HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1997-06-18, Page 12Page 12 - Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, June 18,1997 7.G• Roc. Vehicles 1995 HARDTOP COLE- MAN trailer, sleeps 9, fur; nace, add -a -room; set up in Port Elgin; as new, $5,000 or best offer.' Phone 529 • 31.64. -21-23,24-26ar 1980 GOLDEN FALCON', 35 ft, 1 swing out, air condi- tioner, .furnished: Phone 357.3246. --22-24, 25.27nx 1.0.. Pets FREE TO GOOD. home.. Reefer farm. Collie cross female, 2 years old, all shots; vet records supplied., • Good with kids. Phone 528- ,2916,,--25,26x -25,26x, JACK .RUSSELL cross pups for sale, ready to go: Jgly 13. Mother has good tempera- merit. Phone 395-5186 evenings or leave message: • -25,26 100.Horses' PONIES QUIET, broke to • ride, variety of sizes,ages, experience, vaccinations; health care, foot car up, to ; date: pony, stallion; for breeding. Fotheringhar!n.. Farms, '233.3215..--25cc 11b. 'Wanted. .'to: soy 11h. Services CUSTOM SQUARE baling. and cutting hay and Straw. Bale size 31 1/2 by 34 112 up .to. 8 feet long. Please contact Leonard Kerr. Phone 529-7642. --25-28 B.A. MCDONAGH REAL ESTATE 8 INSURANCE LTD. LUCKNOW' - 4 bedroom, 2, 3' & A pc. bath., attached: garage, backs up to stream. Asking $74,500. 3 UNIT APARTMENT.- Main street, good starter,. home. Only $49,900. • LOTS - for sale, all serviced': $1'5,000. 35 ACRES' - Edge of Lucknow, 4 droom; bungalow, aebath; hot w. ;+N , carport, Targe deck, paved road, barn, 36 x 56. STONE HOUSE -8 bedroom large, family -room, fireplace:, hot tub, patio, paved drive, 3 car garage. $114,900. - JUST LISTED •- 3 bedroom; home,' 4. pc; bath, kitchen, built in cupboards oil furnace, , full basement.., Asking $54;900. Call • Fraser MacKinnon: 528-3013 Bary,Mcodrlagh 520-2031 14e Vacations. WANTED: STANDING hay LAKEFRONT cottage for and or round bakes of'• hay. 4 Sale Kintail beach, 15 miles 'This years or last years. ;:North of Goderich,'. 6: years' ' Call 529-7765.'.--25,26 , old,two bedrooms,. 1. 1/2 NEEDED 1500 SO. bales of good hay to the animals through the winter (Dungannon. Zoo):. Phone Harry 529.7982 or Hank' - 529 -7603. 25,26 11'e Livestock DONKEY S FOR `SALE -". Two 'male Jacks, good. natured. To good''hom'es,only. Phone 236.4404.--25nxe STONEAGE•FARMS DiegJman , stone picker $2900, Smyth winrower .. $2200; 'Harvester J}D: 38 $1400; MF 260 $950, N:H i'717 $10'00; .l.D, rotary. hoe 30 ft $1350;,15 ft $400, Packers .12 ft, $975.; 20ft. $1150; Haybines N.H. •460 $900 and. LH. 990 $110o; Hesston 1091 $1325. Call 519=393-6415_ --25cc 11h. Ser.Vices TARPS AND INDUSTRIAL COVERINGS - made to size, for •trucks, trailers, gravity boxes, etc. Vinyl, canvas. poly. New/Repairs. Party tent rentals Tiestria. Indu-strial Coverings,. Bayfield..482.3540. - 26ifg- peow •. CUSTOM SIZING round' baling, hard core centres, Phone Drew Black 529 7661. =-24-26 J ,,baths, bunk house,, (519) 662-939.2, weekdays. (51.9)., 529-.791:8 weekends. 22 SOUTHAMPTON .Cottage 'for. rept Please call• 528-36(9 and leave : ries- sage; !Wilt 9et back to your`-- Tom Andrew. 23-25ar 17. Apts. TWO .BEDROOM apartment in Lucknow. $350/.).month, heat included. Phone 528- 2242. or 528.2436. -16tfar LUCKNOW '2 'bedroom ground floor apartment, pri- vate entrance. Phone 357- 1847.--4ltfar TWO - 2 BEDROOM apart- , menu and one - 1 bedrooi n apartment for rent on main street, Lucknow. Phone 528-3932,--35tfar TWO ,BEDROOM ground ,.level apartment. Park like atmosphere $385/. plus• -utili- ties. Celli -619-84E3-2215 after 6. p.m.-17tfar . THREE BEDROOM,:1400 sq.. ft.; apartment.' Appliances andheat includ- ed. $495/month. Call' 528 • 2411,--23tfar . ONE BEDROOM apart- ment, fridge and stove ,. included, Glenn Haven . Apartments, .550, Albert .Street, tucknow contact 519.=235-0943 or•`519,528- 3943.--24tfar. . 18. Houses DURHAM-.WA;LSH Townhouses in Kincardine: r Under. new -:management. Freshly painted and reno- vated. Two and thiee bed 'room 1 'month free rent. Available : immediately. Phone 396-9332.--03tfar • HOUSE FOR rent north of` Teeswater,. 5 bedrooms, wheelchair accessible, ' workshed and"2 acres, Optional, whirlpool bath..No dogs in house: Phone 519- 665-7818 or 519;336-6581. 24428ar �. CAMPING. KOA NIAGARA.` 8625 Lundys Lane, Niagara • Falls. Award. winning camp- ground. 3 heated pools, indoor hot nabs, sauna, Chit dreri.'s activities, • play- ' ground, wagon rides, mini • golf- 3 miles from Palls, Casino. Reservations 1- 800-KOA-MiST, 1-:905-356- CAMP,--25be.. " ... , 17. Apts. ONE. BEDROOM. main street apartment 'ava , immediately, heat inclu• =d. Call 528-3948. --13tfar GROUND FLOOR '2 bed- room heated apartment, newly renovated; two. bed- room upper apartment $250., both close to down- • town.' Phone 528-2031. -- 19tfar ONE BEDROOM, plus utili- ties, .and, a TWO bedroom, plus utilities: Main street -.available. immediately, Phone' 528-2146 after 6.. p.m. --24-26x ' ONE BEDROOM apartment" Out /W Street $245/month plias utilities. Two •one bedroom apart- ments Ross'Street, $260 and $280/month plus utili- ties. Available immediately. Call Paul 5282411. --21 tfar TWO-BEDROOM house in sceniscenic 2. valley near ,Brookside'schoo., alk=out basement . ,. Marybelle 'Cranston Sales: Rep. Bill • Clifford Real Estate,.. 124 The, Square,. Goderich 624:- 2671 or529-7691 -25x NEWLY RENOVATED 3:. bedroom house for rent. 1/2 • mile out of Lucknow. Reply to. Drawer #45, o/o The Lucknow Sentinel, Box 400, Lucknow, Ont. . NOG 2H0, -- 25=z7x 26. Help Wanted 26. Help Wanted ommunty Planner ract position •to design and :mega .community outreach program innovative. and creative direction. be recceivedby the undersigned until tune 30, 1997 ;rat Response for Healthy Children' Box 45 Dungannon,.Ontario .NOM 1R0 *Funding Source: Canadian Living Foundation Grant to foster independence, self-sufficiency and pride within communities,. Q REYNOLDS EMERGENCY EXPRESS OWNER-OPEFTORS &• COMPANY DRIVERS Because of 'our commitment to our customers, Reynolds Emergency Express needs to add •to its team, of professionals, - If. you, are an' owner operator` with..a•late-model tandem axle tractor:looki"ng :for both challenge and rewards br if you are an individual interested in becoming a company driver, •we want to talk tO you: For more inf'o'rmation on •wh:at we require and what we -offer, please: call'`' Derek or Gerry at • (519.).273.248 THE HURON -PERTH. COUNTY ROMAN CATHOLIC SEPARATE, SCHOOL BOARD. invites applications for the following. positions ` , The Huron -Perth County R.C.S;S. Board is accepting appiications,for the , • above: positions..• A'pplicatidns, •received will be considered for any position that may become available within the next school year ' Appiioations'`received wit! be kept`:on file d+?tti July' 1, /1998.:All. applications will be Considered tor, fait time and part-time u�hiess specifically. Doted on your resume. -_.,_ • 'If you are: interested in working for the Huron -Perth County 'R.C.S:S. Board, please submit your.letter of application; clearly, irbdicating for Zvhich • posiition'you are applying; stating qualifications, experience: and, references by'June 27 1997; to the attention• ofr. :Carol Campbell, Manager of Human Resources. ' Huron -Perth• County R.C.S.S.. Board PO,.Box 70, Dublin, Ontario NO1t .10• • Telephone (519) 345.2440 - Fax (519)'3452449 ' Michaei Miller • 'J.9 Brown MA; Ed.D. Chairpersonof the Board , • DireOtor.of'Education .• • THREE BEDROOM -brick bungalow, ,attached garage deck, nice backyard. 1 mile from .Lucknow, Available Aug lat. Apply to drawer #48 , c/o -The Lucknow Sentinel, Box 400, , Lucknow, Ont. NOG '2110. -- 25,25x 25. Wanted to Buy CASH! Paying $100 to $10,000+ for cameras and lenses by Nikon,: Canon, Leica, Minolta, °Pentax, Hasselblad, Olympias, Ziess, other photographic equipment, too. Mork INTERNATIONAL 1-800- 663.3332).-25bc' USED INDOOR AND OUT- DOOR water slides. For fur- ther information, ;:call Daymon at 1-204-773,2186. of 1-800.665-0678.-25bc SERVICE"TECI�NICIAHS $1.. ' APPRENTICE TECHNICIANS • Be part of our customer oriented team said also be a part of a new dealership 'experience: With your G.M. experience, you are the person we are looking for in our service department. We..require licenced Technidana "at}4i Apprentice Technicians with -at least.2 to 3 yeas experience. We offer better than aver age wages and an excellent compeneation packa8e. If you are an individual who enioys.a busyenvironmeni:, send your resume to the attention of JEFF RENAUD, SERVICE MANAGER. No' phone calls please. Only those people who are. qualified pin be contacted by phone ` . • DENNIS PIERSON CHEV OLDS ,LTD 856 QUEEN STREET KINCARDINE, ONTARIO N2Z 2Y7 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL. urges readers to use cau- tion when sending :honey for business `opportunitiet or employment advertise-, ments. Be certain you are dealing with "a reputable company before, releasing any credit card information or sending any money. Remember, if an advertise- ment sounds too good to be true, it probably is.-i32tfnx 'ELLIOTT FENCE AND GUIDE Rail looking for per- son with AZ licence to. Start. immediately. Seasonal full time. Phone after.6 p.itn',• 3966.4131. .1-25ar " WORK At •HOME part time, full time. Health industry. ABOVE AVERAGE INCOME:. Ask for FREE, BOOKLET. 44 6-631.4152.-- 25bo 26. Help Wanted TRANSPORT DRIVERS NEEDED. A major carrier's accepting applications. for our .Graduates. No experi- ence required - excellent pay;, For interview or appH; cation contact Ontario Truck Driving School (London). 1- 800-263-4777. --25bc INTERNATIONAL AGRI- CULTURAL Exchange' - Ages 18. = 30 -with agricultur- •a1 experience to" iive/work with family -in Australia, New .. - Zealand, Europe, Japan.; Costs/,details - 1-600.263- 1827, Calgary, Alberta..- 25bc $ATTENTION STUDENTS$ Make a lot of money selling.. • chocolate; bars.' -New prod- acts available.. Nothing •to Spay in advance. Fast. deliv-• ery 1-800-383.3589, --25bc'. EXPERIENCED FORMERS, • for • concrete waifs., Kingsbridge area. Phone 519-7474 1 440 or Fax: 519- •747.1444 or local 395-321.6. --25,26 • , DISCOVERY TOYS needs energetic, entrepreneurs. Build a great career repre- senting quality, educational toys'. and computer 'software, • No territories. More informs-' tion' call Heather Doyle, Group Manager (5i 9) 396- 7$31. 25-27co , 1'. q 27.1Nanted - General . ":ANTIQUES, COL' h,EC- +' TABLES, old dells, -vintage clothing, linens; crystals,21 piece or. more.. -Kincardine, 519-3962094. --24,250 28. Business Opp.. 'GOVERNMENT FUNDS. •Go veminent assistance pre- . grams' information available. For .your. new or existing business. Take advantage of the government grants and leans. Call 17800.915 3615.--25bc SEX IS UNIMPORTANT], Both • Men and: Ladies can Make tots of cash from the NEW TOONEY. !VENDING . machine.' First time, offered. 1 -800-.526--7414, 24 hrs.-- 25bc • CHOICE GROWER DiRECT FRESH ' :ChUT FLOWER store franchises are now -available in Ontario. Canada's favorite way to, buy flowers! Call Don Hollaway at 11800-567- 7258 today.--25bc ' ,., ' WANTED: - Hardwood Logs ' 'prompt payment " Fannin Veneer ;Co. Ltd. ,. 340 Louisa St, .Kitchener, N2H 5N2; Tel.:.' (510742-5887 Fax : , (519) 742-3872 28. Business Opp.. 'GOVERNMENT FUNDS. •Go veminent assistance pre- . grams' information available. For .your. new or existing business. Take advantage of the government grants and leans. Call 17800.915 3615.--25bc SEX IS UNIMPORTANT], Both • Men and: Ladies can Make tots of cash from the NEW TOONEY. !VENDING . machine.' First time, offered. 1 -800-.526--7414, 24 hrs.-- 25bc • CHOICE GROWER DiRECT FRESH ' :ChUT FLOWER store franchises are now -available in Ontario. Canada's favorite way to, buy flowers! Call Don Hollaway at 11800-567- 7258 today.--25bc ' ,.,