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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1997-07-23, Page 2
Page 2— Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, July 23,199'1 ® fr l l�li l hril h�i ®RGi61 1i�® Current pr .Huron. County's Complete 11 d13 ®. 1, Headquarters E 0 0Small tit' Mid-sized Cars • E O 0 Passenger & Cargo E 0 Vans, Pickup Trucks le 0 0 Daily, Weekly, 1,. Monthly [l .1] Cl: Insurance Rentals $t 13 Sand. is extremely loose 11EIflciE puiieci •firom pgae 1 them Out Ul More 0.0 Free Delivery ©. 0 111,_'x. • 13 a E • [1 CAR & TRUCK RENTALS 1. Division of.Suncoast Ford - 13 . d '500 Huron Rd., Goderich ,13 0 CAL L Co1LLECT Ask.for Helen: E • 524-8347' . ee eieeeee tieleie3 LISTINGS, WANTED PAUL'ZINN 528-2411 3/4 ACRE BUILDING LOT - Inglis St, $35,000. ST. • HELEN'S - 4 bdrn . bungalow, finished basement, garage: and shed. Reduced. to sell. CANNING ST - 3 bedroom, private tot, new sidingand front porch. $82,000. E. WAWANOSH 100 acres,, 70 Virorkable; 4 bedroom house, liars'shed. ' • $:49,900; -. 3 bedroom, oil. heat, carport. ONE .ACRE - Building .lot near Lucknow $45,000.•. HAVELOCK ST. - 4 bedroom, wood/oiI •heat,, wood floors. $74,900. ASHFIELD - 3 bedrooms; double gara.ge,..4/10; acre ifisINTEE ,$82,soe, • HISTORIC LUC.KNOW.4-5 bedroom, 'new, kitchen and baths, formal.•living/dining rooms, garage, 8/10 acre lot. HAVELOCK - Corhplete:ly °renovated, 3 bedroom house; 11 bath, moue in condition.. Reduced to$79,990. • FOUR -. Serviced building Iots :Starting at $27;000.: ' KlNLDSS 4 bedroom home on 1. acre .; lot, edge of Lucknow $69,900: • 7.3 . ACRES edge . of. Lucknow. Reduced. G'OUGH'ST. - a bedroom, garage new siding, $72,000: • 149 ACRES = Ashfield Two, all workable: HOLYROOD, 3 bedroom house withinsulateii/heated garage $55,000. For lnfortnat on on Properties listed below contact Richard D. Askes 519-5284935' Res: 5.19-528-2740 Fax COMMERCIAL: BUILDING LOTS - 3.3 acres' Turnberry Township,,, edge of Wingham., Pay less taxes; ..possible Investment property. 80' xx 80' BUILDING LOT with 24' x 36.' small ;barn; just off Main Street, Lucknow. Zoned • commercial $22,000. God location for small engine business. , LISTINGS WANTED lfi' m page 1 pulled them out and sepa- rated the family. Lorraine Mention and Gwen Fisher were also in the water and tried to help membeisof the family .. stay afloat and „get out of'. the current as Draper came around, trying to . pick them up. "How we never lost someone is just incredi- ble," he said. "I don't. kno. w how much anyone alone in the water could. have do.ne,. without the machine."" Draper, who works: at. the Port Albert General Store, has beenthe talk of the store but doesn't say much, himself; about what. happened. . David, • and Ina Mephaln,. Draper's employers, said he is quiet 'about' any of " his accorp plishments. "It was just instinct," Draper said. current is strong. Silt build s up at the rnouth as it shafts from side to side and creates banks of sand. "Tho sand is extremely loose," Petrie said. When someone Walks on it, it can give way. and dump them in the current that takes them. into the lake where the water suddenly becomes deep Glen Gardiner,, another Port. Albert resident, said there is no gradually deep- ening in the water, People ' can b.estanding in ankle. deep water, take three steps and fall in over their .. heads.' . . 'Coupled with waves comingto shore, • if .some- one-gets ome-one•gets caught in the cur- rent, whether from swim- ming in the river or .failing. in, the waves can trap peo- ple, keeping them in the current., Last week, a family of four were pulled from that current by a Port Albert resident, Bill Draper, on a personal watercraft. Jack Bye, another Port Albert. resident, pulled a young child out of the river with a "noodle," a long 'tube of foam .• used in pools and at the beach. During the past 10 years, at least threepeople have lost their lives in the river including a fisher- man one ,spring, when the current- can be at its strongest and a Port Albert father who drowned sav- ing his children. A local ratepayers' association has taken steps of its own to try prevent- ing similar incidents but some are getting frustrat- ed. They purchased signs warning of the dangerous undertow and mounted life preservers near the river should someone get in trouble. ' Brit those signs and pre: server's have since been burned as firewood. • . a Eetrie said they' have • also. . built a "chime" from ' iron bars that are built into the ground and can be rung -if someone gets in trouble. There are no lifeguards:' It's the local people who have trained themselves to respond when they hear the alarm. However, Bye said a lot of people don't realize what it's for and younger ones ring it for fun. Bye's not sure what else they can • do to help. He said it's up to parents, visiting the beach and river, to keep a closer eye on their children. Butresidents say new- comers to Port Albert don't know about the river current and it.appears safe. Petrie isn't sure either if there is anything else they can do to keep people out of trouble. • "It'll probably go on as longas the river is there," he said. • DCLA honored for outstanding, innovative work Wingham & District Community Living Association is the proud recipient of The Centre for Management of Community Services 1997 Innovation Award. ,The Center for Management of. by rat Liviingston Two' local teenagers are planning a day camp for youngsters aged 5 to 10 between Aug. 5 and. 8. Janet Cox, 16, came up with the idea. "1 like;work- i-ng'-.wiith kids," 'she said: "There's lots: of ".sports going on in 'the'•summer, but:not-much for those who. don't participate in :those." Haying •a week fre•e during summer holidays, Janet decided to try a day :camp. And .`,so ,the. sw J+m Lucknow Day; Camp was born. • Matt Martin,. 14, is' Janet's partner: ih this'ven- tore that is sanctioned by, the Lucknow and District .. Joint Recreation Board. Matt said•.theirj parents are friends so; that's.how he'got involved. "I thought . it was a great:•idea• to pro- vide something for the, kids to do,". Matt said. Both ,.have younger: sib- ' !Ings at home so they ore.' working 'with 'kids.. between 5 and 10 won't: be a problem. 'Matt has his . bronze medallion, senior resuscitation and is work- ing pn his .bronze. cross,- , and. took. a :baby;sitting course last year: Janet took . a leadership course at Camp Kintail last year. They have lots of adult backup . from- .'Carol' Phillips., who has been involved in several recre- ation programs, and from. their parents, if the need. arises . . The :duo h•as a .:wide variety of 'activities .. CRAM -HARDWOODS LIMITED Auburn Ont519.526-7220 Let 5 Generations of Experience in, Timber Purchasing and Resource Management $WOA1C FOR YOU $ Remember- "Good Things Come in trees' Hardwood Slabs =1317/17 cu. yd. Truckload within 20 mites Mitea00 Beyond that planned.. Each day will have a different theme and Will include twocrafts, games, one hourof swim- ming at the :pool', and .a story time. Each day will also feature:one big 'activi- ty. such as 'visiting_ a local. attraction. The camp runs for four days, from :9 a'.m to 4 :p:m and will be .held- at the c sports complex and :sur-•. rounding grounds. Kids .should bring `their' lunch and _a:drink, Morning and afternoonsnacks will be '' provided.. Pre -registration is nec ,essary as only 12 children will be enrolled for each day. You can register for one day- or any multiple thereof.Thecost is $12 'per day ` Registration forms are available at the tourism; office. For more information call Janet at 528-2400 or Matt at 529- 7033. Letts 'Janet Cox and Matt Martin' planning a ;local day camlp. G :SOMEONE A EC ND CHANCE: . Whew/Kidney K ley Fauidiuon volunteerla.ocks on Vont door: {ilasagive generouth. Th iartvF J Nnti'UON of CANADA : Illien.;:ot. Steel CONCEPTS PLUS of, Kincardine are now in the retail steel business, .w h a full line of: • SHEE7, EXPANDED, TUBE, BEAM, BAR, 'Rob We accept orders large and small. Open days.a week to serve you better. Monday to Friday. 6:00 a.m. - 6.00 p.m. 'Saturday 8:30 e.m: - 4:00 p riff. On the north side of Highway #9 between the towns of Millarton and 6ervie Phone: 519-395-3916, FAX: 519-395-3920 "Watch for the roadside sign" Community .Services is a non profit organization funded in part by. Ontari•o's Ministry of Community and. Social Services. Their mission is to assist other ministry funded agencies in meet- ing increasingdemands for more community- based services within today's financial realities. Each year they recog- nine' organizations from across Ontario for their outstanding work'. on 'behalf of people with dis- abilities, specifically' those groups that are innovative in the waythey provide service. A winner was selected from each of three regions: in Ontario: southwest, east and north. Wingham • 'Community Living was selected for.the, award from a ;panel of judges; made : up .of colleagues-. from around the province. Early .in 1994 staff of the Wingham & District - Community Living •;ssociatipn• `submitted:. proposalsoutlining a hew structure. using a 24-hour approach to supports, In October 1994 The new structure was inttroduced. It is a significant feat to change. an entire Organiza- tion, but that is 'what has happened. The Wingham Association hasmove_ d. to a team approach' of pro- viding services• based on individuals' needs : and •see 'Choices', page`3 • . . LUCkNOW DISTRICT COMMUNITY CENTRE: BINGO Sunday, July 27th Saturday; July 25th Archie & Mildred Purdon Anniversary . . OPEN DATES Fri.July 25 Sat. July 19 • CAL 528-3429 • 9ar.m,-5p.m. •