HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1997-07-23, Page 11L?ueknow Sentinel, Wednesday, July 23, 1997 -- Page 11 •tYrL. r Win• , , %2°f>• tRr. - y,, y'.; x i• ;,. - r1.t. '"':t,„L♦.S�.@;•<�•<<zt�•'{;{ .,,'a�.v %,"'K .. na�•`, .�ah*a�0.'.y?:' :r, v xar;\ft.r,{,:•rl,�•z'?,Y!}. ♦''. Y ]aYvr :`,' '•,.•fie `•.raj:.;:;• f<f. •', S.,/G''y5.'•::,:: z/F y: p -+ {W/i '._ • F,pi" iy�+1�`{••fS. •+. H/%��"+.a�'�Yf 44,4.aoiriggol.V.1aefr tns t,.vt .L .L,'{.,.,.x. • ,t;. ^C' <. '{ :t\t:{. v{.y{; .'N :. S ? { rtYr. ♦ :•.,t; • •{. -.}..}• .{\vy,..{/)': p. r y{e .. yv{ <• YrbWiv.. .S, . `• • •�{ •C}}in. •"'L Y. a b .�... .. � .. ..# . r. ?.:L'L. '"S'.: " ,\,Y.c, ...0,. •L .. �• .•.: ..... ... ... ..CN R :. 83? a...>,. •,.y ?,.%'•r. n..,,::;,..;a�^va,,,1, r,. ,:. b \. 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Hire .• 1.1d.. Empi,' Wanted, 11 e:.. Livestock 1.1f. .Farre Produce 11g., Equipment 11h. Services 11j. Farm , Land. .11k. Real Estate 111: Wanted to Rent'.' .11m. For Rent 12. Real Estate 13. Mobile Homes 14. Vacations 16:. For .Rent : 17. Apartments 18. Houses for Rent 19a.. Bed & Breakfast ' 20..Room & Board 23. Cot`nrrmercial: 24. .. Wanted to' Rent 25. Wanted tb .Buy `• 20 : Help' Wanted 27.- -`.Wanted General 26.'; Business. C1pp ;. 29. Tenders. 30.. En -01. Wanted 31: Service Directory. Babysitting 33': Miscellaneous 84. Personal ' 35.' Legal Notices 36. Announcements 37. Mortgages' 38, Auctions 39. Educational 40. Lost & Found '. 4.1. To Give Away 42., .Obituaries 43. Births' 44. Erigagerrients 45. Marriages•, 46. in Memoriam 47. Card of Thanks. 48, Corning Events RATES AND DATA 1 week - $4.25 2 weeks - $7.48 3' weeks or more - $3.27 each week. • • extra words at .16 each Cards of Thanks . $4.25 for 25 words • extra words. at .06 each ' . In - Memoriam $4.25 + .35 for each line of verse Birth Announcement -.$10:00 flat fee .. 3 . 3 ads' $10.50 pre -paid' for 25• words extra words at .16 each . Thursday, Special. - $3,25 for 25 words Must be placed and paid' on Thursday Save a $4.00 billing charge by prepaying G.S.T. net included in above prices GaII 528-2822 F......!, Master; y is 'For Sale ONE JU;Ni0.A..Y,G:OA_L1.E mask and' -.blocker.' Brand new, never worn. , G'reat :deal. at'$250,rCatl 524-5149 or, 524-1738. '--30-32nxe :CONFIDENTIAL TYPING The Lucknow Sentinel: does confidential custom typing for customers; resumes, ters etc. We can offer you a . number of ,different •print, types and sizes CaU our office .or drop in for more . details: -8tfnx WEIGHT LOSS. • NEW BREAKTHROUGH PROGRAM.- : Lose 'the• pounds you want to ;lose. ,fro enrollment fee: No, monthly 'requirement, sim- ple, convenient, proven; • Complete info, without ation.• Marianne. Bollinger 529-7807.--30tfeowcc USED 8 X 8 POSTS.6ft.' lengths; ,great: for walkways, flower beds, barnyards;' beach walls etc:. $3. each: Phone 395-4131._--25tfar• KRANEu Ns R G�I BUTCHER :SHOP 612:Carrilpbeli St. LUCKNOW 528-2242 Beef (Fresh Sliced) Art Polish . 99 Sausagea. • Ls. Beef (cut &, wrapped) 80 Ib. average' • 49 ChLICkS energyfrequent coldsh L13: 1. For. Sane - STEEL-BtliLDINGS FUTURJ ;STEEL BUILD- INGS; Diairabie, Dependable, Pre-engi- neered, All -Steel Structures.. Custom-made to suit your needs and, requirem'er}ts. Factory -Direct affordable widest. . Call 1-800:668-8653 ext. 536 for free .brochure; - f 1 . For Sale THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL urges readers to use cau- tion when. sending money for business opportunities or entptoynlent . advertise- ments. Be certain you are dealing with ae reputable company before releasing any credit card information or sending any .money... Remember, if an `advertise- ment sounds too good to be, true, it probably is.--32tfnx • " FOR SALE - 4 - P215/75A 14 tires..Phone•529-1'1'54. - 27-31xc SEGA GENESIS with two 'controls and seven games. . Exceilent condition,. Hardly, used. $150. -Call 524:5140 0+524-1738. --30.32nxe STEEL BUILDINGS DURA BUILDING' 'SYS, T EM S = Great p rice,: on- ,quality, .Canadian -made; pre-engineered • steel build- ings. • We specialize in ager cultural, commercial:, indus- .2 trial and recreational build- =Ings. Call for details 1800- 663-7438. -30bc 'USED CARPET from major `. 30bc hotel Rust/plurrr color,;19.`x SAWMiLL' ; $4895' .;SAW LOGS ,:INTO-BOARDS:; planks, beams:- Large capacity: Best sawrr ill: value - Free information 1-800,566=6399, .' Norwood . Sawmills,', R.R 2; Kilworthy, Ontario POE.�1 GO--30bc.'' THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL `is available at the. following Locations out of town: .Holyrood General Store; Ripley ;;Superior. Market, Dawson's Store, •Dungannon;. ' MacNay'".s Store, Amberley; `Triangle Discount, Goderich; Brian's Valu -Mart, Wingham M•cPhe-e IDA, .Wingham, Bart Food Mart, Teeswater, MacAdam Mini Mart, Ripley, Port Albert General Store, and Keith's Repair Service; Whitechurch,-'9tfnx ' CHERRIES/Wine Bike! Red tart'. Rick .your own/ready picked, pitting • machines, families Wel- come.;Orders taken for pails' .of; fresfr/frozen cherri'ea. •. Ready picked sweet cher- ries still available. Win 'a bikel Marsh : Fruit Farm, 1/2 'mites E," of. Arkona, 828- 3695. --30cc RIDING' LAWN mower 11, •hp:,"38"' cut. 10 years old, ' good' condition. Call evenings 528-2641: --29tf 12. $30/roil: Phone 529- 31'64: 29tf" • INTRA'" HERBAL BLEND,' Aro you 'suffering :from :asth ma allergies .arthritis 'low , , cholesterol,' high blood Pres-' Sure; 'menopause etc: Try, 30 day supply Satisfaction '• guaranteed or your money back. For More information call Marianne Bollinger 529- 7807,E andLinda: Hopper. i' h 52.8-2704. -r422tfcc CtISTQM FAXIN. G Need::to'send or :receive "a Sfax' The Sentinel does. cus- torn faxing for customers; Drop in or Call 528-2822 for details.--4.1'tfnx WOODS OODS FACTORY' sec- onds dehumidifier from $149..Call.Pollock Electric, Ripley 395-2982. --23tfar • Pick up your copy of THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL at any. , of • the following LUcknow",' 'businesses.: Beckers Milk, Ball's Discount, Lido -low Village Market, Rx Central, Lucknow, HJ Used Cars and Annie's Gas.' Bar, and Hamilton 'Fuels.-52tf , FULL SiZE fiberglass truck cap ' to fit' Chev • truck, $250; •1 hp. portable; air cbmpres- sor like new $200, Evenings 528-2205. -30>f 1.' For -Sale. STEEL BUILDINGS STEEL BUILDINGS FOR SALE,,. •Ends .*included, 25 x 40 •was $5,6.24,, now $4,988. 32 x 44 was $6,835, now $6,524. 40 x 60 was$9,9$8, now $9,644. Many others. Pioneer 1- 800-668.5422.--30bc . LARGE'WHEEL •utility trail- er, 4 w x 4 hx 81 with spare tire, steel side framing with swing open back door, ball on rear for• pulling.. another trailer $300:o.b.o. Small wheel lilt utility, trailer 8 w ' `10.I x-16 h:$150, o..b.o. Call, 524-4604 and leave a mes- sage. --30-31nxe LARGE. SAFE, approxi- mately 100 lbs.; modern Maid, Microwave; •2 world globes; cabinet ' Singer sewing machine, all stitch- es; bobbins, 30 spools 3 T.V's,' Electrohome 26" floor: model, color - 1'2"` black and white, 5" :Black•• and • White, plug-in car/house; 4 jacks, 8 feet 'long,' foi•truckers or lifting.; ;basements. ,Phone 368- • 5510. 29-30cc" GGQF - INCUBATOR/ _ .Hatchery` . hold'40: • Rhea/Em•u ':eggs:, Used 1 season: $700, ,Yellow reclaim brick - approximate- ly 20,000.. Forty cents each Or $350/per 1000• bricks-... . 'Phone 529-1140.E-30 ; • SALE Q`F. guaranteed reconditioned appliances, repairs and service to :all makes; • purchasing and pickup of used appliances; parts new and used.'Call; Ted • at AFFORDABLE APPLIANCE REPAIR 395.- 4842. --30-34cc 18" .DISH . Summer is hereand .so are; the,hot `deals from 4a, A SouthWest Satellite. 18" Echostar now only $399 or. $13/month O A;C:.Call 524 9595 day or night.--25tfcc'. 'WOODSTOVE & FiRE PLACE glass, will• not break from heat. Cut to any size or shape. The Chimney Sweep's Stove. Parlor &, Gallery Inc, $68-5274.. -- 4ltfnbcpnx NEED A RESUME?: Professionally prepared,' laser .printed on quality, 'paper. $.15.00 ler 5:;sets. We' keep your resume on file in case you 'need changes' or updates at a' later date: Call us ordrop in for details, The Lucknow Sent"inel, 528-2822--04tfnx : 1. For Salo THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL has the following papers , available in our office on Wednesday. ' Goderich Signal Star, Kincardine •• News, . Clinton News Record, Mitchell Advocate, Seaforth Huron Expositor. --16tfnx 1 919H At,LIS-CHALMERS garden` tractor. - 1.9- hp: Kohler twin, 48" mower deck, excellent condition, $2850 o.b;o; 1.992 Noma 12 hp., 39" cut riding lawnmow- er, good condition $650 o,b.o:.; 1.0: hp Co-op riding lawnmower, 36" cut, good. condition,... $400 o.b.o, Pieas.e cail;524-1933 or 524-8295. 30.32nxe • J.R. -FEAR Apiaries, Wingham, has fresh honey for sale: Open M. onday • to Saturday 8:30 to 6,' closed Thursdays evenings and Sundays by appointment dr . chance. 357-3656. --30,31 • TRAILER EOR 'sale.' Heavy duty tendert axles, and 'full canopy top:. 14' long by 7'x 7'., $2,200. o.b.o. Call 519- 797-2012 and leave a mes- sage, :�-30tfcc . `!lard Sale' 527 ,GOUGH ST.,•. Lucknovv, Friday, July , 25, from 4 • p.m, Saturday, July 26, '7 • a m. =? Go cart, auto'parts, • household items, _clothing • •(boys sizes up to .5), baby ;.'.:. items, toys, plus.- rnan'y other items :-30 • • • 1966.. L.iNCOLN CONTI-`' •RENTAL„Mark i1,4 door sedan belittle, with suicide' doors, needs; little work,- used daily except winters;:, light blue, low mileage, all :power and all cornplete,. • Good; gas mileage on high7. way, full history package. $2000 o.b.o.' Phone 528; 2317. --29-31 • 1986 OLDS REGENCY Brougham, loaded with all options: New exhaust. $1300as is or; best,o.ffer., Phone. (519) 524-7115 ask;. for Dan. -.-30=31 nxe: 1 ifs Produce ' STRAW FOR SALE,. small. square bales. Phone 395- 2475. --28-30 • HAY FOR sale; Phone 392- 8501. --29.31' ,