HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1997-06-04, Page 13lb. Wanted to :Buy`. WANTED TO BUY standing hay: Phone 529-7302. -- 23,24 11h. Services ' TARPS AND INDUSTRIAL COVERINGS - made to size, for trucks, trailers, gravity boxes, etc, Vinyl, canvas poly. New/Repairs. 'Party tent rentals Tiesma industrial •Coverings, Bayfield: 482.3540.--26tfg- peow 111. Wanted to Rent PASTURE: LAND 85 acres, new fendes, newly seeded; good water, near Glamenit Phone.364.3223.--22-24 111m. For. Rent LAND FOR RENT = 3 acres for grazing' and .barn. Phone 528-3124. --23-25 12. Regal Estate B.A. MCDONAGH REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE LTD. LUCKNOW - 4 bedroom, 2, 3 & • 4 pc: bath, attached•, garage, backs up to stream: Asking $74,500. 3 UNIT APARTMENT :- Main - .street, good starter home.; Only $49,900:.• LOTS -.for sale, ail, serviced. $16;000.. 35 ACRES - ' Edge . of Lucknow," 4drroom bungalow, Aerate bath, hot w - :a�:Z,'•carport,' large: deck, Laved road, barn, '36 x, 5& -STONE'HOUSE 3 bedroom ,cargo; family; room, fireplace, hot tub, patio, paved drive, 3 car garage. $114,900: 'JUST LISTED -7 3 bedroom .4orpe,''.4 pc. bath, kitchen, built U +c.upboards oil turnace, full, basement..., Asking $64,900. • .• Call, Fraser•MlacKirinon 528-3013 'Barry McDonagh 528-2031 i4. Vacations LAKE •FRONT cottagefor sale Kintail beach, 15 miles 'North of Goderich, 6 years - Old, two bedrooms; 1'.,1/2` baths, bunk house, ,.(519) 662-9392 weekdays. (519) 529-7918 weekends:' -+22- '25cc SOUTHAMPTON Cottage for rent: Please call 5'3- 9 dl • sa e. ! will get back to •your 17. Apt$. mmimj ONE BEDROOM, main street, available immediate- ly, fridge and Stove includ- ed. Rent plus utilities. Cal 5282146 after 6 p,m. --21- 23 TWO BEDROOM •niain street, available June 1, fridge and stove included. Rent plus utilities. Call .528-, 2146 after 6 p.m. --21-23 ONE BEDROOM apartment Outram/Wheeler Street $245/month plus. utilities.. Two one . bedroom apart- ments Ross Street,. $260 and $280/month `plus .utili- ties. tilities. Available irnmediatelyi:. Call Paul 52$=2411. --21 tfar TWO BEDROOM apartment Lucknow.. $350/month., heat included. Available June 1. Phone 528-2242 , or 5284436.:-16tfar TWO BEDROOM ground level apartment. Park like atmosphere $385/ plus utili- •ties:Cail 1-519-048-221.5 after 6 p.m. 17tfar RENT GEARED to income • apartments, •in Clinton, .Exeter and Goderich, for women and Children, who have experienced abuse'. Call Phoenix of f Huron • 524 1620, 482-5288, 285=3183 22,23cc. ' • THREE. BEDROOM, ,1400 sq. • ft., apartment: • Appliances: and heat includ ed. •'$495/month. Call. 528- 2411•. 23tfar :TWO - 2 BEDROOM apart- ments and one - 1 •'bedroom • apartment• for rent on main street, 'Lucknow; Phone 528-3932. - 35tfar LUCKNOW 2: bedroom ground. floor.' apartment,' prig: vete entrance: Phone:357- . 1847.--4ltfar, . 18: Houses U,R•HAM=:1N•ALS�N Townhouses: in Kincardine.. ', • in.der new management. Freshly; painted and reno,-. . vated. Two and three -bead-' rooi`n, .1 month free rent. Available immediately.. Phone 396-9332.-O3tfar 4 BEDROOM FARM, house, approximately 1'4 ;krns. from Goderich, paved :road, just South or Dungannon.: Available June:1. Phone• ' .529-7'413. -22-24 THREE .BEDROOM house L,ucknow...Cl,ose to schools: $400 per month plus utilities, wood/electric heat. Phnne'482 1371..- 28 60 an eave, mes- 22,23cc 9 Tom Andrew.-23-25ar 17. Apts. ONE BEDROOM main 'street apartment available immediately, heat included. 'Call 528-3948.--13tfar. GROUND FLOOR.2 bed- room heated •apartment., newly renovated; two bed- roprh iippel° apartment $250., both close. to down- town. Phone 528-2031. -- 19tfar , 25. Wanted to Buy WANTED: CHILD'S trampo- line good condition. Phone 529-7365. --22,23x 26. Help Wanted PERSON WITH carpentry experience wanted. Apply in. writing to Drawer #44, c/o Lucknow Sentinel," Box 400, Lucknow, NOG 2H0, stating qualifications, experience,. and references.--22,23ar THELUCKNOW SENTINEL urges readers to, use cau- tion when sending money, for business .opportunities dr employment• advertise- ments; Be. certain you are dealing with a reputable company before releasing any credit card information or sending any money. Remember, if an advertise- ment sounds too good to be' true, it probably: is.-.-32tfnx PLEASE MUM independent 0Onsultants needed `in Lake Huron area: Earnextra income,- free kid's clothes while having fun! Low . investment, set own hours. Call 1-888482-5444. --23cc •EARN U P • TO.: $800- $5000/'month taking Cus- tomer service calls, at home. Part/full-time. Flexible hours. Free booklet explains. Call 1416-631- 8854. --22,23cc 416-6318854.--22,23cc ENJOY., ALL the benefits of owningyour own business: with Avon. For more infor- mation phone Pat :396- 2268.--22-23cc SEEKING DISTRIBUTORS. The Story Teher;•Canada representing a 'unique iine .• of children's -educational felt products, is seeking; distrib-. utors • in .the area; Experience in sales or early childhood ' education 'an _asset_ For, an appointment := calf! Joyce 519-641-7144 after 3: --23cc • I'. , HOUSE FOR RENT 2•bed- room h;0me,; 10 minutes northeast of Goderro+h.,, $600/month. 'Available July •.1. FRefe.rences required; ' Phone 529-,3'252Qr 529 .7876: --22,23x •. 25. Wanted, tp BYy WANTED LATE .model ddu- bee snowmobile double trail- er: Phone after 6 p.m. 395- 5351. --22,23 • Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, June 4, 1497 ' page 13 27. Wanted General 2$, Help Wanted $ATTENTIQN STUDENTS$ Make a lot of money selling chocolate bars. New prod- ucts available. Nothing to pay, in advance. Fast deliv- ery 1-800-383:-3589..--23bc. TRANSPORT DRIVERS NEEDED. A .rnajor,carrier is accepting applications for. our Graduates,.No experi- ence requir.,ed - excellent' pay. For interview or appli- cation contact Ontario Truck Driving School (London) 1- • 800-263-4777.. --23bc HOFAM CATERING is now accepting applications for Cooks, Bakers, ' Cook helpers and. General helpers tosupply catering. services to CP Rail person- nel in Ontario. If you are interested please fax a resume to 4Q0-462.6784, or quoting competition number 97.ON-001 to: Hofam Catering,3050 Parsons. Road, Edmonton, AB. T6N 1B1-43bc • DIET - LASE up to 30 lbs., 30 day programs, start at $30.00 magic. Call 1-800- 211-8744. --22,23cc WANTED - 1 used pool sand. filter. Phone 529- 7360. --22,23 28. Business Opp. ' GOVERNMENT . FUNDS. Government assistance pro= grams information available; Fo'r your new or existing business. Take advantage of the government grants and loans. Call 1-800-915- 3615.--23bc ARE YOU A HOME-BASED BUSINESS producing gift items? Do you Want your business to grow? The Fifth Ontario Creative Arts Show invites you: to participate as part of Southex Exhibitions Toronto Gift Show. _Interested' exhibitors . must submit saMples of•their`best work by June 27th.. There is. a non-refundable jurying fee of $35.00 and an additional $150-200' for successful applicants to secure trade show space, which. normally costs $770.00. For further information call •1-800-672- 0103.--23bo JOCUS EDUCATIONAL TOYS needs consultants interested ;in Home-based Business, representing 350+ Quality: toys,. games, crafts...70% under $15.. Hone -parties, fundrais- ers: ,Canadian ;company. '1- 800-361:4587; x..94.18,—• 23bc Licensed Class A ., Technician' ' -;Ford experience an asset -3rd or.:4th tearn 'apprentice will be considered' ✓full. time •` Drop :resume,to, Suncoast Fort 5500 Huron Rd., Goderiicch t The Corporation Of The Village Of Lucknow Help Wanted :.. The Village of Lucknow requires a .student for the summer, toassist in;.general maintenance,;,Must- have driver's license. job lasts. for. 1.1 'weeks starting June 16/97. Applicatiions,.clearly marked as :t0 contents, will 'be received by the' undersigned'. until:June 10, 1997 at 4:'00 p.m. • B.M.• Whitcraft, 'Clerk Treasurer Elox 4'0 526 Campbell St: Lucknow Ontario NOGG 2110 • SERVICE TECHNICIANS & APPRENTICE TECHNICIANS Be pare, of our customer oriented team aiid also be a part of a new dealership • experience. With your G.M. experience, you are the person we are looking for in our service department. We require licenced Technicians' and Apprentice Technicians with at least 2,,to 3 years experience We`offer better than aver- • age` wages and: an excellent compensation package. • If you are an individual who enjoys a busy environment, • send your resume to the attention of'JEFF R'ENAUD, SERVICE MANAGER. No phone calls please. Only those people who are qualified will be contacted by phone. • DENNIS PIERSON CI IIW OLDS LTD. 850 -QUEEN STREiET` KINCARDINE, ONTARIO. N2Z 2Y7 NEW TO ONTARIO!! Solarium/Sunroom • and. Screened • enclosure. Company. " :'requires Distributors/Representatives Excellent margins. Don't miss the season. Leave message 519-273-6645.-=:• :23bc RAISE CHINCHILLAS asa -profitable full or part-time business, We provide grad-" ed animals, . •supplies', mar- ket, financing 'Excellent taxi• benefits' aVailable.` Canadian • Chinchilla, P.O. Box 1684; St. 'Marys, 'Ont. t44X 1Q1'. Phone 519429-6117. 23,245✓ 28.. Business Opp. WHOLESALERS/DISTRIB- UTORS. Earn extra income. World's largest selling:chU- dren's loot bags, surprise packages, horror bags. Wanted - distributors selling direct to retailers,--restau- rants, etailers,-restau-rants, theme 'parks. investment iii onventory only. Mr. Lucky Bags Canada. 1-88.8-5962900.:.. 23bc , r 31 Service.Directory • AGNEW JEWELLERY REPAIR.- watch, clack, jew- ellery. Free estimates: Pickup and delivery can be arranged., 698 Havelock Street, across from Medical Centre. Call 52E1-3532 or 528-3940..--18tfar SENIOR WiTH lawnmower will cut senior's' g.i'ass at - very reasonable rate. Phone 528-3343. -4245x MARRIAGE AND PERSON- • AL Counselling, W, Turvill B.A,, M,S Ed..; private. prac= Lice. Evening appointtnents• " available: Kinhuron Medical Centre; 1004 Queen Street,. . Kincardine. Call 396-3384 or 396-8564. --23�c • "29. Tenders CARL SLOETJES Sales, Installation. Renovations • Replacement Windows Doors • • Kitchen 'Cabinets • Vanities, • Carpet andLinoletlm • • Roofing • Free Estimates RR7 LUCKNOW 529-3164. BERGMAIN'-furtoBOby C519) 5222.338.-.�. insurance & Collision Repairs We i�• rats t eatrtaw; ora. nots,2no 29. Tenders{ :Sealed, stipulated sum tenders clearly marked' as to contents will, be received: for; Addition and`: Alterations to: Bruce Township.; Central School Bruce Township, Ontario Bruce County Board .of. Education, .35.1 1st Avenue North, Chesley, Ontario will receive tenders .until: Date: MONDAY, JUNE 23,1997 ` Time: 2:00 P.M: ,LOCAL TIME 'Proposals received .after this time will not be accepted. , . . Plans, Specifications, Instructions to Bidders and Tender Forms may beobtained Irorn Elcon Erigineering Limited,1131 2nd Avenue East, Suite 112,.:( Owen.' Bound, Ontario upon deposit of $25.00. A Bid Bond in the amount of Ten Thousand 'Dollars ($10,000.00) must accompany, each tender. An Agreement to Bond must accompany each •tender. A Fifty :Percent (50%) Performance Bond will be required from the successful tenderer. . • A Fifty Percent (504') Labour and. Material' Payment Bond will be required from the successful. tenderer. Lowest or any tender. not necessarily accepted. Fax tenders not acceptable. • Bruce dowdy Board of Education Elcon Engineering Limited • P.O. Box 190 11312nd Avenue East 351 1stAvenue North ' " Owen Sound, Ontario Chesley, Ontario N4K 2J1 NOG 11.0 Phone (519)371-6178