie Nicotine, .born at. R.R;.5 Lucknow, on' Sunday, Aug. 17 1997; weighing in at 8 , lbs., 1.2 ozs.''A beautiful: sis-, ter for Nathan, Celina, Gabriel' and Ethan: A grand- daughter for 'Rose Rayner • of Stratford and Edwin and', Mary Stewart' of Ripley. =-35 • 45. Marriages' 47. Cards of Thanks 47. 'Cards of Thanks 47. Cards of Thanks • MACINTYRE/HARPER, Heather :Maclntyre, daugh- ter of Nancy and the late Ailan .: Macintyre and Graham Harper,. son of Bev' and the ':late .Bob: Harper., of Gorrie were united in mar- riege,on May: 29,,19.97 in Kingston, Jamaica. 'A cele- bration of their marriage will take' place •at the Lucknow, Community Complex on October 11'; at 9p.m, The, couple are now :residing in Barrie; Ontario. --35x • ' 46. la Memoriam KILPATRICK • In loving memory of a dear. husband and .father; who passed away :August 29, 1993.. >. Your presence we miss, Your memory'we.treasure. • • Loving you ai'ways,,'forget- r. ting you never. Lovingly remembered by Isabel and Barry:' --35x 0 • SOKOLOSKI To everyone who showed their support through prayers, visits, cards, flow- ers and memoriat donations during the time'of' Marie's ill- ness and passing, we senci. our heartfelt thanks! Special. thanks to Pat and Lloya for that last minute extra assis- tance. Stan Sokoloskiand family. --35ar TREBLE/PENTLAND Thanks to everydne.who attended or supported us at our stag and doe. Many thanks to all the hard and eager'workers and organiz- ers. Your thoughtfulness, is appreciated. Barry end' Laurie. --35cc THE LUCKNOW LAWN BOWLING CLUB A new home has been found for the old Caledonia ball park lights and sten- ' dards. They areup and working at. the Lucknow lawn bowling club. Thanks. to the following for their advice; services and equip- ment. The town, Claude Guay ,Masonry, Ritchie. Electric, and special thanks to : Willits Tire Service, Barry.Hackett Welding, Bob, Bert, Stewart, Randy, Ray and everyone who assisted to get the job completed,' -- 35x PERCY I wish to thank my family for planning my 80th birthday party. Thanks to: all. who came, for the gifts and, cards. A community picnic was'' a great idea -t0 get to visit, friends and neighbors. Myrtle.; -,,-.35x • HODGINS The. farnily;of the, late Irene Hodginswould 'like to thank staff at_ Hodgins, Manor for care given'to our mother over the years, to those who sent donations'. and flowers, to Rev". J.; Kolohon for his service, to.' staff • at MacKenzie and McCreath Funeral Home,, and to the Ladies of, the St. ,Peters Anglican Church for the 35cc.• THOMPSON We would like to thank. the, 'Ripley Huron Fire Department for their quick response to the fire at Ripley Elevators on August 3 and for their valiant efforts to save what they could lessen the danger to near by homes. Thank you also to Wayne Kerr, Garry Henderson, ' Henry Middelkamp, Bryce• Van Der Hoek, and Dwight Irwin. for jeopardizing their own safe- ty to ensure that the propane and hydro were shut off and that trucks, tractors and various other pieces of equipment were. . out of the -way and to any- one else who 'did anything else on the spurof the moment that we haven't, heard about yet. Judy would like to thank Stu Reavie for having the.presence of mind to notify her in Lucknow, Tereasa Holtz, from the .'Mayfair Restaurant, for get- ting her to• Ripley in one piece and.her good friends Dianne Brooks and Linda Fry for just being there. To the wives of the Ripley Fire Fighters for up the .supply of fresh coffee' and sandwiches through the long night, to the _stores in Ripley who donated food and to Mary Culbert who. arrived Tuesday morning with fresh butter tarts for coffee a very big thank you. We wish; also to thank the Mennonite and Amish .corn- munities in the area for their offer• of assistance and to each and every oneof you who offered' help with clean' up after the fire, grain stor•- age or moral support. Our • plans are to rebuild where we were and .,as :we, were and hopeto be re -opened in time for the soybean har- vest season, Once again :a very appreciative thank; you: . `Small towns are surly : won- • derful places when some thing like this happens. Bob, Judy and Rob Thompson: • ilovely lunch. All. your...kind- ness was very much appre crated;' The' Hodgins family, CUMMINGS The family' .of Eileen 'Cummin s would' like to =-35ar 9 thank everyone fo•r flowers, JOHNSTON , ' , Thank youto-Arletta Glenn; KellyMcNee and Dorothy Ber'.e`:far ali',their help* in preparation` for ,the Ambassaceor of the Fair competition, Thank you very much to George Smyth Welding and Machine Shop 'Ltd. for sponsoring; me, and thanks to all my family and ,friends .who came ,out la . . support rne'; I look forward to, representing ,Dungannon in the coming year: 1997 Ambassador' ' of the Dungannon :Fair, Michaela. -35X 'contributions and expres •. cionsof sympathy shown: Also to the ladies of the • United Church for the lovely luncheon. Murray. and Susie •White; Hap and Helen; Hall and :family; The Hall family, Detroit, ..--35x • •• DUNGANNON AGRICULTURAL socrETY The directors, of the Dungannon ,Agricultural Society would like to thank everyone who helped to make the. Mud Bogg' and family fun day, their best, ever. To all the people who volunteered their time; cash. WEIR Aubrey, Pat and; family wish to thank friends and :neigh- bors for kind expressions of sympathy. during their recent sad ,bereavennent. --. and gift donations and to everyone who' participated' and attended in all .the events. THANK' voti.• •Through everyone's gen- erosity this weekend was an 35x ” enormous success. --35ar;' ALTON We wish to express our sin- cere appreciation to rela- tives, neighbors and friends for their thoughtfulness and faithfulness during Kevin's illness and at thetime of his funeral. Your love and sup- port shown by offers to help, phone calls, visits, dona- tions of food, flowers and contributions to Hemtphilia, Cancer, and St, Michael's " Hospital will always be remembered, Special thanks to R,ev, . Alex McGilvery for his comforting words, Joan Palla'rd of MacKenzie and McCreath Funeral Horne, Ruth Alton for playing the .organ and Warren Wray for his solo. Also thank you to Kevin's pallbearers and flower bear- ers. A big thank you goes to the Trinity UCW for the deli- cious lunch following the service. It was very much appreciated. Michelle Afton; .:Frank and Lereen Alton, Gordon and Valerie Alton. - 35' • BARGER We wish to express our heartfelt thanks to family, friends, and neighbors for their phonecalls, and sup- porn" during Jackie's illness. Thank you'for the floral Crib, etes, memorial donations, visitations, cards, and . mes- • ,sages of sympathy shown to usat the .time of the loss of a. dear" sister and aunt. Special thanks to all for the foodthat was brought to ;our house. Your kindness was deeply appreciated and will: ,always be remembered. Mary Lou, Gordon and • Doug.' 35x COLLINS A• heartfelt'>than'k 'you is .expressed, to family, friends. and ;neighbors for all.. their expressions of sympathy 'and support:during Jackie's illness and since 'her pass-. ing, Special thanks to .Dr. Anand, Dr. Dawson, doctors and nurses at, Alexandra Marine ,, and General Hospital, Goderich for their excellent care; also Barb; Melanie and ; Kim of Community 'Nursing Services,: Belgrave, for their ;care -and compassion To Judy Hickey' and Paul ,Black - thanks for: thee, extra care, given to Jackie,; Many thanks to the management and staff': of Goderich Signal -Star and Champion. for cards, flowers;, donations to. Cancer Scdciet.y and words of encouragement, Special thanks to all friends and .neighbors for donations 'of food, flowers, .cards; phone calls; and visits. Your thoughtfulness was ' greatly appreciated and will• never be forgotten. '„George,. Jon and Kate.--35nxe 47. Cards of 48. Coming Thanks • Events VAN OSCH/YOUNG We would like to thank our neighbors, relatives and friends for attending our stag and doe. Also, we would Pike to thank our wed- ding party and anyone else that helped put this party on for us and all their hard Work, That night created alot of memories for us; we had a great time. Thank you. Brenda and Dave. -- 35x' ' • VAN OSCH Thank you to everyone who attended my community shower and for all the lovely and very useful , gifts I received; Also a' special thank you to my aunts and cousins for having this shower for me. Brenda. -- CANADA WORLD YOUTH needs help with transporta- tion to Goderich on a week- ly basis. if you live in Bayfield, Seaforth, Auburn or Kingsbridge and could. transport two youths occa- sionally or regularly, please call 524-1468. --35cc SUMMER READING REVIEW • Don't forget the Lucknow Sentinels book feature for students in Grade 8 and under. Send, us your book review for publication - 100 words or less, including the title, .author;, your name,' age, horne.address, phone,' school, grade and date at, the top left corner of the page. Include small color photo of yourself with name: 35x . on the back. Send to FARRISH Summer Reading' Review, Thanks to'everyone for Attention: Pat Living Lton,. cards, gifts etc. on our 50th Lucknow Sentinel, Box 40b, wedding anniversary. Lucknow, NOG2H0, or drop Special thanks to those them off,at the office. --53= attending our celebration 35nx. Patty, and to our family for all their help, Mary and Jack. --35ar 48; Coming Ewenfs THE TEESWATER EX TQGGERY t Opensfor,the fall season on. Thursday,. Sept. '4. To con- sign articles'phone 392- 6414 01.' 392-6186. Houks of business: Thurs. 10 a.m.- BiNGO' 12, 2 p rri. 5 p.m. ,Friday.2 Goderich Knights ,of p.m. - 5p.m:, Sat. 2 p.m: -.5 Qolumbus, everyThursday, p.m. --35,36 7 p ,m. Columbus Centre, ` BLYTH FESTIVAL 390 Parson's Court, $4400. SINGERS inprizes; progressive •jack= Come and 'si'ng With, the ,•1. . t $1000.; re ular jackpot Peg 1 p Blyth. Festival 'Singers.: :' $1500.must go. Superstar• Vivaldi's; Cal.oria for', ovincial gmpayed , mand'a sprint.con evPrery bingoanighte.l;Lrc.,,` cert:Christ'Practicesas begin 'Wed., #157920.—13tfar Sept: 10`: Registration CHAMBER OF. etween:7:30 .- 8:p:m` June' : COMMERCE 1 illi Rooni .above the Blyth General • meeting,.' • Festival offices. For details Wednesday,' Sept," 3•, 7:45 '' call 5197357.2331.: -- aim+ at the Tourism Office.== • 35,36cc SNO'SHOW,AND HURON UNITED WAY GRASS DRAGS; Annual general meeting, 'Sept., 13 and 14; :Seat rth September 8, 7..p m. OMAF; Agricultural Society Office, Clinton, If you are a Buildings. , Free on. supporter, you. are. wel Saturday, $5on Sunday. -- come. --35cc , ' 35cc • 35ar WEDDING RECEPTION For •Janet Morrison and .Kevin' Murray -Saturday,. ;Aug 30, 9 p.m. - la.m Ripley Arena, Everyone, welcome. --35 LUCKNOW FARMERS' • MARKET Wednesdays. 9' to 4, Lucknow Sales Barn; crafts; `, meat,. produce, 'breads, all. kinds of hpmemade' baking. For vendors or inforniiation call .Ruby MacLennan R:R. 1 Tiverton, 'NOG .2T0, '353- 5014.18-40x CALLING ALL BIG BAND FANS .. Tickets still: available for 3rd m Annual Canadian Big Band 'Celebration on Sept. 20 at CAW in- Port Elgin. (Afternoon, evenipg and all: . day tickets available), ;Five, of Ontario's Top Big Bands, • Tickets available too for Sunday Jazz Brunch!' For More information call 1-600- 387-3456 ,or.; (519) ; 832.- 23$2. --35cc • BARNDANCE.BARBECUE AND CONCERT Sunday, Aug 31st,;, Blyth: Featuring CKNX Barn Dance originals and Berndance L vel ,cast; For tickets, call (519)'523-9300.' --35cc MURRAY'S CHRISTMAS 'HOUSE o `en eve' da '�a :m. - 4 P ry y . 1�0 p.m:, ,Sept. ,3 - Dec.. 23. :Thousands of choices. fill 10 ' exciting rooms. ,Please • come share our magical".' Christmas Home. Treat yourself, family and friends • to the ultimate shopping .experience. 7304 Richmond St., Arkona.. 09428-3398 or 1-800-575-1974;. --35- 39cc