HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1997-06-18, Page 11���'��°� sem:` �•�`"`;� �;�e'•'"��:��a`��: ����'••>�•.�.,`•.�•`�s•�•',•'��;��::�. �`�..,.."','���•�.''�°.�'•','"' • . . _ .' s. ' .".•.�,s�i�.�°<.�i.5'�.'...�.'`�."��$.�'•%`i'."%:�s�."s�'��s,�`�:�•s�`s%".��?`,Y"•r'�,�:��'' Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, June 18, 1997 - Page 11 •F <??ti,."•:cf;;t%k: ';F:ia',•';;:i+.• .i{:;c::>;a;•�,,i?:�:; 'c.:'�'}"s//•` :•.�: .r>�;9�;:{�','.,'/.,•:'•�,•�.:',:i .:ti,;•v ... _�,;jM�,ii;Stii.�e:��.. <� •:}• a:. ;`;::• .>.�;;..a1.., .;`€� c•>`T't�: •{}'4;;{;,':`'�•;: '. }°.:::;e,`w..2?;. :,;`•�r%'.`"M1:' iti:�%*:^��,7s n • •c��'�€ •• 4�:�. .�{�, a >' •s�,• v .:�• : �•.•'•r..}•° ^fi }n+i.;$}*;w '�•'tYy{;i "..}.:; :�: ox}•}:; ... t .}.o qc;€,x\�C . `/.#;r,:.;; •'. ,ti• .>,}, ;r. •i '< l ,:;:,Y INDEX CLASSIFIED 528-2822 01.. Articles for Sale 02.. Yard Sale 03. Garage Sale 04. Antiques' 04a. Crafts 05: Cars for Sale 06.. Trucks for Sale SPORTS & RECREATION • 7a. For sale General 7b. Wanted to Buy 7p. Wanted to Rent 7d, Bicycles '7e. Motorcycles 7f. Snowmobiles 7g. Rec..Vehicles 70. Boats; Motors •etc, 7J. Service & PartS 7K. Swimming Pools 08.Computers • 10. Pets 1,0a, Horses • • FAR M MARKET: '11a. For.:sale General 11b. Wanted to. Buy' 11c, Wanted to Hire .11d. Ernpl. `Wanted 11 e.' Livestock': 11f. Farm Produce 11g. Equipment- 1,1 h, : Services 11j..Farm Land 11,k. Real Estate 111;' Wanted to Rent 11M: For Rent 12. Rea! Estate 13. Mobile Homes 14; Vacations' 16., For Rent .' 17. Apartments 18: Houses'for; Rent • 19a Bed &`Breakfast 20 Roam & Board 23. Comnmercial 24. Wanted to "lent' 25. ' Wanted to Buy 26.:. Help Wanted' 27. Wanted General '28 Business Opp 29. Tenders 30. Empl,' Wanted 31. Service Directory 32. `:Babysitting • • 33 Miscellaneous. 34. Personal 35. Legal Notices 36. Announcements 37. Mortgages 38. 'Auctions $9. Educational' . • 40 Lost & Found 41.T6Give Away' 42. Obituaries 43. Births 44.' Engagements 45, Marriages. 46. ' In Memoriam 47. Cditl of Thanks 48. Coming Events RATES AND DATA 1 week - $4.25 • 2 weeks • - $7.48 3 weeks or more - $3.27 each week extra words at .16 each Cards of Thanks - $4.25 for 25 words - extra words at :06 each In Memoriam • $4:25 + .35 for each.line of verse Birth Announcement $10.00 flat fee: 3 + 3 ads - $10.50 pre -paid for 25 words extra words at .16 each Thursday Special: - $3.25 for 25 words Must be placed and'paid on Thursday Save a $4.00 billing charge by pre -paying G.S.T. not included in above prices VISA: Call :528-2822 1. For Sale 18" SATELLITE'DiSHES - Starting at $479 cash and carry or 'With no money down $14«80/monthly.: We offer over' 200 charnels, including Disney, ,HBO,. Cinemax, Discovery, History, and many more: For a no obligation in-house. ,.demonstration call A-1 Enterprises; rarrct:Bend•'i •800:293-2378.--24-27cc CONFIDENTIAL. TYPING The Lucknow Sentinel "does confidential custom, typing„ for customers, resumes, let- ters etc,' We can offer you a number,of different print: types and: sizes:. Call:' our office. or !drop in for more details.•-8tfnx • SAWMILL.' $4895. SAW ,- Master • 1. For Sale 1. For Sale' THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL urges readers to use cau- tion :when sending money for business opportunitiesor employrnent advertise- ments. -Be'certain you :are dealing with a reputable company before releasing any credit card information or sending any money. Remember, if an advertise- ment sounds too good to be true, it probably is; :--32tfnx' 18 SATELLITE DISH Own a ebmpiete 18" dish system for just $299 (pur- chase, -of programming to qualify) no money down terms, over'20 chann.els, to choose 'from, compare to ` cable, ' call" 1.888-269-06.69 Burr Enterprises:'for .your no obligation in house demon stration. --25cc THE. LUCKNOW SENTINEL 'STEEL BUILDINGS- --- 'is available at the following STEEL BUILDINGS. FOR locations', out of town: • SALE... Ends• included. 16 x H'olyrood -General Store; 24 $2,988:99: 21 ."x,.30 •" R•i,plev. Superior. Market $3,760,00 25 �' x 40 Dawson's : ...Store, $5,6.24:00. 32 ..x 44. Dungannon; ••MacNay's $6,.835,00. 34 x `,'56. Store, Arnberley; Triangle , $8,360,00: ' 40.. x 60 Discount; Goderich; Brian's $9,988,00: 46. '.x 70 • Valu -Dart. Win ham ' $1.3,044:00 56 x ..90 g McPhee IDA: Wi•ngham',:• .$22,888,00..Others Pioneer Hart Food Mart, •Teeswater,:.•. 1-800-668:5422.--25bc • MacAdarri Mini Mart, Ripley; . =STEEL BUILDINGS'. • Port Albert _Generall. Store, STEEL BUILDINGS. = FOR., and Keith's Repair Service; AGRICULTURAL, INDUS - Whitechurch. --9tfnx TRIAL, .recreational and WOODST.OVE & FIRE- corrrmero al, uses:20 years PLACE glass, will: not break experience, Canadian from heat..Cut toany size: or made: CSA -A660; certified. shape. The Chimney Engineer stamped. Factory •Sweep's Stove Parlor.& direct prices. Steelw.ay. Gallery ,• Inc.'3685274' -- Building 'Systems1 1=800 LOGS INTO . BOARDS, 41tfnbcpnx planks, °.beams. targe capacity.' Best sawmill value anywhereLFree• information °1-800.566-6899,. Norwood Sawrriilts, R.R' 2, . Kilworthy, Ontario POET GO.--25bc WEIGHT LOSS New breakthrough Program.. Lose the pounds you want. to .lose. No enrollment 'fee: NQlmo•nthiy .requirement. Simple, convenient, proven.. Complete info without oblig- ation. Marianne, Bollinger. 529-7807, or Linda Hopper 528,2704:,--18tfcc • • ' Gititmodom Wedding Equipment Rentals Candelabra; Wedding Arch, Arbor Table Linens, Floral and more. • Feather McClinchcy • 529:1190. 18" D.IGItAL,SATELLITE: Starting 'at $499 Cash and„ carry or. W/No money down $17,11 monthly. Save time. and Money, with. a no oblige, tion in-house.demonstra- tion. We will beat any and all our competitors Call col :lett 519-238-5128 23tfcc DOWNRIGGER'SPECIAL:. Walker electric downrigger - lifetime warranty $329, Lake '• Huron Rod Gun and Marine. 368-7132.-45-28cc THE KIDS SHOP , summer blow' out sale up to 40% off „storewide;..everything must' go for new fall'. arrivals,, Check our Osh Kosh at. 35% oft. Clothing for tots to' teens.--25,26ar' USED 8 X 8 POSTS' 6ft 'lengths, great for walkways, • flower bed's, barnyards, beach walls eto., $3 each. Phone 395-413:1, -•25tfar • 265-7740--25bc'•: INTRA' HERBAL BLEND Are yousuffering from asth ma, allergies,: arthritis, low, energy frequent °colds, high cholesterol, high blood ,pres- sure, menopause etc. Try 30 day supply, Satisfaction guaranteed or your money back.- Formore. information' call Marianne Bollinger 529= 78.07, and Linda Hopper 528-2704, 7-42tfcc CUSTOM FAXING Need to: send •or receive a, ,fax' The Sentinel, does cus- tom fax for customers. Drop 'in.orpall,528 2822 for: details,.' --41 tfnx THREE GLASS cases on pedestals. Perfect for dis-• playingcollectables in your home or for retail use.. 5' long, gold trim with navy ' velvet display. $230 each: Call 529-7339, 6 - 9. p.m. or • weekends.--23tfnxe 1. For Sale 18" DISH BLOW OUT 75' channels including 7 movie -.channels (tota( choice package) free for 1 year $795 cash and carry or $975 installed,, no mainte- nance fee, taxes. included. This isa clearance of last . years stock. Limited time offer. When they are .gone we will not snatch our com- • petition, we will beat them: SC Tech .529-1026:--1ltfec • SALES " OF guaranteed reconditioned appliances repairs and service to all makes;' purchasing, and pick . • upof used appliances; parts new and use. Call Ted at AFFORDABLE APPLIANCE REPAIR 395-4842,'--25-29x 10. FOOT SATELLITE dish, `. Drake receiver, extellent condition; ' Woods 22 cubic. foot freezer, excellent .con di- tion..Call 528-3345. --24,25 WOODS FACTORY sec ond.s. de`humidif'ier. from $169. CaII Pollock Electric, Ripley: 395-2982,--23tfa r BEAUTIFUL HANDMADE craft items for sale. •Pictures, 'clocks, bird house and more! For a c.omllete catalogue,. please call 524 1867. --22.24,25-27cc>` Pick: up you! copy of THE LUCKNOW•SENTINEL at '•' any ;of the following Lucknow: businesses: Beckers Milk, Bell's Discount, Lucknow Village Market, Rx Central, Lucknow,' HJ -Used; Cars and ,Annie's Gas 'Bar; and Hamilton Fuels -52tf 'FOR SALE CHEAP cedar • polee 3 7 9 inch diameter, 15 ":- 25 feet `long. ,Small quantity hard coal to give away. Call 529-7313. --26x, MOOSE 'RIFLES Winchester, Browning, Sako and Tikka. 300-mags, your choice $595. Lake Huron Rod Gun . and -Marine: Phone 519-3687182. --24 fi.ForSaie 1 _ WHY HAVE A YARD SALE? .Call us.' We buy it • all. .Antiques, Furniture, Coins,"etc...N'o fuss - No Muss. Call 519-363-0213. -- 10tfar. GRAY'S PERENNIALS, It's not too late to add a few perennials to your beds: We dig huge second year plants from the field: 'Come and choose your:favorite color of Lupin, Delphinium, Poppy, Iris, and Columbine, all in bioom.' Bring us a sketch` of .your flower bed and we will help you design a show- piece at no extra charge; Buy the .plants that have wintered in Bruce .County and.Iike it! Hours: aft;r 4 lin, weekdays and all day weekends. Location: 3 ,miles west of Walkerton .on the ,Kincardine highway .Call (519) 881-1522: --e5cc NEED A RESUME? Professionally prepared, • laser printed on qualify.' paper. ; $15:60- tor 5, sets, We '.keep.ouur resume on, file in case' you: need changes':or•updates at.a later date.: Callus or drop in • (Or details, The Lucknow Sentinel, 528-2822-04tfnx Antiques KATHLEEN' .MILLARD Antiques &'Collectables, opening June' 7, 96 P•enetangore' Row, Kincardine (across from. soccer field), 519-396=2094: Something for everyone. -- 24;25cc 5. Cars 1977 JAGUAR':XJS: For sale. ,Make an offer: :Carl 519-5285853:--2'2-25xc. 6.. Trucks 1991 FORD RANGER. XLT. Black .cap, box liner, loaded, . . 27cc : excellent condition. CaII 528=3345. --24,25 18".: DISH Summer i's' here and so are the hot deals from L & A Southwest Satellite; 1.8" , Echostar. now only $399 - or ,$13/month O.A.C. Call 524- 9595 day or night --25tfcc THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL has, -the following papers available in our office on• Wednesday. Goderich Signal Star, Kincardine 'News,. Clinton' News Record; Mitchell Advocate, Seaforth HuronaExpositor. 16tfnx • 7e. Motorycles 1984 ATV 4 wheeler Honda 200. Excellent running con- dition $2,:000, Calle 524- 4167. --25.26nx 1984 ' HONDA : THREE wheeler, 125 cc, new tires and in good running condi- tion: $950 o.b.o, 'Please phone. 482-5610. -- 25,26nXe 1 'l