HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1997-06-11, Page 16•l• I• • • Page. 16 - Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, June 11, 1997 17. Apts. 1 lb. Wanted • too- Buy . WANTED TO BUY standing ',hair. „Phone 529-7302. -- 23,24, . 11 e.. Livestock FOR SALE - Two made Jacks, good natured. •To good homes only. Phone 236-4404.--24nxe • 11h. Services .:TARPS AND INDUSTRIAL • COVERINGS - Made t' size, for trucks, trailer gravity boxes, -etc. canvas' poly. New/Rel. Party.tent` rentals Tiesma ndustri'aI' Coveririgs ,_• Bayfield. 482-3540. £--26tfg- peow CUSTOM SIZING,, •round baling, hard; core centres' .Phone; Drew Black 529- 7.661..-=..24-22& 12. Real Estate • B•A. MCDONAGH REAL ESTATE n INSURANCE LTD. LUCkNOW - 4 'bedroom, 2, 3 & 4 pc. • bath, attached garage, backs up to Stream. Asking $74,500. 3 UNIT APARTMENT - Main street, good starter home. Only $49,900. LOTS for sale, all serviced: $15,000. 35 •ACRES .. - Edge ..of :Lucknow', 4 droom bungalow, • iikeNade bath, hot watt; r , carport,' large deck, axed road;: barn, 36 x 56. STONE HOUSE -. 3; bedroom larger family room; fireplace; hot .tub, patio, paved drive, 3, car garage. $114,900: JUST LISTED - 3 bedroom home, 4 pc., bath, kltCh.en Wilt in cupboards, ,oil, furnace, fuii basement;, Asking $54,900. Call. Fraser MacKignon X211.-4013 Barry nationagb.528.2O31 -14. Vacations' • LAKE FRONT.cottagefor' sale Kintail beach, 15 miles .North of. Goderich, 6.,yedrs old, two bedrooms, 1.1/2 ...baths, bunk house, (51.9).. 6629392 weekdays. (519). 529-791.8:weekerds, -22- 25cc „ .SOUTHAMPTON . Cottage for rent: Please "call.. 528-3609 and.leave mes. sage. I 'will. get back to • your Tom Andrew.--23=25ar 17.' Apts. ONE BEDROOM, plus utili- ties, and a TWO bedroom, ,plus utilities, Main street, available' immediately; Phone 52.8=2146 after 6 p.m.; --24-25x GROUND. FLOOR 2 -bed- room heatedapartm ntt, newly renovated; two bed- ' -room upper apartment $250., both close to down- ` town. Phone 528-2031: -- 19tfar TWQ BEDROOM' apartment in Lucknow. $35.0/month, heat included. Available June 1.• Phone 528-2242 or 528-2436.--16tfar ONE BEDROOM main street apartment•auailable immediately, heat `included.' Call 528-3948.--13tfar,: LUCKNOW 2' bedrOOM:. ;round floor apartment, pri- vate. entrance. Phone 357- . T847. 57.1'847.. --41 tfar . .. TWO 2 BEDROOM .apart- ments and.one 1 bedroom apartment for rent .on main street, Lucknow. Phone 528-3932.--35tfar TWO BEDROOM ground level apartment. Park like 'atmosphere $385/ plus utffi ties: Cali- 1-51.9.848-2215 • after 6 p.m.--17tfar THREE BEDROOM,' 1400 .sq. ft.,: • apartment. Appliances and heat incfud- . ed. $495/month. Call 528- 2411. 23tfar ONE BEDROOM apart- me:nt, fridge' -.and stove.. included, • Glenn 'Haven Apartments, • 550 Albert Street, Lucknow contact 5.19-235.0943 or 519=528 3943,.--24tfar,. 18. '.Houses • DU,RH.A:fth-WA;LSH Townhousesin Kincardine. •. Under .new rnanagernent... Freshly painted and rano-; dated. Two . and " three. bed-.' `.robin, 1 month free rent; A.vaila,ble immad ately.; Phone 396.-'9332.=03tfar. HOUSES FOR RENT Or sale in Lucknow, :Wingham, Listowel and Wroxeter.. 1,2 and 3: bedroom. apartments also available,• •Phone 3766 =24ar 4 BEDROOM FARM house, approxirnatoly 14.1kms, from: Goderich, paved road, just south of Dungannon, Available June t.'Phone. 529-7413. --22-24 , • HOUSE ,FOR rent north .of•. Teeswater,. '5 bedrooms, 'L wheelchair accessible/ workshed and 2 acres, optional;,• whirlpool bath. No dogs in house.. Phone 519- 665-7818 or 519-336-6581: • X24-28ar • ONE BEDROOM apartment Outram/Wheeler Street $245/month plus utilities. Two ,one ,bedroor •apart-. eats-Ro, ss.....Stre.etr $260 . and $280/month plus utili- WANTED HOUSE to rent ties, Available immediately. by single person, senior cifi Call'Paul 528.2411.--2ltfar Zen. 'Phone 524.6236: --24 HOUSE FOR RENT 2 bed room home 10 .minutes northeast of . Goderich. $600/month: Available July 1, References required. Phone •529-3252 or 529- 787.6. --24,25 24.. Wanted to Rent • 19. Bed & Breakfast. PERENNIAL PLEASURES is a special Bed:& Breakfast, in Lucknow:..Freshly deco= rated, ready to welcome you and your guests for a business or a'pieasure. trip,, '3 bedrooms with comfort able' double .beds and desks, two bathrooms. Enjoy. -li.vingroom, dining , room; 'deck and gardens. Special perennials for sale. Also choice annuals from Western Butcharts Special Seed. Clean sleeping bags for extra accommodation. Phone 528-3601. --24x 25. Wanted to Buy CASH! Paying $100 to. $10,000+ for cameras.and. tenses -by Nikon, Canon, Leica., 'Minolta, PentaX; • Hasselblad, Olympus, •Ziess,- other photographic equipinent` too. York INTERNATIONAL 1-800 663-3332.--24bc USED WATER Slide.. For •further information calf Daynion at 1-204-773-2186 or 1-800665-0678.--24bc: 126.HeIP W nted . a EDITOR/REPORTER/pho- tographer Publisher of'five Award-winning. newspapers:, is currently' seeking eppiica tions for ,the position, of edi- tor/;reporter/photographet. for the Deh Cho' Drum in .. Fort Simpson,, Northwest Territories: The successful applicant will have two to five years:communitynews paper experience ;and must be' able to deal :with ahe 1 many facets ofa small newspaper and enjoys life in 'a small; northern comm.uni ty.. Piease contact: 'Bruce Valpy,^Managing. Editor, Northern. News Services, Box 2820, Yellowknife, NT X1A 2R1.. Fax ':403-.873- 85.07 E -malt: editorial@nhst.yk.corn No phone calls please.--24bc TRANSPORT .DRIVERS: NEEDED: A' major carrier is accepting . applications' for our'Graduates. No eXperi .ence required- excellent'' Pa F i - terview Y For: n or, applf Cation contact Ontario- Truck • Driving School (London) ' 1- •- • 800-263.4777. --24bc 27. Wanted General ANTIQUES, COLLEC- TABLES, old dolls, vintage clothing, linens, crystals, 1 piece or more. Kincardine, 519-396-2094.--24,25cc 8. Business • app. RAISE CHINCHILLAS as a profitable full or part-time business. We provide grad- ed ;animals, , supplies, mar- ket; financing. Excellent tax benefits available. Canadian Chinchilla, P.O. Sox 1684, St. Marys, Ont. N4X 101;; Phone 519-229-611'7. --^ 23,24ar GOVERNMENT `FUNDS. Government assistance pro- grams information available. For -your new or existing business. Take advantage of thegovernment grants and. loans. Call 1-800-915:- • 3615,--24bo . • ,6., Melp` Wanted HELP: WANTED for garden; ing at Perennial Pleasures . Phone 528-3601. --24 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL urges readers. to use cau- tion when sending, money: for business' opportunities• or •employment advertise. menu.. Be certain you are dealing with a reputable company: before: releasing . any credit Card .information ; .or sending any Money. Remember,if an advertise 'tient sounds -16o good to be true,: it probably is..,,=-32tfnx . • CIRCULATION .MANAGER. Candidate must •know paid, free distribution, possess Skill to`supervise circulation staff,.prepare Budgeting, planning. Fax - resume, attention Publisher, The .Orangeville - Banner (519)941 3328. -24bc FULL flooring. installer required. Send resume to Walther's: HoMe Furnishings`, • Box. 238," Shaunavon,'•SK,' SON 2M0. Phone 316-297=2141, faX 306-297-3:400.=}24bc • $ATTENTION. STUDENTS; Make a lot of money e selling - chocolate bar New prod- ucts available..Nothing to pay in. advance, : Fast deliv- ery 1-8001:383-3589.--24bc 28. Business Opp. WANT TO GET PAID FOR WHAT YOU ARE WORTH, your experience. Four year . old Canadian,. company• .looking for networkers. ommunity Planner ract'position•;to design and a community outreach. program •. movative and creative direction. atitrns31411 be received by the undersigned until June 30, 1997 Rural Response for Healthy •Children • Box 45 Dutigaridon, Ontario NOM 1 RO *Funding. Source: CanadianLivipg Foundatit n Grant to foster independence; self-sufficiency.•and pride within cotrim'unities. Repeat ' , consumable. Exceptional payplan. Phone 1-800-272-4478.--24bc CHEQUEMATE SALES Franchise Retail/Cheque •.. Cashing. Opportunities throughout Ontario: Monthly repeat customers: Totally computerized. Excellent profit potential and team support. For information 'telephone 800-465.5629.--' 24bc' • . 29. Tenders 31. Service Directory AGNEW JEWELLERY REPAIR- watch, clock, jew- ellery. Free .;estimates. Pickup and delivery can. be arranged. 698 Havelock Street, across from Medical Centre. Call 528-3532 or 5283940.--18tfar CARL SLO.ETJES Sales, installation, Renovations • Replacement Windows & Doors • Kitchen Cabinets • Vanities • Carpet and Linoleum. • Roofing • Free Estimates RR 7 LUCKNOW 529-3164.: 29. Tenders The Huron County Board of Education invites tenders for: DOOR -REPLACEMENTS & EXTERIOR (IPCRADES at STEPiiWN CENTRAL PUNLIC SC110OL' , g R. R. p•2, Crediton ' Scaled -tenders addressed' to The Huron Cotintyeoard of Education wit! • be received at the office of The 1 furors Coupty Board of Education, 163' Princess Street, East, Ciinton:Ontario, NOM 1 LO, until 1:00on' Thursday:;June 26, 1947: , . A.I3id Bond.amount of 511;500 is required to accompany tdc tender: the successful bidder will' be required to provide a 50.°6 Performance Bond and a 50°/a1;abour. and Material Payment Bond, ' A'limited number of tender documents will be available to General . • Contractors only, from the'9ffice of Garratt dc.Marktevitz, Upon deposit of a certified cheque in, the amount of $50.00 per seta lowest or Fly tender not necessarily accepted. A. Carter , ; Chair• ;s%i111 P. Carrott` Pirector 30. Emp11.. Wanted: 2 R.ESPONSI'BLE teenage: boys ,looking for slimmer 'work Willing 'to do falrm work or outdoor work (win dows,,:Iawns etc.),. Phone' 395.3821,. --24-26x 31.. Service Directory R.A. HAVENS 'ELECTRIC. `Residential *F=arm *Commercial' Electrical Contractors POKE ESTIMATES • , Rod Havens LUCKNOW :528-2301, 4 .ATTENTION" SMALL BUSINESSES Complete Payroll Services *Payroll. preperatiorl *T'4's =*EHT *IAMB .. *ROE *KT .Remittence Reasonable rates.fro.m' one employee and up, 10 years experience: • • < nfk ential KATHY HAGKE rr 528,2302 31. Service, Directory. SENIOR:WITH lawnmower will cut senior's grass: at very reasonable rate. Phone 5283343. =-22L .�GpVAT,25Xt/y • 9r.v H 'Hoe Dozer Gravel & Top Soil Barry Johnston„ Holyrood (519) 395-5231 WAYNE WILSON Electric Motor Repairs: 4/Swimming Pool pumps /Sam .Pans .✓Auger Motors. /Power tools PiCK-UP & DELIVERY Sales & Service 24 Hour Service