HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1997-08-06, Page 2°age 2 e Lueknow Sentinel, Wednesday, August 6, 1997 1 • IS • IS • re H ,• H R / 1 T' H • IaIC , -H PT RI 1996' PllnnaulhStine Stock #334P good•#ve id.vith!swims. Egtipped with automatic trans.,air cortdilion� ing,rile Nrlog; 'mint control and Mori SA" D 999. 996Fodor Rant 1596 Indy "SOO' Stock#376PA All This is afabulous meds Insicnopotois "500° vehicle, laded with Natures laclgfag $60 an9M , bold and distinctive striping, air 1996 Chrysler INhispa Stade 173834. ExceIwr'w$Gdrv* law leas.Niioikc equippd with V6 opine, air prlwel►wtndowt,, pivot' kda, mho, =sage and mons. fgAIADI 41 $0,975 1995 Plymouth .Voyager Star& #405P Superior von Attractive. Nicely °quipped ndudmg air conditioning, automatic, 7 parsen9er sooting on more. RIICCEDi is►,� '' r 994 Chrysler Intrepid slack172711A Value plus with fiisoM civewml equn tde. Air conditioning, power wmdow/levehcke, hh, auks, cassette and more SALE ' 191 flifit to sly rft PRICED! ,r 1C; 1 1996 Chr .r S.bnna ce4rmabi iXi hdurSiodtnmoo toodio nciud'i18 it3RVO6,rww.tmw'rwwt jtod . G•D player parer tap,1••••• til Block SAM 41 • outh Noon Sport swdt+ oo9conditioning,%uNicely equipput•iiir air i; wwtdamn, mon, molal ea170 n - - 1995 Chrysler Intrepid Slo& #73524 car. Very well mamtaned naw loos. EEwi gid with air, automatic, power windows, power (Wocuias til, cruise aid ken more. PRIGAIJI 4 PRICED,or go. 1995 Chevrolet 2500 Gulf Sandi ♦74204. Loaded hoick in extra clean This excellent vehicle would make'an deo family vehicle or trailer hauler 350 engin.. 1994 Chrysler Concord LX pave' 3� Be Deserter oily rwitequipped with ttaacdkk Chary raferiorwith , cpmplim m ing grey interior Grew Cat Great warrcny VALE: PRICED! 1994 Dodge Spirit Stock #7381A. Great looking ca; Blick exterior 4. lipped with V6 engine automatic, air conditioning, ES op level decor, cast alloy rims. SALS SIS 975 PRICED • 1994 Buick Regul GS Sleet.7246A, Fantastic MC 1WW with extra res. Pawerwindows/locks, Irk, 3803 engine, extra Ions. Beautiful bm9ndy/ exterior,yig PRICED!3 1t ' 1994 Dodge Dakota . Stack 17462A Good looking piddp. Equipped with V6 and automatic,: (1' box and in extra dean condition. &alien, warranty. Dark green coition PRICEDL_. • 1993 Ford Explorer x % Stock tt6259A. Supi,ior vded• weft low kms All the options and a plow to claw. Finithed in a striking •carni rum bk1e. GSA Warranty -Package. RI ID! ,17 975 1993 Plymouth Grand Voyager LE #n6ng.418A. Extra eanvehicle, loaded with features.o ghw' bteadense:,&oe ienem luydrr/kecla/vent,. PRICitDI S 1 S 975 ./ 1993 Ford, Mustang. convertible Steck #397P. Sharp car with low, low kms Automatic, lmnsmisiion, paver windows :power door locks, fie, cruise, air cm/claim/km and morin SHARP! 3ALI 313. 75 1993 Ford Aeroster "Sport" Stock Jf7378A.Great 'looking von. Equipped with • moul&A tuning board% and'sgon•decor package. V6,, auto, air. Red and grey ecnori• Vot deco. aDI 'I ® 1'• 1993 Chevrolet S10 4X4 .. .• Stock #72368, Super tnedf with low laps. Bright red exterior, extra wake. with ibeergkits cap and equipped with 4X4 rid V6 engine. Great /00 - SALtE$� PRICED!. ® ate•. • 1993 Ch• rvsler Dynasty sock #71.034: Good iooknQ well equipped and well nwntmned vehicle. Features include power winlgwi • and seek:: pN, cruise, auto, ail u,d more. QDl •fir 73 1992 Dodge Shedow ESConvertible Stock 1889P Fonlanic Cal LOW OW KMSi,Gold ddicar, power 1 wsil+du _Dorsi Green/Tan Top. SALE■a111) 9 '5 £4i,V;s`..i44i max;:: 1992 ford Aerostat Spode 07378A. Mint eardilron, low inn Aarostarvah.'7 passenger se air conditioning Lanni verywell tnairitwid. FicaeAnt Warranty Coverage.- PRICED I iJ.., • 1992 ChevrotettCorsica LT Stock #6387B. Mtnoctre, V6 equipped vehicle. Features incl deair conditioning, kit, auks, automatic and more. Bniglcow While mderior,• SAL° ' $975 PRICED let .. • 1992 GMC Safari Van Stock #3921;4. super van and nicely etluipped. Value pnrcdl,EgyipPd with.V6rginamalk, air conciliating, i'mrtkick“ Fanta PRICED '-- ' 1992 Chevrolet Carrggo Van ... Stock if4071%.. Excellent conditions' wait ekiri. Regular wheel ban.. V6 with automatic', bright white exterior low kms. Groot Wanany Good'&y, It RIMED! v 1992 GMC 1500 Club Cab` Sods #35016. Goad value valoid.: Nicely equipped with automatic trarismissiaht and V8 009110. Ofiei features include air conditioning, Slue Weno• SALE ig,�O .PRICID!•dg 1993'Dodge Spirit stock #73534 Super car. Mint condition.. Sharp lookup vehicle.` Equippd with automatic, cur conditioning, upgad.d interior cast alloy wheels. RlIl ol gt .;u 1992 Ford Crown Victoria LX #7359A Fabulous luxury vehide: Plum Mix Giyl.other'iweim: loaded with features. kms. Fonder Wornanty Offered. Nice Cr. , so 3 SI 1;075O :. 10 1992 Pontiac Grand Prig. Siodt 17510A. Grace value and very very clean v.hidi. equipped with V6, auto.; air, power windows, power 'llocks, tilt, suis* trod lots lotstimer. L D, ,31 i f9 1992.Toyota 4 -Runner SR -5 Sod:07512A. A truly, outstanding preowned vehicle.. 4x4, Equipped with ou at the features avulablo irkduding paweraa,roof, Immaatloie modular. "L o '*19 975 1989 p.Plymouth. Sundance Stock ao Warranty cldidRng a udile OACPriced nght der ills weekend, d ammo. 154"975 w *4 9 5 1992 Cavalier RS Wagon' Sock 1.7445A. Fxcdent conditions Law kms. Verywell, 'maintained vehde. Extra demi condition Equipped. with ¢ubmaae trmmissiotr. V✓lhi� • 973. sant MOD 1989 Oldsmobile Cutlass Cruiser Stock #391 PA Wry Very dianvehide Equipped with; V6, automatic, air conditioning, power features and 8 passenger sealing cap/city, aD $7r975 1991 GMC Tracker 4x4' • Stock 66421 D.. Superior Vehidel Great Looking Sport, 4x4 egUipped with automatic timsmission, Excellent • *arra, package and (holing available OAC. sou.. ,*3 -T .9711 • 1988 Chevrolet Celebrity Slack #320PA' Fantastic condition and budget priced. . Nicely equipped with automatic and air conditioning. Weil ma e:wdvelitia it c al®t. L1cfQ _ a9 i/ CfIRVSLE1t i ! 1 ( Di_ I. I 1. 'Plymnu% 414 Huron Rd., Goderich 524-7383 Out-of-town call 1-800-465-1780 i ?YSLER 1 1991 Plymouth Acclaim sock .7181A. Good cart Equippdvri!hatetamaic and dr conditioning.lerest Ee5„,a,40wihranty ovaiksble and hnatcinti m low mroles OAC. ' ► . Cab 'ilry If al 1988 Chler 5th Avenue Nod, #708911. A red �eauly Very tow Ions. Equipped .vwh V6, automatic, arY can Bunning, power windows/locks, l6, suite and lots inure, SAILE DI' *3' 975 JEEP • • e • e •e • • 4 • e Ps • 0 le • • • • a • • ,e • 1 • 1e • I. • ®,wart l Cu.rrent council knows issue •from page 1 , ' Reavie said the com- mittee had several com- ments regarding' one vote for 5,000 electors. "We took that into considera- tion; 3,500 makes it •a more equitable split as• far as population." The implementation' date for county; restructur; •: ing has been moved up. to Jan. 1, .1999, rather. 'than • 2001. Reavie said the. com- mittee mimittee thinksthe current council should be the one to deal with the issue because they have been working on it for so long and understand it. Municipal . elections take place this year' on Nov. 1.0. The county's draft work plan would see councillors cast their vote k on . the restructuring pro- .. posal on Nov, 7. If ,the' proposal is approved by the Ministry, Reavie said." elections would have. to. 'take place again in 1998. All other aspects of the original proposal apply to both options. . The original option' and the amended 'one,- along with a work plan, will be presented iii committee of the whole on Aug, 12. Conimittee of the whole being used to allow free • discussion on...the issue`: and: possible straw votes on specific issues to allow the development of 'a final position,' .?gip syx ntries Entries in the annual lip sync sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce, on Friday night were; , Service clubs 'The Actars for the Lions 'Club" Lori Eiteh, . Shelley Johnston, Amy Sutherland; Tasha MaYer, Adella Andrew. Businesses - The K -Birds from Lucknow V'iIlage • Market. 12 and. over r- Tiffany Bridges, Jan",1Voffat•, Carrie 11/1bffat; Elyse•. Deiruyn, and Margo Abbott (second); Amy B'lakke,.Jennifer Pollard'. and Lori' Blake; Susan ••Guay, Cindy Willits and ‘Erin Phillips (first). 12 and 'under• Julie Hamilton,' Candice ' \ 'Hamilton • and Hamish Black .(first); Heather Lougheed and Erin Moran; Ashton Chamney, Stephanie Morrison and Arey.atina, Rais Firou4 (second). Pictures on page 12: •