HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1997-06-18, Page 14o .
Page 14 — Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, Juue 18, 1997
42. Obituaries
At Wingham .and District
Hospital, Wingham en
Sunday, June 15, 1997. Mr.
Stewart Jamieson. of
Wingham formerly of East
Wawanosh Township age
76 years. Survived by his
brothers Lorne and his wife
. Olive Jamieson of Wingham
and Russell and his wife
Elva of Peterborough, Also
.survived. by several neices
. and nephews. Predeceased
by his parents James and
Mabel Jamieson, brothers,
Almond and .Norman and
sisters Marjorie Lake and
Dorothy Tilley. Visitation at
'McBurney Funeral Home,
Winghar . was held. on
Tuesday. Funeral services,
will be held at the funeral
home, on Wednesday at '2
p.m. Rev. J. Rea Grant offi-
ciated. Interment in'
Wingtiam Cemetery.
Memorial donations to
Canadian Cancer Society or
the charity of your choice
would be appreciated as
expressions of sympathy. -
43. Births:
• ' Kenneth. and Agnes are
proud to announce: the safe
arrival of .their first child;
Shane Jacob, born June 5;
1997 Weighing 8 lbs:, 1:0 oz..
Delighted grandparents are
_.. Joseph and. Thelma Van
:. Osch, Derk Logtenberg and
Marlene Godfrey,Hgreat .
'grandparents John` and
Mildred Moyer of Hanover
and .great :grandmother •
Fetje; deBoer of Lucknow..
"Many thanks to the staff at
Alexandra. Marine and St. •
Joseph's Hospitals. --25x
46 1n
In loving memory of a dear •
47. Cards of
I would like to thank every-
one who: attended my com-
munity shower. Special'
thanks to Barb Ross for
hostinga wonderful shower.
The kind words and gifts will
always be remembered.
Kern. --25
' The family of the late Milian
Moore would like to thank
the caring and considerate
staff of B.rae.rrmar Nursing
Home, those visitors and.
.helpers who brightened his
last years, and neighbors,
friends and relatives for
their many acts of kindness:
at the time of his death. Our
thanks to Dr. Hanlon and
special appreciation to the
Rev. Rea Grant, the pall=
bearers, the McBurney
Funeral Home and the
ladies who servedlunch at
the Whitechurch United
Church after- the. funeral;
Many helped -- we are
grateful to them alt. Muriel
Duncan, -Elwin Moore and
family. --25x
It would seem that l enjoy
my weekends at WDH.
Special thanks to all doctors
involved and nurses and
staff for their kind care and;
consideration. R & R Was
great and compliments to
the chef. Margaret, -25nx
I would like
HtoELtMhank family,
friends, neighbord:and busk
ness acquaintances for: the'
visits; I•ovelt,flowers,:fruit
and cheese baskets, pies,
cards, and phone calls while
' l'was in hospitaland since,
returning home- All is reat
ly appreciated. Art .--25
We would like .tothank
everyone who remembered
us:.with sympathy, and acts
of kindness at the time of
our' father's passing, Marion
And Terry Meriam and
family, Alex , and Alice
MacDonald and family,;•
Russell MacDonald and
Rod MacDonald and family.
daughte:r-in-laws Helen who
passed away;one year ago
Sunshine; passes, 'shadows
Love's remembrance out
lasts all.
Forever remembered by
Mom and Dad Riegling and
family. --25 •
In loving memory of our son
Carl; who .passed away on
;June 24,..1990; age 25.
Though your smile is gone
forever, ,• ' •
And you hand we cannot"
We still have many -memo-,
ries • , ,.
Of you, we love so much.
Your .memory is our keep-
sake .
•W ith Which Welt never- part
God has you in His keeping
We have you, in our hearts,.
Loved and always remem-
bered by Mom and Dad
(Teresa, and Joe).--25nxe
47. Cards of
I would like to thank.every-
one who attended my show-
er on May 1, at Lavonne
Maize's residence. All the
gifts received were beautiful
and will be used often. ,A
special •thank you. to
Lavonne and Heather Boyle
who put the shower on and
went to all the hard work.
Thanks again to everyone.
Tammy. --25
Rick and.1 would" like to •
thank everyone who attend-
ed our stag and doe -on May
3. It was great to see every= C
47. Cards of
A speci l thank you to
neighbors, friends and the
Lucknow Firefighters for'all
your help at our shed fire.
Also, a special thank you to
"those who came to -help in
cleaning :.up. Thank you,. all!
The Poganatz family, --25cc
We would like to thank fami-
ly, friends and neighbors for
helping make our wedding
day so special. Your gifts
and attendance will be trea-
sured always., Bev and
James. --25
one out and we hope every-
one had a great time. Also,
a big thank you to our wed-
ding party who did an excel-•
lent' job 'putting the evening
together. Rick and Tammy.-
Rick and 1 would like to
thank everyone who shared
our special:. day with us. on
May 24, andfor all the,
beautiful" gifts. received, The
day turned out absolutely
wonderful. We hope every-
one enjoyed themselves
and: invite you: all to come
and visit us anytime: A spe-
cial thank you to.. our parents
for all their love' and sup
port. Rick and Tammy: =25
I wish to thank everyone
who came to my surprise
Many thanks to our family
for. hosting the happy and
memorable 50th wedding
anniversary open house for
us at Belgrave Community
Centre on June 7; Sincere
thanks to all friends, rela-
tives and neighbors• for
attending and for the many
cards, best wishes and gifts.
It was a day we will never
forget. Stuart:and Lois. --25
Thank you Western Days,
Poker Players: We had 13
hands submitted and Herb
Clark won with four aces.
Thankyou all. for' playing! --
48. Conning
birthdayparty; June ;7th: it BINGO,
- really was; a surprise.
Thanks also for your. cards
and very generous 'gifts: It •
was nice to see all of you.
Special thanks. to my dear
friends, Sybil, GodBless
. of you. Loyd. -25x
Our appreciation goes to all
Who honored. us on , the
occasion .our 50th' wed-
ding anniversary with their
good wishes' - cards and
generous donations to the,
Kincardine Food Bank. The
food Was del erdto the
Food. Bank at the
Gode'rich Knights of
Columbus,Thursday, 7 p.m.
• Columbus Centre, 390;
•Parsen's Cotirt, $4.,700- in
prizes; f progressive'' jackpot
of $1000.00;' regtl",iar • jack?
pot of $1,250 ',must 'go Lic.
#157920. 13tfar
Kincardine Anglican. Church
and was gratefully acknowl ;
• THANK YOU, edged- the gifts of ;money
was given to the Manitoba:.
Relief Fund through, the
Royal Bank. To. 'our' -friends;
many thanks for the .beautl-
treasure.,. and the lawn
chairs wemill .-put to: good
use, especially in Florida.
Much love to our children
' A' sincere -thank you to all
who supported our car
wash. Your support and
generous donations' will
• helpsend two young people.
to the Presbyterian Church •
Rise Up,'97 conference for •
young people . from all.
across Canada. =-25x"
(.would. like to .thank every-
one far visits, phone calls, •
cards and gifts while in:hos
pitai .and. since :I :came
home: Your thoughtfulness:
and kindness will always be
remembered Thank you,
° God Bless and. I love you
all.: Colleen;, --25x '
We • would like tq thank
everyone for attending our
stag and ,dee. A spec' •al
thank you to our weddi ig
party and friends for all their`"
hard work. Kim and Troy. --
25cc .
neighbors and. relatives
ful gold clock,,which"we 'will
who decorated the hall'so
beautifully and arranged the
dinner and dance. How
wonderful to enjoy a pleas-.
ant evening with friends and
relatives on a happy occa-
•s:ion!! 1o.Marj Nicholson, •
Caroline, and Susan the
delicious beef dinner and
evening luncheon was tnor-
oughly enjoyed and appreci-
ated. We have been fortu-'
caring community for 50.
years - the memories of this
special evening will be
remembered and cherished.
Albert and Jean. --25x
Friday, June 20, 7; p.m. at
Ashfield Presbyterian
Church :Hall --24,25 ,
Annual memorial service.
Sunday, June; 29, 3 p.m.
Baseline Road, Auburn .,-.
Wednesdays 9 • to.. 4;
Agriculture' Building (beside
sales barn); crafts; meat,
produce; breads. Forven-
der's or information call
Ruby MacLennan R.R. 1
Tiverton; NOG 2T0, '35$-
5014. 18-43x
Coming soon to Victoria
Park, Kincardine July .5 and
6 to Marina Park, Port Elgin
July 19 .and 20 to
Clangregor Square, Bayfield
Auguat 2 and 3. ;Phone, 1-
800-214-5855. 23-27cc
Ashfield • Presbyterian
Church 149th anniversary
'Sunday, .June'22, 11 a.m.
and 7:30 p.m. Guest speak-
er 'Rev. Ken Barker.. Special'
instrumental and vocal
Music. Light lunch to follow
both Services: --26,2O
48. Corlirrring.
JUNE 22, 1997. 10-4, 35
Dealers, buying and selling
small. antiques, glassware,
coins, Old advertising
posters, tins, calendars,
postcards, StarWars, toys,
dolls, Coke, books, docu-
ments, militaria, sports
cards, tools, bottles, brewe-
riana, automobilia, railroad-
anis, Victorian beadwork,
photographs, ephemera'..
Fairgrounds .Audito,ium,
,Woodstock, Ontario. Dealer..
inquiries 1-905.278-736.3-=
For Kerr, Snowden, •
Monday, June 23rd at 7:3Q
p.m. St. Helen's 'Hall. •
Everyone welcome, —25
Open daily, 11- a.m., - 5
p.m., June 28 - July 6,
Preview and opening, June.
27 7:30 - .1' 1 p, m. 7U$ .
Queen•Street, Kincardine.
Everyone welcome.
for Susan Meyer, daughter.
:of John and .Kin' Meyer,
Tuesday, June 24 at" 7 p.m,
at : Holyrood Institute room.
Everyone Welcome, -25
Friday; June 27, 8 pin. at,
South Kinloss Church base-
ment: -.2'5,26x ,
• at • :aambton • . Heritage
Museum, June 28 and 29,
two full days of Scottish and
Celtic music, pipers, country <•
and highland dance, and
traditional. food. Heritage
encampment and cannon
drills, musketry by the, 84
Royal, Highlanders, main -
stage. music by. Celtic
Offspring, Alistair Brown',
Jacquelyn ; Brown,• Bob
Finlay,- champion fiddlers,
and more. Tickets $1:0/$8
seniors/$3 children, or save.
-30% with weekend pass.
• Call . `Sarnia-Larnbton
Tourism,.1-800-265-0316. --- .
Memorial service will be •
held Sunday, June 29th at 2
Hank Williams:•)II, Blue
Rodeo. Camping. Aug:
14th., 15th,. i 6th, 17th.
Havelock Country
Jamboree. Havelock '1-890-
539-3353.' Ticket6.--25bc
Gm SomibiNE,
March is Kidney Month.
Please give generously.
out 1'7
Dave Payne pitched the
first three innings striking
out eight batters, when the
Lucknow Midgets played
Goderich on June 3. He
helped himself with two
home runs.
Jason Lewis. pitched the
next four innings striking ..
out nine batters,
.Lee Cranston. hit a
Final scone Lucknow 8,
' Goderich 4.
On June 10, the team
handed Listowel their first'
loss -15to4.
Payne and Lewis com-
bined to pitch an excellent
game. There were many
good hits including one
long bull by . Troy.
In Clinton,, the next
night :the team came up
against the best pitcher in
the league.. He . has been
clocked at well over' 80
mph with a slider' that
drops out of site. .
Final score Clinton 11,
Lucknow 1.
Tasha is
of the, .
at Madill
Lucknow's: :Tasha
Mayer.has been named the. `
top female: athlete for. the •
• 19'96-97 school year at
. F..>l: Madill. Secondary
School' in"Winghai ri, Jason
.McDonald was -the top
athlete. for the males:
'The award•W,ere pre-
sented at the recent• annual
athletic awards banquet. ,
Mayer competed 'in' a
variety'of sports through-:
Out 'her 'five'years of high
s'cho.ol,' ii cludiilg. •cross-
country. ,running, nordic
skiing and track and field.
MaYer was the' most vale -
able inenber of:the cross
country running team, and
received a True Grit
Award as a member of the
ski team. Team mate
Susan Bieman also.
received the' True Grit
Andrea Hiller, a •mem-
ber of the senior girls vol-
• leyball team, received the
• Heart Award. •
Dennis • Lubbers
' received an award for set
ting• a new school record
this year,
Child Find Ontario
• Tips for Parents
Teach your children their.
telephone number, area
code and address.