HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1997-07-02, Page 4Page 4 Luteknaw Sentinel,: Wednesday, July 2, DK Changes: of address. orders for subscriptions, and undeliverable copies (return postage guaranteed) are to be sent to The Lucimow Sentinel at the address indicated here. Advertising is accepted on the condition that in the event of.a typographical error, the par tion of the advertising space occupied by the erroneous item together with a reasonable allowance for signature, will not be 'charged for, but the balance of the advertisement will be paid at the applicable rates. A Bowes Publishers Ci:Mr anunity Newspaper 61,8 Cannpbell St.; Luelsnow, Ontario �? O. ox 400, Lucknow, Ontario NOG 2H0 Phone: (5i9) 528-2822 fax (5191 528-3529 a Estblished 173 Tom Thompson — Advertising Manager Pat Livingston — General Manager / Editor Phyllis Matthews Helm — Office Administrator Joan Courtney Typesetter Subscription Rates advance: Local Regular $25.66 (Mel. postage and 0.5.T:) within 40 mi. radius, Local Senior 523.52 (incl. postage and 0.S.T.) within 40 mi. radius. Out -of-area (40 miles) $26.66:: (incl. postage and GS-T.I. Foreign & USA -- $91LOO. Publications mail registration no. 0847 held at Luclmow, Ontario. e -mall: lucksent@hurontel.on.ca ' • Internet address: http;//www.bowesnpt.com/lucknow/ Just call me Cassandra,: the dinosaur few years ago a friend and I' decided that when it. became necessary to be computer literate to use. a telephone, we would learn what our children appeared to have been born knowing. I fear that time has arrived. For those who embraced with joy having a computer in the house, it is difficult to comprehend the reluctance of the techno-moron to join in their orgy of instant information. It is just not possible to make them under- stand that I find copperplate •more attractive than any font; andthat if I were ,to • )earn another language, it w.ouid be Italian, not COBOL. Is it' the Utter lack of graciousness that emanates from the cyber -world that is so off-putting to some of us? Or is it perhaps the isolation? I like to hear people speak, not read their message on a screen ..Even if we have a print-out of their words, this is not the same asa letter from them.A letter is' so much more than words - warm, intimate - a part of the person as defined by their hand- writing. It is real communication evokinga'' sense of their presence. As an illustration of the -negative impact computers can leave on personal relationships, there:was, a cartoon I saw many years ago that depicted a man working at•his. computer. His -wife, children" and;; dog crouched: on the floor on the. far 'side' of the desk; obviously feeling neglected in favor of a machine. Unfortiynately;•this isn't ;necessarily a joke. For some, the fascination of comput- er games and the Internet can become all -consuming. There are those who have .actually become .addicted' to the Internet, and are labeled as having "Internet Addiction Syndrome," Says New Scientist, "those suffering• the online equivalent of alcoholism are turning in increasing num bers to support and therapy groups to treat their obses- sion" symptonatized by "a need to spend more and more time on the Internet to "achieve. satisfaction, and. fantasies or dreams about the Net." ' . This type of isolation from face-to-face human con tact isobviously not healthy In fact thesame magazine. says New York 'psychjatrist Dr. Ivan Goldberg,. who started the Internet Addiction Support Gronpe has received "more than 20_ responses..,from people who say the Net has ruined their life. This unbalanced approach to the use of a' valuable communication tool should serve as a warning to par- ents. "More and more kids are hecorning computer liter- ate before they are literate," says pne Toronto paper•: This stems from the eagerness of some parents to sec their children excel in school. While this is a normal desire, would it .not be better to teach our children ,to • - interact well with people before machines, and that good human relations are also part of the path, to sup- cess? uecess? : , Recently much has .been written and shown on_ T.V. about the dangerous material available on the Internet. It is crucial that as their children do learn to use it, parents keep a very interested eye on what, information they are ' gleaning from cyber -Space., It is one thing "for Johnny to find out the major exports of New Zealand; but .quite unnecessary that he shut the door to the computer room and learn how to build a bomb. Kids can evengrow up playing solitaire on a comput- er. What's wrong with a deck of cardsnear the. family? • Another, and for me 'surprising, withdrawal from human interaction facilitated by, the Internet is described. in. The Christian :Century.,.Th'ere is a ".:site'" called. "The Confession -Booth." A digital priest asks `'And -what is it you wish to confess?" One Can then choose from a list •burin top.g a e 5. . • • • entinel Memoirs algama out as an tae ar 70:years ago - June 30, 1927 oor attendance - Evidently people's ;fancy does not turnto in -door concerts at this time of year: They.are engaged with bowling, baseball; garden, parties,' :motoring. and, other outdoor sports and pa's - times: This emal ts suggested : by the rather .small attendance at the concert Tuesday eveningwhen about one- third of good crowd darned out So what was , going on? ,Well there , was a horseshoe .tournament planned for July 1 the Union UFWO Club was . hosting 'a garden party on Neil G. Mackenzie's lawn;.with a pro- gram, .and baseball ',game and Langside • 'folks. were planning for,., their great annual garden party and strawberry festival. 500 for adults and 25¢ for children! :01. • SO years ago July 3, 1947 . ig picnic in Ashfield The first annual school area picnic, sponsored by the AShfield Township School Board. was .held at Kintal summer school grounds. Over 500 residents of the, township attend- edl • Plan lacrosse game:. - kcal : folk will shortly . have the Opportunity off` seeing .a couple of fast young Owen Sound teams play an • exhibition lacrosse game in the-Lucknow arena. Fire bombs. save ' house - Torn Morrison of Whitechurch credits fire. bombs manufactured and sold by Syd Rouse of Lucknow, , with•` having saved his home recently. The kitchen sr, took fire and spread rapidly as spilled f coal. oil fed the conflagration. Two fire ,bombs tossed into the kitchen smothered the flames. 25 years .ago July 5; 1972 s . egional talks Bruce County council strongly rejected ►overture§ from neighboring Grey County that the two municipali= '> ties, with Owen Sound, jointly study the 'possibility of uniting as a region.. Bruce council hopes to streamline. its own operations and; retain its present Identity. 1 Warden; Harvey' Davis; at a county meeting, said, "We have 42 represen tatives (in county council) for 42,000 people. If we don't, streamline our ti government, . the province will :'do it for us. We owe this to the people we ,51 represent, to get together and see just what we can do." ,(Editor's note: Sound fami.1iar? Any .comments? Write or phone us.) Fram the mail bag To •the 'Ratepayers :: of Kinloss and Lucknow. The recent issues of the • Lucknow Sentinel have -attempted ' to inform you, the: -public, of the impor- tant issue of Municipal Restructuring: You are also aware that.: the recent county report of May 20 attempted to lump Kinloss and Lucknow with Huron, Kincardine Twp. and. the ,Town of Kincardine.. Kinloss <'ovvnship.. council said the process was flawed. It should first,. have been sent to the municipalities for consul-' tation before it was voted on'at county.; Council. It would seem that an issue as important •as this, rep- resenting 72,000,,ratepay ers, should nth be rammed through by 30 council Members. Further, from the 'press. you are aware that the. Kinloss Twp council is opposed to this proposal ,:. The, reasons are .firstly, it '•' does 'not• suit our; geo- graphic area and. we .have absolutely 'nothing in commonwith the town of Kincardine: Secondly, our: •mutual agreements that are now in pla,Ce ,with Kinloss,. Lucknow, AshfieId and West Wawanosh would b'e severely hampered in my opinion. These.: include medical center; fire department; and recre- ation' board which includes the sports arena, Swimming. ' pool and all minor sports. This agree- ment covers the four municipalities and is working well. , :In my: opinionthe:time has come :for the four municipalities, above list= ed, to make a restructur- ing .proposal contrary to the county proposal-, At a recent ratepayers meeting in :Kinloss Twp., we were urged :tomove cautiously, ,, With ,this recent proposal from the county; it's" time for .the ratepayers- t9 strongly voice their opin- ion. The outcome of these proposals, be, it -county or Municipal, •w'ill have' a, major effect on the ratepayers of these inutile . ipalities. .Leo Murray; Deputy' Reeve. Kinloss Township.:. GIVE SOMEONE A:SECOND CSCE. . When a Kidney Foundation volunteer knocics on your door, please give generously. THEMDAY: FOUNDATION OF CRNA 1 •