HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1997-06-25, Page 12...X ..,.P„-. wvrFntRll tie4..P.-. A rage 12- Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, June 25, 1997 6. Trucks 1986 GMC 915, . new brakes, exhaust, fuel tank, shocks and• other parts, 2.5 F1, 5 speed, regent two tone, burgundy and grey paint. $2500 certified o,b.o. Phone 524-7115. --26- 28nxe EARL'S AUTO FARTS LTH RR 1, Kincardine -CA,SU FOR CARS Phone 395-2947 Lueknow & Ripley 70. Motolrycles 1984 ATV 4 wheeler Honda 200, Excellent running con- ' dition $2,000. Call 524- 4167. --25-26nxe 1984 HONDA THREE • ''wheeler, 125 cc, new tires and in good running condi- tion. $950 o.b.o.. Please phone.. 482.5610. .25,26nxe 1986' ATC. HONDA 350X,- excellent condition, $1000:. Ca11.524-7173. --26cc - V:ehicles: 1995 HARDTOP COLE- MAN . trailer; sleeps 9, ;fur- race, 'add -a -room;; .set up in, Port Elgin; as .new. $5;000 Or best offer, Phone .529- . 3164;741-23,2426w 1980 GOLDEN FALCON; x,«'95 ft...1 swing out; eir.condi ti'oner, furnished: Phone 357-3246.,--22 24,.25-27nx . 1971' 23' FOOT PROWLER, Sleeps 7"adults, furnace,' Shower,. water heater., tables good condition 528- ,3435:--26,27 28-,3435,'--26,27 1O Pots FREE To -GOOD home Prefer farrn. CoItie cross fefiate,: 2,years.. old:, all, shots,• vet' records supplied, Go9d with kids. Phone 528= 2916. JACK RUSSELL crosspups ' for sale, ready to go July, 13: Mother'has good tempera- 'm'ert. 'Phone ,395-5186 e�nings or. leave message. X25,26 lib. Wanted to Dui WANTED:. STANDING hay and or round• bales .of' hay. This' years or 'fast years. Cali 520-77.65..--25,26 •;'' NEEDED 1500 SO., bales of good 'hay to feed •animals t'hrou'gh the' • winter•. .(DUnga'nnon Zoo) Phone Harry 5297982 or Hank 529-7603..725,26 fie. Livestock SILKIE CHICKS., various sizesand ages, black, or white colors. Phone 529- 7214. --26-28x 11ew Livestock ONE DONKEY LEFT, must go, good protection for cat- tle, horses or sheep or makes nice pet. Can teach cattle or young horses to lead. Reasonable price to good home only. Phone 236-44.04. --26nxe ONE YEAR .old laying hens for sale. Phone 524-4908. -- 26nxe ilh. Services . TARPS AND. INDUSTRIAL OOVERFNGS - Made to size, for trucks., trailers', gravity boxes; etc. Vinyl, canvas poly. New/Repairs; Party tent rentals Tiesma Industrial Coverings, Bayfield. 482-3540. _--26tfg- peow CUSTOM SIZING round baling, hard core 'centres. Phone Drew -Black 529- 7661. --2426 CUSTOM SQUARE baling and cutting .hay and straw. Bale size 31 .1/2 by 34 1/2 up to 8 feet -long, Please contact Leonard Kerr'. Phone 529=.7642. --25-28 12. Real: Estate. B A. McDONAGH HEAL E,TATE INSURANCE LTD 'LUCKNOW - 4 'bedroom, 2,3 4 • pc, bath,.. attached garage, . backs up to stream. Asking: $74,500:'. • 3 UNITAPARTMENT - Main street, good starter home. Only -$49,900. '•LATS -'fpr-sale,; all serviced.. $15,000, 85 ACRES Edge of Lucknow, - 4• •'d•roorn. • bungalow, e t ,e bath,, hot weal a'•'; ,carport, large deck, plaited iced; barn, 36,. x 56. STONE HOUSE -•3 bedroom: :large 'family room; fireplace,! hot tub.: patto, paved drive, 3,, car garage. $114,6.00.., JOST: LISTED - 3.'bedrooni home;. 4 pc bath, kitohen, •.builtin cupboards, oil furnace,, i41i ' basement. Asking $5400. . Call' Fraser Mackinnon 5287,3013.:' Barry McDonagh 528-2031 17. Apts.r ONE BEDRO+iM' main street apartment available immediately, heat included, Call 528-3948. --13tter • GROUND FLOOR 2 bed- room heatedapartment; newly renovated; two bed- room upper apartment $250., both close to down- town. Phone -528-2031. -- 1.9tfar TWO BEDROOM apartment in Lucknow. $350/month, heat included. Phone 528- 2242 or 528-2436.--16tfar ONE , BEDROOM, plus. utili- ties, .and a TWO , bedroom, plus utilities: Main street, available immediately. 'Phone 528-146 after .6 p.m. --24-26* ONE BEDROOM apartment Outram%Wheeler Street $246/Month plus utilities. Two one bedroom apart- ments Ross Street, $260 and $280/month plus utili- ties. Available immediately.'` • Call Paul 528-2411. 2ltfar LUCKNOW 2 ,bedroom • ground floor apartment,, pri- vate entrance. Phone 357- 1847. 41'tfar RENT GEARED to income apartments, in Clinton, Exeter • and Goderich, for. women'and children,. whp have ;experienced abuse. Call Phoenix of Huron 524--; 1620, 482-5288, 235-3183. --26;27cd. . 2,:'Resl Estate JOT ' 524-4473' 524-2520. RR#4 Goderich, NTA: 3Y1 ;17. Apt ONIE BEDRQQM apart- ment, fridge and stove included, Glenn Haven Apartments, 550 Albert Street, Lucknow. contact 519-235-0943 or 519-528'- 3943.--24tfar +► TWO - 2 BEDROOM` apart- ments and one • 1 bedroom apartment for rent on main street, Lucknow. Phone 528.3932, --35tfar TW+Q BEDROOM ground level apartment. Park like atmosphere $3851 plus atilt- ties. CaII 1-519.848-2215 after% para..--17tfar'. DURHAM-WALSH Townhouses in Kincardine. 'Unde'r new management. Freshly painted and reno- vated, eno-vated, Two and three bed- room, 1. month. free rent. Available immediately. Phone 3969332.--03tfar HOUSE FOR rent north of Teeswater„ 5 bedrooms, wheelchair accessible, workshed end 2: acres; optional, whirlpool bath. No dogs in house: Phone 519- 665-781.8 or 519-336-6581. --24728ar NEWLY RENOVATED' 3 bedroom house for rent. '1/2 mile out. of .Lucknow. Reply to. Drawer #45,.0lo The. Lucknow Sentinel, Box 400;. Lucknow, Ont. NOG 2H0. -- THREE: BEDROOM •brick `bungalovit,, attached garage, deck, nice' backyard: 1 miie from Lucknow...$450 pius utilities, - Available Aug. 1st. Apply to .drawer #48 0/o The Lucknow Sentinel', .Box 4001.Lucknow, Onf. , NOG 21-10, 25;26x . DON'T DELAY! v ALL, OFFERS.. Own this spacious 1 I storey Vinyl sided borne. 2+1 'bed- rooms.. Oil fumace..Recent improve= tnents: Basement walk -out: Survey available;' Spacious : lot 566'x.115ft: YOU. CAN'T AFFORD NOT TO CONSiDER!.$58,000. 415 ' • • LYNN CLAYTON z 0 J 0 z z ► ► + • z 0 1- a 0 z LYNN CLAYTON LYNN CLAYTON Property For Sale , INVESTMENT. Weld maintained 4 piek in P'aisley.` Attractive' brick building Recently new. heating system and roof shingles. Garagtr Good income property et $94,900. COUNTRY • BUSINESS , AND HOME. Scenic setting for this modern 3 bdrnt. brick home. 'Ve y well equipped dog, kennel business with 1.8 Puns. Or buildings.coutd suit may other uses, Listed at $116,900. Peihaps some **icing options. . RARE BUILDING LOT: 51/4 acres, second row from beaytifut sand beach, ' Homesite:is approved and iakeview: Water and hydro to lot line, Rare price tpo, $54,990. LYNN. CLAYTON Sales Representative • ' AMC Lake Lands Realty Ltd. KINCARQINE,r (519) 396-5966 Pager: 1.800-263.1420 LYNN CLAYTON LYNN CLAYTON z z 0 i- 0 z z h r- --1 0 z z 0 r- -AG z LYNN CLAYTON HOUSE FOR RENT 2 bed- ;room.; o'lderrcouple pre- ferred.• Fridge and stove;, supplied. Phone'for more information 395=4948:.. ' 26,27 HOUSES FOR SALE .or 0 rent; Lacknow,' Wirighai;n; Listowel . and, Wroxeter. • 1, ,2' • and 3.bedroorrm apartments also avaii`able: Phone . 335- "'3766 -26ar , 4 • BEDROOM ' HOME between , Nile. and Dungannon. Phone 529- 7413,, -26-30 2s. Wanted • to Buy WANTE'0 - SCRA'P' cars. " and all sizes of 'trucks;` all •types of . metal,.. 'farm machinery, etc; cash paid. Walkerton,Auto Wreckers 1- q81-1679. •--26tfar 2p. Help %limited TRANSPORT DRIVERS NEEDED. A major barrier is " accepting:applications for ' our Graduates. No experi ' ence required - excellent pay. For interview or appli- cation'co'ntact Ontario Truck Driving School (London) 1 - A Offelp. Wanted DUE TO EXPANSION, Targe swine operation offer- ing full time positions in both breeding and farrowing areas. Some experience in working with select breeding stook would be an asset although positions will offer training. Background in the medical field is helpful in farrowing and handling, piglets. Please fax resume_ to 519-887-6330 or tel Acre T Farms 887-6181. 26,27cc THE LUCKNQW SENTINEL urges readers to :use cau- tion when Sending money for business opportunities ar employment advertise- ments. Be certain •you are dealing with a reputable • company before; releasing any credit card information or sending any money. Remember, if an advertise- ment sounds too gooey to be true, it probably is.--32tfmi EXPERIENCED FORMERS for concrete •yyatls. 'Kingsbridge area. Phone, 519-747-1440 or Fax: 519- 747-1444 or local:395-3216. --25,26 %ISCOVERY "TOYS needs• energetic, entrepreneurs.' Build a great career' repro - senting quality, educational toys and: computer' soft-, Ware., No territories: 'More information call. Heather. Doyle.,` Group Manager. (519).396-7331. 25.27cc WORK AT HOME part time, lull tirne,`Health industry.. ABOVE AVERAGE INCOME:Ask for . . FREE . E BOOKLET 416-631-4152 26bc . $ATTENTION STU,DENTS$I 'Make a -lot of rrioney selling • chocolates bats.: New prod,;' 'acts available: Nothing to ' • ;,pay in .advance. •Fast dello;. ery1-8.00-383-3589 -26bc. 27. Wanted 'General ':WANTED: Hardwood Logs prompt payment Pannill 'Veneer Co,' Ltd. • 340 Louisa St., Kitchener N2H 5N2 (519) 742-5887' Fax (5't' 9) 742-3872, 28.. Business Opp. OVVN„ YOUR own Health' Club and Pro -shop. Gators Gym International is cur- rently, offering a limited nurnber .of licenced turnkey operations. in select areas 'of Canada. Ideal business for smaller . .conmu.nity. Financing available' OAC. Phone: 1-800-580-2261.•- 800-26347t7,:-26bc , ' 26bc 28. Business OPP- GOVERNMENT FUNDS. Goverment assistance pro- grams information available. For your new or existing business. Take advantage of the government grants and loans. Cali 1-8007915- 3615.--26bc WANT TO GET PAID FOR• WHAT YOU ARE WORTH, your 'experience: Four year old Canadian compa'n.y looking for networkers. 'Repeat consumable. Exceptional payptan, Phone 1-800.272-4478.--26bc a. Empl'. Wanted 2 RESPONSIBLE teenage boys' looking for summer. work. Willing to do farm work br outdoor work (win- dows', lawns etc.).. Phone 395-3821. --24-26x 34. Service t, Directory AGNEW JEWELLERY' REPAIR - watch, clock, jew- ellery.. 'Free estimates. ,Pickup and delivery can be arranged. 698 Havelock Street; across from Medical Centre. Call 528;.3532 or..,. 528-3940.--18ttar" INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR House painting, reasonable rates. 25 . year,, experience; 'C'a!! !JohnMowbray: 395- 5373, --25-29xc CARL SLOETJES Sales. Installation, Renovations • Replacement Windows & Doors • Kitchen Cabinets,* Vanities • Carpet and linoleum ...Roofing,. Free. Estimates. RR 7. , ' �ucKNow 529-3164 FLA. HAVENS ELECTRIC *Residential • "Farm *commercial Electrical Contractors FREE ESTIMATES :Rod Havens ' , LUCKNQW •• '528-2601 111EIGMAti 'iluroBODY , (519) 528-2338 -_-- , insurance & Cvllisran Repairs RR 5 LhCKreuw. Orn:" Moa ' Hi -Hoe D'o*er , Gravel ,& .Top Soil Barry Johnston Holyraod (519}- 395 452.31 A. new spirit of r ivi'ttg. •