HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1997-07-02, Page 18Page 18 - Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, July 2, 1997.
QUiltCs end productive season
The Five Star Quilters
ended their season with a
pot luck lunch in
Luckno.w: Ann Hawkins
handed.the presidency to
Nancy . Wood from
Kincardine and Mona
Tunney, who. completed
•.her six year tern, as trea-
surer, will he handing the
books to Sinione 'Lynch
"from Kincardine. The
Guild presented Ann with
a basket of fabric and .
Mona .received a signed
patchwork block from
each of the Members. •
This: season, the Guild
members have learned
many new patterns and
techniques- "Quilt in a-
Day"1:brought about three
different quilt tops from
teachers. Nellie Nusink,
Simone Lynch, and Nancy
Wood. All 'proved to be
very interesting and . beau-
There was also a work-
shop ' on Applique and
teachers Doris Bushell and
Simone Lynch demon-
strating two different tech-
niques. Members chose'. to
either learn. the Celtic
Applique using biasstrips
of fabric, or a different
way using a.pattern cut
out Eike a paper
snowflake, and two fabrics
joined together the top
layer is carefully cut out
and appliqued onto` the
bottom layer.
Maureen Tresnak from
"Project Smile" has. kept
in touch with the Guild
• and sent a couple of pho-
• tos of children who have
received their quilts
through our efforts in
January. We hope to con-.
tinueto help with this
wortheivhile project.
Canadian Living had a
Baby Quilt challenge at
the beginning of the year
and Manja Patel,: Nellie
Nusink, Darlene Schiestel
and Carol Mitchell took
'onthe challenge and creat-
ed a beautiful quilt which
was entered..The Guild
received a letter of con-
gratulations for honorable
:mention and a cheque for,
$50. Great work ladies:
Southampton Museum.
wrote ' the Five Stat•
Quilters and thanked them.
for'partieipating in. the ,
Wallhanging Show at the
Museum along with a $50
cheque.. Congratulations to
Carol Mitchell who won
third, prize for artistic
impression. and Doris
Bushell who won an hon-
orable mention.
Goderich Museum is ,
looking for the Guild's
participation with their
13th Annual Quilt Show
in August. If members
would like•to smend quilts
they are asked to have
them there by July 28 at
4:30 p.m. For the guide-
lines, call Nancy Wood..
Friends of the Library
in Wingham are holding a
Wallhanging Display this
fall and the Five Star
Quitters haveagreed to
display their works of art.
Members are asked- to
bring their: wallhangings,
to the Sept. 24 meeting so
they can be included in the
Congratulations to' the'
following members for
theirwonderful handiwork
on their quilt. blocks for
the 1998 -quilt. For the
three . categories. Pieced'
applique and combination
of both - Ann Hawkins,
Muriel MacKenzie and
Betty Ritchie won first;
Barb ,DeBoer, Doris
Bushell and Manja Patel
won second, and Simone
Lynch, Nancy Wood and
Marion MacKinnon :won
Inge Bolt, and Marion
1-lastie from Hanover were
the mystery guests. at. our
final meeting and they dis-
played some very heau.ti
fu'l garments and quilts
they have made. Members
played "QUILTO" and the
"Dog Sale" raised $89 to
go towards our Guild
library. We hope to see
everyone • back in
September hrtght and full
of quilting ideas. Have a
great summer.
Getting back into
Remember, after exten-
sive immobility or just
simply limited activity,
you aren't what you -used
to be. A physiotherapist
can give you guidelines
for a graduated exercise
program to have you
climbing those mountains
again. (A helpful hint
from the Canadian
Association) .
Many resolutions from FWIC
conyention to be acted upon
!from page 17 .
be the president-elect of the Federated
Women's Institutes of Canada for the next
triennium. '
Action will be taken on all .resolutions
presented at the Convention "including -
requesting that Canada Post review`
addressed ad mail rates, requesting
Health Canada to: - ;set safetystandards
for cooking pots; set a minimum standard
for print size on medicinal containers.
and, ensure a list of ingredients on. the
;labels of all imported liquid -filled prod'=
ucts such as paperweights. As well, a let
ter and, petition will be submitted: request-
• ing that the quality'of health dare be pre-
• served bymaintaining the Women's
College Hospital in Toronto.
Congratulations .to Douglas C.. Smith
Enjoy The Book Feature:
Tell the LUCKNOW SENTINEL which books you've enjoyed,reading,
this summer: Students in grade 8 and under may send us book.
revieWs forpublication.
Write a review about ffie boa ou recommend in 100 words or. less
including the title and .the. author, Include, your name, .age, ; home
address, phone, school, grade and date, at' the top left corner of the
'page. Writers should include smallcolor photos of themselves. with
• names written on the back: Sorry, neither entries nor photos can be
returned': Adults May write children's exact oral responses when nec-
essary:, As
ec-essary..'As many of the reviews will be published as possible. •
• All entrieswill be placed in a drawing for a $50 cash prize to be held at'
• the end "af,Augusf.
Sendreviews to ' • SUMMER READING REVIEW
• ' Attention: PAT. LIVINGSTON
P.O. Box 400
Lucknow, Ont.,
NOG 2160
..F 6.Le11.. and Jack �R..��4....
of. Arkell; Jack Matthi;stin of
Avorftan. who were presented, with the
Erland Lee Award Of. Appreciation in
recognition of their outstanding contrjbu-
' tion add support of Women's Institutes in
Canada. •
As the Convention and 'centennial cel-
ebrations -reach their cdnelusioh, •del'e-
gates will return to their homes with the
knowledge that the need for an organiza-.
"tion •promoting' the Women's Institute
objectives is as great today as it was in
1897: At that time Society: was coping.
with changes resultingfrom the industrial -
revolution; today, society is -coping with
the rapid changes in the fieldof technolo_,
gy and. communication. People still need
basic skills to remain healthy and, produc-
tive. '
New tourism book
released in . Bruce.
The Bruce County Tour and Travel Guide isa new
promotion piece developed by; the' 'Bruce County
,Office`To'terism' to entice travellers into our region of
It has been; designed to answer the specific ques-
tions posed by prospective• vacationers to our county,
andto highlight the 'Many eco-tourrsm activities and
attractions we otter' visitors The guide's theme
Bruce County's kural Landscapes., and includes brief
historical and cultural' vignettes on our 16: rural munic-
"The Tour .& Travel•Guide meets the needs of the
individual traveller as well as- the information require-
ments for tour companies' looking ..for great new desti.
nations for their clients," says Sally Wright,'co-ordina'•
toi''of the Tourism and Agriculture Office. The guide
book has •detailed information on everv,.carrmpground,
'motel, resort, cottage''court,,'marina rand 'golf Course in'
the ,County, 'as well" as''reference to all. the .bed and
'The guidebook also, describes the:many guided:
nature tours,' adventure outfitting, gourmet riding trips;
and other learning tours offered by businesses and
organizations .in the ,County. These tour opportunities
:show. a new .level' of tourism .sophistication herr' in
terms of the global ..marketplace; says Wright. "It's;
.'great to see. these :experts; in all different. fields. 'shar-
•ing their knowledge of nature's bounty iR Brucewith
our. visitors.".
And, for the firsttime in any regional 'tourism pro-
motion book;: the Bruce .County .Guide. has printed' the
n:ew.Pride,.of .Grey.Bruc.e_logo developed by—thy.
. Market Gey Bruce committee to promote• the products
and produce of Bruce and Grey counties.: '
The Tour. & Travel Guide :has already been distrib
uteri to all Ontario travel information centre; key Visi-
tor and convention 'bureaux, Chambers of commerce;
as well as Canadian: and Ontario consulates in Europe,•
the United States and Japan.. •
The Bruce County Fun Events Calendar, the .eighth
one to be. produced by the Tourism Office. will be
ready for distribution in 'June covering events and
activities into early 1998.
To maintain good pos-
ture throughout your
Exercise regularly.,
Exercise promotes strong
artd flexible muscles ,that
keep you upright in a
proper postoral position.
(A -helpful hint from the
Canadian Physiotherapy