The Lucknow Sentinel, 1997-07-09, Page 1VOL. 124 " WK. 28 ,WEDNESDAY, JULY 9,1997 0 INCLUDES G.S.T. -The province says:.. - Prc�posal n�ed� more detail by Pat Livingston • • • Bruce county's restructuring commit-. tee is going.. to have to add more detail to its restructuring concept. before the -province-will consider it -as a formal pro- posal. Don T ,Manager of the:Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing's. Regional `' Operations Branch,.. said. Monday: that the county's proposal. -Was More like a "framework against which local decisions can be made. Apparently , there is some will within the county to. implement. the direction that 'is estab-' lished in it, but it is .not in and of itself. a proposal." "Taylor's comments were outlined„in a report. in a daily: newspaper before county council was told of the decision. "It Was 'disappointing to. find out • through the media,” .said Stuart .I.eavie, 'Lucknow's reeve and chair of the coun- ty's restructuring' committee, on Monday. Was . contacted. byy a'reporter last Friday asking for comment on the Ministry. of Municipal Affairs. saying no to the proposal,.: He believed, it would have been more:appropriate for the coun ty to receive a better before the media was informed In June, Reavie had estimated it would.. take about 45' days before the Ministry would respond to a'proposal that would seethe county' restructuredinto eight. Municipalities. "The 'county is well aware that what they'submitted is not a proposal," said i.Taylor. "The Minister received a submis- sion from 'Bruce ;county, and :the county acknowledges in the covering piece -that, it is not a proposal . within the meaning of the Mtirticipal Act." • ` Taylor said` the .Minister' of Municipal Affairs would be responding to the noun- ty. "very soon.". He anticipates the Minister will "volunteer the services of his staff to sort out what needs to be done t'o•enable it to move ahead." ` 1 guess we'll. definitely have to have :a meeting and .go from there," said Reavie. "If he's (Taylor) saying what the .letter'is going to say; they want a total package. That takes county approval and probably won't ,happen until September.". Reavie .said . the restructuring.commit- tee would meet first and "if the commit- :. tee feels itwarrants a special, meeting, we'll.have a special meeting." "Where does that leave, Lucknow?" queried •Reavie.. "I guess Lucknow could .go ahead and make, a proposal, but it still requires a triple majority vote. 'And if they go farther - such as a proposal with Ashfield and' West Wawanosh rt' will need approval from. both county coun ells .....• Lucknowcoutrc ilor Rick McMurray was "happyto, see the province is .stick. .. . ing to the . guidelines," When. he, found out about the :reported "no" from .the province.' --"Hopefully it will give us some time :to get a good proposal, together for .the village ,of Lucknow and the surrounding municipalities whowe already share business with," said McMurray. • "I hope it doesn't take thesense: of. urgency off the four municipalities to=get together and make some sort. of proposal . to come together" • Kinloss Deputy. Reeve Leo Murray was happy to hear the news too. "I'm pleased CO hear that. the province has turned the proposal down," 's'aid ' Murray. *ow maybe ;we can'get on and do' something'" constructive with. Lucknow." .' Local Scout troop , bound for the Canadian Jamboree Last Monday,' 15 enthu- siastic Scouts and four devoted: , leaders • left ` Lucknow bound for the` 97 Canadian Jamboree which is, being held .in Thunder Bay from July 12 .to 20. They arc going to be touring the•. Sudbury and Sault Ste, Marie areas, travelling..: to...: ,Hawk Junction via the Algoma Central Railway, camping' overnight at Obatanga Park in Wawa, and doing • much sightseeing enroute, They will arrive at the Jamboree on July 12 and • will -be leaving for home„ on July 19. They will be. staying overnight at •Lake Superior 1Vfichigan University and arriving. back in Lucknow July X20: ". In order" to enable these. 19.people to participate in this chance..of a lifetime event, the Scoots; leaders and famnilieshave beer very busy fund-raising for, the past 18. months under the.leadership of a group committee of parents. A complete report on .the, trip . .and. .the .fund-raising activ- ities . will follow their return home. • Kinloss township. says Join. all `couzitry cousins= :. by Pat Livingston "I'm ticked off by thewhole perfor- mance of May 20," said •Kinloss Deputy Reeve Leo Murray as his council met in a special session last week to put a propos- al on the table that goes against the coun- ty's plan for restructuring Bruce. 'There was no consultation about the report., Here we are with a decision made that we had no input on," said Murray. "`I propose' we go over the county's' head join Lucknow and get approval to send the other two. municipalities (Ashfield and, West Wawanosh) an invita- tion to partake in these talks." Councillor Brian Wolfe, who earlier was adverse to joining Lucknow: or even sharing administration ..services with the village; has. now come onside with join- ing,.the village and including Ashfield and West Wawanosh. . • ' • "The (county) option on the table is a knee jerk reaction,". said Wolfe. I'm not a proponent of amalgam;ation, but to be realistic... The thing I want to see is us corning together _with_Kincardine The county proposal would see Kinloss joined with Lucknow, 'Huron. and Kincardine townships, and the town of Kincardine, "We have much more in common with our. `country cousins' (Ashfield and West Wawanosh)," said Wolfe "The .,four municipalities are essentially one now. I . question -the county's decision as it impacts• on our community." "We either make a proposal.; and, try to move:or let them dump us where they want," declared Murray. "We're not try- ing to tramp on .toes." "We're looking after our interests: maybe belatedly," continued Wolfe. • *turn to page 2 "l t LUCKNU' scout, This contingent of Lucknow Scouts arid, lead- ers lett Monday morning for the '97 Canadian Jamboree. in Thunder Bay, with some touring enroute.: They include, from the left, back row:. Sandy . Lougheed, Dan McDonagh, Dale. Lougheed, Jeff Selkirk, Michael Mali, Mark Hackett, Chris Hackett. Front rovr: Jonathan Finnigan, Bob Raymond, David Gillespie, Williart� ,Kugler, Cliff Mann, Zack Fielder, Dale Fielder, Russ Mann, Ron' Gillespie, Mathew elkirk and'Matt Fielder.' Absent Brett,Ar'cher. (Livingston photo)