HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1997-06-11, Page 8Page 8 — Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, June 11, 1997 Sheriff Bruce MacKenzie was taking no "guff' off these two on Friday and took them straight to jail. 'Russ• Mackie (left) was put in the hoosegow for "droppingtoo many knives" at Mary's Family Restaurant. Tom Thompson, Sentinel advertising manager, joined him for "taking holidays while a town promotion was on." They both pleaded "not guilty" but Sheriff Bruce just kept on smiling. (Helm photo) Well should be inspected Nitrates •from page 6 Contamination of wells may result from certain farm practices and private sewage systems and can be exacerbated by poorly maintained wells. Drinking -water contami- nation is associated, with a variety of intestinal ill- nesses in humans, includ- ing giardiasis, which caus- es cramps, diarrhea and abdominal bloating, and cryptosporidiosis, which also causes diarrhea, Owners concerned about the safety of their wells should contact local health units. Complimentary test kits are available from • local health units or from public health laboratories, which also conduct the analysis for bacteriological conta- mination. Owners can obtain information about the remedial treatment of wells and well mainte- nance from health units, local representatives of the Ontario . Ministry of Environment and Energy and licensed contractors. "Owners need to know that they are responsible for the maintenance of the structure of their wells and have wells inspected, regu- larly," says Goss. The study was funded by' Agriculture and Agri- Food Canada and Health Canada. ' Mr Now .Avail Ie on orth 1997 EXPLORER xi' 2-DOQR SPORT may end • up in grouted water through leaching •from page 6 gen needs during rapid. growing stages in, the spring and summer. But mineralization --caused. by the action of microbes in the soil --is not limited to any particular season. As a result, organic nitrogen -remains in the soil, and nitrate may end up in,. ground. water through leaching... "'We have no way of controlling 'thesoil microbes that are respon- sible for; organic matter. mineralization,"' says Goss. "But .until we find ways of managing'thein, we'll keepresearching, pre- ,• cision farming techniques to make .sure the 'nitrogen , .we do have control over is, • applied property and. where it can do the most good.'' 24 MONTH LEASE EQUIVALENT TRADE OR CHOOSE THE PAYMENT THAT'S RIGHT FOR YOU! • 1997 EXPLORER - DOWNPAYMENT OR EQUIVALENT TRADE r "$2,995, • 51,995 MONTHLY PAYMENT' EXP1,O11ER 4.pogr ALS 5399 ', 3443: QOWNPAYMENT OR,EQUIVALENT TRADE 53,345 51,995 5995: 50 5995 S532 50.. MONTHLY PAYryFENT Y7 6XPLORL'R 2.Ddor Sport 5299•'' 5359 • 5404 5. OR MAKE ONE SINGLE PAYMENT OF 510,208 FOR EXPLORER 2 -Dr. OR 511,186 OR EXPLORER 4•Dr. AND DRIVE FOR 24 MONTHStt 2- STAliilARA FEA'i'ItltES • 4.OL EFL VO : Engine' • tier Condit tft :�t nor elft PLUS NO -EXTRA -CHARGE PREMIUM SPORT PACKAGE! .-41toptiffelihe .Lip‘ • w 1f arty µ� � ` '`' 't•. 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"Errors are not" from intent,: hut from lack of information," he said about the learning experi- ence of implementing the mandatory volunteer advi- soryCOUncils. WITH $2,995 DOWNPAYMENT OR EQUIVALENT TRADE OR PORNO% YOR $30,4$3" With a 97 Explorer 4x4, Getting to the Top Has -N ver Been More Fun... ow More Affordable! FORD SEE YOUR ONTARIO FORD & MERCURY " WISE BUYERS•REA0 ME LEGAL COPY 'New 1997 Explorer 2.000, SpOrt with 0.6 P.6760•or Explorer 4•Dobr XLS with P E P 606A, monthly lease payment of $29915399 based on 24 month lease from ford Credltto qualified retell lesSees. on approved credit Soma eandltrons and a mileage lesfrittlon of 36000km over 2 years apply $3,345/32.995 dowdpayment or equivalent Irade.requued First month payment and security deposll required "0f purchase new Explorer 2.Oobr Sport wllh p EP 6760 or Explorer 4•0oor XIS with PEP 806A 531.685430.053 Oilers MOW freight 15700), license. Insurance and all applicable taxes. Dealer may lease and sill for less See Dealer for details. tf24 month lease available to qualified Mail Masan an approved credit .Total tease payment ducat inception of the lease tSave up 16 S70O a year Io a maximum of 83.500 over five years with the C1BC Ford Visa Card and up to 5) 460 a year to a maximum of 57.600 over five years with the CIBC Ford Visa Gold Card towards the pulc1Wae or lease of a hew Ford. Mercury or L/ncoln vehicles Soma cbnonions and an annual lea apply Credit approval required Ask for detahs on 090 program. Visa is a registered Trademark of Visa • Internahonal'••Servtce Assatlalisa 6100 apdrard Motor Company pf Canada. Limned hcensae58f Mark 56me cdndiIIon4 applyto Graduate Cashback program. see dealer for details UBasad on Auto0els - Wane HADA. P.O. Box 6600.0ak0110. Ontario 1.6J 5E4 - - 1 Boating Tip Children should be strongly encouraged to' ..wear their lifejacket or personal floatation, device (PFD) .at all times. • Some. are designed specifically for children..Seldct the one that best suits ,your child's size and weight. Check to be sure it fits properly and securely, and. then testit in the water. Navigation lights must be'dsunset 'isplayed from to sunrise and in restricted visibility. '