HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1997-07-16, Page 4this project so successful!;
If. it wasn't for the
Lucknow Kinsmen Club,
the Lucknow. Lions Club
and other: ,groups, .our
• Lucknow would be a "One
Saloon, • Sleepy-e.yedi
Town!" •
One little 'complaint ..
•'though, • the portalile _.
•Johnny is too far.laway
from the ball .diamond. It
is difficult :,rpmmng�• ;to -the ,
John * bowlegged, cross-
' legged, anxious and then
Page 4 - Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, July 16, 1997
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A Bowes Publishers Community Newspaper 619 Campbell St., Lucknow, Gftarlo
P.O. Box 400, Lucknow, Ontario NOG 2110
phone: (519) 528-2822 fax (519) 528-3529
- Established 1873
Tom Thompsolrn r Advertising Manager
Pat Livingston- General Manager / Editor
Phyllis Matthews Helot - Office Administrator
Joan Courtney - Typesetter
Subscription Rates advance: Local Regular $25.66 (incl. postage and G.S.'f .) within
40 mi. radius. Local Senior $23.52 (incl. postage and G,S T:) within 40 mi. radius.
Out -of-area (40 miles) $25.66 (incl. postage and,G.S.T.).
Foreign & USA — $98.00. Publications mail registration no. 084:7
held at Lucknow, Ontario. Published 52 times ayear.
e-mail: lucksent@hurontel.on.ca Internet address: bttp://www.bowesnet.corn/luclmow/
-a dirty' word,
but a fact
writes "I encourage you to complete your task within
the next'several months.... The township of Saugeen,
in fact, • has requested a commission to bring about a
quick resolution. While I may entertain this request, 1
have every confidence in your ability to make local
decisions early in 1998."
Locally, it appears that Lucknow and Kinloss will
Four days after it was leaked to a daily newspaper,
Bruce county council's warden and chair of the
restructuring committee, received the `official word'
that the county's submission did not contain enough
"details required to constitute a complete restructur-
ing proposal under the provisions of the Municipal
There's something with wrong .this scenario. Even
though it can be -considered a scoop for the daily, pro-
tocol or courtesy should have guaranteed .thit the •
county 'knew either before, or at the. very least the
same day as the press:.
So the committee.. now goes back to the drawing
board to either complete the full details or start again:
come to the table again to discuss an amalgamation.
Restructuring and amalgamation have become, for Let's hope this time around, councillors make quicker
some, like those dirty four letter words we don't headway. Those who were dragging their feet and
print. however, there is no use :in burying our heads being so pessimistic in earlier rounds needto change
in the sand. It will happen. their attitude.. Don't think thatbecause the county's
In the letter to county council, the assistant deputy submission is back at thecounty table means you can
'minister of municipal affairs 'operations division , sit back•and think those dirty words will disappear.
• Lookmg:forphotos
of past Legion.
�.udlimy presidents
'Dear editor: I
I . am doing a project
' for Branch 309 of the
Legion and would like
to, request assistance
from your readers.
I need a picture: of the.
following ladies who
were presidents of the
Ladies Aux.iliary_ :to
Brandt 309. Any type
ofa picture will do and
I will take care of hav-
ing reproductions made, '
and will returnthe origi-
nals. '
The pictures required
' are of:
E.:Hassall President in
. , I •
L. Phillips President in
1945 - 1946 ,
Thelma MacDonald
President in 1947
Shirley Cook President
in 1962
E. Barkwell President. in
Evelyn Henderson
President 19.89' - '1991.
Perhaps some of
these ladies still have
family in the area and
they. would look through
their' old pictures and
give mea .call . at 529-
7633. I would appreci-
ate any assistance that -I
can get, .
June. Pyette
Ball player loves new diamond
Last .• night;. Monday, From the,
Dear editor
July. 7, I had my first
slow -pitch game..on the
complex ball diamond.
Boy! was I impressed. •
The fence was .moved
to 285 feet,.. light standards
were.. moved andnew
lights installed, more tiles
-'were added for drainage,
therefore improving the
texture of the diamond and
new sod •under my feet
while I playy my centre -
field Position.
I hear the Kinsmen
have funded the makeover
mail bag
of' the complex diamond
and 'probably have worked
their buns off makingthis
diamond a great place to
play. ball. Well done, gen-
tlemen, and on : behalf - of
my'' slow-pitch.team, the
Silver Bullets, we thank ;
you and ail participants
. that were involved in this
project, for all your hard
work, ,. dedication, ; thankful!
fundraising, and making ` Marilyn Miltenburg.'
`Thew, these family pic-
nics , are lots: of funs"
says : Chelsea Black,
but I' need time out for a
refreshing slug of coop
water!" Chelsea is the.
daughter of, Kevin and
Wendy of Bath, grand-
daughter of Marg Black.
and great granddaugh-
ter of Jenny
MacPherson., She was
havingfun at the
Lucknow & District
Chamber 'of
Commerce's first family
picnic on • Sunday
(Helm photo) °
ubilee celebration best
since � Koy� l�euniarn
70 years ago .' His Ord walk - C.E.McDonagh
July 7,1927 was among district Orangernen ' to
rained, Jubilee finely celeL. attend '.the . `Glorious : Twelfth'. in
,. ubilee_,::Hanover For Charlie :-itAept ibis --
Celebration held;• at Luckno'w record intagt. of never : missing a
was a fine success the best affair of `walk' in 53 years. He is a member of
the 'kind staged here since the Old. Zion Lodge.
-Boy's Reunion of 1910. ' Saturday ,night ytraffic , - It is
The day was intensely hot, but this ridiculous W. -expect that a motorist,
did not deter people, young or old, who cannot get into the curb„ should
. from turning snit in goodly numbers, not have the privilege of stopping on
'although it lessened the pleasures of a ' the main thoroughfare, long enough
holiday crowd. todeliver, his basket, of eggs, or to
Summer. wearables - at Alfred E. pick up' whatever commodities, he
Buswell'% 'Our Store' you;,: could, get may have ',purchased:` This is a
cotton sox with a; fancyatop for: 29¢, Saturday night shopping town and
.lisle sox, 39'0, figured; dress 'voile these temporary traffic 'bottlenecks
clearing•at 50¢. And there.. was a sup- are to be expected. - and welcomed!
ply of fancy belts suitable for that (from an editorial)
Tom Boy skirt - for 50¢.,
50 years ago
July 17, 1947
urtail,lawn tap use - The use
of. lawn taps during the
months of July and August is.
to be curtailed, vilith 'lawn watering
conducted only between 7 and 9:30 at •
Appeal county assessment The
village ..or Lucknow • has ,filedan
appeal against its new county assess-
ment which increased by $131,335.
25 years ago.
July 12,1972
ins new car - George
McInnes . of Lucknow; an
employee of J.E.
MaeDonald's . Imperial Service.
Station, is the proud owner of a new
car and two fellow employees% Doug
Haldenby and Mike Courtney; are
each $250 richer as a result of
George's good fortune.
It was holiday . time - for the
Sentinelstaff.- The office closed for
two weeks and publication ceased
during that time.