HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1997-06-25, Page 9T" OTHEBIGLOT
P e
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Sit #••
em" set
Stock a38sP Fantgstfe Vehicle• fully equipped including,
leather, sun roof, Bawer heated seats, h11 cruise, A¢5,
CD player and tans morn
SALK Silk 97A
1996 Chrysler Sebring Convertible 1X1:
Stock i383P WOW( ONLY 10000 km. loaded with
features including V6, ow, outs, power windows/tadt*,
-Ckplayer, power tok loather interior Block.
iPRl6Ilq! $ f975 •
••r' � ,,e•,•
1995 Pllymouth Grand Voyager RALLYE"
Stock X74 8A sharp lookingwitenidacivan. Nicely
equipped with air conditioning, 7 passenger, •Rollye:'
decor, can alloy ams and mere
PRI n! 6 975
1994 Plymouth Acclaim
Sack 1326PA. lbw kms, V6 engine, automatic, air
conditioned; gold Decent Package with trunk rack.
Excellent Warranty!
0 10 97
w •
• •'
Lueknow Sentinel, Wednesday, June 25,1:99 -- Page ,
1996 Do Avenger,
Stock %6084D. Excdient uo 'rabid*. Nicely oquippsd
with air conditioning, automatic transmission, tin, carp,
cassette, rear spoiler.
D,. #. .
2 .
1995 Chovrakt Retests "Z26"
Stock #356PA. Very Sharp! loaded with feaAiren
eluding V6, automatic ow. power locks, twee radio
•nal its morn. Dark Rod:
01/101111 . tar
1996 Plymouth Breeze
Stock iM376P Groat Buy/ Equipped with oir ccnd., tilt
storing, qutarraH; transmssi„n; AM/EMsateo radio
and mora. Salanca F Warranty,
iPtalar 4, 999
1995 Dodge Neon Sport
Stack 1388P This car is I Automohe Transmission,
air conditioning, east all rims, roar spoiler, powc,r
lodes, HI•UNE interior and mem
P CED! ar'974
1995 Plymouth Neon Sport
Stock #404P. Supercar Nicely equipped w air
conditioning .automatic ttansrnisrpn, fold cloven rear
seahrsport deoe and mons, more, snore
PR*alnI ' y Ar manna►
1995 Plymouth Voyager
Stock 1405P Superior von. Attractive Nic•iy oqupped
including air.wnditioning, automatic, 7 passenger
sealing and more.
aiFmsm.r•vr ▪ -•
1996 Dodge Caravan se
Stork #390P Outstanding vchtda with law kms
Equipped with V6, automatic, power locks, 4th door
option, 7 passenger scohrt0, air cgnsLroning & mora
• NW" D 1,97
1995. Buick Century Wagon
Skadi 17285A Super wagon Beautifully agknpped and
in mint canditian. Wc8 mointpsncd vehicle. Griot
Warranty Need. o wngooti Youve found its
PRS a! • ` 5,i► '
1995 Chrysler Intrepid
Siodt17352A. S car Very well maintained. Low
kttu. a whir, automatic, power windows,
power k c) s, lin, cruise and lots more
1994 Pontiac Trans Sport
Stodc #7293A. Nicely equipped vehicle with 7
passenger seating,3800 engine, automatic, power
windows/locks, tilt, cruise, and lots more,
PID! iter
1994 Chrysler Intrepid`
Sack #7236A. Superior while. Nicely !quipped with
V6 engin automatic, air cendis'toning, power'
windows/I der, tilt, cnoise and more.
CIDI •:Ia f r
•.. 1994 Chrysler Intrepid
Stock 17T44A. Superior Vehicle. Excellent condition
and very well maintained. Equipped with air
i1t ,,power�nrlows/focks tilt cruise.
— ..-
1994 Chrysler Concord LX •
Stock 1395PA Supero car. Nicely equipped wills
powerfeoNrer, Black Cherry exterior with.
complimenting gray interior. Great Cod Great Warranty.
PRI (lot
..b. •
ler–) ,l
1993 Ford Explorer XLT •
Stock 17160. Ssipdr Value 4x4. FyBy equp
indur)iti power windows, power locks, tilt, cruise, •
steres with cassette. Green and Ton exterior.SALII ��r
PRICED! ' ' / i i►
1993 Dodge Spirit
Stock 135OPA. Superior vehicle, mint condition, low
kms, Equipped with air conditioning and automatic.
'Exc•Ilent inoncing terra owwi able QAC,
1993 Plymouth Grand Voyager LE
5todc 06418A. TOP•OFiHE-LINE Voyager. Fully •
eau' Wilda winters. Immaculate inside and out.
vehicle. Great Warranty coverageSi"
. .
Ind_. •'. � 7,75
1993 Fard•Mustong Convertible
Stock 13b7P. Sharp car with law, low kms Automatic
transmission pofver windows, power door locks; tilt;
cruise, *Conditioning and more, SNARPI
*ALSPRICED! i! . 7
1994 Chrysler Concord
?eek #7361 A, Great car in gnat condition 'landed
with IwMies and finished In sky btu! with blue interior
Florida winters and gkodfentwarranty,
sD! �"i�rPRICEo •
1193 P retouth Acclaim '
Stock #7374A. A real -beauty. {=cropped with air
conditioning amd'duromotic transmission. Excellent
financing available OAC. Full Warranty,
CID 37®9 '5.
1993 Ford Aenastr#rEXT:
Stir,17237A. Excellent vehicle: Very.welfMaintained
Nicely iquipped with air conditomng and mare. Price . •
well below arkat.value Bay it today, •
4L1.'0I .
1992 Chevrolet Corsica LT
Stock 863878. Attractive V6 equipped. vehicle:'Features
include air cagdilioiring, tilt cruise automatic and .
inoreBright While exterior. •
1992 Caravan 5E .
Stock *334PB. Groat Van Ni'r equipped with V6 •
engine, automatic frgnsmisswmpassenger seating,
air conditioning end mere Great Warranty, ,
RI CED! • II 4r
• —1992'. • oath V LE
Stock #7289A. lent candit,cn Nicely •
noro Gea8yi ';
RI• $ ,7,.PCES
' 1992 Ford Crown Victoria'LX
Stock #7359A• Fabulous luxury vehicle. Pltim Mist
iF exterior. GrUy Leetflher interior. Loaded with featiirei.
1'1.4 i' ,LOW kms. Exedlent Warrantttyy�t�OfFemd. Nice Car7,p
'11 all
sir 1,i:,P� IED.. ,�' 3'-, :
1991 Plymouth Acdaim
Slack #7187A. Gadd cart Equipped;(viih automatic
and air 'tanditianing, Excellent warranty available and
financing cit low' interest rates QAC,
P • .
1992 Ford Aemstpr
Sack *7378A. Mini condition, Ibw kms Aerostat von,.7
passenger sapling, air mnditionec and very wet .
maintained. 6ccrYent Warranty Coverage, ' , •
ire L11 $9 Ar9�r3
1992 Plymouth Acclaim t
Stock 174425. Super car in good condition: Freres
include air and autariwtictransmission Great Warranty,
package readable. Low'' payments OAC. ,
SS t$
1991 Mercury Topat
Stark lf$72PA, Super atndifkon vebide. Equipped''with
aplomatic and air conditioning, Good warranty
package available. Finangtng OAC.
• I .o: $3.973
1991 Ford Minstar XLT "AWD"
Stolt 17322A. AB Wheel. Drive model. Nicely equipped
with V6; olr•mgditioning,.pawer !canines., aromatic.
LOW, LOW inks and greaa
wrdny avmksbh
1992 GMC Safari Van
Stock 1392* Super van and nicely eq upped. Value
pr.mdl.Equipped with V6, automatic, err conditioning,,
power socia 7 ps!ng. ;Extra Cleon ; ,
1991 GMC .Tucker 4x4
Stack 1641 D. Sopetibi Vehicle Great Looking Sport
4x4 equipped with automatic transmission. Excellent
warranty pockgge: and financing available OAC
sRICED! f cir
1991 Plymouth Sundance
Stock•13,L96PA. Enid eat value for a low lowprite
Nicely equipped..Excell•rtt warranty evadable .Sauget
priced and equipped with air & aulomoto
SAIL D! ',149//5
1990.. uiVoyager
stoat 17242A. Super van! Egqui Wills V6 engine,
atomatie tansmtssion aut wing 7passenger
seeding. Excdlentoinditioa.SAILli $7 975
1989 C+fdsmbbrk Cutlass Cnriser
Skoda 1391 PA. Very'Very dean vesicle. Equipped whet
V6, aulpnwsic, air conditioning, power Naar' arid 8.
passenger seating earthy:
SAMI $7,971;
1489 •
Ssadt.16494A. !skeet Vehicle in autstdtding minding*
low Ilam and fully certified iisduckng warranty. Loiv
payments OAC. Air ancliO nhig and autamattcl ,sum $34,7r3;
1987 Mercury macer '
,Sick *403PA.' Super car in great co .tion Equipped
with automatic transmission. Fully certified with excellent
warranty. 000 mils out on this one,
• SAILS Api ova
PR CtEb! 1 `
t :
414 Huron Rd., Goderkkh 524-7383 Out-of-town call 1.800-465-1780
• • ,• •