HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1997-07-23, Page 12• Rw' Page 12 - Lltcknow Sentinel, Wednesday, July 23, 1997 11e. Livestock LIVESTOCK - 55 •ib. weaner pigs - Hemp/Duroc cross. Available Aug.. - Sept. '97. :Large quantity. Phone 529- 1140. --30 11h. Services • - TARPS AND INDUSTRIAL COVERINGS made •to size, for trucks, trailers, gravity boxes, . etc. Vinyl, canvas poly. New/Repairs: Party tent rentals Tiesma Industrial Coverings, Bayfield. 482-3540.--26tfg- peow • CUSTOM,COMBtNG - will. combine wheat, barley, com and soybeans. For more information calf. 395-3732. -- 29-32x. 11m. For Rent 85 ACRES OF HAY, 20 acres of crop land for rent. for 1.998, season. Phone . 528.3530; -29,30. 12. Real Estate LOT • FOR SALE Close to the square oh the north end of .G:odettcb wit" build. to , suit your'neelds. ;Phone 529- 1005. -27-30cc 5291005.'.--27-30cc EW ..LISTI.NG_w.: Winterized'.cottage. at • *.Point Clark. on .70' x 225 lot;;: just :minutes to sandy' beach: This .; well maintained. ' , cottage :features' 3 bedrooms•,. •main floor laundry, double detached: garage, T.V.' room, 173,+ 1,4 pc. baths and,much more to view; Call ,. Sandy. Neable. . . Sales Rep (519)291-4280 WO Midwestern;'Reality Inc., B.A. MCDONAGH REAL ESTATE B INSURANCE L1 O. LUCKNOW 4 bedroom, 2; 3 &- :.,4 •pc, - bath, _attached, garage, backs up to stream. 'Asking $74,500. ,; 3 UNIT APARTMENT Main street, good starter home. Only $49;900 • LOTS' for sale, ail serviced. $15;000, 35. ACRES Edge of Lu.c,know,4 droOM :bungalow, fikeVige bath, hot w :r'' -' 'carport,. large deck,.ed road, barn 36.x; STONE HOUSE - 3 bedroom large ,family room, fireplace, hot tub, patio, paved drive, 3 car'. garage. $114,90b. JUST LISTED,- 3 bedroom home; ,4 pc. bath, kitchen, built in cupboards, ' oil furnace,. fltll basement. Asking $54,900., Call Fraser MacKinnon 528.3013 Barry McDonagh 528.2031, 12* Real Estate, HOUSE FOR SALE -Port Albert, 1400 sq. ft. plus fin- ished basement. High effi- cient oil furnace. Insulated shop 22,x 36. Phone 529- 1005..--27-3Qcc SELL YOUR PROPERTY ON THE INTERNET. We specialize .in marketing Canadian non -urban real estate via the World Wide Web. For affordable,' effec- tive exposure call TOWNSEARCH, 1-800- 860-8696.--30bc CHEAPER THAN renting do checkout this 3+ .bedroom home in Kinlough, only $59,900, Call .Marlene Gibson, Broker 395-3192 Lake, Range, Realty- 395- 0620.-30-32x • POINT CLARK - 3 bed- room, raised bungalow - 4 piece bath, eat in kitchen, . laundry, sunken Iivingroom, and bot room; on upper level, framed ready to .cus- tom finish. Future'reo-room with fireplace, two bedroom,: .4 piece bath and storage area on lower level. 1 1/2 garage on well treed cul-de sac lot. Phone Clarke's Homes 395-5454.--30-32er 17.' Apts. ON,E' BEDROOM ' main street: apartment available , immediately, . heat included. Call 528-3948.--13tfar GROUND FLOOR •2 bed- room. heated. •apartment, newly renovated; twit bed-, rroorrl' upper apartment ..$250., both . close, t.o dgwn- towrt,. 'Phone `528-2031 19tfar TWO BEDROOM'apartment in .'Lucknow, •$3:50/month,. heat :included. Phone ,528L 2242 or. 528.2436:--16tfar: ONE BEDROOM apartment Outram/Wheeler Street 4245%month: plus utilities; Two onebedroom, apart- menta Ross Street, :$260. and $280/month 'plus utile- ties, Available immediately, Call Paul. 8-2411. --21 tfai• .,LUCKNOW. 2 ' bedroom ground floor apartment; vete entranoe.'Phone:528- 5600' or 35'7.1847.4.1 tfar ' ' TWO - 2 BEDROOM apart- ments and one-'1.bedrobm • . apartment for rent on. Main street, Lucknow.''Phone 52.8-3932 35tfar, , 18, Houses DURHAM-WALSH Townhouses in Kincardine. Under new management. Freshly, painted and reno- vated. Two and three bed- room, 1 month free rent. Available immediately. Phone 396-9332.-03tfar 4 BEDROOM. 'HOME between Nile , and Dungannon. Phone 529- 7413. -26-30 HOUSES FOR RENT or sale, in -Lucknow, Wingham,, Listowel and Wroxeter, 1,2 and 3 bedroom apartments • also available. Phone ,335- 3766. --30ar FARM. HOUSE` FOR rent. Well kept 3 bedroomfarm house located just north of Whitechurch. Monthly • rent $500 plus utilities. For inquiries call: (519) 357- 3330 (weekdays,8 - 5). -- 30,31 ar ' TWO BEDROOM house with garage, full basement, oil heat. Available Sept. 1,1997. $450/month plus heat/hydrti. Call ,528-2411. - 30tfar 23.Comrhercial STORE FOR rent, main Street frontage, Lucknow. Phone 528-3932.--30tfar TWO BEDROOM ground level apartment: Park like atmosphere $385/ plias utili= ties. Call:1-519-848.2215 after p m.--17tfar ONE 'BEDROOM apart- ment, fridgeand stove included, Glenn Haven Apartments, 550 Albert Street, Lucknow contact '519-235-0943 or 519-528- '3943:--24tfar RENT. GEARED to income •. apartments, in Clinton, Exeter and Goderich, for women and children, who • have 'experienced .abuse - 'Call Phoenix of Huron 824- 1620, 482-5288, '235-3183.' 30,31 cc ripw-.---J:-M1.a.K-•....-/..--M6i Milli,hwr..-Y.i.. 25. Wanted to -Buy WANTED -SCRAP cars •: and ..all sizes 'of trucks; 'all types of metal, farm 'machinery, etc; dash paid,: Walkerton .Alio .Wreckers'1- 881-1679.'--26tfar •WANTED TRUMPET in :good condition, Phone 529- 7073. -30x • 26. 'Help Wanted THE:L,yCKNOiN SENTINEL 26. Help Wanted Progressive Concrete Forming. company specializ- ing In :custom homes ':and Blue Max insulated con- crete wall systems has the following opening due to expanding - operations: BOOM TRUCK OPERA- TOR Must.have valid DZ license and be willing to work with forming crew .when not operating boom truck.- Forward resume detailing work experience and salary expectations by mail to Fastform, 'P -.O: Box 68; Orangeville, Ont. L9W• 2Z5 or fax to 519941-5225. No phone calls please.-. • 30bc Progree"sive Concrete Forming company'specializa ing in custom homes and Blue Max insulated .con- crete wall systems has the. following opening due to expanding ' operations: FORMWORK CARPENTER - Must be a self-starter, able to read, blueprints, with a minimum of 5 years experi- ence: Preference will be given to applicants with proven abiltty•to.lead and motivate others. Forward resume detailing work.expe rience and salary expecta- tions by mail to Fastforrri,' P.O. Box 68, Orangeville., :Ont. L9W 2Z5 or fax to 519 941-5225: Noptrone calls please:--30bc • $ATTENTION STUDENTS$ Make- a I.ot"'of 'money selling chocolate, bars. New prod- u. bts available. Nothing to pay in advance. Fast;deliv- 'ery 1,800-383-3589.-•-3Obc TRANSPORT 'DRIVERS NEEDED. A major; carrier, is, accepting'epplications for our Graduates. ,No experi- ' enge required -• excellent pay.:1For interview or appli-*. cation contact ;Ontario Truck Driving School . (London) 1- 800-263-4777: -30bc TEACH YOUR WAY 'AROUNq THE urges leaders to use cau- WOR,LD:The Canadian 'Institute of English: offers:,a ion when sending; money for business opportunities or employment advertise- ments: Be certain you are dealing with a reputable company before releasing any credit cardinformation Or sendinng any money. Remember, if an :advertise= meritsounds top good to be true, it probably is.--32tfnx WORKING COUPLE: look= ing for .mature, reliable, respo'nsible 'person :.to babysit a 6. month old and. a, 2 1/2 year'old. Preferably in our country home, although flexible, Monday -friday, Starting September. Please replyin: Writing, With refer- ences, to Orawer'#122,. Goderich Signal Star, 120 Huckins St., Goderich;'Ont. N7A 4B8; --29,30cc OPPORTUNITY IS knock- ing ;so is Avon. "Free" start up include's kit and sem- Plea. No doors to door, no Minimum quotes." July 28 Aug..1 inclOsivo. Call for more information Cheryl 528-2123. --30-31 cc, one week intensiye and dynamic Certification., pro gramme, • in Teaching English, as ;.a. Second. Language `methods The• coursereflects.the latest research ip . NEURO - :,SCIENCE SCIENCE and .Brain . Based Learning techniques. also part`ont of your M.Ed. Most„ students say•they •learn more in a week, than yeers of traditional educa tion: Over 2500 successful graduates are now;'abioad..,• 3000 overseas lobs' monthly in our Bulletin. Next courses in Tgronto.AUGu'ST.18th and -25th Downtown. Phofte ;4161483-1362'for.info pack: Mon and Thurs Preferred.-- • 30bc THE: BLYTH FESTIVAL, Singers.' require an .aocortr .papist capable on piano and organ to begin September,, 10, Auditions to be held ' August: 20. Send resumes to,Annette'Lindsay., Box '1276,, Wingham.'NOG 2WO.r For details• phone ;Wade Whittaker 1-519.273-1775. -30,31 cc • 27.. Wanted General .ROOMMATE WANTED - Barrie: Four mature female college students looking for a roommate planning. to, attend Georgian College. 5 minute wench= campus. Contact (519) 528-3425 for more information. --30x 28. Business Opp. GOVERNMENT FUNDS. Government assistance pro= grams information available. 'For your neve or existing business. Take advantage of. the. government ,grants and loans, Call 1-800-915- 3615.--30bc 29. Tenders 28. Business • Opp, NEED 'Help. Overwhelmed. Will help get started! Unlimited'earning , potential... • part-time. Fantastic ,support, no sell- ing, not MLM. 20 min. Mes- sage 1-$00-3222-6169, Ext. 2079,730bc 30. Empl. • Wanted' • EXPERIENCED CLEANING " lady • willing; to • do 4 hours/day of cleaning. Available Thursdays and. Fridays beginning Sept: Single storey homes only: Phone 392-8353 evenings..- -29-31 .. • . 29. Tenders. The. iluroa County Board• of Education myites tenders file • F'ACICITY UPGRADE -.PRASE Ill .tit • GODFRICIi DISTRICT ('01,1,FGiATF..INSTITLITF Sealed tenders addressed to The l luron ('outfl 13tinid i�f 1?duration Will • he received at the ()Mics of;I he Iluron•('aunt.} ntiard or I;durntion, 143 Princess Streel,'r est. Clinton, Ontario. NilM.11.11, Until 1.00 p.m. on Thursday.,. August 7, 1997; " A Aid ilond amount o1$35,009 is regirirc<11.O accompany the tender. The hiddcr will he required to provide i S'O' . Performance n land a 50% I aholn and Material Payment !fond , ' A Limited,n',uher gI lender docternents will hc.m.ailahle Ill (icncral Contractors only. on'lhutsday, .luty 24. 1997; limn The Office of' Uarta11' • & Matklcvitr l,pon deposit nra certified cheque in)he a iom,lo) $50.00 per scl Lowest or anytender not necessarily accepted. , A. Carter, • c hair''. I'.,C'arrall Director 3.1.'Service �' DlrectOl" j/: , AGN.EW , . JEWELLERY REPAIR - watch, clock, lew ellery..'.Fr'ee estimates, Pickup' and delivery can.be. a'rran'ged: 698 Havelock,. Street;.•across from Medical pentre.Gall 528-3532 or 528-3940. -•1Btfar Hi -Hoe Dozer Gravel & Top Soil :Barry Johnston Hol'yrood (519) 395-523.1 CARL SLOETJES Sales, Installation, Renovations e Replacement,,Windows & Doors •' Kitchen Cabinets • Vanities. Carpet and Linoleum • Roofing • Free Estimates, RR7 LUCKNOW 1 ' 5294164 31., Service . Directory BE GIM N BOD R A AUTO .. Y (519) 52842338 �---- • Insurance do Collision Repairs 1416 kits ;wt:laltwr, om Nb0 zIto CRANSFORD FARM RHEA'Meats, Rhea. oils,' (scented/unscented); eggsi,feathers Antrqtf: Refir'iishing ,& Appraisals (519).529-1140 .R.A. HAV'ENS. , ELECTRIC • • *Residential .' *Farm' ,, *Commercial Electrical Contractors . FREE ESTIMATES Rad Havens LUCKNOW .:''528-2301 ,r