HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1997-06-25, Page 2•
Page2- Luekanew Sentinel, Wednesday, June 25, 199'!
4111 MU&
Saturday, June 2ath
All Morning Pancakes84,5aaeage5
11:30-1:00 .9:30-11:30
"Jamrnin with rhil Main" Berry Many
& Magic in Motion's run and Carnes with
Children's Theatre The Optimist Club
Admission. Fee. for Entertainment
A Family Farm•Aelventure
Hwy 136E Lucknaw, 52E3-2900
SCACs won
run schools
•Ikoru page 1
related issues. Re did not
see SCACs taking an
active role in "running the
;.schools" much to the
relief of most of the par-
ents who have been
involved to•this point.
The .Education
.Minister touched on 'the
area. of the "resource .alio-
cation model;," This'is the
formula the government
is developing to deter-.
:.mine how much money
Will be spent in a given
area. on education on a.
per, student basis. This
model is not complete,
'This is unfortunate as it
really is the key in deter-
mining.if the proposed
reforms are for real, or•
whether they are just the
window" dressing for an
atterrlpt to cut'spending'in`
'Mr. - Snobelen stated,
that while the putpose .of
the funding model'is to
provide 'ann..equitable,
share of resources to'each
school, not every school
.receive the same
funding -as the cost Of
providing the services
varies depending on the
location and mix of stu-
dents in the school; -
• The opportunity to •dis;
cuss these issues .first
hand with the Minister of
Education was_ appreciat-
ed. H'e„presented a some-
• what Utopian view of
what the.: future holds for
our children, in the
province's schools.. While
it is certainly possible
.:that this future may dome
to pass, there are .still
many, many unknowns.
• that need to be resolved
to make it happen.
Feel free to contact
• any member •• 'of ,the
Lucknow SCAC for
information 'br• to, voice
your opinion. `
(Editor:s note: • Andy
Sande is co-chair; of the.
-LuckneW . School.
. Community Advisory,
Committee.). .
ot 41
Tso genekiogists
recognized for work
The . Ontario• '
Genealogical Society
recently recognized two of
the members- of the Bruce
Grey =.branchat the provin-
cial seminar. • .
Betty Siegrist of
Oxenden, was recognized
. • for the work she has done
at •the branch level where
she is currently the.
Cemeteries and pubiica-
tion Coordinator. She was
co-editor of "Beautiful
• Stony Keppel” and co-:
author of the updated
Porter family history. She
also assists other. in
putting together their, fam-
ily histories.
Ken Young was recog-
nized for his leadership at.
the provincial' level where
he has served as regional
director for the past six
years. he is currently pub-
lication relations chairman .
with the Bruce and Grey
branch. •
Both Siegrist and
. Young have •served.•as
;chairmen of the local.'
branch. +
,. Lloyd and June Saunders, of , the Dutton area
(formerly of Lueknow, celebrated their 50th
wedding anniversary on June 7 with familyand
friends.: (photo submitted)
Enjoy The E3csoka Feature:
• Tell the LUC1rNOW SENTINEL which books ,you've'.enjoyed reading:
this summer, Students in grade 8°•and under., may -Send Us book
reviews• for publication
Write a review about the book' you recommend in 100 words or less
including the title and the author. Include your name, age,, home
address, 'phone; school; grade and date at the .top left corner of the
page: Writers should -include -small color photos'of themselves with
names written on the back. Sorry, ,neither entries nor photos can be
returned. Adults may write children's 'exact oral responses when, nec-
: As many .of'the reviews Will be published, as possible.
All entries will be placed in a drawing for a $56 cash prize to be held at
the eind. of August:
Attention: PAT LiViNGSTON
P.O. Box 400
Luoknow,:Ort. ,
NOG 2H0.
1 1
tiny i
-The sun shone.(in' more
ways than one) on: Lloyd
and June Saunders.as,' they
celebrated their 50th. wed,.
:ding anniversary;on :June
• 7, 1.997, at the home of
their son-in-law' • and.
daughter, Ken and Nancy
Mott,..R.R '3, Dutton;
•Approximately. 150
family and friends_enjoyed��
the.. afternoon .arid evening•
of horseshoes, music and:
.pig roast Music was pro-
vided by Peter -Barren.
:George • Lee, Vimy
Benwell, Dean .$enwell•,,
Bill Paul, KevinRaul ,and,.
Lionel' Hebert. , a
Guest: soloists. were Bill
Gadkei Debbie Gadke and.
Cathy Gibson.
The celebration contin-
ued the.. next day .with..
around 60, attending a
brunch.: •
ill rate up 2.5%
°froim page 3
'that the province delay
any transfer of services to
the municipal level until
Jan. 1; 1998, to allow
municipalities .time to
make appropriate prepara-
Another resolution, .this
one from 'the City. of North
York, also received coun-
cil's endorsement. This
one asks the province not
to take away the gross
•-receipts tax now collected
by Ontario municipalities,
or make the appropriate
amendments to legislation
to ensure municipalities
are compensated for this
loss of revenue,
• Mill Rate
The mill rate for public
school supporters comes
in at 13.01 23, and separate
:school supporters at
12.7311 This is about a
2.5 per cent • i:ncrease over
last year's.
An application for an
infrastructure grant to
asphalt pave Russel Street,
Port Albert, will be made.
The tender of Levis
Contracting for asphalt
paving of Various roads in
Port Albert was accented.
• The Cost - $46 per .tonne
plus CST.