HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1997-08-13, Page 1VOL. 124 WK:33'
by 1'at.]l.i`ngstox
A tentative. meeting for
the councils of the village
of Lucknow, and' the
townships of Kinloss:;
West Wawanosh, Ashfield
and Huron to discuss
amalgamation did not take
place on Monday ni t
Adroit Township> i s not
:interested in goin.g Into '
Huron Coat ' (see:
accompanying story); and
i's: in favor of option Z.:
whrcli> : wott .ci seri: thy:
rue Courtly , mun cipali�;:.
ties of Lucknow and
Kinloss amalgamatedwith.
Huron Townships
Ashfield Township also
declined to attend [he
meeting: ,
Reeve Allan Gibson
said that, at this 'point "it's.
too, large an area.' Gibson
said his municipality
would have been more
receptiveto meeting' and:
tacking about amalgamates
ink'' with Lucknow,
Ki•n.l'oss. and: West.
Waw anos•ln, Sias,; we' a:1t
work together. now"
When asked ' if he
thought .the county lines
were a problem, Gibson.
replied, " "Nothing is
West Wa.wanosh's
reply to the invitation had.
not been received by the,
time notice was. received-
From Huron and Ashfield.
Bruce County conncif
rant: yesterday in comrit-
tee -o t -.clic whole, to review'
the two county options..
HuronTownship prefers county's option 2
by Ron, Wassink
Huron Township noun .
cil.:has decided if .it had a
choice on who it ,would
amalgamate with, it would
be. with •tinloss Township`
and, the village of
Lucknow., '
• That:option,commonly
known as option 2, ;was
preferred; by councillors
after .discussing the issue
at their Aug. 6 committee-'
of -the whole :meeting.
Councillors briefly dis-
cus$ed a"third" option by
Lucknow-arid Kinl
includ'e'd the townships of
Ashfield'' .and West
Wawanosh:in the amalga-.
mation. But. council
° declined :an Aug. 11
to a meeting: to dis
cuss that option with.
Lucknow, Kinloss., West
Wawanosh and Ashfield.
lv rn,:not in favor of
crossing the county, line,
Reeve Murray Thompson
said. "I'm not interested in
going. into Huron County,"
..'.The "third" option
would include two'Huron
County municipalities.
Councillor Bruce.
Tanner ' said he wasn't in
favor af,that either, but
'Said it. could be an option
"as we get deeper into the
talks arid they want to join
ass; -to-
Snieltzer said option 2 was
better than option .1
"This (option 2) would
make, a good amalgama
tion with Kinloss and
Lucknow; Smeltzer,• said.
Option I; the one
Huron doesn't like; would
2 memories
by Pat Liringstof
Some area residents'
had the opportunity. last
week to participate in the
tnalung of a documentary
commemorating the 25th
anniversary of -the
Canada -USSR'' Summit
Hockey Series: •
The .Vancouver produc-
er•of the documentary says
the .focus •rs more on the
people indirectly involved
in the :series, the Canadian
fan.:sthe main 'objective. is
to find 'out just what it'
meant to Canadians when-
heen-Paul-Henderson scored the
winning -goal.
So where would ' they
;go to get some great,meni .
'Odes? Lucknow of, course.
Paul's hometown, where
he grew up playing hock-.
ey and where he continues
to have a positive impact
on youngsters inthe minor
'hockey systems
Taking 'part in a round
table group discussion : at
the. Mayfair last Thursday
were Rod McDonagh, Bill:
Hunter, Gord' Cayley,
Gladys Hamilton; ,George
-Anderson, Barry Johnston,
and of course, Ron Alton
who is Henderson's broth-
- er- in-law:. They all retnezn-'
ber.exactly where: they •
were and what they were
doing when that momen-
amalgamate ' ' Huron.
Township, with the towrh
ships of Kinloss.,.
Kincardine and Bruce, and
Tiverton, Lucknow and
Kincardine. ,
Councillor ,Bob Harris
wondereif amaigamation
.would end -after Bruce
County municipality
boundaries` have been
redrawn, ,or whether the
province would. want fur-
ther amalgamations.
•. , The county met as :a
committee -of -the -whole -
yesterday (Aug. 12)' to dis-
cuss the two options it has
for amalgamation. Option
1 , wasrejected, by ,the
province earlier this sum-
mer as being incomplete.
Mary Rose :Walden,
administrator, ' said the
Aug. 12 meeting would.
likely see the. county
deciding on the two
options and determining
issues, such: as how anew
county council would be
elected and .whether there
would be 'a ward system.
"There is no. option ;3
('%n the county), "'Walden
Deputy: Reeve Cecil
' Sutton said ;the coun41
shouldonly, vote on the.
..two options ,presented by
the county, adding "that's
why;we have no comment
out ori
- by Pat,Livingston
Area municipalities
received notification from
the Ontario Provincial
Police: last week listing the
preliminary cost for polic-
"It's part of the who"
does what," Said Lucknow
Reeve Stuart Reavie: "One
of the many great ideas of
.the', . Pr'ogres$ive
'PConit ervatives," he
"The Police Services
Amendment :Aet, 1597;'
will introduce significant
,chongeS;,to how police ser
. vices throughout Ontario
.are financed; governed
'and overseen,".. says.'A.R,
Neville, staffsergeant at
the Kincardine detach
menta in his 'written com-
Based onra county -wade
assessment of policing
costs for 'the year 1996;
Lucknow is looking at an.
estimated cost of $97,107,
effective Ian.• 1, 199$.'The
codnty average is $'174.97'
per' household :for, $5.5
households in the 'village:
Thenew legislation
provides a number of
Options :.,for providing
police services within a.•
community which Reavie
said heis checlung: into.
Kinloss' 'preliminary
estimate. is $80,660 for
461 househgids
The as:s•essment aper
household in Huron coun-
ty. is $171:80,: that breaks •
down to a preliminary
estimate, for Ashfield of
$231,929 (1;350 house-
holds) and
ouseholds):and :$$0,746 for
Wes,t : Wawanosh •(470
All figures are based on
the °current type of service, •
provided by the QPp to '
the above municipalities,
The first Mud bog: sponsored by the Dungannon Agricultural Society
toes goal was scored and. '
kicked off,fair dayswith a big splash, last Saturday. The event met with .a
shared stories about.
great response from. participants and fans. (Livingston. photo)
*see Program,'page 2