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Page 4 m Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, August 6, 1997
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A Sowes Publishers. Community Newspaper 619 Campbell St.. Lucknow. Ontario
. P.O. Box 400, Lucknow, Ontario NOG 2H0 r--�
phone: (5.19) 528-2822 fax: (519) 528-3529
- Established 1873 * T J,
• Tom Thompson - Advertising Manager, •
Pat Livingston - General Manager / Editor .
Phyllis Matthews Helm - Office Administrator
• Joan Courtney - Typesetter
Subscription Rates advance: Regular $25.66 (incl. postage aid G,S.T.) . Senior
• $23.52 (incl. postage and G.S.T.) ..
Foreign &, [ISA $96.00. Publications mail registration no. 0847
held at Goder ich. Ontario.. Published 52 times 'a year.
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Hackett Iea.gue holds outdOor service
70 years ago
Aug..4, 1927
otes from Ashfield.
United Church -
Blake choir will
take heart again and the
service, of praise will go
better since there has been
a new organ, installed.
,The Hackett league did
what should be done more.
often these summer.
evenings when it hadits
meeting out .of doors last
Thursday night. The
church steps were very a
convenient place to carry
forward. the program. The '
pastor presided over a
• quiet, interested company
of young. people. A car
conveniently placed gave
'of its brilliant light, and all
passed off well. •
Tall hay By `way of
proving that hayis not a
short crop this season,• we
were last week presented
with a couple of plants of
:white -blossom" sweet
clover' 72 inches. tall.
.That's ' getting to look more
like corn. than cover, but •
it's, clover all right.`Dan'
Fergiison,of townmade
the presentation, but we
'' forget whose fertile farm • it,`"
A few days earlier, a
party living just north of.
town showed us stems of.
orchard grass which .had
grown to 6.0 inches.
50 years ago
Aug, 7, 1947
Start moving build-
ing Work of. cutting
The Clansmen's new.
recreational building. at
Port Albert was completed
a few days ago, and mov-
ing operations commence.
this; week.. .
' The building will be
moved by the Darling.
Company in • five sections
and assembled on the
. foundation south of the
post office.
Close call. Bob Boak I
had an experience last `
Wednesday that he's not
eager . to .repeat. • While
returning from the,
Paramount farm; a streak
of lightning flashed down
"almost on .top of him' and
splintered telephone poles
and .:fenceposts a few .feet
• Notimmediately did -
Bob notice any reaction to
the 'close call, but shortly
after had a sphtt ng'.
'headache and a .soreness; in
his chest.
Ghost town 'With
local residents : flocking to;
the beaches,. to the races or
to other vacation points,
this community. was the
typical deserted village
over the weekend.
25.years ago
Rev. . George
Garatt named to
parish - • Rev
George Garratt of Weston
has been appointed to the
Lucknow: Anglican parish,
and will take up his new
duties on Oct. 1. He suc-
ceeds Rev. Robert ”
Odendahl who retired.
Legion to assist. pool '
fund - The Lucknow
branch of the Royal
Canadian, Legion , has
made plans to assist the
.swimming pool project for.
the area. -
The Legion will -donate
all proceeds from their
weekly bingos in August
and September, as . well as
dances held in those two
months, In addition, any
rent collected:' from.. other
groups renting the hall to
put on fund' raising events
for the pool, Will be donat-
ed to, the pool project by
the Legion. .
Sepoy days .- The -
sepoy Days •Sidewalk Sale :'
produced some interesting
_• occurrences. "One mer-
chant literally sold "the .; for
shirt ;off his• back",,;a t5
1/2, which couldn't be
matched in the existing cookie
stock. The customer is
always right, and when he
requested the shirt the
merchantwas wearing;
which was the proper size
and color, themerchant
gladly peeled it off and
said „Sold!"
Alice Showers ane)
Ethel Whitmore,:
both of Goderich,
had a booth at the
27th annual craft.
festival :.last : week...
The ladies were
very happy with
business' as will be-
attested to by the
number.. of Local '.
people sporting the
light weight chats.
made by the ladies
(Livingston photo)
ur vie for ambassador of I un
Natasha Godfrey
Currently attending
Goderich : pistrict.
Collegiate Institute,
Natasha, 17, plans to
pursue a career as a 1aw.
clerk and attend Georgian
College, Barrie. The.
Dungannon teen is the
daughter of Marlene. She
is sponsored by West
Wawanosh Mutual:
Insurance. •
Michaela Johnston
Michaela Johnston, 17, of
R.R. 7, Lucknow; is tak-
ing her OACs at F.E.
'Madill Secondary School,
Wingham. Michaela
plans to .study criminalo`
gy at Windsor 'University
as a lead into law .school.
She :is the daughter of
•John and Diane. Her
sponsor is George Smyth
. Welding.
Wendy Kuran
Wendy Kuran, 19, is
sponsored by 'W: G.
Thompson and Sons: The
daughter of Ann and Bill
Kuran,, of •Godench, will
be ' attending Guelph.
University taking the
Bachelor of Arts program
and ,then aims to com-
plete the general or bon -
ors degree. •
Sandra Alton
Eighteen -year-old Sandra
Alton will finished ..her
OACs at F.E. Madill, . ..
Wingham and; then attend
the' University of Guelph
• for a degree course and
eventually become a
farmer.. Sandra is the
daughter. of Don and .�
'Sherry, of R.R..' 7,.
Lucknow, and is spon-
sored~.by Mabon Meats
and Abattoir.
Dear editor:
I want to let you know
that I did heal` from Irvine
Eedy who . sent along his.
originalrecipe' for Eedy's
oatmeal cookies,-
ookies,Although 'I have •not•
had an opportunity to try
out the 'recipe, I am' look
' ing forward to gaining a
few unneeded pounds eat-
favorite oatmeal
Thank you for putting
my request in..:.:The
Sentinel. Best wishes; •
Lt] C1£I2(7W
India lady
Pen -pa:
Dear editor, •
Recently:. read to the
magazine of . the newspa
per The Hinduslain Times
of June 25 about another
Lucknow that • is in"
:Canada."How wonderful!'
I would ,like to make•
some fnerids there if they
are also,interested.
Pam '55. years _old, ,edu-
cated at the .famous :La-
.'Martinere `Girls` High
School (now. college).
Later I did my MA from
Algautl Mu.slimv,,'
Univ:ersity,, now settled in
1 have three sons all
born' in Lucknow and we
own a business of jew-
ellery, garments and'also
supply material ;for t
Anyone - having busi-
ness or mere friendship
interests is most welcome
to .Write.
With •high• hopes; .I am.
writing this letter. I send
my good •wishes and pros-
perity to the people of
Najorte Seth,'
18.Gole Market,
Lucknow, UP; India.