HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1997-06-25, Page 9T" OTHEBIGLOT • • ■ • P e • ■ • •e • • • • re . 1 •� Sit #•• at em" set 1997 JEEP GRAND CHEROKEE LIMITED Stock a38sP Fantgstfe Vehicle• fully equipped including, leather, sun roof, Bawer heated seats, h11 cruise, A¢5, CD player and tans morn SALK Silk 97A PitICOM m t:% 1996 Chrysler Sebring Convertible 1X1: Stock i383P WOW( ONLY 10000 km. loaded with features including V6, ow, outs, power windows/tadt*, -Ckplayer, power tok loather interior Block. iPRl6Ilq! $ f975 • pr' ••r' � ,,e•,• 1995 Pllymouth Grand Voyager RALLYE" Stock X74 8A sharp lookingwitenidacivan. Nicely equipped with air conditioning, 7 passenger, •Rollye:' decor, can alloy ams and mere PRI n! 6 975 '. e fit 1994 Plymouth Acclaim Sack 1326PA. lbw kms, V6 engine, automatic, air conditioned; gold Decent Package with trunk rack. Excellent Warranty! 0 10 97 PRICED! ®i w • • •' Lueknow Sentinel, Wednesday, June 25,1:99 -- Page , 1996 Do Avenger, Stock %6084D. Excdient uo 'rabid*. Nicely oquippsd with air conditioning, automatic transmission, tin, carp, cassette, rear spoiler. *AU D,. #. . 2 . ~QT 1995 Chovrakt Retests "Z26" Stock #356PA. Very Sharp! loaded with feaAiren eluding V6, automatic ow. power locks, twee radio •nal its morn. Dark Rod: 01/101111 . tar 1996 Plymouth Breeze Stock iM376P Groat Buy/ Equipped with oir ccnd., tilt storing, qutarraH; transmssi„n; AM/EMsateo radio and mora. Salanca F Warranty, iPtalar 4, 999 1995 Dodge Neon Sport Stack 1388P This car is I Automohe Transmission, air conditioning, east all rims, roar spoiler, powc,r lodes, HI•UNE interior and mem P CED! ar'974 1995 Plymouth Neon Sport Stock #404P. Supercar Nicely equipped w air conditioning .automatic ttansrnisrpn, fold cloven rear seahrsport deoe and mons, more, snore PR*alnI ' y Ar manna► 1995 Plymouth Voyager Stock 1405P Superior von. Attractive Nic•iy oqupped including air.wnditioning, automatic, 7 passenger sealing and more. !'lowj 97 •• aiFmsm.r•vr ▪ -• 1996 Dodge Caravan se Stork #390P Outstanding vchtda with law kms Equipped with V6, automatic, power locks, 4th door option, 7 passenger scohrt0, air cgnsLroning & mora • NW" D 1,97 r 4_ 1995. Buick Century Wagon Skadi 17285A Super wagon Beautifully agknpped and in mint canditian. Wc8 mointpsncd vehicle. Griot Warranty Need. o wngooti Youve found its glikamir PRS a! • ` 5,i► ' 1995 Chrysler Intrepid Siodt17352A. S car Very well maintained. Low kttu. a whir, automatic, power windows, power k c) s, lin, cruise and lots more 1994 Pontiac Trans Sport Stodc #7293A. Nicely equipped vehicle with 7 passenger seating,3800 engine, automatic, power windows/locks, tilt, cruise, and lots more, PID! iter 1994 Chrysler Intrepid` Sack #7236A. Superior while. Nicely !quipped with V6 engin automatic, air cendis'toning, power' windows/I der, tilt, cnoise and more. CIDI •:Ia f r •.. 1994 Chrysler Intrepid Stock 17T44A. Superior Vehicle. Excellent condition and very well maintained. Equipped with air i1t ,,power�nrlows/focks tilt cruise. — ..- 1994 Chrysler Concord LX • Stock 1395PA Supero car. Nicely equipped wills powerfeoNrer, Black Cherry exterior with. complimenting gray interior. Great Cod Great Warranty. PRI (lot ..b. • ler–) ,l 1993 Ford Explorer XLT • Stock 17160. Ssipdr Value 4x4. FyBy equp indur)iti power windows, power locks, tilt, cruise, • steres with cassette. Green and Ton exterior.SALII ��r PRICED! ' ' / i i► 1993 Dodge Spirit Stock 135OPA. Superior vehicle, mint condition, low kms, Equipped with air conditioning and automatic. 'Exc•Ilent inoncing terra owwi able QAC, PRICED"SALE el 5 1993 Plymouth Grand Voyager LE 5todc 06418A. TOP•OFiHE-LINE Voyager. Fully • eau' Wilda winters. Immaculate inside and out. lase vehicle. Great Warranty coverageSi" . . PRIC Ind_. •'. � 7,75 1993 Fard•Mustong Convertible Stock 13b7P. Sharp car with law, low kms Automatic transmission pofver windows, power door locks; tilt; cruise, *Conditioning and more, SNARPI *ALSPRICED! i! . 7 1994 Chrysler Concord ?eek #7361 A, Great car in gnat condition 'landed with IwMies and finished In sky btu! with blue interior Florida winters and gkodfentwarranty, sD! �"i�rPRICEo • 1193 P retouth Acclaim ' Stock #7374A. A real -beauty. {=cropped with air conditioning amd'duromotic transmission. Excellent financing available OAC. Full Warranty, CID 37®9 '5. 1993 Ford Aenastr#rEXT: Stir,17237A. Excellent vehicle: Very.welfMaintained Nicely iquipped with air conditomng and mare. Price . • m well below arkat.value Bay it today, • 4L1.'0I . PRICED " 1992 Chevrolet Corsica LT Stock 863878. Attractive V6 equipped. vehicle:'Features include air cagdilioiring, tilt cruise automatic and . inoreBright While exterior. • 'ave• SALE PRICED t �" ^s 1992 Caravan 5E . Stock *334PB. Groat Van Ni'r equipped with V6 • engine, automatic frgnsmisswmpassenger seating, air conditioning end mere Great Warranty, , Pl RI CED! • II 4r • —1992'. • oath V LE Stock #7289A. lent candit,cn Nicely • wurtdwd/wath noro Gea8yi '; RI• $ ,7,.PCES • ' 1992 Ford Crown Victoria'LX Stock #7359A• Fabulous luxury vehicle. Pltim Mist iF exterior. GrUy Leetflher interior. Loaded with featiirei. 1'1.4 i' ,LOW kms. Exedlent Warrantttyy�t�OfFemd. Nice Car7,p '11 all sir 1,i:,P� IED.. ,�' 3'-, : 1991 Plymouth Acdaim Slack #7187A. Gadd cart Equipped;(viih automatic and air 'tanditianing, Excellent warranty available and financing cit low' interest rates QAC, P • . D 1992 Ford Aemstpr Sack *7378A. Mini condition, Ibw kms Aerostat von,.7 passenger sapling, air mnditionec and very wet . maintained. 6ccrYent Warranty Coverage, ' , • ire L11 $9 Ar9�r3 1992 Plymouth Acclaim t Stock 174425. Super car in good condition: Freres include air and autariwtictransmission Great Warranty, package readable. Low'' payments OAC. , SS t$ PRICED! ;T' 1991 Mercury Topat Stark lf$72PA, Super atndifkon vebide. Equipped''with aplomatic and air conditioning, Good warranty package available. Finangtng OAC. • I .o: $3.973 1991 Ford Minstar XLT "AWD" Stolt 17322A. AB Wheel. Drive model. Nicely equipped with V6; olr•mgditioning,.pawer !canines., aromatic. LOW, LOW inks and greaa wrdny avmksbh CED!n' 1992 GMC Safari Van Stock 1392* Super van and nicely eq upped. Value pr.mdl.Equipped with V6, automatic, err conditioning,, power socia 7 ps!ng. ;Extra Cleon ; , PPRRICICED ' � i .a, 1991 GMC .Tucker 4x4 Stack 1641 D. Sopetibi Vehicle Great Looking Sport 4x4 equipped with automatic transmission. Excellent warranty pockgge: and financing available OAC sRICED! f cir t 1991 Plymouth Sundance Stock•13,L96PA. Enid eat value for a low lowprite Nicely equipped..Excell•rtt warranty evadable .Sauget priced and equipped with air & aulomoto SAIL D! ',149//5 ,•l Y 1990.. uiVoyager stoat 17242A. Super van! Egqui Wills V6 engine, atomatie tansmtssion aut wing 7passenger seeding. Excdlentoinditioa.SAILli $7 975 Radd•Raar�y CHRYSLER Plyrautfi 1989 C+fdsmbbrk Cutlass Cnriser Skoda 1391 PA. Very'Very dean vesicle. Equipped whet V6, aulpnwsic, air conditioning, power Naar' arid 8. passenger seating earthy: SAMI $7,971; DERI 1489 • Ssadt.16494A. !skeet Vehicle in autstdtding minding* low Ilam and fully certified iisduckng warranty. Loiv payments OAC. Air ancliO nhig and autamattcl ,sum $34,7r3; Pot" 1987 Mercury macer ' ,Sick *403PA.' Super car in great co .tion Equipped with automatic transmission. Fully certified with excellent warranty. 000 mils out on this one, • SAILS Api ova PR CtEb! 1 ` t : JEEP 414 Huron Rd., Goderkkh 524-7383 Out-of-town call 1.800-465-1780 • e • • e • • • • • • ,• • • •r • • •