HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1997-07-02, Page 8Page $ -- Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, July 2, 1997 Birthday Club Mary Frances Frayne July 3, 1987 10 Years Old Lisa Conley. July 4, 1987 10 Years Old . Leslie Conley • July 4, 1987 10 Years Old. Courtney Bakker July 4, 1985 ' • 12 Years OId • Michelle VanDiepenbeek July 4, 1992 • • .•5 Years Old ' Mites Kennedy July 4,1992 5 - Years Old Brendan Jantzi `• July 4, 1991 • • 6 Years Old Jessica Atkinson - July tkinsonJuly 6, 1996 1Year Old Best GIC Rate 5.55% 5• yrs as of June 30/97 Ar INVESTMENTS 524-2773 ..God' Belch 1-800.26545503 LUCKNOW DISTRICT COMMUNITY CENTRE BINGO ' Sunday, July 6th • -Saturday, July•5th` Kim Edgar ,& Troy Ritchie GALL 528-3429- 9-a.m. - 5 p.m. CRAIG HARDWOODS LIMITED Auburn.Ont. 519-526.7220 Let 5 Generations: of'Experieni e•in Timber Purchasing and Resource Mer►aoement :.WORK FOR YOU $ Remember Good Th:ngs Come in Trees': Hardwood Slabs 130117 cu O. Truckload wit in20 miles Mileage Beyond that. • Combined Summer Service Schedule Lucknow United;"Lucknow & South Kinloss Preshyt rias - Churches - ,ANLL SERVICES 10 a rr}.: - I ri.• SERVICES Judy 6 - Lucknow United July'•13-.Lucid-tow United ,July 20 - Lucknow United July'27"-,'Lucknow United • • Aug. 3' Lucknow Presbyterian. "Summer' Music ,Service" Aug•• 10 - Lucknow Presbyterian Aug: 17 '-.South Kinloss Presbyterian Aug.. 24 South Kinloss Presbyterian • FOR PASTORAL CARE ..: July - Rev: Wm Bresnahan. August Rev. Peggylinsman, •_August.;tst - Churches hack to regular service ATTENTION VETERANS EX•SERVICEMEN AND' WOMEN &' DEPENDENTS The Royal Canadian Legion Provincial Service Bureau Officer, Randolph Groundwater, will be visit- ing,iin the'. area. Anyone wishing information, advice or assistance regarding:•. • War Disability Pensions. • Treatment• for entitled veterans, Appeals• . against adverse original application for war Veterans and Widows Allowance.. Contact the Service Officer or Secretary of the Branch. no later than July 9+.199?.. • • .. Irvine Eedy Branch '309 • Service Officer. • This troll .dropped' in, for .a visit at Morrison Berries during the fourth • annual straw.. berry festival on Saturday. Stephanie Morrison (left), with help from a member of the 'Magic •in. • Motion's Children's. Theatre troupe, played the littlest goat in .the story of the troll ' and the goats. She is : trying to make her way ,across the bridge' to greener grass on the other side. The troll relents and allows her to cross as she is the smallest goat and. his appetite is really for bigger ones. (Livingston photo) From the mail bag has concerns w thr Bill. Dear editor: ' Ontario tenants on lim- ited ;incomes: -may be fac- :,i.ng even more discrimina tion : unless • last -Minute. changes are _ Made to Bill " •...96 : the Tenant Protection: Act which is now before the Ontario legislature. The problematic parts - of the Bill are sections 'which ,Would make amend- , orients ; to the. 'O-ntario, Human- Rights. Code As it is now, the Code prohibits landlords fromrcdiscrimi- natii3g on the. basis of the source of the prospective tenants' incorne:.This proms tects• people with • Iow" incomes, including those receiving family benefits, -`.disability' benefits, and general welfare `benefits, from being refused aceom-. • modation because of land- lords' prejudices:• - Section 200, of Bill 96 would allow landlords to use "income information" as a criterion for refusal. :So landlords wishing to exclude people with chs abilities, single 'parents; or other.. disadvantaged • groups from their premis ' es, Can claim their refusals • 'are based on ''iincome information which they` interpret to. mean their their' premises are not .'"afford-• , able" by . the .prospective "• tenant. Discrimination in hous- 2_4ing isalready a serious problem iii Ontario. In 1993, . a lJnited Nations committee called for improved :.human rights protection and enforce- ment after finding evi- dence .of widespread dis- crimination in housing in :. Canada against social ser vice recipients: Bill' 96. resulting in hundreds of would ' weaken human thousands of homeless,• rights ,.protection, .:.notpredominantly women and • improve it. children,' . Keith Norton, recently ",..The 'proposed 'appointed' ".by Premier : amendment to the • Code Harris, .the Chief `` also refers to credit. checks; Commissioner ° ".of the, landlord references arid co - Ontario Human Rights , signors -The . position Commission; is, a.: leading,‘' CERA and- the Human objector to this amend- Rights Commission took merit. He has written to the in the recent "-bdarc 'of Premier- and. to Al' Leach inquiry hearings was Iand- Minister of Housing. ask- lords may disqualify appli- i.ng that the amendment be ,;• cants :,on the basis of a bad withdrawn, 'credit rating without :via- A • bulletin' from the slating' the Human Rights Toronto-based Centre.: for Code.(though it may not be Equality Rights iii fair).. Oti• (he other hand, it, Accommodation `(CERA) .: is a violation'of the rights states.::, "Income discrimi- • of ;young people and new, nation is the most: serious "comers to disqualify -them. barrier facing low income simply, because.- they are households in. need of 'unable toprovide; a refer- housing. The. provincial ';price orcredit andit is government has with ;clearly discriminatory to drawn.al.t financial support -. requireeveryone on social • for new social housing.' assistance: toprovide a c`o- Low •income, households in need of housing can only rely on the private market, "If landlords whose. y act of • • these ff p units" are More affordable tections from discrimina- and, desirable are permitted' , tion." • to exclude all low income : SWAN (Stop Woman tenants, low ncome AbuseN'ow) is particularly households are either left . concerned with the poten homeless or are forced to char es tial 'im on women who rent the most over -priced are ttem tin to leave and undesirable apart- : abusive spouses.. Anything ments on the market, which limits access to 'Professor .Michael affordable. housing puts Ornstein . of York these' women and . their signor. Bill' 96 would leave young People refugees and other first-time renters without' an- .e salve ro University has shown that children at • great .risk.. if. all .landlordswere, to use • Man y ,women who are the most car -ninon "afford- abused in their homes must ability" criterion; requiring, rely .initially on public thattenants pay no more assistance to leave their than 30 per cent' of income abusers and establish• safe househoids. 'Aiso, one `towards' rent, about"one • aspect of the abuse many third of Ontario's tenants women experience is the would be disqualified from • control their partners exert the most affordable apart- over all financial dealings ments on the market - of .' 'the' family. Many women leave abusive spouses with no credit his- tory in their own name 'If -you "share SWAN's concern about how these changes may affect women trying to escape violence, and indeed.' on all . citizens with'." Marginal.. incomes,. you can:still:take action to influence 'the final°•form of Bill 96:• 'The Bill .,passed.:'second '' reading in early June :