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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1997-06-18, Page 1
• VOL. 124 WK. 25 WEDNESDAY, JUNE 1$,1997 65( INCLUDES G.S.T. i ksn:il ........Siff sheat 'What' IMO 'soar; se n , .©ntrol $u6stanj Officezsetze UM plants •relpit ..fin... �...fa accident rnsl?pfa ay n J.an oft ►set Lar itttatt or ergo ttu .rt d $race County restructuring o oS a wins majority ajvote by Pat Halpin Last-minute amendments from .dissatisfied rural municipalities failed to change the restructuring -plan Bruce county is submitting to the Minister of Municipal. Affairs. . The plan, closely based on a 1991.proposal,was approved by 20 out of 30 .Bruce county municipalities, representing 65 per cent of electors.. Combined with last month's council vote, the restructuring proposal won the' triple majority it' required to . . proceed Last minute` • If approved by the ' province, the restructuring amendments plan will regroup Bruce county municipalities into fail to eight new 'municipalities, effective . • Jan. 1, 2001.: enange.plan Amalgamations now :under. way:ln Mildmay -Carrick and Bruce -Tiverton will be allowed to continue, as with other amalgamation's prat ; vided they are within the groupings seVput:•in the restructuring proposal, . ' Saugeen .township reeve Harry Thede led the effort to .give rural municipalities a stronger; voice in amalgama- tions: with neighboring towns, but his amendments • and. written • submissions from Albemarle,.Amabel, Arran, St Edmunds `and LuCknow Council failed to `make it to the •turn to page 2 ves by Bev Fry Bruce Tovvnship. hail was full.' as 193 party faith- ful paid $100:a plate at. the Bruce Provincial P.C. Association's fund raising dinner Wednesday. night to hear Ernie Eves, Ontario's finance :minister and. deputy premier Eves came to Bruce Township with his, parlia- mentary assistant Isabel Bassett: He came. for' the dinner only, and didn't a These two helpers at the Presbyterian 'strawberry ;supper .last week just Couldn't resist the continuous temptation -of the Lush : strawberries so Laura Weir gave Jessica Gilchrist.a wee taste. (Helm photo) a have time to tour the area: Eves praised Bruce MPP Barb Fisher, saying "she gave 110 .per, cent to everything she does in Toronto and on 'behalf of 'her constituents. His repeated facts con- tained in his :budget speech. of May 6, spoke about tax cuts, healthcare and education., Eves said `over the next five years, $2.7 biliion will be used . to restructure health care, "our .most important:: priority:" maid restructuring; a system: created for. the 1950s,,'will-:;put the needs of the patient first by cre- ating an effective comma •pity based health care sys tern which will include. quality .care in 'areas. like women'shealth and AIDS treatment and prevention. W'.heti asked about 'health minister Jim Wilson's rural health care espte techn�lo ,policy, which' has been' ,expected since April, -Eves. :said, "it will be .released.. very, shortly." Don . Poulton, a real estate ' broker.:'; in Kincardine, told Eves • he had .lived.' in "Sudbury vA'there One company con- ' trolled •'the city, "It was brutal. ' We have the same situation here?' He referred to Ontario Hydro•;when he•said, "We have one large 'company that controls our economic life: We 'have two energy .parks that fit into thegov ernment',s employment role. Can you cast any ray of hope on, the future of Hydro, and' these energy parks?" Eves replied. saying "Hydro has a tremendous future in the "province.". He said Hydro is, no' different than other bttsi- nesses and has to keep •turn to page 2 manure disposal .ntx.nues:tw.plogoe farming industry by Blake Patterson; Farming has changed signifi- cantly over the yearsbut regard- less of all •the .technologies, economies and bio -genetic diver- sities, one question still plagues the industry. "What do you. do with all the.stuff that comes out of the back end of a'cow?" : That question is now being addressed in Huron County with :a new liquid manure by-law which requires farmers to have a plan for the disposal of manure before *increasing the size of their live- stock operations. • Manure is used. as fertilizer in farmers' fields, but if the farmer's livestock produces more manure than his land 'base can ,handle, environmental concerns can result from the runoff of the excess manure, into nearby streams The centrepiece of the new' by- • law is a requirement for •farmers. to complete a nutrient manage- ment plan. -- a written. plan of action to handle manure in a way," that does not harm the environ- ment -- before the municipality. will issue a building permit for a new or expanded intensive live- stock operation, _ �'An intensive tivesto`ck opera-' .. tion is defined as including more than 150 livestock units or includ- ing 50 dr more livestock units on a landbase •which• exceeds five livestock units per tillable hectare: The plan, should include manure nutrient testing, safe application rates, crop nutrient needs, area required for applica- tion, appropriate reductions in commercial fertilizer applications, and emergencyaetioris in case of - spills or system -failures.. • `turmto page 3