HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1997-06-11, Page 1731. Service M Directory • BERGMAN 110TOBODY (519) '53$-.2338 Insurance' & Collision Repairs Lax R L w�l�c •i RR 5 L(KKt OW. OW, Roe! ZItO 33. Misc. SNORING PRQBLEMS?? Unique, effective, "NEVER SNORE provides quiet sleept!l New to Canada - Doctor tested herbal formu- lation - safe, natural - com- plete money back guaran- tee. Call anytime 1-888- 414-4224,--24bc 34. Personal *A 'cost will :be incurred. • EVANLY-RAYS PHYS(Q ANSWERS - Police use .us, Elated #1 in Canada. Instant answers about Love, Money, Career, Lucky #s, Relationships.:,AchieVe suc- cess.i $2,99/rnin., 18 + 24 Hrs. Call 1-900-451-4055. - 24.38cc TAROT READINGS; therg- peutic touch, •$20 per ses- sion. Phone 519-887-9828. --22-,25cc Al PEST CONTROL Amazing -electronic .device' from USA eliminates mice, rams ani pesky,. bugs. Drives pests 'froni house, barn and. business; for 10 years 100%. mohey.back' policy. Good •standings with B:B B Creep. Special offer ends June. 31. 'Cali, 519.3.447-2168, -24cc ARE YOU' experiencing the aftermath • of .`an abortion/emotions you can't explain? Most pest-abortal women experience: trauma. in :their 'lived. oat! our 24 hr. hotline collect. (519) 323- 3751, for cdhfiderttial Sup- port. =-24ar 355,, Legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In' the matter of the estate of WILLIAM LLOYD IRWIN late of the Township of Kinloss, in the County of Bruce, and Province ' of . Ontario, deceased. Notice is hereby given pursuant to the Trustee Act that all cred- itors and, ' others having claims• against the Estate of the late William Lloyd Irwin are required to send particu- lars of their claims, duty ver- ified to. Goodall & Hills, 216 Josephine Street, Wingham, Ontario,, NOG 2W0, on or before the 14th day of June,. 1997, 'and that after. such date the Executors will pro- ceed;.to distribute the assets of the. said. Estate, having regard only to the claims of which .they shalt then have had notice. Dated at. Wingham, Ontario, this 20th day of May, 1997. GOODALL & HiLLS, Barristers $& Solicitors for the Estate of • WILLIAM LLOYD IRWiN.-- 22;24' MALE IMPOTENCE pre- vented and corrected at any :age, even .with rnedicat'. problems like medications, surgery, diabetes and injury:. Free information/advise:. PerforMance Medical Ltd.,. Box 418, Valemoun.t, B.G VOE 2Z0. 1-800=663-0121. 24bc 36. Announcements ANYBODY... Wishing to put a ' float in the Goderich July 1°' Canada Day Parade Call .528-2099 or 52g-7398. Deadline June 16t''.. 36. Announcements 37. Mortgages 'V& rd Mortgage Money • Absolutely No upfront Fees Available as low as 6.509 interest Personal Loans tf you quality, payments Amt, Approx. Mo, Payment $ 66,000 a 41.66 $10,000 $ 83,33 *15,000 1126.00 Consolidateyour debts Call (519) 363.0211 1-800-381-1932 ASTRAL FUNDING INC. 36. Announcements' TOWNSHiP OF ASHFIELD 1997 TAXES Final Installment Due on or before June 16, 1997 Taxes may be paid in person at' the Municipal Office located on Huron County Road #20, Lot 5, Con. 9 Ashfield Township Or mail t0; Township of Ashfield ` RR #7 • Lucknow NOGG 2H0 Linda Andrew Clerk -Treasurer.,. Township of. Ashfield Women's House of Bruce County rLyATU T ��E1VE'MEETING JUNE 18,, 199.7 at.? pm• 'BNPD INFORMATION CENTRg • • General ,Public Is Welcome TO Attend TQWNSHI`P .Q • 'KINLOSS. NOTICE TO PROPERTY • OWNERS 'OF THE TOWNSHIP OP KINLOSS DESTROY WEEDS Notice is hereby givert to all persons in possession `. of land, in accordance with the weed control: Act, R.S.O. 1.990 ' Chapter W5 Sections 3, 16 :and 23 that unless noxious Weeds growing ontheir.lands;. within the Municipality of the Tovfinship of Kinloss are destroyed by the date. of June 16, 1997 and .- throughout the 'season, the Municipality' may enter. ;upon the said lands ' and ;•have , the: weeds destroYed::charging the costs against'•the land, as set out in the Act. s The cooperation of all citizens is ,earnestly • solicited. •- Weed inspector , • Ron Hodson - 519-311-3054 Clerk Treasurer Mark L. Becker (519) 395-3575 . Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, Janie II, 1997 - Page 17. CLEATING UP THE¢; Auctions WORLD STARTS AT 3,8. Auctions 38. Audio,,-$ AUCTION SALE • of Tractors, Cars, Household Effects, Antiques and Miscellaneous will be held for Robert &' Merle J4hnsont, R.R, #4, Kincardine. (Rervie) 6 miles east of Kincardine on Highway 9 ' Sat., June 14 , 10 AM . CARS: 1963 Mercury, flow mileage). Sells as is, 1979 Mercury Marquis (tow mileage). Sells as is. ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLES Dressers, Coombes chesterfield suite (1934), Coombes chesterfield suite (1940), cupboards, bedroom suite, wash stand, assorted chairs, wicker rocker, treadle sewing machine, iron beds & •spool bed, writing desk, crock, captain's chair, sea trunk, mantle clocks, Victrola, 2 oil lamps .(one Aladdin), weight scales, jug,basin, chamber pot, wood lathe, egg crates, glass milk bottles, gem sealers, blaaksrnith forge, various antique"tobls... TRACTORS, MACHINERY & LAWN MOWERS: 1964 Allis Chalmers D15 tractor with loader, garden tractor with mower,.6 speed 5 HP selff propelled lawn mower (good condition), post hole digger, 3 PTH cultivator, 3 PTH.blade, 3-12':plow, garden tiller. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS& APPLIANCES: 2 parlour chairs, 2 end tables, set of dishes (8 place, settings), chrome kitchen :suite, small wooden > tables, . good cheer wood stove and pipes,. dryer, freezer, oil.paintings. MISCELLANEOUS:. Chain saw,, wheelbarrow, wooden extension ladder; typewriter, 2; glass fire extinguishers, Weed Eater. • . Scrap steel, Wagon load of miscellaneous. Plan to attend. 'Lunch booth. • TERMS: Cash or acceptable cheque with proper LD. day. of •'sale. Not•responsible for accidents. Verbal announcements take precedence over advertising, items .listed as described.by` • owner. . For More information call Jean Goddard (519).396.1524 orMrs. John Slue (519) 291-1895. • AUCTIONEER: BRIAN RINTOUL (519) 357-2349 AUCTION SALE Of Property, Lawn Tractor, Household Effects,. and' Miscellaneous, will be held for. Harry & Estella Nafziger AN 1, Kincardine = Huron Township, 8 miles south of. Kincardine or 3 miles north of'`Arnberley on Highway 2:1, and ? miles'west of Lurgan Beach Rd qr west of Pine River Church. Number 447' at bottom of .hill.. Watch for signs. SATURDAY, JUNE'21,"'at 10:00 a'an PROPERTY NUMBER 447:'Approx. 5 acres consisting 61 ,10 . h •acre'lots. Plan A Lot 10-14• Louisa St. West Plan - 2A Lot 10-14 Helena St. Property 'has access to above streets. 'Nice treed property. Quiet area, Main dwelling 31' x .. 20' With. an additionof winterized 18! x 24'.'4'piece -bath' & 2 .. piece bath,' closets, fieldstone fireplace; deck,:2 bedrooms, kitchen; :living` room: Shed 24' x' 34' With storage loft, small storage shed, drilled 'welt, appliances - electric' stove;'. Maytag fridge (new), apt. size washer, hot water tank. Taxes approx. 81200,00. Terms: 1O%.down, balance in 30 days on' closing. Property sells subject to reserve bid. Property sells at 1 p.m. To view property by appointment call Harry at 395.5551, Excellent investment property, Owners: moving to apartment...• LAWN TRACTOR': Cub Cadef 12 HP'awn:tractor. • HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: Forrnica buffet, love seat & matching chair (good), glider rocking chair, white dresser (old), cedar; Chest, : box stove - all steel, cedar picnic `table with benches, folding picnic table, portable 'sewing Machine,. Smith Corona ••portabletypewriter, three suitcases, carry -ors bag... MISCELLANEOUS; Gang ',mower, lawn mower, twochain, saws, gas weed eater, four -drawer safe, .child's wagon; four bicycles - different sizes,' Coleman camp 'stove, assorted chains with hooks, battery. charger (new), 20 foot alurriinun.'extension ladder, 12 foot aluminum straight ladder, 8 foot. aluminum ''straight ladder, 4 foOt wooden step ladder,. 3 foot wooden step • ladder, 8 foot windq'iill, outboard motor- 2HP, 4 inch.Vise, two <Winches, high wail tent approx. 10 x 12 feet WAGON LOADS OF MISCELLANEOUS. PLAN TO ATTEND.. : LUNCH BOOTH. TERMS: Cash or acceptable cheque with proper I.D. day of sale. Not responsible for accidents. Verbal announcements take precedence over advertising, items listed as described by • owner. For.more information call Harry Nafziger 519-3953551. • AUCTIONEER: BRIAN RINTOUL (519) 357•2349 AUCTION REGISTER CONSIGNMENT SALE DAVIDSON CENTRE FRIDAY, JUNE 20/97 If you have -something to sell, giveLts a call, Grant McDonald 395-5353 Wallace Ballagh 392,6176 Auctioneers AUCTION SALE of ° • Antiques, . Household Furnishings, Tent - Trailer, Carpenter Tools, Hardware, Misc. • Items .will he held for Joyce Swan and The Estate of David Swan 530 Gough Street Lucknow on Tuesday June 17 4,10 p.m. Auctioneer: Allan. R. Miller 395-5062 REMINDER NOTICE • Of the Special HORSE SALE ;At Lucknow-Comrnuhity Sales Barn • ' on Friday Evening, June 13th 7;00 pm Consisting of Ponies- Riding` Horses"- alt other types of horses buggy - cutter saddles -• tack horse trailer, etc.,• etc.; etc. Consignments` welcome, • For further:information calls', (519) 529.725. 529-7970 BRiAN RiNTOUL Auction Calendar.: Sat.. June1'4: ` • Robert & Merle Johnson #9 Hwy. at Bervie' Tractor &Household. Wed.; June 18 Rory & Carol Gethke R.R. #1 Bornholm 5:00 p.m... Sat.. June 21.': Harry' &+Stella Nafziger' Lurgan Beach Road West of Pine River Church 2 DAY AUCTION. July 51b & July_121b Russell &Louise Brindley Estate Belgrave Arena' Kitchener Stock Yards (Olex). . EveryTues. & Thurs. Brussels Livestock every Friday RR #3Wingharn 357w2349 PEOPLE 4.PS'T WANT JO HELP _comomontria *ow__ J+arfMANA'ff uxE iroSAti me werAmps i/