HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1997-07-30, Page 2Page. 2.r Lucknuw Sentinel, W+dnesday, July 30;1997
199' Plymouth Neon
Stock #41500 root Car with only 1000Qlun ,Supe,
,!torp in dolt greet and blackhead bre, Equipped with
tii,4rte imerior, air coadtiokig n & mph•
:i IIICCIDI' 1 Aon
1996' . Axary�er
Stack 06011.0 rotcogent voh der Nixoly oquippcd
with air conditioning, as.•laoarid hcnsmissfon, ek crena,
gook), 1rear 4,ikc
*uc *1,6975
1996 Phnom" Bi zo;
'Pack 1401P Fnu{lont vehisb with low kms, Equipped
wig Dogmatic trans. air attanfng, tiltsumrng,
avow control and mart. •
PPeIICCMD! * 11' v
1996 Dodge Sbalus -
Stodc #389& Sups ear. Nlsf/ eeqguuipped with air
coni nkaiettEng automaNetrgnamissioa,
*two Low •kris, god balance of warranty.
Viiklof*'49x 9
1996 Dodge Ram 1500 Indy "500"
Stock#374PA WOW! The ita!,bingohock.
indl6r opolois'SOW whack, loaded with !colones,
inclorkng 360 engine, bold and distinctly* striping, ,
ICCED $23 97
1998 Chrys1sr Intrepid`
$grit#7383A,6swNed'aikido with low Ions_ Nicely
equipped with V6 engine, air power windows,, power
!orb, tike anise, =solo 1d moreSALO 4, s ism me.
1996 Dodge Grand Caravan ES
Mord( #4141 Cgidy Apple red, Topof t e (me;
with quad sma', moor het &air power,
mr s/lode/vents/seal, stereo pod toll more.
1995 Buick Cantu Wagon''
Shock I7285A Super wagon.Bipolar/11y ec Aped and
in'mint condition. Weil maintained vehicle. Groh
Warranty. Need a wagon! You've found iiI• .
1995 Plymouth Neon Sport "
Stock ipar car Nicely equipped with oie
Mn ,nHc transmission, fold dog. or
' norn, more, mora.
°I 97b5
1995Plymouth Voyager
Stock 0405P Superior wan Attractive Nicety -equipped
including air condrtiontrg, autometicr T passenger
seating and more.
1995 Chevrolet 2500 Club Cob
Sgck #7420A:Looded truck in extrackon condiKon.
11us, excellent valid' would make an ideal family
vehidp,or trailer hauler 350 engine:
SALE Cs Ac -7
1995 Chrysler intrepid
.& d oat 17250A. Geecar m coed on. Equipped
with polder windows power locks, V6, onto., err, power
minors, power sew, cossNte and more.
:R1I ID x•1.4"9/5.
1995 Dodge Neon Sport
Seeds #7341A. Slow loocell ng om'do pacwith 5kage sptrrdtnonsmissian, ceilstwotrpn
easy payments OAC. Doric green exterior.. ..
D '9 975
1995 ford Windstar
Stock 1+7498& Excellent v,n with dark. pian exterior.
Equipped with power windows, pov,er lode, V8,
automatic, or conditioning, 7 passenger and more.
PRICED 1' , "I1•1811
1994 Chrysler. Intrepid
Stock *7 74A. Weenies with this attractive well
vehicle. Air coraktioning, power ,
/jocks, tilt, twee, upserb'and mons:
1994 Chrysler Concord LX
Stock #395PA, Superior core Ma* equipped With
power feohney. Black Cherry anterior with
eempkmerting grey interior. Great Cal Greg Womany,
BALI 14 40741
• 1994 DodgeSal t
Stock ,#7381 A,. Great looking car eeterto f
W:PPel d ori* V6 eng ne automa6c orr extnditiorneg,.
ES top ksvel d«Ory cast inlay rims '
PR C ed $ �gb ii.�
1994 Pontiac Grand Am
stock #74582 Superior white Low kms and in mint
condition Equipped with V6 engine, dr conditioning,
power windows&:lode,.tilt arise & more.
PRIED! 1 pl75
1993` Ford Explorer XIX
Stock #7160. Supe Value 4n4 Fully equipped
inducting Mower windows, power locks, tiit,,cruise,
stereo with cassette. Green and Ton exterior'
BA *1 , 4 '
PliCED! !/
1993 Plymouth Grand Voyager LE
Stock 06418A. Extra !lean vehicle, loaded'vnth Whims
including paver seat, power windows/lode/vets.
Bright ehtte exterior. 'Excellent buy, ...,.
ICED! r 1 5, 97 a
0397P suarp•cae
1993 Ford Mustang Convertible
tock with low,.low kms, Automatic
smiuion, powerwinduws, power -oorlocks, lilt • .•
- ' ire, qir conditioning and More SHARPI p t•
PPRICED! , • 1. . , L +aD
1993'Ford Aerostat "Sporr
-Steck .07378A Groot looking von. Equippecrwnh
moulded running boards and sport decor package V6,
auto, air Red and gray exterior Very dem
Flo!, 11: ��:•�`
L.._...".' 1993 Chevrolet S10 4X4
ock #72368 Super truck with low kms:" Bright red
terior,',extra value vnlh.Abe'rglosscap and equipped
ills.4X4 ad V,,6' engine Great Buyt - ,
ori mClD! �`• ,
1992 Chevrolet•Corsico LT .
Stools/6387B. Athoet eV6equippedvehicle. Features
includear =dewing, tilt, cruise, commie and
more. 8righiWhite 'exterior .
194) ,GMC Safari Van
Stbc i #392PA SSuyppeerr�vii and nicely equipped. Valve
power c ppectwidsV6,automoh! errcardihoning,
power. 7 pa ger Extra Glom '
PRICED ... *q 9 5
vieiCEp. '
1992 Ford Crown Victoria IX.
Stock #7359A' Fabulous 6uuueryy vehicle. Plum Mist •
exterior. Grey tadher Interior leaded will featurei,
LOW kms. Excellent Wasrony Offered Nice Car
PRICED 1 915
1992 Ford Aerostar
•Stock #7378x4. Mint cbnddron low kms Aerostar van 7
sse�r,gqe� gg, air conditionlsg and very web;
�natnw(rred 'colttnt Wanany Coverage.
`ICED',- Irgai`
staek1002 Dodge vraont Grand Guest
law looking "on with
kms: loaded with Wares wtdudxrg 7 passenger,
air; auto, power sed and lets, kens more.
PROD . ` . 1 ir27!'
1992 GMC 1500 Club•Cab • .
Stock #350P8 Good vakte *'7.rh.Nieely
ecest ,ped
with wtdm6tic transmission andV•8 engme. Ober
.reaknes Iodide err mnditssung Nue exterior.
mos ��1►75
1992#4'13P, OldsmGregobileIoolmsg Guorttless SuthpreMth. .
pried wi
V6 engine atom(rix,power windows; 'sitik,CPAs
and ion more Low kens. Ming
1992 Pontiac Grand Prix
Stock 87510A. Great value.. andvery very dean
velude� EQqu+ipped with V6, auto., o r power windows,
power Iockshk, cruise and loots lots more. •tr 1
PRICED '1,119 i�
1991 GMC Tracker 4x4
Sack 1164211) Superior Vehicle) Great Looking: Sport
exit equipped with automatic transmission. Excelled
warrantyppckoge and Rnmdng available OAC.
1991•'Ford Aerostar )(LT 'AIM)"
Stock #7322A, All Wheel brive mold Nkdly,equipped,
With V6, air conditioning, power Features; automatic.
LOW, LOW kms andgreat warranty available.
• 1991 Dredge sapliIent :ES
Stock #410PA. Great are In excellent condition Low
kms enclitic* equipped +vitt Y6 ergine aulen #tie
irarnsniuion, ES package, oitand lots mere.
, PRICEDI ' #6r 973.
1.990 Pontiac Bonneville SE
Stock #7,468A, Excellent vehicle' with low kms. Nicely
equipped with aulotnatic, air, tilt, Cruise, 38001/6,
power wnndpws/lodia Dark red interior, •
SALE 06 970
1989 Oldsmobile Cutlass Cruiser .
Stolt 11391 PA. Very Very clean vehicle. Equipped with
V6, automatic, air and -honing, power lectures and 8.
pasnngerseoting capacity
'198B Ch she 51h Avenue
5tods 07089A A teal Very low loris, Equipped
wits. V6, ar4omadc: dirCond'Boning,power
windows/lade, tile, cruise and Io s mora.
198/ Mercury Tracer
Siock'#403PA. Super core in are.at condition Equipped
with automaticpanunission. Filly *edified with exrwe♦ ant
warmly. Dea't.miss'oulan Ilii enc. • ,
414 Huron Rd., Goderich 524-7383 Out-of-town call 1-800-465-1780
CPP report
Investigate •
OPP are investigating a
farming accident that
occurred on. July 22 at
7:15 p.m. onthe farm of
John Ginderich, Kinloss
Noah Bauman, 10, was
raking hay when the hors-
es spooked • for some
unknown reason. The
.youth was pinned under.
the , rake : and dragged'
down the, '12th concession
for approximately 1,000..
!metres before the horses
Noah was removed by'
• ambulance and transport-
ed .to the Kincardine
District General .Hospital.
He . was air - lifted to
London'with severe head
injuries and a broken leg-
On the same•.evening,
about 15" minutes later,
police were called to an
accident on. Conc. road' 12'"'
of Kinloss, east. of the
hamlet of Kinlough: •
A 1988 Pontiac operat-',
ed by Ronald Wilson, 38,
'of Kincardine was travel -
.ling west on the road
when it struck a -horse
drawn hay. wagon which '.
wa. s also westbound.'•
Brandon' Wilson, 10,.
Was. taken -`to. Wingham
flospital and released. Fle
hit'the windshield of the
;David Bauman; 16, and
Oscar Marlin., ' 15, occu
• pants of, the wagon, were
taken to Wingham• hospi
nal: •
• The accident is tinder`
Many charges:
A Lucknow man.'has
been charged .with -se -ver -al
offenses after 'police spot-
ted him driving an ATV in
Gu lross township
The ;man, aged 57, was
driving the ATV on the
shoulder of Highway 4 at.,
'10:10 print July .Z6;
Police noticed it had no:;
Upon , investigation, .'
police found the driver
was under suspension had
no license, no insurance,
no plates and'no VTN: •.
number on the ATV..
Recover phone
OPP have recovered a'
• Panasonic ;'KX-T7130.
telephone, believed stolen
in Winghani, in Lucknow
thanks • to an observant
The telephone was :a.
business phone and was :.
brought into the store for
Police say the person in •
possession of -the phone
didn't' know how to oper-
ate it and th'e, business
• became suspicious.
Police were called and_
recovered the phone July
25. An investigation con-
tinues. '
Value of the phone.was