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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1997-06-11, Page 3
Meetingshould to al rnunicipal coirnciliors, *tram page 1 bers are available to Councillor Bruce inunicipali.ties the .infor- the 2,6 members of the attend. •'facihan of Wingham !nation they, need for their council. Councillor . Bill agreed, with the idea an own restructuring discus - Councillors Brian Vanstone of Colborne McBurney of Turnberry Township presented the Township and Carol ` recommendation to coon Mitchell of Clinton, in cil and admitted the timing particular, said they want- for the. meeting was ed the meeting open to all "quick," but added it was municipal council mem- only intendedas an infor- • hers, e, mation session to establish. McBurney said all a terms of reference for councils need • to be future, bigger meetings involved in a,meeting of which..would include' all such "magnitude" and'_ councils.,• suggested it' be. delayed "There was o intention • until the more, than .150 ..to sneak something municipal council mem- • through," said Vanstone. Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, June 11, 1997 Page 3 No tax. increase .. for Kinloss , folks - ` Kinloss ratepayers will crushed gravel from the see no increase in their • township's gravel pit, taxes this year. The only • located ; acrossfrom his changes in mill rates were property. very slight ones for sepa. • The agreement will list rate school supporters. the -conditions. and the Atlantic Industries Ltd. cost of the supplies at, 800 had the 'successful'quote . a yard for pit run and for culverts for Cone:3; $2.50 a:yard for crushed Lot t6. The amount was., gravel. for $12,086, plus taxes, - ' The clerk told. council • Council -has decided -.to ' that in speaking with the proceed with the installa County :.of. Bruce-, not tion of additional mond- .much response was toring wells, at the waste . 'received in regard to'a 'disposal site. This was manure storage bylaw 'recommended..last .year Council agreed to Shelve' and council deferred it the bylaw for now:, due to funding cuts. The 'The.bylaw regarding cost will be around the new road.names; and the • $5,000 ;nark: • addressing system for 911 An agreement will be .was 'put on -hold. Tt was: dra'wn :up between the : :supposed to be passed at Municipality and 'Don;: last week's meeting but Bell:' :the 'county bylaw will not; Bell `asked' .council .be accepted for register-: about the. possibilities of 'ing at. the Registry Office .obtaining a .building •per_ . The county is request - mit at Cone: 4, 'Lot 21; it int that each municip:ali- he was responsible for the ' t.�s. Lawyerreview land Winter maintenance ot" 'change the bylaw fo'r Sideroad #20, from'Conc. proper road 4 : north . to. his new , - enf,ran eway where he changes in regards to reg-. • Will be buildingshortly. istered plans • ,Bell also. asked if, it ••Mark Backer•clerk, would be possible; t© puri, "wtil attempt to check the chase some, pit run and 'turn to page 5 during the: past 3 and a half years you have entrusted me with your, thoughts and,eoncerns to speak on your behalf its Ottawa, On Tune 2,nd you, made a Choice to' return me to • Ottawa to serve you in Canada's: parliament. At this ti:rriL I would like to extend my warmest ;appreciation and heartfelt gratitude to everyone fortheir hath work and dedication to re-elect 'me' as your representative. Your devoted efforts and continuous support are'met'with enortnousrespeet and praise:..(lcookfcrwardto continuing dur.mandate•and working closely with you:as we meet the next century with much anticipation and success: Sincerely,, - Steckfe, HttronL,Bruce . AUtttiorized by Eugene Bender, official'agent for Patti Stpckle initial meeting should only moons. includethe county court- Councillor Jack cillors. tie said the county Coleman of Stanley, should have its "house in Township said the one -tier order" before talking to option needs to be exam - the municipal councillors ined because it may be the 'and asked how a Conseil-. only way to achieve sub - sus could possibly be stantial savings, He said reached between more his council, together with than 150 politicians if the Bayfield, Hensall,- Zurich 26 county councillors and Tuckersmith• couldn't reach one first. Township, have already Councillor Pat Down of . studied other restructuring Usborne Township, said options and found the trying to come to a con- . money to ' be, saved is not sensus with more than 150 significant. ' people without 'first def n- "Maybe if we had . a ingwhere.. the discussion. ..one -tier (government) and should go would be 'an saw Savings., there, we "horrendous" task. would know which way to Mitchell and McBurney go," said Coleman. continued their cry to have. eventually a majority the initial meeting open to • of the councillors agreed a all councils and ques- strategic planning meeting tioried the need forthe of county council will be .meeting in .lightof an ear- held on June d' 9 to deter-, tier decision by the county mint; a specific agenda.for to stay out of municipal a larger, all -council meet- amalgamation talks. ' ' trig to be held later. Vanstone said any dis- ' : Other, 'restructuring eussion aroutt�d a one -tier issues. such as poking and option would' merely lie a • ambulance: services will fact-finding study which ` also be discussedat the in. turn willgive the meeting: FOR DAD'S Because Dad Deserves The Very Best... Short Sleeved Tops & Shorts DAY 1I1 31004a off ARMANS ` . Clothing • Shoes & Accessories Luc KNOW • 528-2011 0 P OCLAMATION Council of The -Village of hticknow is pleased to proclaim".. • . friday JUNE 20 1. as ALZHE!MEiS I , DAY for LUcknow and Fri., . June 20th • at PINECPEST MANOR NURSING HOME ZO:00 1:3Op.m. l3ISQ`Matt Neiil from CKNX radia -and local reeves are cooking 12:00 p.m.,6trtwberry c ocial fn Tea' 3:00 pia. Visit with Helen Johns, MD. Lunch 85.00 •Plcak 'come out and support your local conirr►unlhl chapter for Alzhe,imer& Helping our: families and friend' Watch. your reeve; 13BQ , to the foliou i:ng, bus nesse and va.lun.teers for all. your hard work and support in our project . Come• and join u:s• fo'r Summerfest BUTP..L ASE Stay off the diamond until then., to give the sod time to take. i:•