HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1997-08-20, Page 1VOL, 124 •WK. 34
Council Bringrng gas to
backs Lucknow is not
by Pat Livingston
Lucknow council and
feasible now
Commerce 'are joining_.
forces to gather informa-
tion on dealing with
changes in communities.
Council agreed to pay
the $250 registration fee
for a three-day conference
in -Port. Elgin;. titled the
Winds of Change - a
tourism and economic
conference organized by a
small community for small
communities.., • The,
Chamber will have 'a; dif-
if-ferent member attend each
workshop -and complete
written a reports • to be
'shared .between council
• and, the business commu-
Some of the areas to be,
covered .include:. packag
ing; your community,,for
:the tourism industry, .
planning and risk manage
meat, economic develop-.'
menta: corninunify,• support
and the economise impact,,'.
restructuring and Working
• The: conference i S 'set
for Sept. l0 to 12
neves' net
Ontario Provincial
Police of the Kincardine
Walkerton Detachment are
investigating the theft of a
dumber. of hydraulic'
valvesand controls from,- a
• Massey Ferguson Model
850 combine.
The combine was locat-
ed on the lot•. of G & E
Sales; ` Luckn.ow -: and
overnight of Aug. 12 or
13, '$4,000 worth of parts
were removed.. '
The parts would be
used in conve'rtiiygan
older model Massey
Ferguson from a mechani-
cal to a'hydraulic pick-up.
Anyone .with informa-
tion is asked to contact the
OPP Police at 1-888-310
1122. or Crime Stoppers at
. by Pat Livingston
As things stand now;
Union, Gas' proposal to
bring gas into the village.
of Lucknow "is not really
econornical at, this time,"
Paul Slinger told council
last week: Slinger is the
manager of .b•usiness.
development for the'.
London division of the
Slinger said 'the .results
of the survey, recently 'cir-
euaated to..h'onieowners
and businesses, were
'poor.' We were quite
shocked There is not.
enough interest to give a
:'return on •about a $1'. mil=
lion investment."
He said generally they
get .a feed back of '65. to 85
per cent,- saying, yes. they
would convert in the next
few years and, pay the
extra charge."
In Lucknow, between
mail' backs and phone
calls,' the response was 30
to 40 per cent
:When .asked if he had
any idea .why the response
was so 'poor, Slinger..
responded' saying, "There
is an education and aware --
nes) pro. gram that you
have to go, through. Also,
the loyalty to oil dealersis.
very high." Slinger ques-
tioned whether, people
really understand the eco-
nomic benefits of. switch-
ing to gas. ..
Union. Gas would be
purchasing: the gas, from
Northern Cross which has
wellsjustsouth of
Lucknow. Slinger Said he
Would- have to - talk. to
Northern Cross again and'
take another look at the
.cost .side -of things' such as
walking- the roads in the
village to'.determine how'''
much. piping, is needed,
andif any changes can be,
made to makes theeco-
nomics work
Slinger said, he would
:get: back to`council "once
we' know: exactly- what, we,
need, as a mi:nimuhn con
version number. ' ,
r-Slin ger, NO -
ed to., the Aug.. 12 council.
Meeting to answer ques—
tions about the franchise
agreement: He informed
council that the, agreement
aS written is approved by
the Association of.
Municipalities of Ontario
and the Ontario Energy
Board. In other words', no
changes; would:be made.
g owns
tt Lipton
p ition to circut ting. in Ashfield•
'ov nalip. that will ask. that..rnttrituipalt
ty a > couu'o l tti;: impose "a one-year
moratorium on all building pests :that
bringan expansion of an exists opera
.shfield a minimum of $50.000 in
research;•. and if it is appealed to the:
Ontario •Municipal loa s cost cod.
rise up to $200,0 Willa abouit 1,750:
'ratepayers' the average use epara
tas icv'v would
tion; btu ofarnew dperati , an etgbt per cent increase
beyon 1 l +t stock units, �4 livestock €t;
uurt is air„ x lent value for r�
i�uata aril poultry,. baste:
y 1c:, as` �w
tangy naau gemen t
roup of cte
impact of rt stye,j
Stool op ens n ' we :>
lconniniiiity as a whole.. It was•tntro hi
a.t PROTECT's weekly •meeting bast
The group esti nates: that t ei orato-
riu wo, i1d'cost the' • ratepayers: of`
up beves thimpact.
fomenliet; and tinate cothemmunity,;
al1:0 filly , on.B
t eeti#
�e t grease:
200,ft3t?, snot
submitting tte
will circulate." 1
am& sai
Ev t uv a C4StS' to
as no definite date for
letition to council, but: it
or a minimum of three;
Bill ` 146
-Ashfield Township council has passed a resolution
demanding that. the 'province "re-examine the. proposed
Bill 146 Farming .and Food Production:Protec'tionfAct
1997; in`particular how it applies to intensive::livestock
operations, and the potential for increased environmental
risks' which they represent' by virtue of their size and
numbers.". Deputy Reeve Art. Simpson. read the resole- •
tion at PROTECT's meeting last Wednesday.
This resolution comes three months. after Ashfieldi
couiicil pasSaed' a new manure management byla.w,.,
implementing guidelines and regulations, for farm oper-
ationsin particular.: the number of livestock units
+see Not page 3
Sc�,�ol is suceessfu
in ratsin� $?5,000
At, the annualpork.
roast on Aug. 16, the,
Lucknow ' and District.
Christian School celebrat
ed the Completion of a
special fundraising cam-
paign: "Building a Bridge
to. the Future',,
The .campaign started in
Aprii of this year and was
successfully ;completed .by
the end of June. Since the
school does • not •receive
government funding, 'the•
school board anti' finance
committee;'with help from
the parents, -approached
friends 'of the school ask-
ing ' then. .to 'pledge
towards a $75,000 target.
A.progress,chart depict-
ing a bridge consisting of.,
75 blocks kept.track of
incdming pledges: with
each 'block representing
$1,090. Member families,
also pledged ;on top of
their regular edition to see
• the'Bridge to the Eiit'ure"
completed by the June 30,'.
In gra'te'ful ; celebration
thanks w.as given to God
for' the friends :of the
Christian School and their
generous support making
it possible fpr LDCS to
provide quality Christian
education in this area for
many, years to come..
Maria Bakelaar, the income bookkeeper .and scorekeeper for the
"Building a Bridge to the Future" project,., had the joy of cutting the.
Cake made by Cathy Lubbers that depicted the successful completion
of the LDCS's fund-raising efforts to raise $75,000. (Livingston photo)