HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1997-07-30, Page 16Page 16. - Lucknow .Sentinel, Wednesday, July 30, 1997 ••♦ .. µ..Vi. �,. .. .,h , .. ..x.:+ . ... ,.. ♦„� .. .. ., ., •: �} •• ne •fit} v .u,�H{+�••• :�ti+,:�, + W:s.. , . \ W,<:>�:.^t l ae+ .: Wca.,,+. �y.:,..}• '.,f.}.t•+.}64 x+,�..r :"tai 4tx� 4. r:::'.. ,afi �1z ,t,tW++ ��''+.•:+ `''"'* �'+,.•>:r.;}. '�•r`6 <• ti;. , .; ♦ •w+`: 4 QC4' ,` .'M. ,.yam .0 < ... "9iiYs n •'•r "`t: 3`e:: ;,jYTe )?' � 4:'.�.'i+:.p 4y i::iP}.' • , •2;wi:{?t:}:a:3,"'.':f : •: h f�or'+'tiF Jf::��%:+♦„•:l•'r,.' W',:i�/ i+•fry. '`•>>SS'!a'1,+'�%o•..rY:g•`:y",\�♦•A���•.:'�. s�`».� fY �•.�.. �:n'�•♦��.i�+�.`f.}"fir 1. Wi?♦'�':��- : 'S+YY��}�+:•Yr�}iAn�S S�+Yl'K'+}� ��. �•$�S�S$+f% i +l' H n .. / l• • C! ",.:://..7..�%�%iflel,Z,/46.46v'lrri:Y:/�' •'�1/+'�i�:Wti/rf /r %r ; AA (NDE.X. CLASSIFIED . 528-2822. 01. Articles for Sale 02. Yard Sale 03. Garage Sale 04. Antiques • 04a. Crafts 05; Cars for Sale 06. Trucks for Sale SPORTS & RECREATION 7a. For sale General 7b, Wanted to Buy 7c. Wanted to Rent , 7d. Bicycles 7e. Motorcycles 7f: 'Snowmobiles 7g, Rec. Vehicles 7h.. Boats, Motors` etc, 7J. Service & Parts 7.K. Swirahming Pools 08. • Computers 10.. Pets ; 10a. Horses . FARM' MARKET ` 1ta, For sale General .11b. Wanntedao Buy. 11C. Wanted to Hire • 11d, Empl. Wanted 11 e. Livestock ,• 11f. Farm Produce's 11g Equipment, 11h. Services • 11k 'Farm Land 11k.; Real Estate 111. Wanted to Rent 11m, For Rent 12. Real Estate., 13.' Mobile Homes 14. Vacations 16. For Rent 17- ;Apartments •, ' 18. Houses for Rent 19a, Bed.& :Breakfast 20. Room & Board',. 23. •Commercial `24. Wanted 'to' Rent. 25. Wanted to Buy 26...Help Wanted • 27. Wanted. General. .28.- Business Opp 29. Tenders 30. Empi. Wanted •31. Servich'Directory 32. Babysitting • 33.. Miscellaneous 34. Personal' ' 35.. Legal Notices 36: Announcements :37. Mortgages 38. Auctiotas.. 39 Educational: 40. Lost & Found 41. To Give Away • 42. Obituaries 43. Births: 44._ Engagements 45. Marriages 46, In Memoriam 47.. Card of Thanks 48. Corning Events RATES AND DATA s`t''' r ♦W y� f f9 1 week $4.25 2 weeks - $7;48 3 Weeks or more $3.27 each week extra words at .16 each Cards of Thanks - $4,25 for 25 words extra Words at .06 each .. . In Memoriam $4.25 + .35 for each line of verse Birth Announcement -.$10:00 flat fee 3 + 3 ads - $10.50 pre -paid for 25 words extra words at .1:6 each Thursday Special $3.25 for 25 words Must be placed and paid on Thursday Save a $4.00 .billing charge by pre -paying G.S.T. not .Included in; above prices Call 528-2822 r&Sit 1. For Sale 'SALE OF guaranteed „reconditioned appliances; repairs and service to all makes; purchasing and •pickup.of used appliances; parts new and used. Call Ted at AFFORDABLE APPLIANCE REPAIR 395- 4842. --30.34cc ' 1. For Sale 1.. For Sale NEED A RESUME? YARD SALE Saturday, Aug. Professionally, prepared, 2, Highway .21 north Port laser printed on qualitbert,.' Lakeview. Acres. paper.. $1.5.00 for 5 sets 7:30 a.m.. - ?--31, ,. We keep your resume on 779 VICTORIA ROAD, file in case you n.eed Point Clark, Saturday, Aug. changes or updates at a 2, 8 a"m, - ? Stuffed toys, later date. Call us or drop in games, household items, for details. The Lucknow . thin f -- som 1s" DISH Sentinel, 528-2822--04tfnx 31 x e rng or everyone 8 1. For Sale ONE JUNIOR GOALIE' mask and: blocker. Brand new, never worn. Great .deal at $250. Call 524-5140• or 524-1738. --30=32nxe • CONFIDENTIAL TYPING The LuG.know Sentinel does confidential custom typing for customers; resumes, let- ters etc We can offer you,a number of different print types .and sizes.:Call our '' office or dropin, for more details. •-8tfnx. THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL is'available..:at:the following,. locations .;..out of town:, • Holyrood General 'Store; Ripley Superior Market; :Dawso-n's Store,.. Dungannon; MacNay's Store, Amberley; Triangle Discount, Goderich; Brian's, Valu -Mart, Wingham,. MoPhee IDA, Wingham,` Hart Food Mart, Teeswater, MaCAdam Mini Mart, Ripley,. Port ' Albert General Store,. and'' Keith's Repair -Service;, Whitechurch.-9tfnx • WOODSTOVE & FIRE - :PLACE : glass, will not break . from heat. Cut to any size or shape. • ' The • Chimney. Sweep's Stove. Parlor Gallery. Inca 368-5274. - 41tfnbcpnx • • 1..For.Sale FOR SALE-. 4 P215/75R 141ires;;Phone 529=1154.. -- 27-31 xc . SEGA GENESIS. with two controls and seven .garnee. Excellent condition. Hardly used. $150. Cali 524-5140 Or 524-1738 --30-32nxe USED. 8 X :8 POSTS 6ft lengths, great for walkways, flower beds, barnyards, • beach walls etc $3., each, __Phone 39.5-4131.{25tfac •-- .• THE LUCKNOW• SENTINEL urges readers to use' cau- tion when sending money for business opportunities or employment advertise - Merits. Be dvertise-Ments..Be certain you are dealing :with a reputable company before 'releasing arty credit card 'information or: sending any money. Remember; if' an advertise- ment sounds too good to be true it probably is--32tfnx USED CARPET from major hotel.'Rust/plum-color,; 19 x 12.; $30/roll. Phone 5291 3164. --29tf INTRA" HERBAL BLEND Are' you suffering from asth-• ma, allergies, 'arthritis, low energy, frequent colds, high; cholesterol,high blood pees,: sure,menopause etc. Try 30 day supply Satisfaction guaranteed or your money back. •For:more information call Marianne Bollinger :529- 7807.-31 tfeow • 100-4'x5hard core round • bales: of • hay; 12 hp.: Roper lawn tractors, 38" deck. Call after.:6 p.,m. 395.4942 - 31,32' • CUSTOM FAXING Need to send or receive a fax? The Sentinel does cus- tom `faxing for customers., Drop in or call 528=2822 for • details,'-4lafrx Pick up,your. copy of THE LUC.KNOW SENTINEL at any of ..'the following Lucknow businesses 'Beckers Milk, Bell's Discount, Lucknow Village Market, Rx Central, Lucknow, HJ Used' Cars and Annie's. Gas Bar, and. Hamilton Fuels. -52tf Summer is here - and'so are the hot deals from L & A Southwest Satellite. 18" Echostar now only $399 - or $13/month O.A.C.. Call 524- 9595 day or night.--25tfcc THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL has the following papers'. available in our office on Wednesday. Goderich Signal 'Star., Kincardine News, . Clinton' News Record, Mitchell Advocate, Seaforth Huron Expositor: -16tfnx • CUCUMBERS for sale 1 road north of St. Helen's Eli Yoder.. -=31-83 WOODS .:FACTORY sec- ondsdehumidifier' from $149. Call Pollock' Electric, :Ripley 395-2982: 23tfar RIDING LAWN Mower 11 hp., :38"• cut, '10 years old; :good , Condition... Call.. evenings 528-2641: - 29tf `. RIDING: `.LAWNMOWER, Homelite, 8 h.p. Briggs & :Stratton engine, 30" cut.. Very little useege,•good condition., Phone'529-3180. --31.33nxe -SEED GARLIC. Phone 367- ' :3587 57-'.3587 after 8:30 [p.m, for details, ..-31,32. FRIGIDAIRE BEER 'fridge,. 10 or 12 cubic ft., runs well..' Asking $30:00 .firm. Beaty ; pumper direct drive, $19:00, needs. work '3 maple trees • for lumber $300.00 or best, offerPhone ,395.5257. -31 91`9H ALLIS-CHALMERS garden tractor. 19 hp. Kohler twin, 48" mower deck; excellent condition, • $2850 o.b.o; 1992 Noma 12 :hp., 39" cut riding lawnmow- er, good condition $650 o.b.o..; .1 q hpCo-op: riding Lawnmower, 36" cut, good condition, $400 .o.b.o. 1. • Please call 524-1933 or. 524-8295. --30-32nxe "R • FEAR Apiaries, Wingham, has fresh .honey, far sale. Open Monday to Saturday 8:30 to '6; closed Thursdays;' evenings and Sundays by appointment.or chance. 357.3656. --.30,31. .MAPLE TREE TOPS' .for. sale. Phone 395-3487. _- ;31,32x TRAILER FOR. sale: Heavy duty tandem. axles' and full canopy top:.14' long by •7'x •71, $2,200, o.b.o: Call 513:- 79772012. and leave a mes- sage --30tfcc STEEL BUILDING$ FOR SALE... Ends included.: 25 x 40 .was. $5,624, ••now $4,988. 32 x 44 was $6,835, • now, $6,524. .40 x;•60 was$9,988, now $9,644. Many others. Pioneer 1- 800.668-5422:--31 be • SAWMILL. $4895. SAW LOGS` INTO •BOARDS, planks, : beams. Large • capacity. Best sawmill value anywhere. Free information 1-800-566.6899; Nor--3lbc FOR SALE Cucumbers, tomatoes, vegetables at the Daniel Stutzms'an'Farm, 1 block south 'of St. Helen's, 1/4"mile east. --31,32 • • 2. Yard Sale THREE FAMILY yard sale, Saturday, August 2, 8 a.m. - ? Fresh vegetables, col- lectibles, toys, CDs, miscel• - laneous. Highway .86 • Whitechurch. --31 YARD SALE 23 Huron St, Ripley, 9 a.m. - ? Saturday, Aug 2:.-31 cc, ' Garage Sale GARAGE SALE 432 Bob, St., Friday, Aug. 1, 4 8 pm:. Saturday, Aug.: 2, 8 a.rn.. 2 p:m. OId bottles, jars, ;books, lots bf; miscelia- neous items --31 GARAGE SALE on Huron County Rd.; 1,' across froth Huron Landscaping Saturday, August 2. from 7 • am: - 2p;m. Dishes, books, lawn chairs, exhaust fan etc. -=31x 1966 LING'`OLN' CO.NTi-; NENTAL Mark 'If; 4 door ., sedan: beeline with, suicide doors, needs little work, • useddaily except winters; :YARD SALE -' Saturday, August 9, 9 a.m. at St. Peter's Anglican Parish Hall, Lucknow" Lunch available. - -31,32ar THREE GENERATION• yard .sale. Antiques, furniture, household items and much more. Saturday, 'August 2,- Kintail (between Kincardine and Goderich). Take MacKenzie Park Rd, to lake. -=31 cc YARD SALE - Saturday,," Aug. 2; :8 a.m. 295 Ross: St., Lucknow. • Computer table,` .couch, kids stuff: =-31 HAVE A' YARD and I'm having ai ,sale.. My- yard is pretty big,.•so I've i'nVited- some friends to bring their stuff to sell, Together, we have household accents, baby furniture, 'toys, ladies new and used clothing, kitchen things, wood stoves. and Iota more. Please visit us Saturday, Aug. 2 'on Highway 21 just north of Port Albert after 8 a.m.. -- 31nxe light blue, low mileage, all power and all complete. Good gas mileage on high- way, .full, history .package.,, $2000 o.b.o. Phone 528 2317 -29-31 1986 OLDS` REGENCY Brougham, loaded with all options: New exhaust. $1300 as ,is or best offer. Phone. (519) 524-7115 ask for Dan. . -30-31 nxe .' 1988 MERCURY TOPAZ G.S. 2 .door,.white, trunk rack, Auto,, fuel .injected.,a/c, am/fm cassette. power seat, cruise, :tilt, power door. - locks. A' lot. of ;new parts; very good' condition• $1200. • o.b.o. 524-4476 evenings or °leave message 524-4167 days, --31 nxe EARL'S AUTO PARTS LTD. RR 1, Kincardine CASH FOR CARS Phone 395-2947 •'L ucknow. & Ripley..