HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1997-07-23, Page 91988 Chevrolet Celebrity
Stock 0320fik Fantastic condition ond budgetnricecl .
Nicely equipped with automatic and air condihoninis
Well maintained yehlde . . •
OWED $3,97C•
• higher at
At Brussels last,week,
fed steers,heifers and
cows sold $1 higher; veal
sold $2 to $4 higher; light
lambs sold' $5 higher with
heavier lambs selling
• steady. Stocker calves sold
• at steady prices, With the
yearlings selling $2. to $4
There were 228 steers
• an offer selling from 88,00
to 94.00 to -the high of
Cunningham Farms,
. Luca!, 24, avg. 1363 lbs.
avg, 94.31 to 99.25,
••• Roy Ready,St. Mary's,
5,•ayg, 1340 lbs. avg..
96A0 to98,75.
.Gerald Stoskopf,
Mitchell, 4, avg.. 1301: lbs, ,
avg. 91.84 to 98.00.
Chris Smith, Brussels,
9, avg. 1294, lbs., avg..
86.59 to 92.50.
There were 161 heifers
on offer selling from 88.00 -
• to 94.00 to the high of
• 96.25.
Mux Lea Farms,
• Woodstock, 14, avg.- 1181
lbs, ayg. 93.01 to 96.25..
Merkley ' Farm,
Wroxeter, 1, weighing
1200lbs. sold for 94/5.
Ran.d'y.. Pentland,
Goderieh, 8, aVg. 1134
lbs., avg. 92.45 to 92.85.
. Gordon Dougherty,
• Goderich; 9, avg 1174
lbs.,- avg. 88.23 to 92475..•
• • There were .239 cows
. ' on offer Selling.froM:45.00
to 62.00 to the high of,
• 71.00:
Irvin Schenk,
Petersburg, 4, avg. 1645
• , lbs., avg. 64.44 to 71.00. ;
Grubbdale farm's,
Mildmay, 2, aYg. 1420 • ',
lbs., aVg. 62.09 to 68.50:
Menno Stni:z,inan • .
Chesiey, 2, avg. 1243 lbs.,
• avg. 66.22 to 68.00., '
There were 16. bulls on .,
offer selling from 52.00 to •
02.00t0 the liigh of 79,50..,
Flank. , Huigenbos,
Winghain, 1, weighing •
990 lbs. Sold for 79.00. •
Merkley Farm,
Wroxeter, 1; weighing
1930 lbs., sold for ;75.50.
There were 324 veal on
OfferseHing from: Beef:: ,
95.06 to 118.00; Holstein:' •
88.00 to 95.00; plain
Holstein: 80.00 to 88.00.
,Lanie)s: 50 g0
• 140.00 to 192.50; 80-, 95 •
• lbs., 132.50 to 150.00.
• Sheep: 47.50 to 61.00,
Goats: 45.00 to 125.00.
. .
. • d
Pet travel tip '
For advice 'on suitable.
belts, harnesses and cages,
call your local humane
• society. •
Remember to take your
•••-pet out of the car if you
• are stopping for awhile;
for its own health, your •\
pet should never be left'
• unattended in a car. •
Lueknow Sentinel, Wednesday, July 23, 1997 - Page 9
• 1997 Plymouth Neon
Stack 0402PA Super cur with Only 12000 km* Flice
equipped til•UNE model with air conditioning,
automatic, fahl. down rear wits. Red Exterior.
PRICOR1 •1"1"0 •
11004 Dodge Avenger
Stock 06004D Excellent value vehicle • Nicely tgaippc4
With air minOtioning, automatic traromission, till, cruise,
cassetto, rear spoiler
1`4111Esi. $11:6,1,715
1996 Plymouth Breeze
2 Available. Excellent vehicles with low knis Equipped
with automatic trans., air conditioning, tilt steenng,
mist, control pod
1996 Dodge Caravan SE
Stock 039QF Outaciadirta vehicle with low lans.
Equipped with V6, outomceic, power locks, 41h door
option, 7 passenger seating, au conditioning & more
SALE •$ aim ley it
PRICRD Allitlhp/7.411f 11111
• 1995 Plymouth NeOft Sport
Stock 114041P, Super car Nicely equipped with air
conditioning, outornalic fronsmiiS400, fold down mix
seals. sport decor and more, more, more • --
SAILS al II 111 awn
•' PRICED • 11./tA•r
1995 Chrysler Intrepid
Stock #7250A. Great car in great condiSon. Equipped
with power windows, power lodts, V6, auto., air, power
mirrors, power seal, cassette and MOM.
LPItICED • "Tr ft_FA
• 7Tts•-:---•••„..:
, •„.
,th '' •
rt. . , . x, :;,.......:,.,.',..,,t,>'^i.=;•':ifr>
1994 Dodge Spirit
Stock it7381A Great looking car. Black exterior.
Equipped wills V6 engine, automatic, air conditionina.
ES top level decor, cast alloy rims.
SALE. *0 975
.PRICI1D, ir
• 1993 Ford Mustang Convertible
stack e397p Shop car with low, tow kms. AtIfiamotic
transmission, power windows, power lode, lik,
cruise, *conditioning and inore. SHAM •
pni$ 1 3 97'11
cgo: .
• •
1401Affier ""'
•• 1992 Chevrolet Corsica LT .
Stock #6387B AttractiVe V6 equipped nitride. Features
include air conditioning. tilt, 0111Ie, automatic and:
more Bright White exterior
SALE .girffil
PRICED .•• •ff f "
1996 Chrysler Intrepid
Stade 07383A Excellent vehicle with low km Nicely
equipped wills V6 msgine, air, power windows„ power
loam, lih, cruise, cassette and more.
• SAMSte
p 975
1995 Chevrolet Beretta "Z26"
Stock /356PA, Very Sharp! loaded with features
including vs, 0.10.0cAiec air, power locks, novo todict
and lets more. Polk Rd,
pRICI1D1 • vorp—
• 1995 Plymouth Voyager
Stock #405PSuperior von. Attractive. Nicely equipped
'including oir conditioning, automatic, 7 passenger
mallifirARIlgitEand more 1111
PCED!• wir/rIF II 11111
• '
.1994 Chrysler intrepid
Stock 1,7274A. Value plus with this directive well
equipped vehicle, Air conditioning, power
•wndows/locks,tjlt, cruise, cassette and more '
insicain • 1 3,975
1.995thevrolet 2500 Club Cab
Stock 07420A.looded truck in extra clean einclitian,
This excellent vehicle would make on ideal family
vehicle or trailer hauler 350 engine
SAO soft iftwirte
PRICED .4•11111,/ •ff
1994 Chrysler Concord IX
Stock 0395PA. Superior car Nicely equipped with
pews* features, Black Cheny exterior with
•complimenting grey interior Great Cerl great Warranty.
SALE •$ 41
PRICipl =wow
• ' s4.•
1994 Pontiac Grand Am •
Siods e74582 Super vehicle. Lew km nd in mint
4r ar eg.
condition, Equipped with V6 engine, air conditioning,
powet windows & locks, Olt, cruiSei & mom
PRICED' I4ffillir
SALE $ 0. ova&
z,.artxx "siuter
1993 Ford
inducgpowerdot3, oWer4tift, cruise.stereo With caiseteGreen and Tan wieder
SALE '$.1111' AII- '06144
. '
1993 Ford'Aerostar "Sport" '
Stock #7378A,Great looking von. Erelipped with
moulded running boards and sport decor packoge. V6,
auto, air Red and gray exterior..Very clean, ,
SALE It PE delk /if jiff
PRIKEDI • • if 0•11.
1993:Jeep Grand Cherokee Lareda
Stock LSI 3PA stmer jeep. Nicely equipped with 6
cylinder engine, automatic, power window & ItxkS,
oir, spoke wheels mote
• SALE • '11 A dsw.
PRICED • wit w,
' ' •
, 1992 Dodge Caravan Si
Stock #334PB Greet Vail Nicely equipped with V6
engine, automatic transmission, 7 passenger sealing,
air conditioning and mwe Great Warranty
11 0 975
•" .1992 GMC Safari Van
Stock #3921!A• Super 1,41 ond nice1i equipped. Value
priced! Equipped wsth V6, automahc, csit conditioning,
power edo, 7 passenger. Extra Clean
SALE$9 "975
, • ,
„ 1992 Ford Aerostat ' • ' •
Stock #7378A Mint condition, low Tuns Aeroster van, 7
passengtv stoting„ air conditioning and very well
maintained Excellent Warranty Covenige:
SALE *9975'
• ' 1991 Plynitouth Acklaim
Stock On 8IA Good cart Equipped with automatic
tuld air conditioning Excellent warranty available ond
Financing at low. interest rotes OAF,
SALE '• $A, "rim
PRICED, • • 'mit rk•
• 1992 Chevrolet Corgo Van
Stock #407PA Excellent condon wodr van Regular
wheel base V6 With automatic, bright white exterior
Low kms• Great Warranty Good 84,),
SALE: • $ ,
• *PV,75.
.1991 Ford Aerostar XLT "AWD"
Stock #7322A All Wheel Drive model Nicely eipripped
with V6; air conditioning, power features, automatic '
LOW, LOW kms and greet warranty available
SALE •$ gib drik Nur me
• 1992 GMC 100 Club Cab
Stock 0350Pik Good value velride Nicely ewipped
'with automatic tronsinission end V8 wove Other
features include air conditioning 86e exterior
PRICED! 1 Ang975
, .
1991 13odge Spirit ES •
• Stock IM1OPA Gres car in excellent condition Low ,
kms and nicely equipped with V6 engine, automatic
honsntission, ES package, air and lots more ,
4 •
1996 Dodge Rom 1500 Indy "500'
Stpck tr376PA wow' Thn a a fobulous truck
Indianapolois '500' vehicle, loaded with (=hires
including, 369 engine, bold and distinctive striping
SALE $ dm,
• ICED AiS 97'5.
1995 Buick Century Wogon
Stork 117285A. Supt.* worn B‘Arvtly equipped ond
in mint condition. Weil maintained vehicle Great
Worm* a wagon? You've found ill
SALE $ I ilh Fir me
PRICED! UkilPirl•
1995"Chrysler Cirres.
4soa 11409P Excellent corialtion vellide. Equipped vrith
V6 engine, air conditioning, automatic arm more, Dark
Rosewood exterior Mintl
SPINA:10Di 1 "4,9 lirAr
1994 Ram 1500 Pickup
stock #174¢1A. Great insck. Nicely equippedwith V8
Ongine, oir conditiceing, commix transmission, r box
and 101S 111012. Dark blue exterior, •
SALE $Mlow le
pang'," s •irg lir ri
stGa m.s.418A. Boa x•idea.•:kic.,4%," wah,fealwesit
1993 Plymouth Grand Voyager
including power seat, power windows/locks/v*1K
Bright white exterior. roccelksit buyl
SALM' $.11
S lip 75
• 1993 Audji CS baa
Stock ir385114. Super a this • very Sr°
• 52,44:4 with V6,0,1„iike,„4' ° Y030, veil,
o you ki tronsmission ot
SALE • It; el Ali 161,„ its
PRICED!. -ED A/ 4111
1992 FordCrown, Wctoria LX
Stock rt73SPA. fhbaloto Iwtyry KA Mist
exterior Grey Leather interior loaded vrith, femures
LOW.luns Excellent Worromy Offered, Nice Cor
SALE .$1, 1 11,k75,
• •,1991 GMC Tracker 4x4
Stock 0,6421D Superior Vehicle! Great Looking Sport
Axe equipped with automatic transmission, Excellent
Worronty package and financing oiiabIe OAC.
ttE D .*.
:' 1990 Chevrolet Blazer
Stock #736A Great looking red/white 4)(4 Nicely
equipped with Y6 engine, auto transmission, air,
conditioning ond lotsmore tow Inn s Warmth,
SALE , $ 75.,
pRIcirot II 3,
” 1989 Oldsmobile Cutlass.Cruiser
Stock11391PA. Very Very dean vehicle.,Equipped with
V6, automatic, oir conditioning, power features and
passenger seallng capacity
1988i Ch 5th.A;;;;itee '
sto‘k A
#1089A. red , Very lose Equipped
with V6, automatic, air con tiering, power
wiiszidows/locks; RN, truiseirilEots sir to• ;
• 1987 Mercury:Tracer.
Stock #403PA. Super car ire great concthice Equipped
with automotie transmission Fully eedifiecf with excellent
warranty Don't miss out on ibis ano. .
BALI talk ,davir
- va w
414 Huron Rd., Goderich 524-7383 Out-of-town call 1-800-465-1780
. ...
1,4 ill 011.V
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