HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1997-07-23, Page 1332. Babysitting MOTHER OF TWO chil- dren, both school age, will- ing to babysit in my home• Monday to Friday. Low. rates, lunchand snacks pro- vided, References available. Holmesville• area. Call 519- . 524-1139.--25tfcc LOVING MOTHER of 2 interested in 'caring for .chil- dren in large country home; 1/4• miles South of Dungannon. Honest, reli- able, responsible. Willyro- vided . snacks, lunches, walks, story time, crafts, also outdoor. activities: Ail ages welcome.. Gall Deb • 529-3481.--27.30cc 34, Peirsonal • : . *A cost will be incurred: EVAN'LY-RAYS .PHYSIC ANSWERS - Police use us, Rated #1 in Canada. Instant answers . about Love, 'Money; Career, Lucky #s, Relationships. Achieve•suc- cess! $2.99/min.,. 18• •+ 24, Hrs. Call 1;900-451-4055. 24-38cc NEE'DED - 100 PEOPLE who are seriously .interested in toning 5 200 lbs. each:' Gall 5.19-235-3707. --29- 32cc ARE YOU experiencing the aftermath of an abortion/emotions you can't explain? Most post-abortaf - women eXperience. trauma, in' their" Iive$'.Cal1l'our 24 hr hotline collect (519) 323 3751 for; confidential.sup. Att. -.30ar Hasahe'been violent with' you? (11it, slapped, 'pushed, 'etc.) ,Ijo.es he blame and put. , your down all the,time?, 'RENASCENCE SER- VICES 'FOR ERVICES'FO1 . WOMEN. FREE, CONFIDENTIAL information, ;support, out- reach utreach:services, counselling. and group sessions for women' who have experienced abuse. All ages welcome.;'. • CALL, 482-3933 for information 35._ L,e al Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS' •` All claims against the estate of MARION ELIZABETH CAMPBELL . late of ' the Village of Lucknow, in• the County of. Bruce, decease, who died .on or about April 27, 1997, must be filed with the under- signed on or before August 16, 1997; 'thereafter the Executors of the estate will distribute the assets of the estate having regard only .to • the claims of which the. , undersigned then has:. notice. Date June 30, 1997. c/o CRAWFORD, MiLL & DAVIES, Barristers & Solicitors, Box 610, LUCKNOW, ONT. ;NOG : 21-10. --28, 29, 30 . . • 35. Legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS. In the estate of • JOHN DAVID MACDONALD late of the. Township of Ashfield,~ in the County"of Huron. Alt persons, having claims against the Estate of John David 'MacDonald, the above nameddeceased who died on or about the 20th day. of May, 1997; are, hereby •notified to send •to the •undersigned on.. or before' September. 6, 1997 their names and fullparticu- lars of their claims. lmniediately after the said, ,date the estate will be dis- tributed having regard only to the claims of which- notice has been received. Dated at Huron Township this 14th 'day of July, 1997. ' CRAWFORD; MILL; & DAVIES, Barristers & Solicitors, Box 100, 38Queen Street, R1PLEY, Ontario. NOG 2R0. --30,31,32 • 36. Announcements ANOTHER WAY TO PLAY $500 earljt Bird winner. Tom Thompson, Phyllis Heim, • P at..1 v;ingsto''n drawn_by Tom Regg:, , free „ticket winners Cliff Knechtel; Kitchener; Emma Murray, : Lucknow; • Gordon Drennan; Auburn; : ;Ron- : Alton;. Lucknow; ... Teeswater Old , Crocks,, • •Teeswater; Karl- and Lorna Lang, Teeswater; Lucknow Legion; Kevin Clark, • G'oderich;. Bonnie;Taylor, Lucknow, :. Jeff ,:McNee Dungannon; Richard Otteweu, God:e,rich, Florence ' • 'Stap'leton, Wingham'; .Ron;Nicholson,, " Ripley; Nile Men's Slo' pitch; Mary Jo .Parrish; Ashfield A Ladies SIo pitch; West Wawanosh Insurance• Staff, Dungannon; Lynn and Doug Adamson, 'Lucknow; Brian and •Helen Van Osch, Lucknow; Allan- Murray, Lucknow; Pick. -up tickets from'Tourisrn Office or call 5.28,2099,` • 529-7398. 'Tickets still available for. ' Weeklyhaws. --30 r � a 38. Auctions AUCTION SALE Qf Consignments LUCKNOW ARENA • Sept. 12 Anyone wishing to consign good clean items for this sale contact..; Auctioneer Allan R. Miller 395-5Q62 AUCTION : REGISTER CONSIGNMENT SALE DAVIDSON CENTRE FRIDAY, JULY 18/97.. If you have something, to sell, give'us a call. <-Grant McDonald.. • 395-5353 Wallace Ballagh 392-6170 Auctioneers, 3?. ;Mortgages 1" & 2nd Mortgage Money Absolutely No Upfront Fees Available as low as. 6.50% Interest ijersonal Loans If you qualify, payments . , 'AraAppro.& Mo. Payment • s• 5,000 ' $ 41:66 $10,000 $ 83.es. 315,000 '125.00 ' Consolidate your debts Call (519) 363-02111-800.387-.1932 .ASTRAL.-EL,l-.NDJNGJNC. 36. Announcements 3n Announc'slinents NOTICE TO TOWNSHIP OF KINI.OSS 2nd Tax installment Thursday, July 31, 1997. .Payable at the :Township. Officeari Holyr"ood or.by'' ,mail to .the .address:below. Note::Aersons who�'have ,acquired properties, and :have not received a tax bill, should contact the Clerk's Office. Failure to receive a bill, does not .• relieve a taxpayer fix* responsibility for payment° of faxes, nor from penalty for late payment: ,Mark L. Becker 'Clerk -Treasurer, HOLYROOD, pntat•io NOG 2130 : :(5i9)395-3575T1 Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, July 23, 199E —.Page 13. 38. Auctions ' 38. Auctions earing AUCTION SALE of Farm Machinery & 'some Household effects will bt held for ALBERT & NELi- KORTEN Lot 4; 5.,Con. 1, Huron TWp., Approx. 3 miles West° of Lucknow on Hwy 86. Saturday July'6, 1997 at 10:30 a.m. Farm. Machfner.y(Partlal Rist) - 7807 A.C. Deutz •Farr Tractor with 660 Allied Loader & hydraulic bucket; 201 Ford 10'-3 PTH dise with 32 plates, 71,0 International 4 furrow 16" bottom plow, 13' Kongskilde Cultivator, 16' case International 4500 Vibra Shank Cultiyator,.2• Row J.D. Corn Planter for -parts; ,Vicon 31DTH -Fertilizer-Spreader, 16' chain harrows, 7' Co -Op '3 PTH Weed sprayer with 100 Imp. gal. tank & 22' boom, .7' Art Helm Single Auger snowblower, 18' Western Packer, •$tone Fork to: fit loader, Logging .chains,tractor duals & chains, quantity of •steel fence posts, corn crib, 'wire, whippletree, Sears •Craftsman garden tiller, 15 cord of firewood --approxi, Household Effects - ?onnett Chest with Mustache pulls, 30" ,.Moffat stove,. Frigidaire fridge, Frigidaire dryer, school desk, Inglis Superb. Fridge,. Westinghouse washer, 21 Westinghouse freezer, small' arborite table, dresser` & chest of drawers, wardrobe, single bed with mattress '& box spring, hdrpemade wine making -machine; legs:for quilting frames, 4 lawn chairs, Coleman ..gas ' . lanterr>w -Coleman—stove::. Articles'=.Consigned by ,Jerry Terart ='150bJ.D: 12 run- not 'till grass seeder, 8' 'Reese._ Maxi' twin 3 PTH mower,.1 f'; Kongskilde 3 PTH Cultivator Smythe bate stook: loader & hydraulic unioade r Prince, f bevy duty rotor hyd, aulic.!pump, 230 amp Century; welder, acetylene tora) & tank, 250 Knight Manure spreader for parts with good under carriage;• 1100 RWH Weedhornet <weedeater, 3'PTH cement mixer. /�CSther arttctes too numerous to mention, Very \ few sinal items:` Equipment will be sold .at approx.. 11;00 am' Listing subject to change,...) 'without notice. TERMS : Cash or Cheque ,with proper 1,D: any announcements day of ,sale take precedence over hi tinted Sold Sold Lunch Booth 'on grounds for 'fAurther• lbect infKortenormation 1519)395-5006 'Auctioneers. Grant McDonald,• ,.: Ripley 519-395-5353' Wallace Ballagh • ` Teeswater, 392-6170 36: 92 6170 36: Announcements NOTICE i RE: SP. QT SPRAYING OF WaEDS This -notice is to. advise residents of the County of Huron that. SPOT SPRAYING OF WEEDS in rural areas will commence on June6.19973for a period of approximately 12 to 14 weeks. Herbicides to be' used are: AMI'TROL .'T, Registration No.. 16548;. and DIPHENOPROP,. Registration No.15701. To be controlled are noxious weeds asper • the Provincial WeedControl Act: This notice complies with Section 68(2) of Regulation 914 under the Pesticides Act For.further information, please call the Huron County Weed Inspector at 519-524?384. AUCTION SALE Persian Rugs, Household Furnishings, " Riding Lawnmower, Tools, Misc. Items will be held for Freda Macnines 435 Havelock St. Soith. WCKNOW Sat. July 26th 10:00 a.m. 2.Persian wool rugs 10' x 8' & 12'x9', 6 piece dining room, suite, table with 2.18" leaves, 3 chairs, captain chair, buffet china cabinet; chesterfield' & chair, 3 swivel rockers, La -Z - Boy, 3 bedroom suites, 26" Admiral TV, . 19" TV &. stand, sofa bed, mirror door armoire, hall trees, chests, breakfast nook •table &4 chairs, air conditioner,Singer sewing machine & cabinet, writing desk, hexagon lamp end tables, microwave, swag lamps,, floor lamp, stereo;' cups '& saucers, 8'place setting of good China, plates, humidifier, sets of dishes, :wooden chairs, old blanket box, coal & wood annex, shelves, mats, roll -a=way cot, air tight stove, 2 large mirrors, 36" white aluminum sheen door, 11 HP` Sears riding; lawnmower, Remington chain saw, weed . eater, lawnmowers, tractor chains, kerosene heater, tools, 16 ft. tendemm axle trailer. .: MANY Aif-ESTOO NUMEROUS TO MENi1ON,. Listing Subject to Additions and Deletions: This is clean offering.of excellent items. .• bsiefi B5&TF1 TERMS: Cash' or Cheque with proper I.D. - any announcements. day of sale take precedence over anything printed.: 8% & 7% Taxes Where applicable, •• OWNER OR AUCTIONEERS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR LOSS OF PURCFIASEOR ACCIDENTS DAY OF SALE . For more'information Contact: Mac- Maclnnes: ` (519)395-5062 Auctioneers Allan R. Miller: :519-395-506.2 ' Joe Zehr• • (519)887-959.9 • 43. Birth VAN OSCH Bernie and Bridget are pleased to announce the early yet safe arrival of their son, Benjamin Dalton Van Qsch. Born in Goderich on June 19, 1997, weighing 7 lbs., 8 oz. A new brother for Luke, Mark, Shawn, Teresa, Anna and Maria to love and spoil. Another grandchild for Clarice Dalton, Kingsbridge and Bill and Ann Van Osch of Goderich: --30cc - • 38.' Auct OI'its EVENING AUCTION SALE of farm machinery &,mise. will be held' for Joe & Marie Corey (1/2 mile north of Clinton on Highway 94), •Wed., July 30/97 5:00 p.m. Terms cash, owner retiring, Proprietor: Joe Corey 482- 9889. -AUCTIONEER: • • , Brian Rintoul (519)357-2349. EVENING.1. AUCTION SALE' Of Home furnishings antiques will be held in Teeswater Agri-Curl`Bldg::on Monday July 28/97 6:OO pm Auctioneers:, Wallace Ballagh Teeswater 392-4170 ' Grant McDonald';. Ripley 395.5353 . • TOY AUCTION Of Toy Farm Tractors; Banks; Trucks & Misc. to be held at the Mitchell' & District Community Centre Wellington St :in.Mitchell Tuesday, July`'2,9 at 5:30 p.m. •INCLUDING: Approx. 500 'pieces most of which are one sixteenth 'scale by Ertl; Scale Models; Yoder,. Precision; Cottonwood, Teeswater Custom; 1st. Gear, etc. Collection includes approx. 70 trucks -& banks; :a few implements and the balance: are; tractors with a.farge portion. of custom and collectors pieces.' Major lines. are .^J.D.; M M:, Oliver; Cockshutt; McCormick;•Case; Int.; Versatile. The Late Mr. Dow formerly worked at Teeswater.• Custom Tractor and•hiscoliection reflects this. Viewing, from 4:00 p:fn. day of sale PROP: Estate of the Late Roger Dow. AUCTIONEERS: Doug Jacob and Joe Zehr 519-271-7894 519-887-9599 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 IWAI2WAO DMtAr • $DO Dunwoody: LLETTE Chartered Accountants offering a full rorige of services: Auditing,., accounting, business tang. Income income tax planning, pbnwnel finance' planning, camptder and' Management servieas. WALKERTON HANOVER MOUNT FOREST POR ,ELGIN 8.F.'Manson, FCA• LH.,Vollatt, CA K.L.Iprfer.CA M.S. Bolton, CA R.I. Millen, GA J.J. Hunt, CA H.E. Kibler; CA G.H. Munro; CA K. Oelschiagel, CA t P. Thor, CA R.G. Thorries, CA 461-1211 :: . 364-3190 323-2351 832.2049 wet