HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1997-06-11, Page 7• Ripley •. by Pat Halpin The two elementary schools in Ripley have new nanne.Ripley-lEfurop Central and Ripley District School are now officially' know as the junior and senior •campuses ,of Ripley -Huron CornmunitY School. • "We're trying to reflect .the use of the school by the community, and the use of the community by the school. The name is a proud reflection of. how the town and the township -have helped. us over a number of years, and we look forward to continuing • that relationship in the future," said principal Bill • Pike, at the board's June 3 meeting. • Pike told trustees the • word.'district' in the old name caused confusion by implying Ripley is a sec- ondary school. The sec- • ondary school wasclosed • in 1983.. • ' Criteria established by the board have to be met • before schools can use "Community" in their name, Education director • Paul Martindale said those criteria ,include having a curriculum that relates to • ,the community, involving •• the community in Plan- • ning, community use of. 'school facilities and a sense of partnership or. •• commitment between the school and comintinity. Ripley -Huron meets those standards. Martindale said. Pike said over 50 vol- , • unteers are involved with the junior and senior cain- ., puses, and ,the -school 'is used most evenings for Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, June 11, 1997 - Page 7 .c..11pol$ get newname •community groups and recreation. Recently, stu- • dents helped plant flowers at the new municipal • °office. • Advisory Councils New advisory councils at each school in BruCCe County are causing con- • cern for the Bruce Council of Home and School Associations. ' Council president Douglas Brick, of Port Elgin, cautioned the board that School Community Advisory, • Councils (SCACs) are stepping out- side their, rolein some cases. "It is our observation that many SCACs in Bruce county are operat- ing without regard for the roles defined for them in Bruce county board of education policy and pro- • cedures for SCACs as approved in'May 1996," • Rick said in a letter to the board. • Superintendent David Armstrong admits there is cause for concern. • "A number of SCACs are unclear of their role," • Armstrong said. "And I think the concern emanates right from the Ministry itself." • • Armstrong • s.aid . Ministry publicity empha sizing 'parent councils! has • led to confusion about the - mandate of SCACs. ' we asking at this point for school councils to go beyond giving advise?. Are we asking them to take responsibility for decisions that were formerly made • by trustees? I think the anwer right now Is no, we're still' acting in an advisory eapacity,". .Annstrong said. .• Armstrong said Brick's letter points out a general concern rather than a spe- cific incident of SCACs breaching their role, 61'4 vice -chair Frank Eagleson was anxious that,the board doesn't get caught in prob- lems betyveen Home and. School and SCACs. "They are two organi- • zations our shidents can't, do without:. We deed both . of them," Eagleson said: He noted the board policy refers- to establishment of SCACs at every school, while the mandate of those groups is Set by the • Ministry of Education.. • Trustees discussed set- ting up a group to co-ordi- nate SCACs across the t rn o page 8 "414' Martha and Earl Heywood were two of the CKNX Barn Dance performers entertaining about 400 people in Lucknow Saturday night The event was sponsored by the Fund-raising Committee for Make it Great rn '98. (Livingston photo) . ----!= Oph LuCknoW, United Church . ., •TH: , 4-0 .ifeipp ('/• te,7P5/ titvw(pf,;/, •SUNDAY, JUNE22n4, 1997 .. ' .f6 el 9 :...:.. ti ::::::::ibit ::.....;:.:r __Ail, kii*Otitetag:figa„04...„.. :FSii6t4tr""".""'-' OW .r,;,1 ...... i*.i.t.'.'"I.''.-" lit. ...46W *fii noti:- - f...i4C ...,,_,,,NKAI:$4:::,:tMe&i:.Wii:*•:;:::, .1::;••••:::: . §Wiii3,:,,.:... . ,PNA.,...-- . .:. * Kiieepere WIfweief'./ ' In the ILY SPECIALS JUNE 127 13-i4 •7 am , 9.am 40% Al 9 am 11 am 11, am - pm 30% 25% 0ii • 84 Huron Si •• RiPLEY _ • ig5-385O. pm 3 pm • 3 pm - pm 20% ati ' • 15% 'Of OUT OUR FRI. 13th SPECIALS$13 RACK Wedin' To Go! • Yu. ouur 'St ("vs 1Cit .gs LUCkNQVV & DISTRICT KINSMEN PRESENT Th W Recreational ay!, Immi Thurs. &.sat. (see ad) Volleyball (sand courts, by pool) Tennis net is up Kinsmen Summerfest - Men & Ladies Slo-Pitch • (June 1'6 - 22) • • Return -sold tickets for lottery as soon es possible. • SIO Pll'ell TOIIRNAMENT June 16th 16'22011997 Ladies' and Men's Teams . . at Lucknow & Dungannon Ball Diamonds Finals on Sunday in Lucknow .katkei*, • Lunch Booth by The Kinettes ,FRI.-THURS. AUNE • 13-19 8 PM NIGHTLY • Togs LONG DISTANCE? CALL 1-800-265-3435 FOR TOLL FREE MOVIE INFO L. 11 1111 Z T, E "THEATRE. KINCAFIDINE. 1111111111,1.111 Ill111/I Will 1 lajli """ ill.' "lig "I" 396-3250 1, JUNE13,to 15 ind JUNE 17 to 19 at 8 P.M. MONDAY ,JUNE.16 CLOSED FRIDAY, JUNE 13 at 1030 P.M. ALL SEATS s4.25 TUESDAYS WINGHAM AND DISTRICT. HOSPITAL CORPORATION • Notice is hereby givenlhat the•Annual Meeting of the Wingharn and .District Hospital aorporation will be held in the Nursing Assistants' ,Training Centre, • Catherine $t., Wingham; Ontario on- Thursday, June 19, 1997 at the hour of eight o'clock p.m. for the revi- .sion of bylaws; 'for theeleCtion of Governors; 'for the appciin'trnent of Auditors, and for the transaction of Such other things as may properly. come before the meeting.• , . • Copies of the Annual Report' And Hospital 'Financial Statements may be obtained at the front deSk of Wingham and District 'Eiospiti effective June 14 1997 • and at the Annual Meeting: •• • •' Memberships granting 'voting privileges May be Our-. • chased at the front desk of the hospital for five.dollars ($5.00) prior to five o'clock p.m., Wednesday,'June 4, 1997. No membership sold, after that time will entitle • the.purchaser to a vote. ' • , Dated at Wingham, Ontario, this 8th day. at May, • 1997. ' ••' • ilfr•-• By Order of the Board ofaovemorsy :- Ore( L. Koch, Secretary