HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1997-08-06, Page 10Page 10 l4ucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, August 6, 1997 31. Service Directory CARL SLOETJES Sales. installation, Rrnnvat:ons • Replacement Windows & Doors • Kitchen Cabinets • Vanities • Carpet and Linoleum t Roofing • Free Estimates RR.7 . • LUCKNOW 529-3164 32. Babysitting MATURE RESPONSIBLE person required to babysit a 3 year old and 1 year old. Preferably in your home, Lucknow area, beginning. is September.,; Phone evenings 395-5250, •:=32 MOTHER OF:TWO chil- dren,' both school age, will- ing to bebysiit in my home Monday to Friday: Low • rates, lunch and snacks pro- vided, References available. Halmesville area: Call 519- 524-1139--25tfcc 34. Personal ARE YOU experiencing :the: aftermath of - an abortion/emotions you can't explain?"Most post=abortal women experience trauma in their lives, CaII our 24•- . ;hr. hotline collect (51.9) 323 3751, for confidential sup=' port--32ar `A cost will be incurred; EVANLY-RAYS PHYSIC'. ANSWERS Police use us, Rated #1: in Canada. Instant answers. 'about ,'Leve; Money, Career, Lucky #s, Relationships,'Achieve Oise! $2.99/rain.', 18 + 24 Hrs. CaII' 1-900-451-4055. -- • 24-38cc . NEEDED 1100 PEOPLE who are seriously.interested in losing 5 - 200 lbs. each. : Call 519-235-3707. = 29= 32cc' • ''A cost wilt lie iriculrred. -MAKE -DECISIONS WITH CONFIDENCE: Gifted psy chins want 'to fielp you.- 1- 900-451-3555 ext. '3589.-• • $3.99 per minute. Must be' 1$ years. Procall Co: 602- 954-7420,•-32bc 36: Atnnouncernents• "ANOTHER WAY. TO. • • 'PLAY DRAW WINNERS . I August 1: ' Hunking•.Famiiy, 1. 'Dungannon : $500: Candice, Cody and Clint Hamilton -. $150;,Heather Pegg - $75.; H.R. Dept.' , Champion, Goderich - $50, --32ar 35. Legai Notice: • NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS lathe estate of JOHN DA'ViD . MACDONALD late of the Township of Ashfield, in the County of Huron. All persons having claims against the Estate of John Daviel MacDonald, the above named •.deceased who died on or about the 20th day of May, 1997, are hereby notified to„send to • the undersi•gned •on or . before September 6, 1997 their names and full pajtidu- lars of their claims... Immediately after the• said. date, the estate will be dis- tributed having regard only to the claims of which notice has been received.` Dated at ., Huron Township this 14th .day .of July, 1997.. • 39.Educationai LEARN AUCTiONFERING, Classes held Aug. 16-22 and Nov. 15-21/97. For information • contact: Southwestern Ontario 'School of Auctioneering, R:R. #5, Woodstock, Ontario N43 7V9 (519)537- 2115..--32bc `40. Lost/Found LOST from Room 12 at Pinecrest Manor "Garden. .Gateway to Canada” book ' and small God'erich,phane dire"ctory. Phone;Pearl at 395-5283 --32x LOST 800 Ib: STEER, limo ' cross, lot 4, conc. 14 .Ashfield, Eastern division. Phone 395-2766. --32x • CRAWFORD; MILL, & DAVIES, Barristers & Solicitors, Box 1.00, 38 Queen Street RlPLEY, Untario. ._ NOG; 2R0. =30,31;32. 37. Mortgages :1 • 1" & 2"d Mortgage Money Absolutely No Upfront Fees, Available as low as ' 6.50" •interest Personal Loans If you' qualify, payments Amt. -Approxi. Mo. Payment $ 5,000 • s 41,66 • 10,000 s aa.3s: '15;000 ' , " '125.00 Consolidate lour debts e Calf (519)363-02111-8007387,1932 'ASTRAL FUNDING INC. 38. Auctions 3. Births SCOTT Jack •and Peggy Jo Scott are thrilled to announce the safe arrival of their daugh- ter, Madison -Leigh, 7 lbs .1 oz., on Thursday, July 24, 'C997, 8:30' -a.m. at the ounty of Bruce General Hospital, A little sister for Chloe -Margaret and: a new • firstmate fo•r big brother .. Connor. A new granddaugh-.' ter for Dr, R.J. and 'Karen : ' Creighton of 'Walkerton and Marg Scott of St, Catherines. 'Lovingly' watched 'over by her' Tate grandma Joan• Creighton. Special thanks to -the LCPS staff and grade;: 3 class for all Of. their siipport..and encouragement. --32' 48. in Memoriam 48. Coming. Events 48. Colming Events MATTHEWS In loving memory of a dear father Samuel, who'passed away 6 years ago, August 12; 199t and 'dear brother Rick who passed away 12 years ago August 22, 1985, Forever Remembered, Forever Loved. Always in our thoughts, Chariynn, Carol, Debbie, Phyllis and families;--.32nxe CAMPBELL • in .loving, memory. of •Grace Campbell, who passed - away one year ago. Just a thought of sweet ' remembrance. Just a.memory fond and,, true. Just a token of affection' Anda heartache still for you. • '• Ever remembered. by Ilene and family. --32x , mental concerns together) will meet at 8:30 p.m.. Wednesday, Aug; 6, at St. Joseph's Church, Kingsbridge, to continue dis- cussing issues 'surrounding Our very sincere thanks are the expansionof large inten- :extennded to our family for hosting a' most enjoyable• and memorable evening for our •45th 'wedding 'anniver sary at the • Lucknow Community. Centre.' Many thanks to all friends, ,neigh- s.bors. and relatives .'who attended and for the cards, . `Cards of,. Thanks • AUCTION REGISTER CONSIGNMENT SALE DAVIDSON CENTRE FRIDAY, AUG. 15/97 If'you, have.something. to sell, give .us a cell. ,. Grant McDonald; '395.5353. Wallace Ballagh 39"6170 Auctioneers Sincere 'thanks for• your, thoughtful expressions of sympathy in the recent loss of our: dear husband, father, brother, uncle. and brother. - ,in -law. «We extend' our appreciation : to all our relatives, , friends' . and neighbours, for their cards, beautiful. flowers • and. donations., Also . to Rev. Vicars Hodge ' for ,:his• comforting. messages. and for officiating atthe funeral' service.: All has 'been sincerely, appreciated. ' We will: always. reterinber your thoughtfulness. Brenda, John,.' Richard, Peter, Margaret, lairs, Gordon and.' Allison bay ' 36. Announcements 36. Announcements NOTICE RE: SPOT SPRAYING OF WEEDS This notice is to-adi/ise residents Of the County of 'Huron that SPOT SPRAYING OF WEEDS in rural areas•conimenced on June .9.'1997, for a period of .approximately 12 to t4 weeks. Herbicides to be Used are: AMITROL T, Registration No. 16548; and DIPHENOPROP, Registration No. 15707, To be controlled are noxious weeds as per. the Provincial Weed Control Act. ' ' This notice complies with Section 68(2) of Regulation 914 under the Pesticides Act Forfurther Information, please hall the Huron. County Weed. Inspector at 519=524-8394. BINGO Goderich Knights of Columbus; every Thursday, 7 p.m, Columbus Centre, 390 Parson's Court, $4400. in prizes; progressive jack- pot $1000.; regular jackpot. $1590 must go. Superstar Provincial game played every bingo night. .Lic, • #157920. —13tfar LUCKNOW FARMERS' MAR WednesdaysKET 9•• to 4, Lucknow Sales. Barn; crafts, meat, produce, breads, sit kinds of homemade baking. For vendors ,or information call Ruby MacLennan R:R.; 1 Tiverton, NOG 2T0, 353:. 5014.18-43x • PROTECT (presenting re.commenda- tions on township environ- 47. Cards of. Thanks good ;.wishes,.;gifts and. • donations to the Canadian Food Grains Bank.` Special thanks to the.Lucknow • Agricultural. Society and Country. Citchen.'for their. help arid to the Lucknow Legion Pipe .Band our gran ddaughter Jacklin • Falconer • and • Tiffin's Orchestra' for providing musical. entertainment.'lt. wao•-an-evenin. -we will: always remember. ,Archie., and Mildred: --32x DUIKER We.wish to' thank 'everyone. *for - the flowers, cards, best, wishes received for our 40th wedding anniversary. Hank and Jackie, --32x '.SOCCER -Thanks` to all the coaches, referees and .parents fo'r, making• thisanother suc- cessful soccer season.'A. special thanks to the squirts for their thoughtful gift. ,Jack and Doreen Mali:`--32xs , sive livestock operations. Please join us., --32ar • FLOWER AND VEGETABLE SHOW & TEA Lucknow Legion, August ' 1.3Tea 2 - 4 p.m Bake table, Sponsored by Lucknow & : District Horticultural Society. --31,32 ar Bus Trip to Wonderland Tuesday, August 1:2'' • from Lucknow, Ripley & Wirtgham s1Q0O per person doesnot include entry Call Thelma 528-2813 Gordon T. Montgomery School & Chartered Buses Lucknow ' • • Bus Trip to Wonderland, Thursday, `August 21!: from . • Lucknow, Teeswater &.. Wingham . 10" per'person does not include entry Call Thelma 528-2813. Gordon, T. Montgomery, School .& Chartered Buses Lucknow '',4,iiiiiit fi f�sir'lr.;. ' b # & L. . -For ;•� Barry Treble and. • Laurie 'Pentlandl Fri. Aug. 8, 1097 z. :', -Goderich Arena . COME AND. GO ' ' .Lunch Provided SHOWER Please loin us for a Corne .' and Go Shower for Heather Steer at the'home of Mary ,Lou Priestap Irwin Saturday. August 9 at130 p.m, until 4 P.m. Everyone, welcome. --. 81,32k •' % ' Age of. Majority Tickets $5.06 each ti.. iNFORAMATION.CALL Bruce 524-7940 or PaUl 529=3384 : • BRIDAL' SHOWER_: Everyone is welcome to •Corne and join us for a bridal shower for Brenda VanOsch , on August: 8, 8 p..m at St Joseph's.. Parish' hell, Kingsbridge;:�-32xs LORETTA LiNN, :PRAIRIE OYSTER, GEORGE FOX, Hank 'Willi;a'ms I1:I;,': Blue . Rodeo' Gimping, Aug.. 14th, 15th; 16th, , 17th. .riay.'elock Country Jamboree . Havelock :1.800-539-3353 , ,Tickets.--32bc 48, Combing. Events FIDDLING AT THE FALLS. JAMBOREE at the Fails Reserve. Conservation' Area on , Saturday, August 9., music begins' at 1• p.m. Musicians welcome to register and, play!. Adrnissidn is $7.00 per car. Falls Reserve; is located off County. Road ,31 , at Benmiller, Call 524-6429 for; information. --32ar BRIDAL SHOWER for • Teresa Jefferson `: Monday, .August 11 at 7:30. pm., Donnybrook United 'Church. Everyone wet come.--32xs • • • MAKING NEW FRIEND AAA Date Age f `.,roup Sat,. Aug. 16 9:00-10:30 a.m. , Minor Atom (1587), 10:30 a.m.-12:00 noon .Major Atom (1986) 12:1;5' p.m. -1:45 p,m. .Minor Pee Wee (1985); 1:45 p,m.-3:15 p.m, Major Pee Wee (1984) 3:30 p.m.=5:00 p.m. Major Bantam (1982) , 5:00 p.m; 6:30 p.m. Mihor Bantam.(1983) Sat, Aug. 23 5:00 p.m. -6:30 pmMidget (1980/81) All players must have a "1997" OHF TRYOUT FORM" , signed by yourlocal Association FORAOORIONAL TI M:N TI ESS, OHFFORMS.• ' OR MORE INFORMATION COMM ::"000041.140k or Charlie'Akey 5270033 11,0041 r. Art Lerivee 345-9922;(10am. to 5 p.m,) r,Dick Lord 2346396 (answering machine)ft *r Joe Lobb 233.3372 (answering machine)� f' LOCATION: SEAFORTH ARENA