HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1997-08-13, Page 20I• 4 Page,20 T Lucknow Sentinel,Wednesday, August 13, 1997 `w• aim, Vne��� MMON. ,h A,, .'` -M'.a``• MISSOP. MMOSIM ` `'IWORiMeM AM `` I ;; moi MMM+ ' "Wef*"� :<; h *-M.Nt ` M : timg.ra�`%X : (.NDEX CAS$(: (ED 528-2822 • 01.: Articles for Sale :02. ,Yard Sale • 03. Garage .Sale 04. Antiques 04a. Crafts . . 05. Cars for Sale 06. Trucks for Sale SPORTS & RECREATION, 7a, For sale General 7b. -Wanted to Buy 7c.. Wanted. to Rent' •7d.; Biicjicles ' 7e .Motorcycles• 7f Snowmobiles 7g. 'Rec. Vehicles ' ., 7h. Boats, Motors etc. 1'.7J..Service & Parts 7K. 'Swimming' Ppols':, 08. 'Computers .1(1 . Pets 10a. Horses ; • FARM MARKET 11'a. For sale General 1,1b. Wanted to.•Buy. I' 110. Wanted to Hire 11 d Empl. Wanted 11e. Livestock .11f: Farm. Produce 11 9. Equipment 11h. Services llt.;farm Land • 11k. Real Estate 111. Wanted; to Rent; • 11M. -For Rent ; 12. 'Real•Estate 13. Mobile•Honies.' 14..Vacations 16: for Rent`.' 17. Apartments 18.. Houses for Rent 19a. Bed &'Breakfast 20. Room & Board 23., Commercial 24. Wanted to Rent -25. Wanted, to :Buy 26.; Help Wanted •274 Wanted•Geni,ral 28. Business Opp 29. Tenders 30. •Empl, Wanted; Service Diree'torq. 32 -Babysitting 33. Miscellaneous 34.. Personal • 35. •• Legal Notices ' 36.: Announcements '37. Mortgages. 38. Auctions . . 39. Educational 40. Lost & Found. 41. To Give Away . 42. Obituaries 43. Births. 44. ,Engagements : 45. ' Marriages 46. In Memoriam 47. Card of Thanks. 48. Corning Events ta• RATES .AND DATA a.: 1 Week- $425 • 2 weeks - $7,48 3 weeks Or more = $3.27 each week extra words.at .16 each • Cards of Thanks '- $4.25 for 25 words' . • , • extra words,at .06 each • 'In Memoriam $4,25 + .35'for eachline of verse Birth Announcement '= $10.00 flat fee 3 +' 3 -ads , $10.50 .pre -paid for 25 words -• extra words at .'1.6 each Thursday Special = .$325; for 25 words. • Must be placed and. paid On Thursday Save. a $4:00 billing charge by pre -paying • •GrS.T. nod included in above prices Call 528-2822 [VISA. i . Faw Sale CONFIDENTIIAL'TYPING The Lucknow Sentinel does confidential 'custom typing for customers; .resumes, let- tens eta. We can offer: you a , number of different print •types and sizes;: CaIIour office or .-drop in' for,.more details. 8tfnx. THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL isavailable at the :following locations out of town:. Hblyrood General Store, •'`,Ripley .Superior Market, . • Daivson's I Store, Dungannon;.• MacNay's • S:tore;-.Amberley; Triangle. ma, : allergies, arthritis, low cholesterol, 'high blood ores - Discount„ Goderich; Brian's Valu -Mart, ' Wingharn,. McPhee IDA; Wrngham,. Hart _Food, Mart Teeswater, MacAdarrt Mini Mart;: Ripley, . Port .Albert General Store, and Keith's; Repair Service; ,;Whitechurch. -9tfnx WOODSTOVE & -'FIRE- PLACE glass, will not break froni .heat.. Cut to'any.size or shape. The Chimney Sweep's Stove. 'Parlor &• - • Gallery, Inc. '368-5274: -- . 41 tfnbcpnx THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL urges readers to use cau tion .when sending money ,• for business'opportunities or employment aavertisew. ments: Be certain You are /deali'n`g with a reputable company before releasing any credit. card .information Or sending any 'money. Remember; if an advertise- ment sounds too good to be true; it;probably is.--'32tfnx ' USED 8 .X 8•" POSTS 6ft lengths, great for walkways,. flowerbeds, barnyards, beach walls eta. $S :each. Phone 395-4131. 25tfar 1. Far. Sale: FURNITURE AT SCHUET- T'S, Mildmay, Sklar - Peppier, Brentwood. clas.- sics, and other chesterfield suites $699:00 - $1899:00. 'Genuine La-zy. Boy recliner chairs::Bogdon' and,. Gross dinette furniture bedroom suites, Serta mattresses. Schuett's,'•Mildmay deliver. . 519=367-2308.-=33er USED CARPET from `'major hotel:, Rust/plgm color,' 19 x 12. $30 /roll. Phone:529- 3164:. --29tf INTRATM HERBAL BLEND • Arejlou suffering from asth- energy, .frequent colds, high Sure, sure, menopause; etc Try. '80, da. y, supply. Satisfaction guaranteed or your money back:. For more ` information ca.. . ananne Bolbnger 528- 7807.--31tfeow SAWMILL .$4895 SAW LOGS' 'INTO :BOARDS, 1. For Sale BARN 'BEAMS; 16.••x .12': doorfor shed. Phone 529- '7814. --33x , • CUSTOM FAXING Needto•send or receive a • fax? The Sentinel does cus- m tofaxing for customers. Drop in or .call 528-2822 for '.details;--41tfnx ' Pick up your copy of THELUCKNOW SENTINELat'. any of the following Lucknow. businesses: Beckers, -.Milk,' Bell's Discount; Lucknow Village Market, .Rx ' Cenfral, Lucknow, HJ••Used•Cars . and Annie's Gas Bar, and =• . Hamilton Fuels.52tf . GRACO" RECLINER -.infant swing. ,'Like brand new. $35. Phone 5282644. --33x SALE , OF;, guaranteed reconditioned appliances; repairs and service to all makes;:. purchasing, and • pickup of used 'appliances; partsnew: and used.. Call 'Ted ,at AFFORDABLE: APPLIANCE REPAIR 395, 4842.--30.34cc - R:ECOON D ITIO N E D :,RAIN' BOW vacuum and power • .heads; one': year warranty. ,Larry's Vac Shop, Blyth 523=4205: --33cc CUCUMBERS for safe y. road north of St Helen's Eli • Yoder 31-33, r, CHESTERFIELD. AND CHAiR in good condition,' $75.. Phorie,528.2943 -33 iioiN6..LAWNMOWER,: • Homelite, .8 h p, .:Briggs: & Stratton ;engine, 30". cut, Very little useage, .good condition Phone 529-3180. --31-33nxe NEW PIANOS with bench at `/Schuett's, 'Mildmay; Furniture Store. $2995.00' and 'up. Also digital pianos and: "keyboard`s." Trade' ins accepted. . 'Sch.uett's, Mildmay deliver. 519-367 23.08. 33ar NEED•A.RESUIVIE? Professionally prepared, laser. prirtte;d. on quality paper. $14.00 for 5 sets' We keep your resume on' fife. "i.ncase. you need. changes or updates at 'a :later date.yCall'us or drop in for details. The Lucknow planks, beams. Large' , capacity. Best sawmill value: anywhere Free information 1-800-566,6899. .Norwood Sawmills; R.R 2, Kilworthy,: Ontario POE 1 GQ.33bc . STEEL BUILDINGS STEEL .BUILDINGS FOR SALE.,. Ends ,included. 25 x 40 was` $5,624, now, $4,988. 32 x 44 was $6,835, •now $6,524. 40 x 60 was$9,988; now $9,644. Many others. Pioneer 1- E390 -668-5422.-330c ' THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL has the following papers ; available in our ' office on • Wednesday. Goderich Signal Star, , Kincardine News, Clinton News Record, Mitchell Advocate, Seaforth Huron Expositor. • SAntinel, 528-2822--04tfnx TRAILER FOR .sale. Heavy duty: tandem 'axles and full canopy top. 14' long by 7'x 7'; $2,200 o b.o..Call 519- 797-2012 and. leave a .mes sage. H3Offcc • 2. Yard Sale 'MULTI FAMILY yard sale furniture, stagkable wash er/drye:r, baby clothes, stroller,. .swing, toys. Saturday, Aug. 16, •8 a.m.? Highway -21-,, just north. of Kingsbridge; Huron Sands Road, Watch for signs. -- 33cc .. 13. Garage Sale :HUGE GAR:AGE• sale; Saturday, August 16, 8 a.m.,. -.2 p.m. rainor shine,` County .Road 20, 9th; .Concession, • west. of Brookside _School, Ashfield •Township. Clean dishes, , toys, jars, bottles:, clothes, jewellery, books, dolls, wick- er, household items. Watch for signs. 7-33cc•- • 5. Cars RED 81 MO.NTECARLO, 'good running condition, •decent .body, 305 49r1:, southern •car. New rear • shocks and springs, rear' axles, seals and bearings, • muffler' and tailpipe, battery with:7 year warranty: Make:... an offer.! Call 887-9618 or 887-6795 and leave mes sage'--33,34nxe FOR .SALE; BY -auction 1989 .Ford Pi -tab!, sold certu reserve bid. Kincardine CoCommunityity Centre,. 601 Durham St:.,: Kincardine, Friday Aug "15, 5353 for details.--33cc' computell's` COMPUTER- SPECIALS. . - 33 6 Baud Moderns; $125 installed Loaded Pentium 133 $1899 with .monitor. Cannon-BJC 240 printers $250:: Finanng airailable on ,. systeci• vans. Computing • 528-2875. Magic@ Huron.Net.• --33.35x. 6:30 'p.m., Phone (519) 395 7G, Bee: Vehicles 35' BUS"CAMPER; fridge: stove, bathroom, sleeps 6. $2000 or'.best offer. New motor, needs some work Heritage II .wood, insert with. blower used one season. New $2500, Asking $1009, Phone 528-2421. --33,34x. 1.0 Pets KITTENS NEEDING .' a good home, theirs is too crowded. Usedto children' and dog. Phone 529-3180. - WIRE CHICKEN cages for laying hens for sale. Sold..' individually or in large quart titles. Wanted to buy some calf hutches. Phone 528- 5842.-31-33 • 1i b.: Wanted to Buy WANTED APPROXIMATE- LY 1'200 small square bales df mixed grain bedding straw. Call Lane. Gardner 529-7226. --33 • • ' 1 ie. Livestock ,I BANK SALE!! Highest bid- der takes, up to 09/30/97. 1.20 'Ostrich breeders, equipment, 80 acres, 14, barns, . 700 bird capacity, federal plant -nearby Bluffton, AB, PIF 403-843-, 403-8'43-,' 3526.--33bc ONE YEAR OLD, American Shetland/Hackney 'mare, , great potential. $1000: Phone 529-1140: - 33ar' 1 if: Produce. ROUND' BALES 1st :cut, .hay,. stored inside. •Phone 385- '4238 3a -35x 30. ACRES FOR sale .of second cut hay, Phone '528- 2645: --33,34 11h: Services TARPS AND INDUSTRi.AL COVERIN,GS'- made to for trucks,. trai•Iers, gravity boxes, _etc. Vinyl,. canvas poly: New/Repairs: Party tent rentals Tiesma Industrial' Coverings, Bay f ieid. 482-3540..-26tfg- peow' 12... Real Estate. RETIRE .TO ,NOVA SCOTI- A'S' beautiful. South' Shore! New., professionally, designed' and 'maintained, Lahave Heights offers qualm ty, affordable community liv•• - ung near healthcare, shop • ping and golf courtes. 'Only highest standard,. low main tenance, manufactured. homes. On-site superinten- dent. Free information pack- age; 1-888-562-5552, 198 North Street, Bridgewater, NS, 34V 2V6, home.@giinx..00m., ' http://www.homecentre.com -31-33nxe-33bc