HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1997-07-02, Page 7CEOs review 0ii.sal datiQn models *few. page 3 • Four areas have been ear- marked for study with :reports anticipated in the next few weeks. The four areas include nutrition and food services, Material management; ` business.' office -finance, and senior 'management. An, administrative .working group, comprised Of •the existing hospital CEOs, has been reviewing consolidation: models. The preferred model for Huron and Perth remains one chief executive officer with a minimal senior management. team, said. Gnay. Art Clark said he was" glad to have been provided with an update about the progress made on hospital restructuring. 'Progress is' being made and you're not standing around wringing • your hands. • • Accomplishments -While the past year has provided ;tense rtioments,. Gnay said, it also has been a. time of accomplishment at Winghain arid. District'' Hospital. She pointed ..to:, the - newly -renovated intensive care unit and operating room as highlights of her' term . as chairman: '•Gnay'. also proudlynoted the•hos= pitals: historic: affiliation agreement .with the London Regional Cancer Centre •to provide dancer; rtreatment . locally as • . •'crewning.ach'ieverneet • • Ie :the . report of the • resource (corni'nittee, Chairman Bob Pike said the $675,000 expenditure to renovate the ICU and operating room are part of the hospitals strategic plan. The project was internally money has accumulated over the .past 2 t years • through budget surpluses, donations and interest on the investment. Some money will be used • to fin-, dev a. Mon Mon.ea went �. ated ears financed thanks to the commitment of . the corne munity and good financial management, "This is a better hospital than it •was a year ago • and better focussed,;`. remarked. Pike, who:thanked the hos- pital foundation fol' . pro- viding funding for, the ICU monitoring equtpfnent. -Major investments for the coming• year, he said, include; new' ultrasound. equipment and a biochein- • istry .analyzer, for the labo- ratory.'', In : answer to .a question from Andy • McBride, Pike said a $166,000 expendi- ture , to . 1996-97 ° was for severance packages,' which provided , :early, .retireinent. •, to sorne'.employees. . • ' ' We have restructured within." the ' hospital and, there have been significant, changes in staffing," Pike'- , ccmrriented. • 1; , 1 Clayton Baird asked '1 Q 1 the hpspitals: $2, mil-. lion capital development'. Ned had accumulated and how it will: be spent.; Pike replied that the ish the renovation project and some to purchase the capital equipment. "The next project will be coming back to discus- sion of a medical clinic.,' •said Pike. Last year, the board decided to go ahead with the construction . of newmedical clinic- to aG omrnodate eight to 16 physicians. However, the. project has been on hold due tie uncertainly over restructt ring. • Physician Recruiting Art Clark asked' what progress has been made in the area of doctor recruit-. ment. He aske&if it would be lielpful,to harness "the `motivation 'of ; Wingham and area" ' to assist in recruiting • lectors, the. same, motivation which proved so.effectjve last fall ' in consolidating support for: the hospital Gnay said the recruiting committee met two weeks" ago, but no doctors have. .been recruited since : lash year' when • Dr, Greg. 'Antoniadisscameeb towii. `. 1 "We're-. being ••told that Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, July 2, 1997 _ Page 7 young doctors want a clin- ic," remarked Gnay. "But we would appreciate any help at all from the com- nntinity," she added. ,The hospital' has made. application to be designat- ed "under -serviced" by the province. If that applica- tion is accepted, said .Gnay, the hospital will be permit- ted to go on a recruiting tour for physicians. Something which may encourage doctors to • locateto rural practices, in the years to come is.a new p'rograni being introduced to the curriculum of the • .medical school at . ,the University • of • Western Ontario, • • Dr. Marie Gear reported ' on the new program, intro- duced thanks. to the work of Dr. Jim Rourke of • Goderich, a long-time pro- ponent of the' concept., Gear said'the idea of mak-. ing rural medicine a spe- cialty May be part of the solution to the problem 'Most rural areas . have in recruiting physicians. . Starting next 'year, first- year medical students will visit Win ham and Disti ict Hospital. They will ; be exposed to, all aspects of • rural health care ..7 `from working in a hospital -set;; deg ,to seeing patients dur ing` office hours. The program may not pay dividends for a num- ber of years, noted Gear, but added it could'be a'fac- •tor: five„ r',10, years, down 1, the read. ce ou t The Bruce Coanty .BesinesS Directory will be revised: this su> trier to include; new businesses: The•new .t i - tion will list fo mation art more than 2;000 btisinesees in: the county Last; year's. edition was a "sold -out s ieceas', attrib- uted to ;its efreetr-veneee as, a' m erketrng• and research tool, and as art adverttserrtent of local businesseai Over half of the directories Were Sold to businesses outside Bruce Count • Forbes Symon, of the ltuoe• County Planning and Paconomio Development Department, sags the: 1997/98 ,,update:"writ be trate popularr/than the "first, .b car se it • will belt de: a wider- seope;' of comtnercral industrial, iin:stittuti:ertair.; gov rnn1ent;e rtij ne>. and , arin baaes l thwr p Ne / ,businesses v+r ll be contacted as will those that have moved; hired more employees or changed .owner-' ship since May 1996: Although the county has most recent tnfor'mation', availabter some could be missed. :If .one of these' situ tons •applied to your business, 'and you haven't been 'contacted by Tulye 6, please. call the office at 881418T: an as for Forbes Have you seen this invader? 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