HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1997-06-04, Page 121771, Page 12 - Lucknow $entiirtel, Wednesday, June 4, 1997 ..r: v v..•:.v: r:...une.. .....r:... .rr..r. ...:.; �•ry ... •n ... ... .,vwv. ,...\:{�S .-...,:•{Fz•ti .y. { i^'.J• '!'J.�l+ ^r.uyyt .s..: ::.{ .,.. :...: �" :.,. 2 - Sw:.:.n�: ,.,,aa:,.... ::.. ♦ � . ..: :> - ti 0. t:: 4�, fcwc ! ! ...:.Ya :.:.✓.. tn.,•r.t,;a.: •:i v �:. v•Sii.u: Y.:e:::, •... �;. .ts:. j4+�r�•..-,-.. T ..; i. ..- :,:.: },4.;�-.. •..:., ii�,v`�., r,+ a .. � ... ,. . ,, .,.. .:`.R.. •'. .; r.. !ti`_:...,. .. . ..<.� _ ..- .- '�.`.... �!•.t'.,!,•.`:�: ... ..... INDEX. CLASSIFIED. 528-2822 • 01, Articles for Sale 02. Yard Sale 03. Garage Sale , 04.. Antiques 04a Crafts . 05. Cars for Sale 06. Trucks.for Sale SPORTS & RECREATION'• 7a: , For sale General • 7b. Wanted to Boy 7e.. Wanted to Rent. -7c1. Bicycles 7e. Motorcycles 7f. Snowmobiles' Rec: Vehicles 7h. Boats, Motors etc.. 7J, 'Service 8t. Parts 7K. Swirnming Pools' 08. Computers: 10. Pets. 10a. Horses •FARM' MARKET 11a. For sale General 11b. Wanted to Buy.. 11c:.Wanted' to Hire 11d. Empl:Wanted 11 e, Livestock 11f Farm Produce 11-g Equipment • '' 11 h. Services 11 j. Farm Land 11k. Real Estate 111: Wanted. to Rent •11m.,For Rent. 12. .Real Estate 131 Mobile Homes 14.. 'Vacations 16. 'Fur Rent 17. Apartments 18..: Houses for Rent:. 19a. Bed & Breakfast :I ,20. Room '& Board. 23. Commercial 24. Wanted to Rent. , 25, Wanted Ito Buy 26. Help Wanted 27. Wanted General 28: Business Opp' 29. Tenders 30. Erne!.. Wanted 31; Service Directory • :32. Babysitting 33. Miscellaneous 34. Personal . . 35. Legal Notices • 36. • Announcements' 37. Mortgages 38. Auctions . . 39 Educational .. 1 40 •' Lost.4 Found 41: To Give Away 42. Obituaries 43. Births. 44. Engagements 45, Marriages 46.,. In Memoriam 47. Card .of Thanks 48 Coming: Events illirl"."7";;;Tra..."..".".""aliP'4D DATA 1 week - $4.25 2' weeks. - $7.48 3 weeks or more - $3.27 each weer( • • extra words at .16 each Cards of Thanks -: $4.25 for 26 words extra words .at .06 each In Memoriam • $4.25 + .35'for each line of verse Birth Announcement - $10.00 flat fee • '. 3 + 3 ads - $10.50 pr_e-paid for 25 words extra words at .16 each Thursday Special - $325 for 25 words •. Must be placed and paid on Thursday Save a $4.00 billing charge by pre -paying G.SJ: not Included In above, prices. Call 528-2822 LSty` 1. For Sale HYDRO SERVICE installed 1978 500 ft. cable, pole top .switch, 2 yard lights,. breaker,pariel etc.•'1 electric . fencer, jet pump with '112 horse Motor, 14 ft. Badger silo untoader with 6 horse motor: • Makepan offer.:: Gleason 'M; Bauman, R. R: 3; .Holyrood,. 6th, concession Kinlrss, 1 mile' west ;of County Road #1 -22,23x CONFIDENTIAL TYPING The, Lucknow Sentinel does confidential Gustom typing for customers; resumes, let- ters etc.' We can'offer you a number •of different print types.:;and sizes. 'Call our officeor drop in for more details THREE.•OUTSIDE wooden. doors with glass 34" x 82". One aluminum door - com- bination class And. screen 34". x 82" Call 524-8638..x- 22,23cc • FARM. FRESH 'asparagus weather permitting:. MacKenzie Firma, Judy. •3'95-5140 for Inquiries .or Orders. -22-24 RIDING, LAWN :MO:WER', only used 1 1/2 season*, 8 h.p,, electric, Briggs and Stratton engine, 301/4" cut, nawbattery. 'Excellent coni- dition. Phone 52.9;3180 evenings--21-23nxe WEIGHT LOSS New breakthrough Program. Lose the pounds you want to lose. No'enrollment fee. .No .monthly requirement. Simple, convenient, proven. Complete info without`oolig- ation.` Marianne Bollinger 529-7807; or Linda Hopper 528-2704.--1,8tfec 1. For Saler THE LUCKNOW''SENTINEL Is available at the following, locations out of town: Holyrood!General Store, R-ipley; Superior laarket; Dawson''s. • • Store , Dungannon; MacNay's • Store, Amberley; Triangle, Discount, Goderich;•'Brian's Valu-Ma:rt; Wingham. M'cPhee IDA, Wingham, Hart Food Mart, Teeswater, MacAdafn Mini Mart, Ripley,. Port Albert General Store, and Keith's -Repair Service; Whitechurch: -9tfnx • WOODSTOVE: & FIRE, PLACE glass, will not break from, heat. Cut to any size or. shape. The Chimney• Sweep's- Stove Parlor. & Gallery, Inc. 368.5274:: p 18" DIGITAL SATELLITE Starting at $499. Cash and carry, or. W/No• money down $17.11 monthly. Save time• and money with a no obliga- tion ' in-house .demonstra- tion. We will beat 'any and all air competitors, Call col-.' lect 519238-6128.--23tfcc ADULT ENTERTAINMENT. Order the- best videos, by mail and pay less., REE video offer! FREE cata- logue. Confidential.. HMC Video, 4840 Acom: AH -201, Montreal, Quebec H4G' 1 L6..--23bc LARGE VARIETY of fabrics and quilts at reasonable prices, 'retail dry goods. 2 Miles south of Glanrimis or 4 milesmorth..of Kinloss: Open Monday - -Wednesday Friday and . Saturday by. chance.--21-23cc 1. For Sale .. iNTRA' HERBAL BLEND Are yousuffering from asth- ma, allergies, arthritis, low ;.frequent colds; high )1,,high blood pres- .enopause etc. Try ar:y supply Satisfaction guaranteed or your money back, For more information•. call Marianne Bollinger 529- 7807, 'and Linda, Hopper 528-2704•--42tfcc STORAGE. SHED 108.x 8' insulated;. electric/battery operated Auto -Harp with;. Case. Excellent condition, Phone 395-5289. --23nx CUSTOM FAXING-' .• Need to send or • receive a fax? The Sentinel does cus- tom faxing for. customers. ° Drop in or call 528-2$22; for details. 4l tfnx STEEL BUILDINGS.. STEEL' BUILDINGS FOR AGRICULTURAL, INDUS- TRIAL, recreational and commercial uses. 20 years. experience, Canadian made: CSA -A660 certified. Engineer stamped Factory • direct, prices. 'Steelway • Budding 'Systems; 1-•800 : 265-t740,=j23bc i8'f,'DISH BLOW OUT 75 channels including 7 movie channels (total choice package), free for 1' '. year $795 cash and carry. or $975 installed, ,no• maints- , .nance fee, taxes :included. This is a clearance of last years stock t.imited time offer; When they,are gone we• wilt not match our conn- petition, .we will beat them. SC Tech 529-1026 --1 tfcc BOYS.: SIZE 1$ double breasted suit, wolm once•for graduation; 'Phone. ' 528 3635.,-;,19-21 22-24nx WOODS FACTORY sec- • onds dehumidifier: from $169. Call Pollock. Electric, Ripley 395-2982.-23tfar BEAUTIFUL HANDMADE craft items for sale: 'Pictures, clocks, bird house and morel For a complete catalogue,' please call 524- 1367. --22-24,25-27cc USED 8 X. 8 POSTS, 6ft lengths; great for walkways, flower beds, barnyards, beach walls etc.. $3 each.. Phone 3954131.--22-24ar SUMMER iS coming - and so 'are the hot deals from L & A Southwest Satellite. 18" Echostar Now Only, $399 - or $13/month. OAC. Call - '524 -9595 day or night. -- 23cc • . 1.. For Sale STEEL BUILDINGS' STEEL .BUILDINGS FOR SALE.:. Ends included: 16 x 24 $2,9$8.00. .21 x 30 $3,760.00. 25 x . 40. $5.;624.00, 32 X• 44. $6,835.00. 34 x 56' $8,360.00.. ' 40 x. 60 $9,988.00 4.6 x • 70 $13,044.00 56 x 90 $22,888.00. Others. Pioneer 1 800-668-5422.--23bc LARGE QUANTITY of seed potatoes and onion sets available, at Holyrood Store. 22,23ar THE LUCKN,OW SENTINEL 'urgesreaders to use caw' ,tion when. sending money for business opportunities or •employment; advertis.e.- • ments. Be certain, you are dealing with a reputable company before releasing any credit. card information orsending any money: Remember, if an advertise ment sounds too •good to be true, it probably is --32tfnx • Pick up your: copy .:of. THE :LUCKNOW SENTINEL at% any of the.' following L.uckno:w = 'businesses:" Beck•e.rs • Milk, : Bell's Discount; L:ucknow. Village Market, ,: Rx Cental;' Lucknow; :HJ Used. Cars and Annie's Gas Bar, and Hamilton Fuels �-52ff THREE. GLASS cases .on pedestals, Perfect for dis- 'playrng;.collectables in our ,home ;pr for retail use. 5' long, gold trim with navy 'velvet display...:$230 :each. "Call 529-7339, 6 9 p.m. •ar weekends.--23tfnxe THE 'LUCKNOW SENTINEL has the following :papers available in our office on Wednesday Godexich Signal Star, Kincardine. News, Clinton News. Record, Mitchell; Advocate, Seaforth. Huron Expositor.. 16tfnx •• WI4Y HAVE A. YARD SALE? will us. We buy it all. • Antiques,. : Furniture,. Coins, etc. No fuss - No , Muss Call 519-363-0213, -- •1.Otfar • NEED A RESUME? Professionally prepared, laser printed .on quality 1.. For Sale, 2. Yard' Sale, YARD. SALE June 7, 8 na.n 40. Ord St. • Seaforth. Bending : 'a• problem?';:.: , Several helpful gadgets pull., on shove off, '.wearing: apparel. Pick up' : lawn:. •bowie, horse shoes; differ- ' ent kinds;' etc. Household articles, books, stamps, water distillers'--23cc 1977.JAGUAR, 'X'JS. 'For::.; sale. Make an offer.. Calf 519-528-6853.--22-25xd' 6. Trucks 1986 JIMMY • 4 x 4, :loaded,: navy blue, great shape; excellent .mechanically; new tires , etc. :$4900 o.b.o. Cali 51.9-524.4180:-22,23cc • 7e. Motorycies 1984 ATV 4 wheeler„Honda .. 206: Excellentrunning con- dition $2;000" Call 524- 41767G. :2R37:341:x,e 24-4167.-23-'24nxe Vehicles 1.995 HARDTOP COLE- 'MAN trailer, sleeps 9, fur- •nace; add-aroom set up in Port. Elgin; as 'new: $5,000 or best offer. Phone 529= 3164 :'=-21'-23,24-26ar 1980 GOLDEN FAi.LCON,1 35 ft: 1 swing out, air.condi- tioner, furnished, Phone 357-3246. --22-24, 25-27nx .paper. $'15.00 for 5. seta . We. keep your resume on file in case you 'need changes or updates at a later date..CdII us or drop ;i,n for details. The Lucknow Sentinel, 528-2822--04tfnx 11f., ForodUce FEED' FUN SALE: Corn silage 20 x 40,ft;. hay- , lege' 20 x .14 ft. Call 529- '7170. --22 23cc . Clean Your Computer Inside & Out' $i•95 Printer Cartrid9e. s & Ribbons $7.50 from If Diskettes $7.50 /tax -•Computer Parts and . Maintenance. •Hand-Eze Therapeutic Support Gloves - Perfect for hobbiests, keyboard- ing, & arthritis suff erers Evans Computing 528-2875 2. Yard' Sale, YARD. SALE June 7, 8 na.n 40. Ord St. • Seaforth. Bending : 'a• problem?';:.: , Several helpful gadgets pull., on shove off, '.wearing: apparel. Pick up' : lawn:. •bowie, horse shoes; differ- ' ent kinds;' etc. Household articles, books, stamps, water distillers'--23cc 1977.JAGUAR, 'X'JS. 'For::.; sale. Make an offer.. Calf 519-528-6853.--22-25xd' 6. Trucks 1986 JIMMY • 4 x 4, :loaded,: navy blue, great shape; excellent .mechanically; new tires , etc. :$4900 o.b.o. Cali 51.9-524.4180:-22,23cc • 7e. Motorycies 1984 ATV 4 wheeler„Honda .. 206: Excellentrunning con- dition $2;000" Call 524- 41767G. :2R37:341:x,e 24-4167.-23-'24nxe Vehicles 1.995 HARDTOP COLE- 'MAN trailer, sleeps 9, fur- •nace; add-aroom set up in Port. Elgin; as 'new: $5,000 or best offer. Phone 529= 3164 :'=-21'-23,24-26ar 1980 GOLDEN FAi.LCON,1 35 ft: 1 swing out, air.condi- tioner, furnished, Phone 357-3246. --22-24, 25-27nx .paper. $'15.00 for 5. seta . We. keep your resume on file in case you 'need changes or updates at a later date..CdII us or drop ;i,n for details. The Lucknow Sentinel, 528-2822--04tfnx 11f., ForodUce FEED' FUN SALE: Corn silage 20 x 40,ft;. hay- , lege' 20 x .14 ft. Call 529- '7170. --22 23cc .