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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1997-06-11, Page 4
Page 4 Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, June 11, 1997 Changes of address, orders for subscriptions, and undeliverable copies (return postage guaranteed) are to be sent to The Lucknow Sentinel at the address indicated here. Advertising is accepted on the condition that in the event of a typographical error, the por- tion of the advertising space occupied by the erroneous item together with a reasonable allowance for signature, will not be charged for. but the balance of the advertisement will be paid at the applicable rates. A Soaves Publisllie s Conariiiaitty NewspaPer 619 St.,--Lucknow, Opntar P.O. Box 400, Lucknow, Ontario NOG 2H0 phone: (519) 528-2822 fax: (519) 528-3529 Estafished 1873 - Tom Thompson — Advertising Manager Pat Livingston -- General. Manager / Editor Phyllis Matthews Helm — OfceA�dminaistrator Joan Courtney -- Typesetter Subscription Rates advance: local Regular 825.66 (incl, postage arta G.S.1') within 40 ar,l. radians. Local Senior $23.52 (incl. postage and G.S.T.) within 40 mi. radius. Out -of-area (40 miles) $25,66 (incl. postage and G.S.T.) Foreign & USA - $98,00. Publications Mall registration no. 0847 held at Luckrloyw, Ontario. . e-mall:lucicsent@hurontei.on.ca Internet address: http://www.bowesnet.comiiucicnoW/ Peoits a Friday afternoon as -I write this week's offer- ing. I'm :sitting in a major traffic jam on the 401 east in the Toronto:. vicinity. My bladder is calling loudly , but it will be sometime before it is answered. There's fourlanes of traffic bumper -to -bumper as far as my eyes can see. What do people with little children do in the same circumstances? Well,. I decided to people- watch to get my .mind off my .predicament. There comes the guy in the Saturn again. I'm also. starving and he appears to be eating something. Wonder if he'd share it•with .me.'He has a continuous rhythm going - reach down, pop in mouth, remove something from mouth, and• flip -it out the window. Wait a minute - it's sunflower seeds! A young woman two . lanes over has a magazine propped up on her steering wheel and : is actually readingit! As the traffic -moves she keeps the maga- zine agazine in place! - Here comes the guy in the truck with his heinz 57 feline friend perched close beside him .on the front in �fl 401 is.thsc.inating: • . seat no seat belt - on the dog I' mean. The dog is ob1iviou$' to the traffic jam and really •seems to be enjoying the outing. • Look out - here comes the taxi - this, guy diives with one foot on the brake all the tine, : I bet that man three lanes over is talking to a hot date 'on his cellular:: explaining why' he's going to be late.. •. .. a . Woaa, there's a guy sitting in his boat catching a few rays while he waits for a tow truck to appear A guy in a van is so bored''he unfastens his' seat belt and proceeds to clean the passenger window. Sentinel Memoirs ivers' licen name law it 70 years ago '. . June. 9, 1927 river licenses afterJuly first -.Every motorist 'in ;Ontario .will, after July l next, be required to ca driver's,license. An order -in -council to this effect • was. passed: ' recently . at the Cabinet Council meeting and announced recently., It fixed a fee of one, dollar for the license and :provides that it shall be valid until the end of 1928:.` The license 'will be granted :auto- matically upon payment •of the one • dollar fee to experienced drivers, into, which class all persons who have dri- ven -500 miles, or for six months will be admitted. • 'Inexperienced' drivers will be required to pass the ;scrutiny, of inspectors,: who will be appointed by the department in various centres. Examination byP the inspectors Will cost the individual' who is securing his first permit one dollar which will be retained by the inspector as his remuneration for his work.. 50 years ago June 1;2,1947 R Tub shoulders shovels. for r-eereational centre The erection of a $10,000 'recre- ational centre is • the. biggest task the club has ever undertaken • As a club, this group has tossed' their entire ,reserve into the • fund, and • has already bought and paid for the building, which was purchased from the War Assets. Corporation • • • The site was levelled with A bull- dozer. last . week, and on Monday night of this week the foundation Was staked out Oda. start' made, at digging it out. The Club membersare assum -ing this:task to keep costs to a -mini-' mum, and a .bee was: 'scheduled' for. - last night • 25 years ago. June 14,1972- ecreation beat - :The. 'first practice of the community i,choir was held on June '8, at the United Church. A good beginning was made with. about ,30 interested persons of all' ages turning out to dis play their . talents. Remember • that everyone is :welcome, talent is no bar- rier. We'd • like to hear a few more male voices.' Practice is every Thursday ' . Talent the Recreation Planning and Development Committee is spon- soringa recreation showcase on the 7 'and.8 of July. On Saturday night a tal- ent contest will be •held: " Boxing About 25 interested boys turned up on Thursday of last week for the organizational meeting of the • Lucknow Boxing Club. It was de,cid- ed'that strict rules .would' be enforced to prevent .injury. 42e0.004 / A black Honda is inching by us slowly. The teen in • :the back looks so bored. ,Bet she'd she'd rather be at home with her friendsthan on this little tripwith her parents. • ©kay, now what am I going to do?• That took up about 10 minutes; • What the heck is that? Whizzing by usonthe left - there goes the fire truck, next Comes the the ambu- lance followed . by. a police cruiser Must be an acci- dent ahead. Stop and go, stop and•go .... . . Yup, it's an accident alright - car and truck in the midd1e1 io lanes. An hour later, as traffic finally ,gets flowing; I spot a couple of males out on the side of the'. road, They. think 'they look 'like they're'. checking the tires• right, but I know better. I know exactly what they're:doing. I turn to my partner, wh.o's'driv.ing Viand -plead" - please, find me a garage, a big' bush ... There's the odd time:, not many - when I 'wish. I was a guy !•• D' applauds new stand on drinking, driving Dear editor:. -MADD Huron/Bruce applauds Transportation. Minister Al Palladini -and , his government for taking a 'tough • stand against drinking and driving with their proposed road 'safety bill for Ontario.: After 15 years of cam. paigning for this kind Of legislation, ^we are very • pleased to see ,a leap taken ini the right "direction. Each • • day four Canadians are killed, and over 300 injured as a result of alco hal-related crashes: Drunk • drivers killed 544 people in Ontario in 1994, two• of Caivalho, MADD' Canada • Chair, "Licence suspen�-, sign and vehicle confisca-• • +tion, rehabilitation of alco- holics and 4i f etime sus- ., uss-.•' pensions for..repeat offend- ers are:.eleinents of the soltition to more effective- ly deal with ,drunk Chivers.' it. is -a. serious''ctime and our laws rriust reflect this . reality and provide •the necessary deterrent." : • Lyrine.Magee, President MAIM Huron -Bruce. whom. were our son Patrick Magee, 17, :from ' Wingham, and Barb . Rintoul''s: son'Kevin, .16, from the Lucknow area:• To quote Tony nes c. teck1e Dear editor: I congratulate Paul Steckle and.•his:team for winning the Huron -Bruce .seat in the House of Commons. His increased majority proves what Two Free- Votes for the riding can do.• T agree with Barb. MVlacDougall that the pro- gressive. wing (left wing) of the Charest Tories was successful in the Maritimes, „Reform opens *our arms to the fiscally responsible wing of the. conservatives. Weoffer our. new ideas of recall and free votes to hold politicianr•accountable between `elections. Huron- Bruce Reformers' will begin -today .:to coniniuni- cate these .new ideas and .h ♦ ow itn1?bnant . .they arc to a' Mates • the future of Canada! • With free'. votes and recall . in the' House of Commons, ',Canadians would not have had GST, gold-plated MP pensions, or, a Canada Pension Plan" that has never been man- aged for the retirement of Canadians. The .June 2 results' spell the end of Martin's plan to increase the CPP premium tax by $ 1,406 per job! The key.for me is that. Canadians -Voted within their comfort zone:..It'is our challenge to have the. Canadian voters under- stand Reform's concept of • f scal responsibility,, team_• work, `and equality for all •people and provinces. the ideas that work in your home and on the job. It is only in the "Hoose of Conimons that top-down prevails! Doug Fines; fl:can help The Association for the, Neurologically Disabled (AND) is spon•sori.ng a free information meeting in London on June 13. -±-AND is -a registered-chari=-- ty offering in-home stimu- lation ita io. 'tin and rehabilitation nto l ti l q.•• brain ;injured adults and children. ' If you would like fur- ther information call 1- -800- '1=1497-.-Seats-ate limited so :pre -registering is necessary.-