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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1997-07-30, Page 13
• Lneitnow SenthBell, Wednesday, jully 30,'1997 -- Page 13 Dungannon folks enjoy JD h�vv by Teresa Courtney and Margaret Errington The Joe Courtney fami- ly saw `green' this past weekend when they attended and displayed some of their: John. Deere tractors and equipment at the annual: two cylinder club John Deere show. in Drayton. The show special,fea- tured the 720 tractor. Joe" and Teresa entered their 1957 720• liquid propane tractor, one of only 345' made, as well as 1962 110 JD dawn mower and a 1 1/2 hp water cooled, gas engine, and a 420 crawler. ' Gary displayed a 1939 model AR on steel and .Briana1953JD50anda" 1956 diesel JD 80. Joe and Teresa and grandsons, Nicholas and Brett, camped . from Thursday to Sunday with beautiful. weather. John Kuik was another participant displaying his. 1928 general purpose JD. tractor and an exact repli- ca toy tractor ridden in the parade by grandson, Jim Kuik. . , Don Nicholson provid- ed violin and guitar music playing with the Gypsy "Hmm, who ordered what here?" That's Ron. Elliott, waiter, serving Bernice Glenn (left) and Ange('a. Glenn, during Ladies'.' Day Off at Mary's Restaurant last Sunday. $600 was raised for minor sports (Livingston. photo). Wage �.ssistance available far summer ents Planning, to hire: stu dents this siunmer9.'Eiave you already hired students,' ince April 15,.. You tire • eligible to apply -for fund ing of $2 per hour fot each job that is created. As part of the ,Ontario government's commitment towards rural C 'ntario, the 1997 Summer Jobs S°ervice has been expand- edto include all business sectors in rural. Ontario,. includingagriculture, agri ,food businesses, food •pro. cessing btisinesses., rural non-profit businesses, rural municipalitiesand. rural community organiza- tions. Dural businesses not ,• related to agri-food indus7 try are also eligible. A rural 'community; is defined . as less than 20,000 people. To • be an . eligible employer forthis program nhe must: • hire the youth after Apfil 15; wage assistance is pro- vided up to a maximum of 16 `weeks from April 15 - September 30. Employment does not need to be continuous; it can be sporadic during this time period • • provide at ,least the Ontario minimum- hourly ' . wage of $6:85 for students above 18 years of age and. $6:40for students under the ;age of. 18. Assistance will be provided for a m'aximurn of 3:5 hours ,. each week: • pay other.remployrnen•t costs . and deductions including Workers: Compensation Board cov erage. ` An eligible youth must be .between' the ages of :15 • 24 ar between; the ages , ` of 45 29' if disabled and be a resident of Ontario, . and; eligible to. work 'in Canada. 'Also one must not have worked ,more than -15. hours inthe month Prior to participating in this program and not be an immediate family mem- bet; The youthmust be planning to ;return to school. :.The .employers must. complete all sections of • the application form to meet approval. Employers are eligible to hire more, than one student under the. program. If you already• have • hired a student and have •see Program page 14 Campersand other groups. There were many inter- esting di`splay's for both men and women, as well as a parade on both• days; a bbq, a tractor• pull, corn ' roast and a special old time dance with a live band. No matter where you -were there was always good music:to listen to. Other campers were Jim Nelson and Marg Mclntyre,.Don and Heten Nicholson, Michael Wildgen and son Ray, Marvin and Haney •Scott. Sincere sympathy to the .1y1cGratta4 family on the death of Stan.•'McGrattan in London, On June `24 ' in his 91st year. Mr. McGrattan was a' former. Dungannon resident. • Neil and . Nancy. Stapleton and .daughter Mary, iatherine, have, returned 'from a 12 -day motor :trip to. the east ' coast. They travelled through Quebec, New, Brunswick and, over. the Confederation bridge to PEI, .N Qva• Scotia', and- around. nd-aroundthe Cabot trailat Cape Breton. On the return trip they ferried through the Bay of :Fundy and through the states of Maine, New' Hampshire and Vermont ,As a souvenir, West Wawanosh now sports a •see'L•obster page 14 LUCKNOW DISTRICT COMMUNITY CENTRE BINGO Sunday, August 3 OPEN DATES Fri. Aug. 1-$45-22-29 Sat. Aug. 2-946 CALL 528-34.29 9 a.m. - 5 p.m: • LUcravaw & DISTRICT LIONS CLUB Dcibber Bingo , ; Lucknow• Community Centre BINGO AUGUST 3/97 $500' Jackpot Winner Jean Conley Community Centre opens at 6:30 p.m.. whenrA11 11!!1 *tiro cssfir se(f tAe geed, bit no Isnge� ased items' Meu have. to interested 6uyara, So whenever doe have:semethin� to salt; er have t0fill Classi:f�ed ids redly meaaare np and setve-.• �on� prre6lems quickly! Gillii611:11:i1;Iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilial I i rola County's , •Iin I t IC lVEfflCLE o II RENT 3 3 Headquarters E. 0 1 Smal & Mad -sized Cars E 3 f9' Passenger''& Cargo. 11 3 Vans, Pickup Trucks le 3 0 Daily, Weekly, E Monthly E 3' 0 Insurance Rentals & 11 3 I. More Ill 0 0 Free Delivery . © ` 3• ' o 0 • 'fit 1 C3 10- 3 ic • 3 CARL &t-TRUCK:RENTALS E E. 3 Division of Sunooast Ford D •3 500• Huron Rd., Goderich: 13 II CALL. COLLECT Ask for ielen D • p' 524-8347 171 • oee eemeieeeello - • LISTINGS • WANTED PAUL ZINN 528-241.. 314 'ACRE BUILDING LOT Inglis SI. $35,000. ST. HELEN'S 4 b'drm. bungalow, finished basement, garage and shed. Reduced to sell. iri`INTEE CANNING ST. 3 bedroom; private rot, new siding and. front'porch: $82,000.. •,E WAWANOSH - 100 acres, 70 :Workable, 4 l edroottl • Nouse; bam shed. $49,9.00. -"'3 bedroom, '�i1 heat, carport Wheeler St. ONE Lucknow. Building lot near Lucknow, HAVELOCK ST, 4 bedroom, wo:odIorl• heat,wood floors.' $74,900. ASHFIELD = 3 bedrooms;.' double, garage, 4/1:0 acre ! '$82,500 HISTORIC' LUCKNOW 4-5 bedroom, new kitchen and baths, .formal Itvng/dining roorns,.garage, 8/10 acre lot. HAVELOCK = Completely renovated, 3 bedroom house,, 11. bath, move in condition:'. Reduced to $78,900. SOUR'- Serviced building lots starting at $27,000. ' KINLOSS-,4:bedroom°home. on 1 ,acre .lot, edge of Lucknow $69,900, 78' ACRES : edge Of Luckriow Reduced. GOUGH ST. 3 bedrooin,' garage,. new., siding, $72 000. ASH'FIELD 40y2 acres, 4 bedroorn brick, shed, barn.; 5170,000. W. WAWANOSH 62f acres;' 7. bedroom house, garage, 40•: x `120' shed. $250,000. HOLYROOD - 3 bb:droo.m house with insulated/heated' garage 555,000.. For' Information' on. properties fisted below Contact Richard O. Askes 519-528-3935 Res: 519.528-2740 Fax COMMERCIAL BUILDING. LOTS- 3.3 acres Turnberry Township, edge of Wingham. Pay less taxes, . possible investment property. 80' x 80' BUILDING LOT with 24'. x 36' small barn, just off Main Street', ucknow. Zoned commercial $2,000, Good location for, small engine business. LISTINGS WANTED