HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1997-07-09, Page 5C ROSL EYI Luek tow Sentinel, Wednesday, July 9, 1997 — Page 5 1 rx y u think' the • ;ni&tn day t 14 nn > �o#4ay r h ..e -it 1 a11r+e' . week?' ifGotryty BVI" q i it should tr tu talo on Friday or Monday because '...ft makes nt. more ec�n� sensefor everyone" :to have a 1'01)wendd." . Restructuring letter AsidieldTowitahip= Wayne also, ;thinks the holiday should be Friday for Monday. s I"C!: easier for people who are varfation or travel. li ,' he said. althea* • "Clitistrnas.ceteblitext on. Deer 25, Carr. Day should i s eelebrated Ort July 1 To the working eson, it's. an. incconv- nger e,: but if it. is - 'Canada Day ' it\ Ca dal ay! Poor response from ratepayers Dear editor: I am surprised and dis- appointed. to learn that there has been very tittle response shown by the ratepayers to the munici- _> pal restructuring issue. Itis very important that we educate 'ourselves by reading and asking ques- tons- as to the implications of the .proposal and then'. inform our reeves and • council members of our opinions: We voted these people in to represent our. interests and• be our voice in these important issues; and 'we should be letting them- know :our opinions and showing .them our support. • its reel for Eddy's meal vot n$ at itt tuber ey r t na until lP ldy's1.i.'.31.0* Dungannon was sold was their num ber'one ' fan and bestsppi rUnt> for their oatmeal cook - r. ries_ • After moving`; to Iriti.sh Columbia in l 959,:I would firitig. home a large supply of. the cookies whenever I; was.in Lueknow. I was Wondering: if anyone of Eddy's ofd. staff might have the recipe: forthose great;; great oatmeal cookies...1 addioted.:to there and; have never found any Oatmeal cookie that `me close;;:'. Could you part 4a. -small article a€ri.• your; paper Asking if anyone as the recipe, if so,. could they e-mail: it to me at robhewat+dcepw, cove c or mad it to. be, Doh Iewa€t,. 51 G.tenIIROT" Drive, West Vancouver, R.C. V7S 3llcst wishes,: Bob Ilewar. As both. Rick. McMurray and . Leo Murray .pointed out in their letters, local councils did not: get a: chance to.. thoroughly examinethis. latest proposal and . make• their opposition known before it was voted on at the county . level. The tea: sons for their opposition are very valid ones. We already have long standing' agreements With our neighbors to sharean excellent fire ' dep►artment, our recreation board, and. the medical centre, .and there were discussions. taking place to perhaps' amalgamate other area of, service. I; am' sure that there 'are ways to improve these and ,e.xpand,these agreements.. Ask yourself whatthe implications are of the amalgamating including Kincardine as well as Ripley/Huron. There may possibly be some advan- tage to amalgamating in certain areas but I for one do not see any advantage :for us, economic or oilier-. wise, in making the ..municipalities ;too large, and uninanageable•, and. certainly, no advantage in including Kincardine in our. area. • How would such an amalgamation affectour taxes? fire departinent? hydro rates? recreation? medical 'centre? libraries? other': services? • Who would decide where . our tax .dollars would • be .spent and on what? Would we, have fair representation. If the issde is...to save tax dollars,, the certainly we should' be looking - at other: ways to do this such: as bulk ,purchasing of sup, - plies and equipment etc-: and sharing some . adiriinisy tration and services with our neighbors Our coun= 'OM* biro Toad `'Yes, isagoott idea to> have a brit we kend. flowever,-.3 like to: see'. Canada Day celebrate& because we ' deal show (0r patriotism the way. weshould" Jinieryette AsfilliktTom $hJd; celebrated alr my ft*s nip t to uphold our»>traditio s don''t lake to see' Canada drOpping droppingthes tr ition cils have spent marry long hours working an these issues and I feet, they were on their way •to achieving this goal County council should not have been intimated by bureaucrats in: Toronto into rushing through a restructuring proposal that was not approved. by ALL. councils and which. did not take into consideration the various amalgamations and .agreement which are. already in place. It is not too late to ask • questions and to voice'' your opinions! . This ''is an • important issue to 'the. % well-being of our commu- nity. We . cannot allow our fate to be decided on by someone sitting behind a desk in Toronto Who .has no idea,of what rural inunicipalities are all abou>G' :, A -Super Summer Scorcher C Sale Lynn Peck, Lucknow. 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