HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1997-06-11, Page 2Page 2 Lucknow Sentinel,Wednesday, June 11, 1997 Councillo•r callengps reeve's vote at county "from Pagel in Bruce and "to keep Bruce as it is today." Reference was made to the Kent/Chatham restructuring where a corn- - missioner imposed a sin- gle -tier system when there was overwhelming sup- port for modified two- tier model. A commissioner has already been askedby some Bruce municipalities to intervene, "I'lI bet that if a corn-. missioner comes into Bruce County, we'll be one -tier and with Grey - Bruce and {.wen Sound," said Reavie. Reavie said he voted in favor of the. Bruce county proposal. "I represented a vie w as a county council- he said "Yes, not as the reeve representing your con- stituents," replied Mctvfurray. "I take exception to your comment Mr. McMurray," said' Reavie. McMurray and .Abbott. were the most vocally opposed saying they.didn't believe all amalgamation avenues had been investi- gated with Kinloss, Ashfield and West. Wawanosh' townships. Zinn said he voted yes because "it was the lesser of two evils. It's better thana one -tier system." "If we go along with the scenario," said Pegg, "and three years from now we want to do street con- struction, how, are you going. to get that passed?" "That would be a con- cern wherever you amal- gamate," responded Reavie. "It would be less of a problem if we were with Kinloss, Ashfield and West .Wawanosh,'" said Abbott. "This is their com- munity too." • Abbott asked What would happen to the shar- ing agreements already in ' place with immediate neighbors.. "What are you going to lose in the sharing?" asked Reavie. "Do you buy . them (Ashfield, West Wawanosh) but?" asked Abbott. "No!" said, Reavie. "They still need recreation facilities, fire etc." "It would be simpler if they were with, us," replied McMurray. "It would bother me to vote this in until we investigate more with our immediate neigh- bors," eigh-bors," Reavie said 'he saw their point. "The premise. (of the proposal) was: to 5 keep Bruce intact." "Right or wrong!" retorted. McMurray. McMurray suggested they ask Huron County if they'd beinterested in hav- ing a municipality consist- ing of Ashfield, West Wawanosh, .Kinloss, Lucknow . and maybe Huron township. Another suggestion was asking West Wawanosh ° and Ashfieldto come into, Bruce County. "I see where you're coming T from," said Reavie. "But, you can't keep your own little king- dom. You mustdecide who you're going to go to bed with." He suggested council • look at the asset side of the ledger. Following the defeat of the county proposal, coun- cil decided a letter justify- ing their no position should be attached to their ,vote indicating they are not against restructuring in principle, but have the fol- ; lowing concerns: (a) numerous agreements with other municipalities (Ashfield, • West. Wawanosh) not included, in the proposal;. (b) appre- hension over fair represen- tation for its small',munici•- pality; (c) the moving of boundary (county) lines to make a. municipality; (d) Lucknow is . a community of interest with three other municipalities sharing economicbenefits, and exploration of amalgatna tion with these other • m'unicipalities have not been exhausted.. The draft- letter will be • 'presented at Lucknow council's .Julie 9 meeting, to •.be - approved ;..and:' returned with the, nay vote to countycouncil on June. . 10. In order for the county. proposal to' proceed, a triple 'majority vote is required. That includes adoption by a' majority,. vote of county; council; support fromthe majofity of the local municipalities within the county; and that those 'municipalities sup- porting it must represent 50 per cent of the electors within the county.. As of last week's meet- ing, Reavie said 12 munic- ipalities unic-ipalities had voted in favor of the proposal and five had rejected,it. In the scenario joining Lucknow with Kinloss, Huron, and Kincardine townships and the town: of Kincardine, only Lucknow and Kinloss voted against the proposal. The latter three all voted to support the proposal. The councils of Lucknow, Kincardine; and the townships of Kinloss, Huron and Kincardine will take place _onJune 25' in Lucknow, whether 'the county plan is adopted or not. 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