HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1997-08-27, Page 20Page 20 m Luclinpw Senti 26. Help Wanted FORM =' UILDERS and skilled laborer for bridge construction in Wingham area. Must .have own trans- portation. Apply by fax to 519-881-1585 by Sept. 5. -- 35 EARN EXTRA MONEY sell- ing C & M Gifts' Unique Line of toys and gifts. Call 519- 258.7905, fax 519-256-- 0707 to receive free cata- logues and information about this wonderful oppor- tunity.--35bc Class `A' Technician Full-time help required. Ford experience preferred, but not required. Send resume to: , . John Munro Service Manager Suncoast Ford PO Box 184 Goderich ON. N7A 3Z2 Del, Wednesday, August 28. Business Opp. TRAVEL AGENCY FRAN- CHISE. - discover why Travel Professionals International is Canada's .ONLY way to enter the Travel Business. Full-time, Part-time, home based, or storefront. Investment $15,000. Financing avail- able 1.80Q-799-9910.— 35bc SERVICE TECHNICIANS AND APPRENTICE TECHNICIANS Be part of our customer oriented team and also be a pail of a new dealership experience:.. With your am. experience you are the person we are looking for in our setvicedepadment. We require licensed Technicians and Apprentice Technicians. We offer better than average wages and an excellent compensation package If you are an individual who enjoys a. busy environment, send your resume to the attention . of Jeff Renaud, .Service Manager. No phone calls please. Only those people Who :are Jqualified will be contacted by phone . ,. DENNIS PIERSON CHEV OLDS LTD, 856 QUEENSTREET, KINCARDINE,n�A/ON 'N2Z.2Y7 AMAZING FACT. The Internetwill grow by .2,700% in 24 mos. Huge earning potential with Canada's .fastest growing Internet. Franchise. Full training. Investment required. 1-888- 678.7588.--35bc EARN SUBSTANTIAL Earnings beginning 1st month! Program to drasti- cally reduce taxes lawfully! Work from home. Will train. Not MLM. 1-800-322-6169 Ext. 9903, 2. min, message.- -35bc 27, 1997 Service Directory 35.. legal. Notices , FREE • 900 • NUMBERS-.,Psychiclines, Datelines & more! Earn up to $1.40 per minute. •Highly profitable: Call today for a free brochure 1-888-287- 4444.--35bc 29. Tenders AGNEW JEWELLERY REPAIR - watch, clock, jew- ellery. Free estimates. Pickup and delivery can be arranged. 698 Havelock Street, across from. Medical. Centre. Call 528-3532 or 528-3940.--18tfar MARRIAGE AND PERSON- AL Counselling, W. Turvill B.A., M.S.Ed., private prac- tice. Evening appointments. available. Kinhuron Medical Centre, 1004 Queen Street, Kincardine. CaII 396-3384 or 396-8564. -35cc - CARL SLOETJES Sales, Installation, Renovations • Replacement Windows & Doors • Kitchen Cabinets • Vanities • Carpet and Linoleum • Roofing • Free Estimates RR7 LUCKNOW 529-3164 R.A. HAVENS ELECTRIC "Residential *Farm *Commercial Electrical Contractors FREE ESTIMATES Rod Havens LUCKNOW 528-2301 27. Wanted. ' General TENDERS WiLL be. received Until Tuesday, f 1997 rom d fo Sept. 9,' Q establishments interested in having a locationat Lucknow's 1998 Reunion:. Reply in writing:. 1998, Reunion Committee, Box,. 534, 'Lucknow, NOG 2H0. 34ar ,1997 TENDER CALL- SNOW. REMOVAL. The Bruce -Grey County R.C.S:S: Board and. Bruce County Board of Education invites applications for • snow removal at their respective schools within. the Bruce And Grey Counties: !lender forms from, the. respective Boardsare available :at their local '' 'schools or the addresses, below. Lowest or any ten- der not necessarily accept ed. °The information pro- vided is governed; by the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy., ,:Sealed' applications will be received, until , September. 10,1997 For information. contaetir Maintenance Department Bruce County Board of ° Education P.O. Box 190,3511st Avenue N. Chesley, Ontario ' NOG 1Lo. • • ,: 519-363-2014 Maintenance Department Bruce -Grey County R.C.9.B. Board . 779916th Avenue: Hanover, Ontario N4N 3A1 519-364.5820 VOLUNTEERS NEEDED in 'Grey and Bruce Counties. If, you'have 2 - 4 hours per, week to spend with an • expecting or new parent needing information, relief, or support, callCradlelink of the. Brighter Futures Program at 519-3'71-4.773,,, or 1-800-567=2384. Training provided. South Grey and Bruce area training program starts 'September 16.,in Hanover. CaII today to reg ister. Mileage paid: --35 28. Business' app• ' GOVERNMENT"FUNDS. Government assistance pro- grams information available. For your new. or existing business. Take' advantage of ;the government grants :and loans. Call I-800-915.- 3615.-356c -800-915-3615--35bc • �C,pVATIII/G / LOOKING FOR information. or contacts with Anderson descendants.- 1800's. Leon, John Anderson and Elizabeth (Campbell), Archibald Anderson and Elizabeth (Wilson). George Anderson and 'Cosa (Collins). Contact MaJI's Blampied, 422 3rd Ave. E. North Bay, Ont. P1 B 1M7 or 1-705474-2285-35x • HAVING A DRINKING PROBLEMS? AA•.can help: • Phone Goderich 524-6001 Or Walkerton 8$1-3635:.- 35ar . 34. Personal *A cost will be inourred. EVANLY-RAYS PHYSIC ANSWERS - Police use ,us, Rated #1 in Canada. Instant answers about. Love, Money, Career, -Lucky #s, Relationships: Achieve 'suc- gess! $2,99/min., 18' + 24 Hrs. Cali 1-900-451-4055. -- 24-38cc ARE YOU experiencing the aftermath of en • abortion/emotions you can't explain? Most_,post;a_bortal.. women experience trauma in their lives. Call 'our, 24 .- hr. hotline. collect (519) 323- 3751 for confidential sup- port. '-;35ar upport..-35ar Hi -Hoe Dozer Gravel & Top Soil Barry' Johnston. Holyrood 51.9.395-5231 • 32. Babysitting • MOTHER QF TWO chil- dren, both schoolage, will- ing to babysit in my home; Monday to :Friday. ,Low rates, lunch and snacks pro- vided. References available, Holmesville area. 'Call 519 524-1139. '-25tfcc • BABYSITTER REQUIRED for :sic month old infant, in Kinlough/Lucknow area, 4 to 5 days a week,, starting Sept. 2, grandmas' and empty. nesters, welcome. Please cal I: 395-2453 .by .Saturday, Aug. 30••••:35 MOTHER -OF three' in Whitechurch will babysit in my home. 'References avall- able. Please phone 357-, 3375 35,36x MATURE RESPONSIBLE • person require d A.S.A.P. to.. babysit a 3 year old and 1 year old; Preferably in your. home in Lucknow . area beginning`in Sept.' Phone evenings 395-5250;--35 34. Personal 31.: Service • DireectOVi 45' ;STORAGE TRAILERS 0 for 'rent. Economical stor- age,,iideal for contractors, ' `+i farmers and home owners: Phone, 3951.5167.--34tfcc *A cost will be incurred. ADVICE? HELP? Call today --and talk to one of many psy- chics. IVs your choice, Love, Money Relationships,' General Advice. 1-900-451- 7865, , 24hrs, 18+, $3.99.rnin.--35bc *A cost will be Incurred: HEAVENLY PSYCHIC 11- 900-451-3783. $2.99 Min 18+ 24 hrs. DAILY HOR O • SCOPE 1-900.6'77-7770: FLAT FEE"$5.00.--35bc • *A. cost will be Incurred. • LIVE GIFTED PSYCHICS,' Problems in love/relation- ships? Friends/loved ones 'turn against You? .Feel unlucky in.. business? Reunites loved •ones/inter prets dreams. Call 1-900- 451-2787, 24 hrs, 18+, $2.75/min.--35bc PEN PAL Publication!• ,` interested in making . friiends' '. around: the world? For 'free, information send double' S,A.S:E.: P.F.0:C.,Box, 1557, G;ibsons, .B G ':VON: 1 V•0. Fax: (604)886-6815, E-mail: penfriends @ su;n shine.net.--35bc THE LUCKNOW Kinettes . Will be offering a babysitting course tostart in September. Must be age 11, , by the end of 1997 in, order fo enroll. Register early 'as class is limited to 20.. Call Pat at 528-3238 after 6 p.m. --35ar NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS AH claims against the estate of EWAN JOHN MACLEAN late of the Town of Kincardine, in the County of Bruce, deceased, who died on or about July 2, 1997, . must be filed with the under-. signed . on or before. September. 30,' 1997; there- after the Executors of the. estate will distribute the assets of the estate having regard only to the claims of which the undersigned then has notice. Dated August 5,. 1997, cio.CRAWFORD, MILL& 'DAVIES, Barristers & Solicitors, Box 610, Lucknow,; Ont. - . "NOG 2H0. --33,34,35 36. Announc•iments ' MiNOR SPORTS WiNNER FOR AUGUST 22 Michael Lang, Alliston, $150; Henry and Sheila Sloetjes, Lucknew, $75; Dan McDonagh, .Lucknow, $50.--35r.ir 37. Mortgages & 2nd Mortgage Money Absolutely No Upfront Fees y Available as ,low as 6.50. Interest Personal Loans If you ,qualify, payments AmtAoprox. Mo, Payment 5,000 ' 41.66 '10,000 '• 83.33 '15,000 •'125.00 Consolidate your debts. Call (519)363-02111-803-3874932 ASTRAL FUNDING INC. 38. Auctions 38. Auctions MICTION REGISTER CONSIGNMENT SALE DAVIDSON CENTRE FRIDAY, SEPT. 19/97 If you have something to sell, give us a call.: • Grant McDonald 395-5353 Wallace. Ballagh 392-6170 Auctioneers CLEARING AUCTION SALE of Farm Machinery,Shop Tools, Household Effects & Miscellaneous will be .held for 36. Announcements HAPPY 5,0714 ANNIVERSARY John and Bernice Kozack (J.ohn's. Scale S;ervice'of Amberley). We Love You, Always. From all your kids and grandkids. --35cc • LUCKNOW BOWL. ` and_ Games Centre will be closed from Aug. 24 Sept. ,1 inclusive. Reopening •Sept. 2 uvith new :owners. -- 35nxc 'Ron & Shirley Taylor RR#lr Tiverto:n. Lot 22, Concession 11, Kincardine Township, 13 miles south of Tiverton on 21 Highway and 43 miles east or one "corner: south of Glammis and 2% miles west.Watch for.signs. Saturday, September°6/97 t-, :9:30.A.M TRACTORS & MACHINERY: International 8414 diesel tractor with loader; .Cockshutt 30 tractor with front mount scuffler;,.Oliver 1800 gas tractor 12 HP riding mower; Case 1010 combine, 318 "engine, (running),.'Case 101Q ,combine, 318 engine(for parts); • .Cockshutt 503 12 ft swather;'Cockshutt 513.10:ft. swather (running); Cockshutt 30 wheel weights; 10 ft disc, cultivator, rolling : harrows combination, 3 PH; '24 x 32 Mildmay 'threshing machine, 7 ft. Massey Harrls• binder; 6 ft.:Bush Hog; grain aerator: for 121n. x 16 ft: grain bin; Old Ford backhoe boom with 30 in• bucket;: single auger snowblower; 3 HP'sidewalk snowblower; 4 HP push mower; 5 HP garden roto -till; Chev pickup box made into low traiterr hand operated pallet cart, dump trailer. • SHOP TOOLS • Partial listing...lots more shop:tools! Hydraulic.. Cylinders 13/4 x 6 in. 11/4 x 8 in., 2; x 30 in:, IA ton and IA ton electric chain hoists;" two chain falls, two A -frames plus dollies; bench.grinder;.,air pig; :electric fencers, wire, insulators and, posts;..battery.charger; Milwaukee' 1,4 in. chop'saw, pipe vises;•6 ''in'- bench 'vise; 2 ton : floor jack; 48. in. vertical •steel. band :saw; skill' saw;, pipe. bender up; to 2 in: with all dies; floor model tool chest; �/,:3 , 3/4 in socket sets andopen end boxes wrenches; 34 and Win, bard' power:drills; `.12 un,•.air :impact.wrench; /, in.; air ratchet IA in. • air grinder; ,air, needle chipper; oxy. 'acetylene torches, gauges •and hose; beltsander; vibrator sander 200`' amp Lincoln' portable; welder.; 4 in; and 6 in..electric hand grinders. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS::.:.and:numerous small items Antique bedroom suite; two antique chairs; china cabinet; desk; double dresser, roiling bed; table;: small table; cedardoor; table; high chair; chrome table & chairs; filing cabinet; lawn chairs;.approxi 50 folding. chairs, paol; ;liner; jars Kelvinator refrigerator & stove '(good) new dehumidifier; 7 ft. `'Star Track satellite dish; Stereo; vacuum cleaner; small B&W .T V; colour .T.V. & VCR; fan; 12 x 16 ft. rug, odd•;dishes;Dight fixture, lamps. ' GUNS FAC required : 3,03: Enfield Roger 44 magnum with :scope; Cobey 22 single shot; Ithica 3 shot 'semi auto 12 ga. shotgun; 2 Russian single shot 12 ga. shotguns; Cooey:single shot 12 ga. shotgun. 100=25 kg bags of Buckwheat (certified organic) NEIGHBOURS` CONSIGNMENTS: Cockshutt.1860 diesel tractor-, 18-34 tires; set Of 18-34' duals and cramps (sells sepparate), 15 ft. cultivator (hydraulic cylinder); two wagons; Ford 4 bottom trip plow; 40 ft. pipe bale elevator; McCormick •Intemational'18run seed drill;•.G:W. double. auger. snowblower; 3 PH auger; tyro smallgravity bins; part rolis of woven Wire; round bale spike •prong; square bale stook fork.'. Plan to attend. Farm is sold Lurich . booth. Wagon loads of miscellaneous. •• ',TERMS: Cash or acceptable cheque, with proper 1.0. day of. sale. Nqt responsible for accidents. Verbal announcements take precedence over. advertising, "items listed as described by owner. ' For rjlo'e information call Ron Taylor at 519-368=7059. AUCTIONEER:' BRIAN RINTOUL (519) 357-2349