HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1997-06-18, Page 4Page 4— Lueknow Sentinel, Wednesday, June 18, 1.997
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A Bo*es Publishers Community Newspaper 619 Campbell -St., Lucknow. Ontar14'
P.O. Box 400, Lucknow, Ontario NOG 2H0
phone: (519) 528-2822 fa.x: (519) 528-3529
Established1873 — • , .
• • • Tom Thompson — Advertising Manager -
Pat Livingston — General Manager / Editor
Phyllis Matthews Helm — Office Administrator
Joan Courtney.— 'Typesetter
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She thinks you're all absolutely beautiful
• Like most peciple, I hate .good-byes, Even. though I
• will be visiting your town in the future, 1 have fin-
ished my coop assignment ,with the Sentinel. It has
beenthe most interesting, and often challenging few,
months I have spent. During that time, I have learned
• a. little about.the newspaper business and best of all
had the opportunity to become better acquainted with
the folks of Lucknow and area.
Thank -you to Pat, Phyllis, Tom, and Joan for all
your patience and help. You made my time here both
informative arid fun1 will always be grateful for the
encouragement you gave me when faced with the
unfamiliar (and there was so much).
When I first started, I was what my husband jok-
ingly referred to as Photo Impaired."' I have had cam-
eras actually leap from My hands and commit suicide
in my own drivevvay. If the camera didn't meet with
some terrible accident, the unfortunate subjects were
either unrecognizable or headless, I still have a long
way to go in that particular aspect of journalism, but
fortunately for me, Pat's trusty Nikon is stillintact
,Phyllis, I will never forget the beeping of that cash
register when I pushed the wrong button. I think I
woke up a couple of nights hearing it Thanks for the
times you had to unroll almost the entire daily tape to
find out what on earth I did wrong this time. Sorry. '
On another note, I thought you might be interested
in some of the ()Onions offeredbythe people of
Lucknow and surrounding areas, who kindly agreed
to answer my "Let's 'Talk" questions. •
I found that in general the residents; enjoy playing
tricks at Halloween, don't dare for winter too much,
think we should cut down on the size of school
boards, the .government shouldn't force Doctors to
practice rurally, worry about hospital restructuring,
like to Christrna.s shop at local merchants, try their
best to keep New Year's resolutions, believe. there
should' be bootcamps for young offenders, think
amalgamation is' a good idea, try to avoid getting the
winter blahs by keeping busy, don't really believe
• , i
entitle emors.,.
Sanitary inspector likes
garbage disposal laws
70 years ago , aye food shops high rating -
June 16, 1927 , ' Lucknow's food • handling
he village council of establishments are second to
Mildmay - has supplied their. none in Bruce County from a sanitary
constable With a stop -watch standpoint, according to Mr., A.
and gave *tractions that automobile' MacSween, a Sanitary inspector for
drivers discovered breaking the speed - the Bruce County Health'Unit
law are to be prosecuted. • „ Mr. MacSween pointed out that
That's the right way. Laws and' back', alleys required some clewing
rules, respecting speed; especially, on up, but he was impressed with the
the 'streets,' (Melt, to, be enforced. Village Councils garbage disposal
High 'speeds may be, all right on the ,regulations thatreqiiire all garbage to
wide country roads when there is lit- be wrapped . and trn cans to be
• ,
tle traffic- about,. but it. is inexcusable. . scoured: '. • '
and unnecessary op the streets, 1 ' • '
• ,
Expertsees,':and hears from
London to Glasgow - The Daily
'Mail descries a successful exhibition
of 'television recently between Festival, Have you extra garden pro -
London and Glasgow, 438 milesduce that you ,could sell also, How
Two' telephone wires were used; about that good • jam and jelly you
'one for television transmission, and have been making? There's a place at
the' other for conversation to check Lucknow Craft Festival where it can
the results. The head and shoulders of be sold at the Special booth for these
a man ,at the LOndon end were dis- commodities. ,, • ,
25 years ago
June 21, 1972
estival notes - Are you one of
those who plan to bake and sell
your wares at Lucknow craft
tinctly shown on the receiyer in
The inventor intends to leave .for
the United' States next week, to
arrange for a television tet between
London and New York. •
50 years ago
June 19, 1941
Do you like homemade fudge? A
booth is being set up to sell our spe-
cialty of various flavors of sweets.
' Souvenir booklets are another big
feature this year. And instead of a
' •
quilt for a lucky draw there will be
paintings, pottery and several other
crafts. In fact you will have a chance
on many prizes instead of one. .
there will be tax cuts, think banks should, reveal the
• source Of their profits,, are divided on fingerprinting
welfare 'recipients, like the movie White Christmas
and believe video lottery terminal's aren't too bad• .
" They. don't really feel comfortable with topless
female bathers, think smoking, by-laws should be
• enforced by bar and restaurant owners, that organ
donor cards are a good idea, and feel a little pes-
simistic at times about Canada's future.
I wasn't surprised to learn that .husbands, when
given the chance, generally monopolite the TV
remote control and people love living in Lucknow.
I'm sure that some of you are relieved I am no,
longer stalking the downtown area with my camera
asking your opinions on everything from winter blues'
to bootcamps, but 'I wilI miss you and the Sentinel .
staff a lot. -
I wish to thank all the people who took time out
‘• from their busy days to talk to me in good weather
and bad, people who, took 'the risk of giving their
opinions, whether popular or not and who let me take
theiepicture even when they felt they didn't look their
best If you think your picture wasn't perfect, take
another look. You're all absolutely ,beautiful. .
mo. toc..
Nov 8.4 410, ,itot4. atak
4ust catchina a last levy rays. (Hehn photo)
to Fines'
• Dear editor: • ,
I am concerned that the
letter to the editor which
you published last week'
(June 11) is a continuation.
of the divisiveness which
•Preston Manning's Reform
• party' hopes To use ,to
advance their Political for-
tunes: During the recent
campaign we saw that
Preston Manning was con-
tent to pit region against
• region; English Canadian
against French Canadian;
and now Progressive
Tories against conserva-
tive Tories. A divide ,and
conquer approach is 'not
what Canadians need
today. We need a strong
spirit of cooperation ,
between federal and the
provincial governments.
Mr. Fines suggests that
Reform offers recalland
free votes as "new ideas."
Recall was tried once
before in Canadian' history
by the Alberta Social
Credit Party in the 30's. At
th•at time Premier "Bible
Bill" Aberhart was elected
•(41=4 to page •