HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1997-08-06, Page 8Page. 8- Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, August 6, 1997 • INDEX CLASSIFIED 528-2822 01., Articles for Sale 02. Yard Sale 03. Garage SOe 04.. Antiques 04a. Crafts 05. Cars for Sate 06, Trucks for Sale SPORTS & RECREATION 7a. For sale•General 7b. Wanted to Buy 7c. Wanted to Rent 7d. Bicycles 7e. Motorcycles 7f. Snowmobiles, • 7g. ReC. Vehibles 7h. Boats, Motors, etc. SerVice & Parts", 7K. SwimMing Pools 08. Computers 10. Pets 10&Horses FARM ra•=•••=-mm..•mm.m.m••-===-1, RATES AND DATA '"" •"•;'"••-•;•••• •••••-•?.7:""•"'"""71•T.'""'"•:"•""":-•:• 11a. For sale dener•al 11b. Wanted to Buy: 11c1, Wanted to Hire •11d.. Empl. Wanted Ile Livestock Faun .Produce 11g, Equipment ' 11 h,,Services 11j Farm Land , 11k. Real Estate • 111 Wanted to Rent 11m. For Rent., keal Estate 13. Mobile HomeS 14. VicationS. 16. For Rent 17, Apartments • • 18.. Houses for,Rprit 19a. Bed & Breakfast 20. Room & Board 23. ,Commerdial 24. Wanted•to Rent • 25. Wanted to BIN 26. Help Wanted • ' 27: Wanted General. BusineSS Opp 29. Tenders . • 30. Empl. Wanted 31. Service Directory • 32. Babysitting 33. Miscellaneous: 34. Personal 35: Legal Notices 36. Announcements 37. Mortgages 3,8-. Auctions Educational 40. Lost & Found 41. To, GNP Away 42:. Obituaries • , 43. Births • 44.. Engagements , 145. Marriages 46. In Memoriam 47. 'Card of Thank* 48. Coming. Events 1 Vieek - $4.25 • • 2 weeks $7.45 3 weeks or more - $3.27 each week , extra words at .16 each Cards of Thanks - $4.25 for 25 words 44 extra words at .06 each In Memorram $4.25 + .35 for each line of verse Birth Announcement - $10.00 flat fee • 3 3 ads - $10.50 pre -paid for 25.words• • extra words at .16 each Thursday Special - *25 for 25 words Must be placed and paid on ThurSday Save a 04.00 billing charge by pie -paying G.S.T nalncluded In above price" 11( Call 528-2822 • i. For Sale ONE JUNIOR GOALIE SEGA GENESIS with two •• mask and blocker. Brand controls, and seven games• new, never Wom. Great deal Excellent condition. Hardly at $250. Cali 524-5140 or used, $150 Call 524-5140 524-1738: -30-32nxe 9r 524-1738. --30-32nxe CONFIDENTIAL TYPING USED 8 X 8 POSTS. eft The Lucknow Sentinel does lengths,. great for walkways, confidential custom tyPin0 flower beds, barnyards, for customers; resumes, beach walls, etc. $3 each. tem' etc. We can , biter you a Phone 395,4131.--5t4r, number- of different print. types and sizes. Call ourUSEDSED tARPET•irorn major Rust/Plum color, 19 's Office or drop in for morere 12. $30/ro11.1.PhOn0 528- details..81fnx- • 3164, --29t1 THE ' • 11. For Sale DURA -.BUILDING SYS- TEMS - Great prices on. quality, Canadian -made, pre-engineered steel build- ings: We sPecialize in, agri- cultural, commercial, indus- trial and recreational build- ings. Call for details. 1-800- 663-7438 FUTURE STEEL BUILD- INGS, Durable, Dependable, Pre-engi- neered, All -Steel Structures. .Custom-made to Suit Our. needs and•reqUirements. Factory -Direct affordable, prices. Call 1-$00-66&8656 ext. 536 for free brochure. Pick up your copy ol THE. .LUCKNOW SENTINEL at' any: of. the' following Lucknow businesses: .,Beckers Milk,. Bell's Discount, Lucknow Village Market, , Rx• Central,' Lucknow, HJ Used Cars a,ncl'Annie's Gas Bar, and Hamilton Fuels..-52tf SALE OF • guarenteed , . . reconditioned appliances, repairsand serviOe to ell Makes; purchasing , and. Pickup of used appliances, peat new and used. Call Ted at AFFORDABLE APPLIANCE REPAIR 395- 4842. -SQ-34co .• LUCKNOW SENTINEL has the following, papers, available in our office on Wednesday: Goderich Signal Star, Kincardine Nels,- Clinton News Record, Mitchell Advocate, • Seaforth Huronpcpcsitbr.' --16tfnx COCUMBI:1,06 for sale 1 road north of St. Helen's Eli Yoder. -41-33 THE LUCKNOW•SENTINEL . WEIGHT LOSS is availableat the following . locations out, of town: . ,....,.RAMLose the' NEW BREAlITHRQUGH ... HOlyrood. General Store,. PROGRAM pounds you want to lose. Ripley •Superior Market; Dawson's StoreNo enrollment fee. ,No ., Dungannon; MacNay's . monthly requirement, skit- ple, convenient, proven.. Stote, Amberley; Triangle , Discount, Goderich; Brian's .Complete info without ()Wig- • ValU-Mart, - Win,gharn aticn. Marianne Bollinger McPheIDA520-7807. --30tfeowcc e , VVingham, Hart Food Mart, TeeSwiter, 100 '; 4,x 5 hard core round • MacAdaMMini Mart, hipley, • bales Of hay; 1,2 hp, Roper Port Albert General Store,. lawn tractors, 38" deck. Call and Keith's Repair Service; after 6 p.m 335-4342. -- . • 1Nhitechurch. -.-9tfnx ' 31,32 • , , • • WOODSTOVE & EIRE- . CUSTOM FAXING • PLACE glass, will not break Need to send or receive a from:heat. Cut to any Size or tax? The Sentinel doescus- shaPe:, The Chimney tom faxing for customers. Sweep's Stove 'Parlor & Drop in or call 528-2822 for Gallery inc. 366-5274, - details. --41tfnx • ' • 41tfnbcpni , • ' STEEL BUILDING'S FOR • SALE... Ends included 25 • THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, ages keaders to use Hon When sending money far business opportunities or employment advertise- ments. Be certain you, are dealing with a. reputable company before releasing any credit card information or sending any money. Remember, if an advertise- ment sounds too good to be true, it probably is. --32tfnx x, 40 was .$5;624; now $4,908. 32 x 44 was $6,835, • now $6524. 40 x 60 was$9,988i no $9,644: Many others. Pioneer 1-* 800-668-5422.• 18'DISH Summer is here - and so - -are the -hot deals from L & A Southwest Satellite. 18" EchOStar now only. $399 - or .$13/month O.A.C. Cal1.524- 9$95 day or night . --25tfce • 1. For' Sale NEED A RESUME? Professionally prepared, laser printed on quality paper. $15.00 for 5 sets We keep your resume. an file in case you need changes or updates .at a later date. Call us or drop•in for details, The Lucknow Sentinel, 528-2822-04tfnx 919H ALLIS-CHALMERS garden. tractor. 19 •hp. Kohler twin, 484 mower deck;' exCellent condition, $2850 o.b..o; 1992 Noma 12 p h., 39" outriding lawnmow- er, good condition $650. o.b.o.s; 10 hp Co-op riding lawnmower, 36" cut, good condition, $400 o.b.o. Please call 524-1933 or .524-8295: -,30-32nxe' 2. Yard. Sale • YARD SALE - Saturday, August 9, 9 a..m. at St. Peter's Anglican Parish Hall, Lucicnow. Lunch available::: -31,32ar S.' Cars \RIDIN9 LAVVNMOVVE13, Homelife, 8 h.p. Briggs & Stratton engine, 30", cut, Very little use -age, good condition. Phone 529,3180. 41-33nxe SEED GARLIC. Phone 357- 3587 after 8:30 [p.m. for details: 31,32 1 MAPLE TREE TOPS for .'sate. Ptione 395:3497. -.- 31,32x ' . FOR SALE CucUmbers,. tomatoes, vegetables at the Daniel Stutzman's Farm, 1: block south of St. Helen's, 1/4 mile east -31,32 . TRAILER -FOR sale. Hea,vy duty -tandem axles andlull 'Canopy top. 14' long by 7'x $2,200 o.b.o. Call 519-. 797-2012 and leave a mese sage. --30tfoc , EARL'S AUTO PARTS LTD.. RR 1; Kincardine-- CASH FOR CARS Phone 395-2947 ° Lucknow Ripley. TARPS AND INDUSTRIAL COVERINGS •-• made to. ' size, for trucks., trailers, gravity boxes; etc. canvas poly. New/Repairs. Party tent rentals Tiesma Industrial Coverings, Bayfield. 482-3540, -726tfg- peow CUSTOM- COMBINING - will combine wheat, barley, corn and Soybeans. For more information call 395- 3'32.--29-32X . 12. Real Estate CHEAPER THAN renting;d� , check out this 3+ bedroom home in Kinlough, only • $59,900. Call- Marlene Gibson, Broker 395-3192 ' Lake panga•Reany 39p7 ,0620.--30-32x POINT' CLARK - 3 bed- room,. raised bungalow 4 piece bath, eat in kitchen, faundry, 'Sunken Ilvingroom, and boot room, on upper level, :framed ready to cus- tom finish. Future rec•room With fireplace, twobedroom, 4 piece bath and storage area onIciwer level: 1 1/2 garageon well treed cul-de-: sablot. 'Phone Clarke's' • B.A, McDONAGH REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE LTD. 10 Pets'. •KITTENS NEEDING a good home, 'theirs is too crowded.' Used to 'children " and clog. Phone 529-3180. - ' I ONE PUREBRED female Golden .Retrieifer, 9 weeks old. Vet checked, $250.• Phone 395-5868. --32xs • • .•• • • • • • • i to. General WIRE 'CHICKEN cages fOr laying hens for sale, Sold, individually or in large quan- tities. Wanted to buy some calf hutches. Phone 528- 5842-31-33, 114. Equip. LUCKNOW -'4 bedroom; 2, 3' & 4 pc. bath; attached garage, backs up to stream: Asking $74,500. LOTS - for selq, ail serviced. $15,000. . • .- ' 35 ACRES - Edge of toot4 Lucknow, taedroom bunU iece bath., hot eat, carport, large deck, paved road, ham, 16 x STONE HOUSE .; 3 bedroom. largefamily loom, fireplace, hot tub, patio, .paved drive, 3 car garage. $114,900. JUST LISTED - 3 bedroom home,.. 4 pc. bath, kitchen, built in. ,cUpboards, oil furnace, full baseMent. Asking $54,900. . ., Fraser.MacKinnort 528-3013 Berry McDonagh 528-2031' , • • GLEANER E COMBINE with cab, -10 ft strkght cut' head, pickup ,and straw spreader. Field ready. Phone 529-7430. 7-31,32co a •