HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1997-07-02, Page 22iPage 22: — Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, July 2, 1997
48. Corning
- Events
Everyone is invited Sunday,
July 13 starting at 12:30
pin. -to the Caledonia ball
diamond - pavilion. Bring
your picnic lunch andenjoy
an afternoon of old fash-
ioned fun. Games, face
painting, baseball and
swimming. Sponsored by
the Lucknow Chamber of
Bervie United Church gar-
den party supper Tuesday,
July 15, 5 - 7 p.m. Adults
$8; 5 - 12 years .$4; under 5
years free. Family,rate $25.-
July 5, 10 a.m. .at the
grounds; --26-27x
Helpyour special
Graduate celebrate
their day with a
Happy Ad in the
Lucknow Sentinel
Ready to sow a
little seed?
Then dig: up some.
,_.values withs..
classified ad!
Grey -Bruce AHC appoints neve executive
At its annual meeting
on June 3, the Grey -Bruce
District Health Council
elected, its executive .com-
mittee for the 1997-98
year. These appointments
will take effect July 1..
Jennifer Cummings is
being appointed chair
through. an Order -in
Council. Cummings is a
physiotherapist employed
by the Grey -Bruce Home
Care Program
(Community Care Access
Centre) since 1990.
She has just returned to
her po:sitioiffrom a six-
month secondment at the
In-home. Services Branch
of the Ontario Ministry of
Health. Cummings is very
active in the Ontario
Association. She is,past
president of that.
Association and 'has.
served on several provin-
cial committees and task
force. -
Appointed to' the Grey
Bruce District'. Health
Council in August 1993,
Cummings is considered a
provider. of health care.
She and her family are
residents of Tara
Dr. David Barr was.
elected- for a second term
as vice chair. He is a fam-
ily practitioner and a resi-
dent of. Walkerton. He
joined 'Council 'in October
1994 and served as a
member of Council's
Restructuring Steering
Committee. '
Richard '(Mick) Hibma
is council's incoming trea-
In November of 1994
Hibma was.elected to
Owen Sound City Council.
and was subsequently
appointed as the city's rep-
resentative to the District
Health, Council. Hibma is
employed with Ontario
Council's retiring chair,
.Paul Eagleson, was elect-
ed as a member -at -large.
Eagleson joined coun-
cil in. May of 1992 as.
Bruce county Council's
represen.tativ.e to the
A former warden of
Bruce County (1995),
Eagleson and his family
reside in Tara: He owns
and• Operates 'a funeral
home and furniture busi-•.
Hess in Tara and a furni-
ture business in
Eagleson has been an
active member • of
Council's Mental Health'
Advisory Committee.
Patricia Grant, a con-
sumer of health.care from
Durham was elected as
council's second member-
ember'at-large.Grant . Was
appointed • to Council in Education.
February 1996 and served Fife and his wife
as .a member of council's became permanent resi-
Hea1th1'Hospital dents of Meaford in 1994
Restructuring Steering where he is an active par-
Committee. She brings ' ticipant'in a wide variety
council the perspective of of church boards, .commit -
a consumer of health care. teesand activities includ-
An active community ing . the Meaford.
member, Grant has a busi- Tomorrow Foundation
ness background and is which is, the implementa-
employed with Interforest tion organization for the
Ltd. in Durham. Meaford Strategic Plan,
Council also welcomed Council paid, a tribute
its newest member, Ian' J. to retiring member,
Fife from Meaford. A Marion -Lethbridge from
consumer of health care, Sauble Beach.
Fife was given a. three—Lethbridge -Lethbridge •was
year appointment to counl appointed to council in
cil in May 1997. 1991 andcompletes her
In 1989 Fife retired six-year maximum term in;
after 3.5 'years with the 1997.
Etobicoke Board of Lethbridge's'contribu•-
tions to health care, both
locally and provincially
will be missed. She served
as council`s chair in 1995,
vice chair for a two-year
period,. member of.. the
nomination committee
and represented council
On both regional and
provincial cancer planning
Council is currently
seeking a replacement 'for.
Lethbridge from •the
Sauble '.Beach.-W.iarton.
area and would be happy
to hear from interested
For further information
please contact .the Grey-
Bru•ce District Health
Council at (519) 376 -6691 -
(phone) or (519) 376-3074
Bruce -Grey Separate SchoolBoard
Work to start on Walkerton school
A Chatham company der for footings was also • progress reports to the
has been awarded the ten- below ,estimates. Ministry. That prompted
der for structural steel for "The way I've stuck
the Sacred Heart High "my neck out on this pro -
School addition in ject, hopefully. the main
part of the tender„.will fol-
low the pattern," Serre
told trustees at their June
The separate boardgot
provincial funding for the
Sacred Heart High School
project in January. Along
with the late 'notification
came a tight schedule for
SASS. Manufacturing
Company was the lowest
of four tenders for the
`project with a bid of.
"I'm'pleased'td'say the
amount. of the tender was
less than estimated," said
business superintendent
Paul Serre:. An earlier ten -
construction and issuing
Serre .to recommend call
ing tenders for 'various.
`portionsof the .proJect
overmetable. a , staggered
The SHHS addition
will replace a number of
portables and a temporary
wing that is more than 22
years old. The main ten-
der for the two storey.
addition will .be'called in
the next week.
One man's junk may b? another,
main's. jewel' 'Why not gather those
items that you no longer' treasure
and :tag them",For Sale" in a'
GARAGE SALE? You'111 be surprisecL
at how easy it.is...and how
much cash you can rnakel'
• Usually two days gives
enough time ;for processionals
and ,amateurs'and
broJsers. The best day to.
begin is Friday and run
through Saturday. At, the .end of
each day, ,reconsider pricing.and
'rriake adjustments where needed,
Go.throughyour•-home attic,'basement,.
garage..: andpjot down items ,as you go; Smalliterns can be displcYyed -in baskets and �.
buckets. Consider clothing, furniture
appliances .anything you no longer '
want -or need. Ask friend if they'd like to
run a joint, sole and try color coding
pride tags to keep inventories..
Atways mark 'prices .on :everything: I
Suggested price for good quality'used
clothing,is one eighth the. Original cost.
Check with store catalogues to get an
idea of original prices Clothing older
than 1 0 years . may be thought of as
"carnpy'` and could be worth more to the.
right buyers. Usually upholstered furniture:
costs less than all wood;
•'� ni�l tiego
1,11 '.
`' • And most important, ADVERTISE YOUR
h►.'' ,YOUR SALE,,
'Go tb the bank and get
' small hills and change: ,
® i Borrow'an adding ma= •
chine if you,dori't own.
one,'lohelp keep, sales
straight. Always have ,
someone .watching •
merchandise Keep,
o. ''rribne
Materials: bOX, tags d
alS ogethef
!; Provide a full length mirror
'' ' • it possible for people to try
on clothing. Create aisle like.rows
it possible for easy accessibility.