HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1997-07-16, Page 6• Page 6- Lucknuw Sentinel, Wednesday, July 16, 1997 Wllt'mee.t with union to negotiate *from page 1 for failing to obtain a building permit. The building inspector issued three permits: one for an addition to a shed, one for a house and one for a new shed. Collective agreement The International Union of Operating Engineers requested dates, as to when council would. negotiate a new collective: agreement for the road department employees. -. • The clerk was given a date to respond with and instructed to prepare perti- nent information'regaratng wages and benefits for council. CNR land "No trespassing" signs will be erected at each entranceway onto the •. CNR land since the town-. ship is now the registered owner for the time being. The process 'of selling the land back to the indi- viduals along the rail line will be initiated. A meet- ing will be held with the original CNR committee, township solicitor, survey • and council•:' Landowner concerns John Husk attended the meting to "talk to council about 'several concerns he has. a One is a ,ovate f problem. that causes ponding all year round at Lot .5, Cone, -10, Husk says the road is blocking 'the natural flow of water and wants a. c ul- vert placed under the road to drain the ponding and allow the natural flow to continue. • A culvert installed when the road was recon- structed many years ago is • not noticeable and not doing the job. as originally intended. The problem was addressed a number of years ago and ther'eport said it was not a township responsibility. • Husk will talkto the neighbor across the road to gethis comments -on the culvert. • If there is no. opposi- tion, a4 culvert will be ,installed across Conc. 10. If there ,is opposition, Husk will have to petition for• an extension of the Municipal Drain. Two other areas of con- cern for Husk' will be looked at by the road 'superintendent anad the drain inspector. 38,2 km of roadway. transferred to Bruce by Pat Livingston Bruce county will be the recipient of 38.2 lcilonaetres of roadway, compliments of the province effective Jan, 1, 199$. In April, Highway 6 from Highway 21 to Hepworth was transferred to, Bruce and Grey, The 'downloading. is a continuation of the province's 'Who Does What'. initiative where municipalities will take "full responsibility for 'beg trans- portation services; including highways that.primarily serve local needs," says Al Palladini, Ministry of Transportation minister, in a letter to county council. This transfer'. will. download responsi • bility for Highway 86. from Amberley to the• westerly ed$e of Lucknow, and from the east village limits to east of Whitechurch. Because Highway 86 is a boundary road for Bruce and Huron counties the distance in kilometres will be' split between counties with each. get- ting 14.7 kilometres. figures taken from MTO show the average daily.traffic count on Highway 86 from Lucknow to Wingham to be 2,800 in the summer and 2,500+ in the winter. From Lucknow to Amberley, the average count is 1,350 in summer and 1,100 in winter. Portions of Highway 4 (23,5 kilometres) also trans- fer to Bruce County,. with .6 kilometres on the Bruce and Huron boundary road going.. X0Huron. Bruce county will receive a one time unconditional :ppaytnei , 'f $741,000 after transfer of the.high% In Huron CO"' ,Lal'of.'70,5'{kilo- metres was adder ' county road sys- tem. Huron'sone tine unconditional pay- ment is $2,945,000 . In addition to the 1,766 kilometres of .highway 'transfers presently underway, another :3,400 kilometres of highways "which primarily serve local needs" 'will be transferred to municipalities as of Jan. res %';f .j i; r;:..i J,... N.!'I, ' "4 i'r .••r.J4:•r>!•: r r +F : !: r . /J. is r.;.: xih •>;•'1..i: i"J.<?::{. 4»•!!: r:>:• : �r •.: . ..:N• % J. . A� , f !<vlSf::'+,•'::i:'{.:%ii{i'r::+i.!:ii`Y J<w...v 4^... rf.�i. r. r <:ix:lir:.4 r. � r ;:Jl..<:)r� /1....:•.r,.r.>:: •.�.x:,.,lr.: i.;{.::•:f::.r ,rlrir% .I..C,.•.: .,:• 1,: •'9Yf:�sf�:::•r.:.+.:... :r::i... r rf., (. f;�,.! ,;r. r.c.. ..rr .f `::r:4'r. N r J..•, r f..+f,:r .^fi.•r:?:•f:`;;r%rf;.:.::5;;,r`''i:c:"i,:v ,J,<; :`%: .:1r •:fi•. ;,4� +xa45>.•r.:4,r/%:Uiits.%/.'ax�.rif..rr<+lrY: rrl.•rYl1r:<'!.fi:^. X.: r" /r �/ . ! '^ f .h. !h. y 4::+^•%r.Nr. iU.c.'KC:✓:•. r •::4. r: v;%•: rrS•r.!i:•N>•.l: n•r.•%r:>rr::.! 6:4 4,5 f,f � :y�J lJffin: Consolidated Statement of Operations for the year ended December '31,' 1996 Sources of Financing ' • Requisition on Local Municipalities Grants ? Govematentof Canada Province of Ontario • Other municipalities: Other. • Investment income 293,346 Fees and service charges 3,054,235: *. -tents` 785,507'• Mist*Ilaneous. 16,000 Fund Balances at the Beginnleg'. ' :of the Year, Tb heuscd to offset to tatioo ' ' 821,524 26,904,138. Budget Actual Actual $. 8,898,210' • 31,OFT 12,675,799 28,500' APlllied To Gerrent Operations General government, Protection to persons and property Transportation services Environmental' services Health services Social and family services Recreation and cultural services. 'Planning and development Capital : .Gederal government Protection to persons and property Transportation services Environmental' ' :Health services.• Social and family services Recreation and cultural services Planning and development 8,886,967 ' 8,856,546 .' 514,084 35(1,795 "• •12,782,459 •'14450,876 186,232,• 980,524. 318,965. 3,185,983 880;879 275.,587 388,962 3,135,1131 774.141; 1,7.40' 807,879 •1,269,300 27,839,035 .' 30,407,997 1,351,987 1,451,208 1,257,635 210,122 214,611 '' ; 235,634' 61,193,000 6,015,893 i 8,087,724, 557,752 ' 369,034 '386,987 2,193 218 2,105,946 2,224,630 .. 11,488460. 11.647,009 11,953,342..,, 1,765,694 '2,160,726 ' 1456,293 1,02I,530 1,27.7.130 ' _947,997 24,781;963 25,241 566 26,7.49,342' Net, Appropriations to (from) Reserves and Reserve Funds Fund Balances at the End of the Year To be used to offset taxation 143,000 1.000 277,000 2,000: • ,74,000 117,000 '93,000 142,38.2. , 663,206 896. 276,8:11 500,482 1,478 6,652 73,611. 1;686,421 .117,223 ' 135,291, • '93,301 39,1711. 25,000 24,866 ;40,570, 132,000 430,638 3,091.792 '•1,390,175 1,195,709, (241,016) • 807,819 • 6'71.,122' •%26,904,138 27,839,035 30,401,997, }iii% .••••,„ Consolidated j! f2i,:4,. �r/�.�f^....: .+. . . ...:....r........ .^ ..:.ri/....R .r...:xr.^.e.:.... ...A........+.'J..>:.r!4':?•R•:!i??rr.1.:.........'r>Y..:.:..r>:•'r4::.. ::YSK..... . .f.:r....•} AUDITORif S REPORT To the Members at council, Inhabitants.andRatepayers - of the Corporation of the County of Huron • . We have audited the consolidated balance sheet of the Corporation of the. County 01Huron as at December 31, 1996 and the consolidated statement of operations for thearear then ended. These, statements are the responsibility oLthe county's management, Our responsibility Is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit. ' We conducted our audit in accordance with 9enerally accepted auditing standards. Those standards require fiat We plan and perlorni "an audit to obtain reasonable assurance whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement. An audit Includes examining, on a test basis evidence supporting the amounts;and disclosures in the financial statements, M audit also includes assessing the accounting principles'used and significant estimates made by, management, as well as eialuating overall' financial statementpreseatation. .. . In our opinion, those consolidated financial statementspresent fairly the financial position of the Corporation of the County of Huron es at December 31, 1996 and the results of its operation for ttie year then ended in accordance with thea accounting' principles disclosed in note 1 to the financial statements. Goderich, Ontario "- •May 30, 1997 t1 At�r� ,1.44#rclt ' it ,Chartered Accountants. Consolidated Balance Sheet as at December,31,1996 infi l)nreslricted Cash on hand and in bank, Due'to general funds from reserve funds Accounts receivable Re$tr ided Cash on/hand and in bank Investments ,Other current assets. Less: Due from reserve funds to, 'general funds ' '' Liabilities and Fluid Balances Liabilities Accounts payable•and accrued liabilities Fund balances at the end of the year, To beused to offset tattation Reserves.' ;' Reserve Funds Reserve and Reserve Fund Operations Revenue • Transfersand expenditures Year-end position of reserves .and reserve. funds NOTES ..: 1, These Financial Highlights reflect the, operations, assetsand liabilities of the County of Huron including the fullowing:`1=luron County Planning and Development Committct:, Huron County Library Board, Committee of Management of Huronview ankh the Huron County Board of, Health.. ` ' '2. The Home Care Ptogtatit, Placement Co-ordination Services; and the Hurons Addiction and Referral Program administered by the Huron County Board of Health and funded entirely by the Province of Ontario are not consolidated. • . 3. Copies of the audited financial report from which these highlights. were extracted Indy be examined at the office of the Clerk -Administrator, County of Huron .Court House, The Square, Goderich, Ontario. ' Murray Keys Warden 3,300,022.: . 2,060,928 1,050,874 • 1,850,616. .; '. 586.753 2,404,502 4,937,649 6,316,046' • 2,621,237 "� 2,038,994 1.4.- ' 4,660,245 '(I,050,874)' 3,609,371. 1,322,875 i. ' 2,756,239 35 4,079,149 (I 850 ¢16) 2,228,533 •8,547 020 '' 8,544,579 2,368,237 3,424,748 611,.122 807,879. 1,898,290 2,083,1410 360071 • ' 2x228,533 8,547,020 • 8;544,574; • 2,499,617 1,303,907 5,507,662. • 2;399,841 ' 1,640,857 .• 4,311,952 Ken Nix, CrM.A, Treasurer Orr+vrr•• : rr . .a.:ir••r r: �.:1�i•. !!/,•f..%%l.f,i/ /�..r1':,!f,r � i /'J/.rr7+%•i�.r'.::•'./rr:/�:• , /}1l./r: %.:. i}rr+r! ./!.{./::..r:!. r%:p...:..r.r...:,..r+/..:.r:/:+.!l/r '.'Jfv.•.'..3%.l%fr..:+. r.r�li . ��..•.J/•.%{%.!i/Jr' %r.✓.`•i./.%/iJr1rr/ ,,W.4.,':77774,1 f<: %/�` /�: ff•/ % r/ '///ir%' rf/rfi,v:'„•..n.rf/ rr.ix !+ n/ • f:. :+!i/ :%'>/ +•rx .r .. .. l. .•r f..r,: •r•::r:f r io#+.'•.1../, i•F..:.r.rr../:�,r / /%ir �/:rrq/:::•rr•l'<�/1 '`•}: .. y/.%.!.!/rr .r!%. /rrJr/•<• rr• •r. 4. ' nIr4.>. :r./. .. f%•..4 •r>:••x/•r:r>:• i•ry. ..�/�.rYrri y >''{:iii/•� •:'i.::..w•/•:x!::f!:1r!^r:..•f.<r4...%.l{ •r+./•..�r4/rrr{.:.4, .5:x. r::<•a:r.% i."•rYi'ii: :>:.j •r lr,f:e: !� ! f: S